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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Urusova B.I., Bolatchieva M. S.-X

In this work, the values of dipole moments of electron transitions are calculated using the semiemperic method, taking into account the rotation of the molecule analytically (through 3 j - and 6 j -semivoles). Integrals of the intersection of vibrational wave functions of combining States are found. The absolute values of dipole moments of electronic transitions necessary for calculating the coefficients of expansion of the wave function of the perturbed state of a triplet 3s , 3 d - complex of terms on the born-Oppenheimer basis and the overlap integrals of the number of negative wave functions corresponding to radiation transitions are determined. Using 𝜒2thethe standard optimization subroutine FUMILthe effective values of dipole moments of electronic components were determined click

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сред, при хорошей емкостной связи антенны со средой. В случае измерений в сухих почвах возможно возникновение паразитных колебаний.

На основе полученных результатов экспериментов, проведенного анализа и дополнительных измерений была разработана антенна, приведенная на рис.2 под №9. Для длины 50 см и ширины 3,4 см применена плавная трапеция, длина сегментов уменьшается по экспоненте, количество сегментов равно пяти, в качестве резисторов используются чип-резисторы размера 1206. Применено параллельное включение 4 резисторов, при импульсной амплитуде передатчика 5 кВ и длительности до 15 нс они надежно работают. Диаграмма направленности антенны приблизительно равна характеристикам антенны №6 и здесь не приводится. Эксперименты показали, что для решения конкретно поставленных задач можно путем изменения геометрических параметров антенн находить их наиболее оптимальные варианты конструкций с наилучшими радиотехническими


Список литературы:

1. Гринев А. Ю., Темченко В. С., Ильин Е. В. Моделирование зондирующих и рассеянных

электромагнитных полей на основе дипольной аппроксимации характеристик антенны подповерхностного радара (Антенна 2009 № 12)

2. Попов А.В., Прокопович И.В., Едемский Д.Е., Морозов П.А., Беркут А.И., Меркулов С.В Глубинный георадар: принципы и применение //Электромагнитные волны и электронные системы, т. 23, № 4 с. 28-36, 2018

3. Варенков В.В., Волкомирская Л.Б., Гулевич О.А., Резников А.Е., Сахтеров В.И. Исследование эффективности использования диэлектрических резонаторных антенн для георадаров , II Всероссийская научная конференция. // «Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования, радиолокации, распространения и дифракции волн»/ «Муром 2018» /

4. Ю.А. Брусенцов, И.С. Филатов, М.Ю. Серегин, В.Г. Однолько, И.Г. Проценко Улучшение избирательности антенн георадаров //Вопросы современной науки и практики. Университет им. В. И. Вернадского 2009/6

5.Гарбацевич В.А. Исследование излучателей и сигналов ионозонда и георадара для диагностики геофизических сред. Дис.канд. физ-мат. наук. Институт земного магнетизма, ионосферы и распространения радиоволн. 2008.

UDC: 538.97


Urusova B. I.1, Bolatchieva M. S.-X.2

Karachay-Cherkess state University named after U. D. Aliyev, doctor ofphysics, Professor, head of the Department ofphysics,

Karachayevsk, Russia Karachay-Cherkess state University named after U. D. Aliev, 1st year post-graduate student, Physics and mathematics facultyакультет,

Karachayevsk, Russia


In this work, the values of dipole moments of electron transitions are calculated using the semiemperic method, taking into account the rotation of the moleculeyanalytically (through 3j - and 6j-semivoles). Integrals of the intersectionbiof vibrational wave functions of combining States are foundn. The absolute values of dipole moments of electronic transitions 313Л'д ^ 2p3^necessary for calculating the coefficients of expansion of the wave function of the perturbed state of a triplet 3s, 3d - complex of terms on the born-Oppenheimer basis and the overlap integrals of the number of negative wave functions corresponding to radiation transitions are determined. Using j2thethe разностиstandard рассчитанных по формулам optimization subroutine FUMILthe effective values of dipole moments of electronic components were determined click 313Ад ^ 2p3ÄuH2.

