BUILDING VIETNAMESE PEOPLE’S ARMY ON POLITIC ACCORDING TO HO CHI MINH IDEOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ha Sy Chien, Nguyen Doan Hoat, Chu The Tai

The article presents the great, great, and timeless thoughts of Ho Chi Minh in building the Vietnam People’s Army on politics. Affirming the position and a particularly important role of politics in military construction. It was not only the basic factor that made up the general quality and fighting strength of the Vietnam People’s Army but also the core content, an important part of Ho Chi Minh’s military thought; has great theoretical and practical significance in directing the realization of military and defense missions and tasks, and defending the Socialist (socialist) Vietnam Fatherland in the new situation.

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Section 5. Political psychology


Dr. Ha Sy Chien, Editor

Nguyen Doan Hoat, Participants: Master Chu The Tai,

Master, Bachelor of Arts Nguyen Dai Quang Telecommunication University, Viet Nam E-mai: chienha1968@gmail.com


Abstract. The article presents the great, great, and timeless thoughts of Ho Chi Minh in building the Vietnam People's Army on politics. Affirming the position and a particularly important role of politics in military construction. It was not only the basic factor that made up the general quality and fighting strength of the Vietnam People's Army but also the core content, an important part of Ho Chi Minh's military thought; has great theoretical and practical significance in directing the realization of military and defense missions and tasks, and defending the Socialist (socialist) Vietnam Fatherland in the new situation.

Keywords: Building the Vietnam People's Army on politics; political and military according to Ho Chi Minh ideology.

I. Set the problem

President Ho Chi Minh, a genius strategist, a beloved father of the Vietnamese people's armed forces, is the founder, educator and trainer of the Vietnam People's Army.

Under the glorious flag of the Communist Party of Vietnam, President Ho Chi Minh directly organized and built the Vietnam People's Army into a new working-class army, a real people's army of the people, by the people, for the people, always "loyal to the country ...", "loyal to the Party, filial to the people, ready to fight and sacrifice for the independence

and freedom of the Fatherland, for socialism. Every task is completed, all difficulties can be overcome, all enemies will win ".

For that maturity, triumphs and glorious traditions. The Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh regularly pay attention to the comprehensive construction of the armed forces on the basis of building a strong political position. maintain the absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the Party, maintain the working-class nature of the armed forces, stick blood and blood to the people, unify the will, and strictly discipline hundreds of

thousands of people as one. During the pre-insurrection period, as soon as the revolutionary armed forces were still young, President Ho Chi Minh affirmed: "Politics is the destiny of the revolutionary army ... the military without politics is the military blind "[1]. During the resistance war, President Ho Chi Minh told military cadres: " Try to learn about all aspects of politics; military without politics like trees without root, useless again harmful" [2]. Imbued with and following the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh, during the country's leadership, the Communist Party of Vietnam has led the Vietnamese people to defeat all invaders, move the Vietnamese revolution away from victory after victory, unifying the independence and territorial integrity of the Fatherland.

II. The content of military building is politically based on Ho Chi Minh's thought

Political military construction is the core issue of building a strong and comprehensive army, so as early as 1941, leader Ho Chi Minh pointed out the top basic issue to organize and lead guerrilla teams are "to have the right political path" [3]. On December 22, 1944, in the Directive to establish the Vietnam Propaganda for the Liberation Army, leader Ho Chi Minh affirmed. "The name of the Vietnamese army to propagate the Liberation Army means that politics is more important than military" [4] .. .This thought of President Ho Chi Minh became a torch to light the way, the guideline guiding all activities of the Vietnam People's Army, contributing to turning a small army in its early days into an army, mighty, bring the flag of President Ho Chi Minh to victory.

The key point in building the army politically according to Ho Chi Minh's thought was to build the working-class nature of the army. Because, the category of military is always associated with the category of class and state; the army always belonged to a certain class. The Vietnam People's Army is a sharp instrument of the Socialist State organized by the Communist Party ofVietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, led, educated and trained, and is a revolutionary army of the working class. That nature was

generalized by President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of the 20-year-old army (December 22, 1944 -December 22, 1964): "Our army is loyal to the Party, filial to the people, ready to fight and sacrifice for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, for socialism. Every task is completed, all difficulties can be overcome, all enemies will win" [5].

