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Ключевые слова
lingvistik kompetentsiya / psixologik jarayonlar / diqqat / xotira / tafakkur / motiv / motivatsiya / leksika / grammatika / fonetika. / языковая компетентность / психологические процессы / внимание / память / мышление / мотив / мотивация / словарный запас / грамматика / фонетика.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — M.M. Haydarova

boshlang‘ich ta’lim umumiy o‘rta ta’limning poydevori hisoblanadi. Shu bois mamlakatimizda boshlang‘ich ta’lim sifatini oshirishga alohida e’tibor qaratilmoqda. Endilikda o‘qituvchilardan dars mashg‘ulotlarini an’anaviy usullardan ko‘ra ilg‘or pedagogik yondashuvlar, integrativ yondashuvlar hamda o‘qitishning interfaol usullaridan keng foydalangan holda olib borish talab qilinmoqda.

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начальное образование является основой общего среднего образования. Поэтому особое внимание уделяется повышению качества начального образования в нашей стране. Теперь учителя обязаны проводить уроки, используя более совершенные педагогические подходы, интегративные подходы и интерактивные методы обучения, чем традиционные методы. Также при преподавании иностранных языков, в том числе английского, в общем среднем образовании учитываются такие отдельные аспекты, как желание и способность учащихся изучать язык; возрастные психологические особенности, такие как мышление, память, внимание; Учитывая языковой опыт и условия языкового образования, становится актуальным проведение научных исследований по повышению качества и эффективности.



Original peper

© M.M. Haydarova1^_

1Namangan davlat universiteti, Namangan, O'zbekiston.


KIRISH: boshlang'ich ta'lim umumiy o'rta ta'limning poydevori hisoblanadi. Shu bois mamlakatimizda boshlang'ich ta'lim sifatini oshirishga alohida e'tibor qaratilmoqda. Endilikda o'qituvchilardan dars mashg'ulotlarini an'anaviy usullardan ko'ra ilg'or pedagogik yondashuvlar, integrativ yondashuvlar hamda o'qitishning interfaol usullaridan keng foydalangan holda olib borish talab qilinmoqda.

MAQSAD: ushbu maqolaning maqsadi - ingliz tili darslarida umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktabi 3-4-sinf o'quvchilarining psixologik xususiyatlari hamda individual jihatlarini hisobga olgan holda lingvistik kompetensiyasini rivojlantirishga doir taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqishdan iborat.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: o'quvchilarda lingvistik kompetentsiyani rivojlantirish ko'p qirrali jarayon bo'lib, tilni o'zlashtirish va tushunishning turli o'lchovlarini o'z ichiga oladi. Bunga atrof-muhit, irsiy va ta'limiy omillar, shuningdek, madaniy va ijtimoiy omillarning murakkab o'zaro ta'siri lingvistik kompetensiyani rivojlantiradi. Tadqiqotchilar va o'qituvchilar tilni o'rgatish jarayonida o'quvchilarni qo'llab-quvvatlashni kuchaytirish, natijada samarali muloqot va akademik muvaffaqiyatga erishishga qaratilgan lingvistik kompetentsiyani rivojlantirishning nozik tomonlarini o'rganishda davom etmoqdalar.

XULOSA: boshlang'ich ta'limda ingliz tilini o'qitish amaliyotida miming and guessing (meni tushun) Ba Total physical response mashqlari keng o'rin olishi lozim. Bu o'z navbatida o'quvchilarning ingliz tili o'rganishga bo'lgan qiziqishlarini yanada oshiradi. O'quvchining o'z-o'zini anglashi hamda motivatsion jihati ta'limning muvaffaqiyatli olib borilishi bilan uzviy bog'langandir. Ingliz tili o'qitishda motivatsion jihatni inobatga olish o'quvchilarning lingvistik kompetensiyasini rivojlantirishning muhim omilidir.

Kalit so'zlar: lingvistik kompetentsiya, psixologik jarayonlar, diqqat, xotira, tafakkur, motiv, motivatsiya, leksika, grammatika, fonetika.


Iqtibos uchun: Haydarova M.M. Boshlang'ich sinf o'quvchilarining ingliz tili darslarida lingvistik kompetensiyasini rivojlantirishning psixologik asoslari. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №6. B. 184-191.

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal



© М.М. Хайдарова1^

1Наманганский государственный университет, Наманган, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: начальное образование является основой общего среднего образования. Поэтому особое внимание уделяется повышению качества начального образования в нашей стране. Теперь учителя обязаны проводить уроки, используя более совершенные педагогические подходы, интегративные подходы и интерактивные методы обучения, чем традиционные методы. Также при преподавании иностранных языков, в том числе английского, в общем среднем образовании учитываются такие отдельные аспекты, как желание и способность учащихся изучать язык; возрастные психологические особенности, такие как мышление, память, внимание; Учитывая языковой опыт и условия языкового образования, становится актуальным проведение научных исследований по повышению качества и эффективности.