Keyword: dipole moments electron transitions, waveо function, over lapin tegrals, electronic levels.

The task of this paper is to find the values of dipole parameters by a semiemperic method.

To solve this problem, the rotation of the molecule was taken into account analytically (through 3j-and 6j-semivoles), and the recritical integrals of vibrational wave functions of combining States were determined numerically.

Research of relative values of probabilities of electron-vibrational-rotational (EQ) transitions from the levels of the triplet 3s, 3 J-complex of therms of the

hydrogen molecule were performed semi-empirically [1].

Using laser-stimulated photo fragmentation spectroscopy, we found the probability ratios of spontaneous transitions from the EQ levels3Z3^± -from the preissociating b3 -state c3 n+ -positions and the orbitalro quantum numbers of the valence electron in the corresponding unified atom A - a literal designation of the quantum number of the electron momentum projection operatoron the inter-core axis. This methodois based on the registration of the speed

spectrum of atoms formed during spontaneous transitions to unstable States[2-4]. Non -adiabatic calculations, which used nonempirical dependences ofthetotal moments of electronic transitions 3l3Ag ^ 2l3Au, ledto a discrepancy with experimentalаvalues [5-6].

The semi-empirical analysis of these data made it possible to find the relative adiabatic values of the dipole moments of these electronic transitions .In addition, the results of our semi-empiricakanalysis of the force relations of the lines of various rotational branches of the electron-vibrational transition bands j3A± ^ c3 n± were in good agreement with the values measured by laser-inducedресfluorescence [7]. When describing the probabilities of transitions from the levels of the triplet 3s, 3d - complex of terms of the hydrogen molecule, we will adhere to the formalismма, developed by us when analyzing the relative probabilities of spontaneousеtransitions [8].

The formulas are based on the account of EQ level interactions only with the same values of vibrational and rotational quantumоnumbers in a closed triplet 3s, 3d-complexof e terms. In this case, the spinmultiplet splitting of the levels is considered to be much smaller than the valuerof the effects associated with electron-vibrational and electron-rotational interactions. We will neglect the interaction b3 Y.+, of both c3 n+ -the States at which radiation transitions occur, and the dependences of the dipole moments 3l3N„ ^ 2p3N'uof

electronic transitions on the inter-nuclear distance. учетом Taking these assumptions into account the formula for вероятности спонтанного the probabilityеof a spontaneous transition y, v',N' ^ с3 Пи, v",N" Previously, we used a semi-empirical method to study the force relations of the lines of R-, Q- , and P-branches 3l3A±,v,N' ^ c3n±,v,N '- переходов of transitions and determined the values of three relations of dipole moments of electron beams:

3s3Eg ^ 2р3Ии, 3d3Eg ^ 2р3Ии, 3d3Ag ^ 2p3nuto

the dipole moment of transition3d3nfl ^ 2р3Пи

= 0.28 ± 0.01, = -0.82 ± 0.02,

= -1.37 ± 0.02. These values are used to describe the времени lifetime of electron-vibrational-rotational (EQ) have asmoots triplet 3s, 3d - complex the MOU. The expression for the radiative lifetimes of the y,v',N'. The EQ of the levels of the triplet 3s, 3d-complex of terms causedьby spontaneous transitions to electronic States resolved in the dipole

approximation b3Y, following form:

с3П±, e3Y+ и d3n±, has the

rad yv'N'

= [Alv'N' +


yvrNr j^yvfNf

yi/jV' A") "N")j



where /denotes the set of quantum numbers that

characterize the electron state; Arv N


д/v'n' Д/v n cv"n" evn"


d ,,N„ the probabilities of spontaneous transitions from y,v 'N '-, 63У+с3П±, v",N " -, e3 Y+, v",N" -and d3^, v",N" -the state.

For transitions to stable EQ States, the probabilities of transitions along differentrotational branches of the electron-vibrational bands of the progression are summed up in formula (1)тельным ветвям электронно-колебательных полос v" -.