Building working-class nature for the army is first of all loyalty to the Party, to the people, considering it as a vital issue of the revolution. In order to build the working-class nature for the army, President Ho Chi Minh reminded us to build a contingent of cadres who were both enthusiastic and good at military arts. Because "job success or failure is due to good or poor staff" [6]; Military cadres must be "both rosy and professional", both talented and virtuous. Leader Ho Chi Minh did not absoluteize virtue, but he considered virtue to be the root: "There must be virtue, a talent must not have virtue, corruption is harmful to the country. Having a virtue without being as talented as a Buddha sitting in a temple does not help anyone" [7]. This is the dialectical unity that is organically linked between virtue and talent in the personality of a military officer, indispensable or weak. President Ho Chi Minh considered the revolutionary morality "the number one criterion of the revolutionary". He generalized: "Revolutionary ethics is the determination to sacrifice life for the Party and for the revolution. That is the most senior". Before going away, he said: "My Party is a ruling Party. Each party member and official must be truly imbued with revolutionary morality, really needy, thrifty, integrity, righteous, and carefree" [8]. The cadres and party members have enough virtue and talent to arouse and promote the great potential of the masses in the unit. To do this well is to contribute to building the working-class nature of the army, to ensure that the army maintains the political path, voluntarily obeying the discipline of the revolution, and is ready to accept and complete all tasks assigned.

In President Ho Chi Minh's thought of building the army on politics, the working-class nature of the

army was not something far away, but always closely linked with the people and nationality. Due to insight into the great power and decisive role played by the masses in the revolution, President Ho Chi Minh pointed out: "In the sky there was nothing as precious as the people. In the world, nothing is as strong as the united force of the people" [9], " If the civilians are strong, any soldiers and guns will not resist" [10], the people are the army's endless source of strength in the process of building, fighting and growing up. He wrote: "Guerrillas are like fish, people are like water. If the fish do not have water, the fish will die, the guerrilla does not have the population, the guerrilla dies" [11]. It is a source of nurturing the quality of being loyal to the Party, loyal to the country and filial to the people of the People's Army of Vietnam.

For the military, the strongest support is people's hearts. So we have to take the people (the peasants as the base), rely on the people, and firmly rely on the people, the enemy cannot be destroyed. We must make our army a genuine army of the people. Emphasizing this issue, He pointed out: "To be loyal to the country, to be filial to the people is a sacred duty, a heavy responsibility but also an honor of a soldier ..." [12]. Therefore, the military must keep strict discipline when dealing with the people, and at the same time have to rely on the people to complete its mission. President Ho Chi Minh once taught: "Any main army, local army, guerrilla militia must cling to the people, leaving the people is bound to fail. If the army can build a battlefield for the people, whatever is difficult can be done and will definitely win" [13]. This is the cross-cutting content in President Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on political military construction. It is the good implementation of the militia relationship that during the process of building, fighting and growing up, our Army has widely attracted all classes of people to voluntarily contribute human and wealth to build the army. Responding to that loving embrace, in any circumstances, the military will also fight for the people, and for the people to sacrifice. The sacrifices for the people of the cadres

and soldiers have contributed to embellish the good traditions of the heroic Vietnam People's Army, making the image of "Ho's soldiers" closer and more dear in the hearts of every Vietnamese people.

In addition to well implementing the militia relationship, President Ho Chi Minh said that building a politically strong army should regularly pay attention to the material life of the army, and do well the rear policy army. Because according to him, the mobilization of the people power must be associated with fostering the people's strength, paying attention to the interests and interests of each person, from general officers to guard soldiers. According to President Ho Chi Minh, policy towards the military is a policy towards special workers, which must receive special attention from the Party and State and the entire people, "The sacrifices of the soldiers are sacrificing bones and blood, sometimes even their fate. Amputation, broken arms, limbs cannot regrow. The dead cannot live again. That is an absolute sacrifice. According to him, "not afraid of lack, only fear of unfairness". Justice according to his conception is not leveling, leveling, but always based on each person's dedication and directing everyone to devote the most to the revolutionary cause. People often criticize "sickness", "this disease is born because of misunderstanding two equal words". He always emphasizes to put the interests of each person in the common interests of the country.

