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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Bahaa G.M.

In this paper, we study the existence of solutions for a cooperative elliptic systems governed by Schrodinger operator defined on R^n, then we discuss the optimal control of boundary type for these systems.

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In this paper, we study the existence of solutions for a cooperative elliptic systems governed by Schrodinger operator defined on R^n, then we discuss the optimal control of boundary type for these systems.



CONTROL PROCESSES N4, 2006 Electronic Journal, reg. N P23275 at 07.03.97

http://www. neva. ru/journal e-mail: jodiff@mail.ru

Ordinary differential equations

Boundary Control For Cooperative Elliptic Systems Governed By Schrödinger Operator


Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni- Suef, EGYPT E-mail: Bahaa-gm@hotmail.com

35K20, 49J20, 49K20, 93C20


In this paper, we study the existence of solutions for a cooperative elliptic systems governed by Schrodinger operator defined on Rn, then we discuss the optimal control of boundary type for these systems.

Keywords: Cooperative elliptic systems in Rn, Schrodinger operator, Existence of solution, Boundary control, Optimality conditions.

1 Introduction

We consider the following cooperative elliptic system :

' (-A + q)yi (-A + q)y2



where :

ayi + by2 + f1 in Rn cyi + dy2 + ¡2 in Rn g1 as |x| ^ oo g2 as |x| ^ o,


a, b, c and d are given numbers such that b, c > 0

(in this case, we say that the system (1) is cooperative )

q(x) is a positive function and tending to to at infinity. (3)

In [22], Gali et al. proved the existence of optimal control for system like (S) with q(x) = 0 and with positive weight function. Also they found the set of inequalities which described the distributed control for systems (S) with q(x) = 0 and defined on bounded domain [21]. The case of semilinear cooperative system with q(x) = 0 is discussed in [17].

In [16] Fleckinger, obtained the necessary and sufficient conditions for having the maximum principle and the existence of positive solutions for cooperative system (1) which are:

a<A(q^ d < A(q) (A(q) - a)(A(q) - d) > bc,

where A(q) is defined later.

Here, we shall use the same conditions (4) to prove the existence of the state of our system (1); then using the theory of Lions [30], we study the existence of boundary control for system (1). Our model in the problem is Schrodinger operator.

2 Operator equation.

To prove the existence of the state y = {yi,y2} of system (1), we state briefly some results introduced in [15] concerning the eigenvalue problem

(-A + q)0 = A (q )0 in Rn 0(x) — 0 as |x| —> oo, 0 > 0.

The associated variational space is Vq(Rn), the completion of D(Rn), with respect to the norm :

|y||q = / AI2 + q|y|2dx


Since the imbedding of Vq(Rn) into L2(Rn) is compact. Then the operator (—A + q) considered as an operator in L2(Rn) is positive self-adjoint with compact inverse. Hence its spectrum consists of an infinite sequence of positive eigenvalue tending to infinity; moreover the smallest one which is called the principle eigenvalue denoted by A(q) is simple and is associated with an eigen-function which does not change sign in Rn. It is characterized by:

A(q) / |y|2dx </ |Ay|2 + q|y|2dx Vy G Vq(Rn). (6)


Now, to study our system (1) we have the embedding Vq(Rn) x Vq(Rn) — L2(Rn) x L2(Rn) is continuous and compact then, we define a bilinear form

n : (Vq(Rn))2 x (Vq(Rn))2 — R


n((yi,y2), (01, 02)) = 1 I [AyiA0i + qyi0i]dx + - i [Ay2A02 + qy202]dx

b JRn c JRn

yi02dx--y202dx - ^ yi0idx - y20idx.

'Rn c J Rn b J Rn JRn


It is easy to check that n is a continuous bilinear form; and then by Lax-Milgram Lemma, we have the following theorem:


Theorem 2.1 For /i,/2 G L2(Rn), there exists a unique solution y = {yi?y2} £ (Vq(Rn))2 of system (1) if conditions (4) are satisfied.