In the case of transitions to the b3 -state, it is necessary to integrate the probability density over the

continuous spectrum of frequency-emission at the transition from this level. Since the wave number, the diagonal bands of transitions y,v'N'^ (e3'Z+, d3 n± ), v",N" from the levels of the triplet 3s, 3d - COMPlex terms to the levels of the triplet 3^-complex terms at least 3 times less than the wave number of the transitions in the b3 and c3 n±,-statetion, and the probability of radiative transitions is known to have a cubic dependence on the magnitude of the wave number, then the further analysis we will not consider the transitions from these levels e3 and d3 n± -condition:


yv'N' _



{сГЛ) (2N' + 1)(2N " + 1)3 X

x {2рП, v"N"\3sl, v'N')0 Q' 1_N1" J +c3sz(Y,VN')M33;^n{ x x {2рП, v"N"\3dï, v'N%{^' 1_N1" J

I „ f,, ,,' Л7'\Лд3^П ЧХ

+C3dn(Y,v'N')M™ü X



X {2рП, v"N"\3dZ, v'N')0


cv N

+c3dA(Y,VN')M3$ X (2рП, v"N"\3dA, v'N% 1




J1 J2 J3




m m m y

; Л

J1 J2 J3

V.J4 J 5 J6




64n4 3h

(2N' +

v3(3lA, v'N'\b,v)0dv) X

+ 1 rÎ


x(NQ1QNü) + c3dAY,VN')M3£(

C3sy.(y,v'~N')MIs£ x sdxiN' 1 N">

0 0 0


xc^VN'M™^1 Nt\)


where Ml^, Ml^: h M^I - dipole moments of transitions from 3l3Ag-States to2p3lu, -state, and integration in formula (3) is carried out over the entire region of change in the wave number of the radiation transition of the molecule from 3l3Ag, v', N' — to the unstable b3 —state [8].

To determine the values of the dipole moments of electronic transitions 3l3A'g ^ 2p3A!a, the coefficients of the expansion of the wave function of the perturbed state of the triplet 3s, 3d - complex of terms are required . Therefore we were determined via born-oppingaeroscope basis and the integrals of the overlap of the vibrational wave functions corresponding to the

radiation goon ladies[9]. Knowing the values of the four dipole moments of electronic transitions 3d3ng ^ 2р3Пи, 3s3Y.g ^ 2p3Zu, 3d3Y.g ^ 2p3Zu, and 3d3ng ^ 2p3ïu МЦЦ и M™.

These values were considered as four independent parameters , which, within the framework of the model used, should describe the radiation lifetimes of EQ levels of the triplet 3s, 3d-term complex.

Using j2the mean-square differences calculated by the formulas (1) - (3) using the standard optimization subroutine FUMIL были определены FUMIL, the effective values of dipole moments were determined click3/3X ^ 2р3ЛиН2.

Table 1

Electronic ; Electronic dipole moments of the trasitions a. e.

Transition M3'1 2pZ <1 M2pZ W3sE W2/>n »P« 2рп А?™ 1рП 2рн ^пнв

iJrr ,/V —> c3n S ' S u 15 - - -0.50(2) - -r 1.87(3) -2.56(6) 1.1

12 -0.12(1) 0.39(2) -0.56(4) 0.54(2) -1.63(3) 1.94(3) -2.66(6) 6.1

Range r, a. e. Semi-empirical data [9] for r = 1 a. e. Rating (Hel) [9] Rating (HI) [9] 27 21 -0.12(1) 1.6-2.7 0.65 1.269 0.542 0.40(2) 1.5 - 2.8 -0.50 2.170 2.452 -0.52(2) 1.6-2.7 -0.65.Л -1.880,/2 -2.123 72 0.54(2) 1.6-2.7 0.21 Л 1.26972 0.542 Л -1.61(3) 1.5-2.8 ом л -1.08572 -1.22672 1.92(2) 1.6-2.7 1.86 1.880 2.123 -2.63(6) 1.5-3.0 -2.48 -2.658 -3.003 3.5

Thus, the empirical calculations of the values of radiation lifetimes of States using the studied values of dipole moments of electron transitions are in good agreement with the existing cexperimental data[10]. A comparison of the results obtained separately the States of the 3s, 3d-complex of terms H2shows a good agreement of the values of the dande moments of the electronic transitions 3d3nfl ^ 2p3I.u and 3d3ng ^ 2p3nu.