An important content in the military building politically according to Ho Chi Minh ideology is to strengthen the Party's leadership over the army, ensuring that the army is always absolutely loyal to its objectives and ideological revolution of the Party, with the interests of the working class, the nation and the working people. President Ho Chi Minh pointed out: "Our army has unrivaled strength because it is the people's army built by our Party, led by our Party and educated" [14]. Therefore, in order to strengthen the Party's leadership over the military, he emphasized "must strengthen political work, always improve the political level and enlighten the class of our

army", making "each the soldier must know more or less politics. They bring their bones and blood to preserve the Fatherland. Not only must they understand why they sacrifice themselves, they must be able to tell others why they must love the country" [15]. Over the past 76 years of building, fighting and growing up, our army has shown a fact: the Party is not outside, but becomes flesh and blood, an essential attribute of the People's Army of Vietnam. Only the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the People's Army of Vietnam can maintain and enhance the nature of the working class, the people, and the nationality; to ensure that our army is truly an army of the people, by the people and for the people.

Along with building a system of Party organizations, President Ho Chi Minh has always paid attention to strengthening the party's work, political work in the military, setting up a system of political commissars and politicians to ensure strengthening party leadership over the military. He said: "The status of a politician has a very important influence on the army. A good politician is a good team. The politician does not fulfill his duty, the ministry is not good" [16]. And he asked "For soldiers, politicians must always take care of their material activities: dress, dress, stay, rest, exercise, work, fighting strength. In terms of spirit, we must take care to improve discipline, eliminate corruption, develop culture and political lines in the army" [17]. Doing that well makes the unit fully strong, contributing to the building of a strong comprehensive army.

Historical practice has affirmed that building a politically strong Vietnam People's Army according to Ho Chi Minh ideology is not only a decisive factor for the existence and development of our army in the construction process, fighting and maturing, but also the immovable and unchanging principle in building the Vietnamese People's Army, revolutionary, regular, elite, step by step modernizing in the new era; to ensure that the army is always absolutely loyal to the Party, to the Fatherland and the people; having enough power to defeat all the enemy forces'

destructive plots and tricks; with the entire Party and people, successfully built up socialism and firmly defended the Socialist Vietnam Fatherland.

III. Solution to build the Vietnam People's Army politically according to Ho Chi Minh's thought in the current situation

Currently, the situation in the world, the region, especially the situation of the East Sea continues to be complicated and unpredictable. The Communist Party of Vietnam stated: "The world political and security situation has changed rapidly and has been complicated; infringement of national sovereignty, territorial and resource disputes, ethnic conflict, religion, subversion intervention, terrorism, local warfare, cyber warfare, ... continue to take place gay in many areas" [18].

On the basis of the line of national defense shown in the Party's resolutions and directives, the focus is on the Resolution of the XII Congress, the 8th Central Resolution (Session XI) on: "Strategy to protect the Fatherland in the new situation"; at the same time continue to affirm and concretize the thesis to maintain the absolute and direct leadership of the Party in all aspects of the Vietnam People's Army; promoting internal force is key; combining the elements closely, creating a synergy to protect the Fatherland.

Accordingly, continuing to consolidate, supplement and perfect the functions, tasks, mechanisms and laws of military construction. Our Party clearly stated: "Building the Vietnam People's Army, the revolutionary People's Public Security Forces, regular and elite, step by step modernize, prioritize the modernization of a number of troops, troops, and forces; to be strong politically, improve the quality of synthesis fighting strength, absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the Party, the State and the people" [19]. To attach importance to educating and training the contingent of cadres and soldiers who have a firm, steadfast political ideological stance, have the will to attack the revolution, and have absolute loyalty to the Fatherland, the Party, the State and the people. people. In that context, the need to build the Viet-

nam People's Army to be politically strong must be attached more importance, becoming both a fundamental and urgent issue.