We choose m large enough such that a + m > 0 and d + m > 0 and define on Vq(Rn) the equivalent norm

I|y|l2,m = / [|Ay|2 + (m + q)|y|2]dx


and we write (7) as:

1 f a + mi f n((yi,y2), (0i,02))^/ [AyiA^i + (q + m)yi0i]dx--— yi0idx

b JR" b JR"

- I y20idx + 1 I [Ay2A02 + (q + m)y202]dx

JR" c JR"

d + m

--y202dx - yi02dx.

c Jr" JR"


1 f a + mi f

n((yi,y2), (yi,y2)) = T/ [|Ayi|2 + (q + m)|yi|2]dx--— |yi|2dx

b J R" b «/Rn

f ymdx + - I [|Ay2|2 + (q + m)|y2|2]dx

JR" c JR"

d + m f , 2 r

|y21 dx - yiy2dx.

c Jr" JR"

By Cauchy Schwartz inequality, we have

1 / a + mi f

n((yi,y2), (yi,y2)) [|Ayil2 + (q + m)|yi|2]dx--— |yi|2dx

b J R" b J R"

1 f d + ^^ f + -/ [|Ay2|2 + (q + m)|y2|2]dx--|y2|2dx

c J R" c JR"

1 2


- 2( / |yi|2dx |y2|2dx


from (6), we deduce

1/ a + m V, ll2 1/ d + m n((yi,y2), (yi,y2)) >T 1 - w , , _ I ||yi || 2,m + " 1 -

A(q)+ m/l|yillq'm c\ A(q) + m ' llq'm


A + m

q,m || y 2 || q,m•


If (5) holds, then

n ((yi, y2) , (yi,y2)) > C (||yi112,m + ||y2 112,m) (8)

which prove the coerciveness of the bilinear form n. Then for f1,f2 G L2(Rn), system (1) has a unique solution by Lax-Milgram lemma.

3 Formulation of the control problem

The space L2(r) x L2(r) is the space of controls. For a control u = {u1,u2} G (L2(r)2, the state y(u) = {y1(u),y2(u)} of the system is given by the solution of:

' (—A + q)yi(u) = ayi(u) + by2(u) + / in Rn

(-A + q)y2(u) = cyi(u) + dy2(u) + /2 in Rn

\ 11 (9)

yi = ui as |x| ^ 00

y2 = u2 as |x| ^ 0,

The observation equation is given by z(u) = {zi(u), z2(u)} = y(u) = {yi(u),y2(u)}. For given zd = {zdi,zd2} in (L2(Rn))2; the cost function is given


J(v) = / (yi(v) — Zdi)2 + (y2(v) — Zd2)2dx + (Nv,v)(L2(r))2 (10) where N G L((L2(r))2, (L2(r))2) is hermitian positive definite operator:

(Nu,u) > n||u||2L2(Rn))2 . (11)

The control problem then is to find

u = {ui,u2} G Uad such that J(u) < J(v)

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where Uad is a closed convex subset of(L2(r))2.

Under the given consideration, we may apply the Theorem 2.4 of Lions [30] to obtain the following result:

Theorem 3.1 Assume that (8) and (11) hold. If the cost function is given by (10), then there exists an optimal control u = {ui,u2}; Moreover it is charac-

terized by the following equations and inequalities:

(—A + q)pi(u) - ap2 (u) - cp2(u) = yi(u) - zid in Rn (—A + q)p2(u) - bpi(u) - dp2(u) = y2(u) - Z2d in Rn p1(u) = 0 p2(u) = 0 on r

/ ^(vi - ui) + ddVr(v2 - U2)dr + (Nu, v - uW))2 > 0 Vv G Uad, together with (9), where p(u) = {pi(u),p2(u)} is the adjoint state.


The control u is characterized by

J'(u)(v - u) > 0 Vu G Uad

which is equivalent to

(y(u) - Zd, y(v) - y(u))L2(Mn)2 + (Nu, v - u)L2(r)2 > 0


(yi(u)-Zid,yi(v)-yi (u))L2(Mn)2 + (y2(u)-Z2d,y2(v)-y2(u))L2(Mn)2 + (Nu,v-u)L2(r)2 > 0


Since (A*P,Y) = (P, AY), where

A(0 = {0i, 02}) ^ A0 = {(-A + q)0i - a0i - b02, (-A + q)02 - c0i - d02}

for 0 G (V'(Rn))2.