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Results :

for 3A- и 3A+

l.The values of the dipole moments of electron transitions are calculated by the semiy-empirical method, taking into account the rotation of the molecule analytically (including3pe3 3j-and 6j-semivoles).

2.Integrals of overlap of oscillatory wave functionsnof combining States are found.

3. absolute values of dipole moments of electronic transitions are Determined 3l3A„ ^ 2p3Äu.


physicochemistry of ultradisperse (NASo-) systems, Moscow: MEPhI, 2006

5. Samoylenko P. I.: Fizika [Physics], Moscow: Akademiya, 2006

6. Grabovsky R. I.: Course of physics. Saint Petersburg: LAN Publ., 2005

7. Blokhintsev D. I.: Kvantovaya Mekhanika [Quantum mechanics], Moscow state University, 1988

8. Radunskaya street ЛМ.Л.: Die Legende vom Erfolg: Talente, Traume und Atome. - Lepzig: Urania, 1986

9. Landau, L. Teoreticheskaya Fizika V 10 TT. T. 4. Kvantovaya elektrodynamika / L. Landau, E. Lifshits. - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2006. - 720 p.

10. Eikhenvald, A. A. Theoretical physics: Electromagnetic field.Eikhenvald, Moscow: Librokom Либрокомpublishing house, 2011, 376 p.


Юров Виктор Михайлович

кандидат физ.-мат. наук, доцент Гученко Сергей Алексеевич докторант PhD Салькеева Айжан Каришовна

кандидат физ.-мат. наук, доцент Кусенова Асия Сабиргалиевна

кандидат физ.-мат. наук, доцент Карагандинский университет имени Е.А. Букетова,

Казахстан, Караганда


Yurov Viktor

Candidate of phys.-mat. sciences, associate professor

Guchenko Sergey PhD student Salkeeva Aizhan

Candidate of phys.-mat. sciences, associate professor

Kusenova Asiya

Candidate of phys.-mat. sciences, associate professor Karaganda University named after EA. Buketov, Kazakhstan, Karaganda


До настоящего времени дискутируется эмпирический закон Холла-Петча и его обратный эффект. Предложены многочисленные модели и показана неисчерпаемость глубокой концепции Холла-Петча. В рамках настоящей работы, мы хотим показать, что обратный эффект Холла-Петча наблюдается не только в поликристаллах, но присущ и атомарно-гладким нанокристаллам. Для определения толщины поверхностного слоя атомарно-гладких нанокристаллов использовалась размерная зависимость физического свойства. Для предела текучести атомарно-гладких нанокристаллов нами получено уравнение, которое по форме совпадает с уравнением Холла - Петча. Однако коэффициенты пропорциональности в обеих формулах различаются. В рассматриваемом случае поведение предела текучести атомарно-гладких нанокристаллов определяется также величиной их поверхностного натяжения. Если в полученном уравнении для поверхностного натяжения учесть формулу Русанова А.И., то мы получим обратный эффект Холла-Петча.

Таким образом, обратный эффект Холла - Петча обусловлен размерной зависимостью поверхностного натяжения атомарно-гладких нанокристаллов и в конце концов зависит от атомного радиуса, который определяет толщину поверхностного слоя наноструктуры.


To date, the empirical Hall-Petch law and its inverse effect have been debated. Numerous models have been proposed and the inexhaustibility of the deep Hall - Petch concept has been shown. In the framework of this work, we want to show that the inverse Hall-Petch effect is observed not only in polycrystals, but also inherent in

4. The effective values of the dipole moments of electronic components are calculated click3 l3Ag ^ 2p3 A'uH2.


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