Inheriting and promoting lessons learned from the past 76 years, in the current situation, building our army in politics:

First of all, it is necessary to constantly increase the Party's absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the army.

This is a key solution that covers, throughout the process of building, fighting and growing up of our army. The lessons from the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990 s have proved that. Therefore, strengthening the Party's leadership over the military is an unwavering principle in revolutionary army construction.

To do that, the entire army must continue to effectively implement Politburo Resolution 51-NQ/ TW (Session IX), dated July 20, 2005 on: "Continue to improve the leadership mechanism of The Party, implements the one-man system associated with the regime of political commissar and politician in the Vietnam People's Army ". The Party committees at all levels should do well the work of building and regulating the Party according to Central Resolution 4 (term XII); the focus is on improving the leadership and fighting capacity of party organizations; associating the building ofparty committees with building a contingent of leading cadres, building a clean and strong party organization with building a strong and comprehensive unit.

In particular, attention must be paid to give prominence to the pioneer and exemplary character of the head of the party committee and unit commander; uphold the principle of democratic centralization, collective leadership, assigning individuals to take charge. At the same time, strengthen inspection and supervision; reforming mechanisms and policies; strictly implementing the Grassroots Democracy Regulation; settlement of relationships, especially the relationship between the commander and the

political commissar and politician. Along with that, it is necessary to continue to thoroughly grasp and implement the Politburo's Directive 05-CT/TW (Session XII) and the campaign "Promoting tradition, dedicating talents, to be worthy of Uncle Ho's soldiers" by specific and practical jobs; associating "building" with "anti", actively repelling negative, creating many typical factors, cadres have enough "heart" and "range" to meet the requirements of the cause of building the Army and defending the Fatherland in the new situation.

Secondly, to continue to innovate and improve the quality of political education and ideological orientation for the army.

This is essentially an orientation to enhance the working-class nature, the nationality and the people of the army. Thereby, making the cadres and soldiers deeply enlightened the revolutionary ideal, national independence goal associated with socialism, infinite loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland, the people and the social regime tenet; have pure moral qualities; steadfast, firm, absolute confidence in the leadership of the Party, always solidarity, close to the people, ready to fight, to sacrifice for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, for the happiness of people, for the cause of building and defending the country.

In order to do that, in the short term, the party committees and commanders at all levels must strengthen their leadership, direct the serious implementation of the project "Renovating political education at the unit in the new period"; to soon complete the Regulation on political education in parallel with actively renewing programs, contents, forms and methods close to the requirement of building the military in politics. In particular, it is necessary to associate party work and political work with ideological orientation so that each officer and soldier is properly aware of the situation and the task of defending the Fatherland and building the army; grasp opportunities, challenges, advantages and difficulties; clearly distinguish "object" and "partner" from the Party's point of view; not ambiguous, low

guard, well handled all situations, not to be passive, unexpected in all situations.

Third, it is necessary to attach importance to promoting the role, effectiveness and efficiency of party work, political work, so that this work really is the "soul and lifeline" of the army.

Party committees, political commissars, politicians, commanders, political agencies at all levels need to pay attention to leading and directing working aspects: ideology, organization, officials, internal political protection, people campaign, policy, the masses; promote democracy, discipline, and discipline; maintain internal solidarity. At the same time, thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the resolutions, directives and instructions of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of Defense, the Political General Department, especially Resolution 769-NQ/QUTW, dated December 31, 2012 of the Central Military Commission on: "Building a contingent of army cadres in the period of 2013-2020 and the following years".

On that basis, building a contingent of strong army cadres in both quantity, quality and structure; improve the quality of planning for key cadres at all levels, especially strategic-level cadres, local military cadres participating in the provincial party committee and city party committee; well prepare personnel for the Party Congress at all levels for the 2021-2025 term, the XIth Congress of the Party Committee, towards the XIII Congress of the Party.