(p AY) = (Pi,(-A + q)yi - ayi - by2) + (P2,(-A + q)y2 - cyi - dy2)

= (Pb (-A + q)yi) - a(Pi,yi) - b(Pi,y2) + (-A + q)y2) - c(P2,yi)

- d(P2,y2)

= ((-A + q)Pi,yi) - a(Pi,yi) - c(P2,yi) + ((-A + q)P2,y2) - d(P2,y2)

- b(Pi,y2)

= ((-A + q)pi - api - cp2, yi) + ((-A + q)p2 - bpi - dp2, y2) = (A*P, Y),


A*(P = {pi,P2}) ^ {(-A + q)pi - api - cp2, (-A + q)p2 - bpi - dp2}

where A* is the adjoint for A, P is the adjoint state. Then A*P = Y(u) — can be written as

(—A + q )pi — opi — cp2 = yi(u) — zid (—A + q)p2 — bpi — dp2 = y2 (u) — Z2d pi(u) = P2(u) = 0.

So (12) is equivalent to

(( —A + q)pi — opi — cp2,yi(v) — yi(u)) + (( —A + q)p2 — bpi — dp2,y2(v) — y2(u))

+ (Nu, v — u)(L2(r))2 > 0

dpi (u)

(pi^ (—A + q)(yi(v) - yi(u))L2(Rn) - ( ^ ,yi(v) - yi(u))L2(r) + (pi(u) d

(yi(v) — yi(u))L2(r) — a(pi(u),yi(v) — yi(u)) — b(pi(u),y2(v) — y2(u)) +

d (u)

(P2(u), ( —A + q)(y2(v) — y2(u))L2(Rn) — (,y2(v) — y2(u))L2(r) + (P2(u), d

(y2(v )—y2(u)))L2(r)—C(p2(u),yi(v)—yi(u))L2(Rn)—d(p2(u),y2(v )— ^2(u))L2(Rn)


+ (Nu, v — u)(L2(r))2 > 0.

From (9), we obtain

(pi(u),a(yi(v) — yi(u)) + %2(v) — y2(u)) + fi — fi — a(yi(v) — yi(u)))L2(Rn) +

( dz/A ,vi — ui)^2(r) + (0,d^(yi(v) — yi(u))L2(r) — C(p2(u),yi(v) — yi(u))L2(Rn)

(p2(u),c(yi(v) — yi(u)) + d(y2(v) — y2(u)) + f2 — f2 — c(yi — yi(u)))L2(Mn) + p ( u)

( , v2 — u2)£2(r) + (0, ¿^(y2(v) — y2(u))L2(r) — d(p2(u), ^2(v) — ^2 (u))L2(Rn) +

(Nu, v — u)(L2(r))2 > 0.

Then we have

,dpi(u) dp2(u) . .

( d^ ,vi — ui)L2(r) + ( d^ ,v2 — u2)L2(r) + (Nu, v — u)(L2(r))2 > 0.


J (d|M(vi—ui) + ddVu)(v2—u2))dr+(Nu,v —u)(L2(r))2 > 0 Vu G Uad,v G Uad. Which completes the proof of the theorem.

Remark 3.2 To study the optimal control for the scalar case

(-A + q)y = ay + f in Rn y(x) = g in r,

we define a bilinear form n : Vq (Rn) x Vq (Rn) ^ R by

n(y, 0) = I (VyV0 + qy0)dx - a / y0dx

Jr" JR"

As in theorem (1), we can prove n is coercive if a < A(q) and then there exists a unique solution of (13) for f G L2(Rn). Therefore, the state of the system is given by the solution of

(-A + q)y(u) = ay(u) + f + u in Rn y(u) = u in r,

where u is given in the space L2(r) of controls. For given zd in L2(Rn), the cost function is given by

J(v) = |y(v) - Zd|2dx + (Nv)vdr JR" Jr

where N is a given hermitian positive definite operator. Then we have the following characterization of optimal control for this system :

(-A + q)p(u) - ap(u) = yi(u) - zd in Rn p(u) = 0 in r,

/rd|^(v - u)dr + (Nu,v - u)L2(r) > 0, V v G Uad together with (14), where p(u) is the adjoint state.

Acknowledgement. The author is grateful for the reviewers of the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations for their fruitful comments and invaluable suggestions.


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