The whole army focused on improving the efficiency of party work, political work in the missions; the focus is on training, drills, combat readiness, unit building, military work, local defense, disaster prevention, response, search and rescue and United Nations peacekeeping duties, etc. In order to do that well, the party committees and commanders of units must take care of building a political agency, strong political cadres in all aspects, especially the ability to advise and propose to the Party and the House, Military Commission, Ministry of Defense. Strategic issues aimed at strengthening the Party's leadership

over the task ofbuilding the Vietnam People's Army, building an all-people defense and all-people defense posture, protect the country.

Fourth, strengthen internal political protection and actively fight against wrong and hostile views, firmly protect the Party's battlefield of thought in the army.

This is both a basic orientation and one of the important solutions to building a strong army politically. First of all, all levels of committees have to take care of well implementing internal political protection; attach importance to protecting the organization and people in a clean, strong, politically safe manner, against the intrusion, hooking, plugging and disclosure of information. At the same time, actively fight against wrong and hostile views, especially the conspiracy to "de-politicize" the army of the hostile forces and the expression "self-evolving", "self-transformation" in agencies and units contributed to firmly defending the Party's ideological battlefield in the Army. Along with that, to focus on fighting to defeat all the enemy's malicious tricks, resolutely, persistently rejecting allegations, wrong views, hostility, propaganda, agitation and psychological soldiers and soldiers, at the same time, must actively defend Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, and achievements in the Party's reform.

In terms of perception, it should be clear that this is an unforgiving war, but very tough and fierce, because it is a class struggle, a struggle of ideas and reasoning. That war took place regularly and drastically for the Army and in the spiritual life ofeach officer and soldier. Therefore, units, first of all political cadres at all levels need to attach importance to political ideological education, making their cadres and soldiers understand the dangers of the strategy "Peace developments", A conspiracy to" depoliticize "the army ofhostile forces; from there, raise the vigilance spirit, have effective prevention solutions. The Military Press Agencies must clearly show the core, aggressive and active role, pro-actively write articles with high reasonableness and fighting character, promptly refute the wrong views

of hostile forces. The army culture - art units need to increase research and compose works ofhigh political and artistic value, honoring the image of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" even during the revolutionary war and the cause of national construction and defense.

Fifthly, to improve the effectiveness of building a politically strong army, it is necessary to actively study theories, summarize the practice, as a basis for proposing appropriate solutions.

During 76 construction, combat and development, including building the Vietnam People's Army strong politically. We have a lot of valuable practical lessons that need to be studied and drawn in order to continue to apply to build a strong political army.

Today, the cause of building a politically strong army, strengthening national defense, defending the Fatherland is posing many new issues in both theory and practice that need to be further studied and interpreted thoroughly, have scientific basis.

Therefore, the practical summary work, theoretical research must be paid more attention to. It is an important and urgent task for the entire army, first of all research agencies, academies, military schools, to help the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, directly the General Political Department have grounds to identify a system of solutions to improve the efficiency of party work, political work, and build a strong political army.

Well doing the above solution requirements is that we have directly implemented well the views and ideas of President Ho Chi Minh in the political army construction, ensuring army absolute loyalty to the Party, with the Fatherland, with the people, always has the nature of the working class, the people and the nationality deeply, having enough power to successfully complete all the tasks assigned by the Party and the people, worthy of the title "Vietnam Heroic Army".


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9. Ho Chi Minh, Complete Works, - Vol. 10. NPPH, H. 2011. - 453 p.

10. Ho Chi Minh, Complete Works, - Vol. 2. NPPH, H. 2011. - 297 p.

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14. Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works, - Vol. 14. NPPH, H. 2011. - 435 p.

15. Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works, - Vol. 5. NPPH, H. 2011. - 121 p.

16. Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works, - Vol. 5. NPPH, H. 2011. - 484 p.

17. Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works, - Vol. 5 NPPH, H. 2011. - 484 p.

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19. Communist Party of Vietnam, Document of the XII, NPPH, H. 2016. - 149 p.

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