ЦЕЛЬ: целью данной статьи является разработка предложений и рекомендаций по развитию языковой компетентности учащихся 3-4 классов на занятиях по английскому языку с учетом их психологических особенностей и индивидуальных особенностей.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: развитие языковой компетентности учащихся представляет собой многогранный процесс, включающий в себя различные аспекты овладения и понимания языка. Сложное взаимодействие факторов окружающей среды, генетики и образования, а также культурных и социальных факторов развивает лингвистическую компетентность. Исследователи и преподаватели продолжают изучать нюансы развития языковой компетенции, чтобы усилить поддержку учащихся во время изучения языка, что приводит к эффективному общению и академическим успехам.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: упражнения на мимику и угадывание (поймите меня) и упражнения на полную ритмическую реакцию должны занять большое место в практике преподавания английского языка в начальной школе. Это, в свою очередь, повышает интерес студентов к изучению английского языка. Самосознание и мотивационные аспекты студента неразрывно связаны с успешной реализацией образования. Учет мотивационного аспекта при обучении английскому языку является важным фактором развития языковой компетентности студентов.

Ключевые слова: языковая компетентность, психологические процессы, внимание, память, мышление, мотив, мотивация, словарный запас, грамматика, фонетика.

© intereduglobalstudy.com

2024, ISSUE 5 (1)



Для цитирования: Хайдарова М.М. Психологические основы развития языковой компетентности учащихся начальных классов на уроках английского языка // Inter education & global study. 2024. №6. С. 184-191.


© Maftuna M. Haydarova1®

^Namangan state university, Namangan, Toshkent, Uzbekistan._


INTRODUCTION: primary education is the basis of general secondary education. Therefore, special attention is paid to improving the quality of primary education in our country. Teachers are now required to deliver lessons using better pedagogical approaches, integrative approaches and interactive teaching methods than traditional methods. Also, when teaching foreign languages, including English, in general secondary education, such individual aspects as the desire and ability of students to learn the language are taken into account; age-related psychological characteristics, such as thinking, memory, attention; Taking into account language experience and the conditions of language education, it becomes relevant to conduct scientific research to improve quality and efficiency.

AIM: the purpose of this article is to develop proposals and recommendations for the development of linguistic competence of students in grades 3-4 in English classes, taking into account their psychological characteristics and individual characteristics.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: the development of students' language competence is a multifaceted process that includes various aspects of language acquisition and understanding. A complex interaction of environmental, genetic and educational factors, as well as cultural and social factors, develops linguistic competence. Researchers and educators continue to explore the nuances of language competency development to better support students during language learning, leading to effective communication and academic success.

CONCLUSION: exercises on facial expressions and guessing (understand me) and exercises on full rhythmic response should occupy a large place in the practice of teaching English in primary schools. This, in turn, increases students' interest in learning English. Self-awareness and motivational aspects of a student are inextricably linked to the successful implementation of education. Taking into account the motivational aspect when teaching English is an important factor in the development of students' linguistic competence.

Key words: linguistic competence, psychological processes, attention, memory, thinking, motive, motivation, vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

For citation: Maftuna M. Haydarova. (2024) Psychological foundations of the development of students' linguistic competence in english classes in primary education, Inter education & global study, (6), pp. 184-191. (In English).

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


One of the important psychological criteria in teaching English is to know the age characteristics of students and to choose the right educational materials taking them into account. Teaching English in the primary education (1-4 forms) is completely different from teaching English in the secondary education (5-9 forms).

In the primary education (1-4 forms) students: it is well-known that children (ages 710) in Uzbekistan. They are very much orientated in their minds around the " here and now" and also directly visible environment. They tent to have a much shorter attention span and need activities that capture their immediate interest. They also need much in the way of "sensory input" -that is, they need to have many or all of their five senses stimulated at once.

In the secondary education (5-9 forms) students: it is well-known that teenagers, the ages 10-15 coincide with a time of rapid transition and change, both mentally and physically. As teenagers begin to develop more cognitive ability, they can be exposed to language learning techniques that require more logical and/or abstract thinking. Attention span begins to lengthen, but there are also more distractions of an emotional nature.

Psychological aspects of teaching foreign languages were studied in the research works of I.A. Zimnyaya, B.V. Belyayev, A.A. Leontev, S.Yu. Nikolayev, A.A. Verbitsky, N.D.Galskova.

1). Personal characteristics of the student (motivation, interest and inclinations). Relying on them helps to ensure a high level of educational and communicative motivation;

2). Socio-cultural factors, age-related characteristics, communicative competence, emotionality. Taking these features into account allows creating favorable conditions for preparing students for natural communication.

First of all, choosing the method depends on the goal, characteristic, age, and contents of the lesson. The English teacher may choose from a wide range of methods such as conversation, presentation, re-telling, translation, etc. An EL teacher might also consider selecting from this range of methods.

The goal of all early language education (1-4 forms) should be to hook pupils when they are young and keep them interested in learning English for the rest of their lives. So the goal English instruction for young learners should be to:

1) Make children feel competent and confident while learning English;

2) Provide a safe, entertaining and educational environment;

3) Create basis for lifelong learning English.

The students in grades 3-4 are mature children between an adult side and a childish side. Firstly, let's draw your attention to the characteristics of the average child which are relevant for language teaching. What can the students in grades 3-4 do at their level:

- they can tell the difference between fact and fiction.

- they ask questions all the time.

© intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE 5 (1)

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


- they are able to make some decisions about their own learning.

- they have definite views about what they like and don't like doing.

- they can work with others and learn from others.

- they have a developed sense of fairness about what happens in the classroom and begin to questions the teacher's decisions.

- they rely on the spoken word as well as the physical world to convey and understand meaning.

Differentiation of psychological characteristics of students in grades 1-2 from students in grades 3-4:

Students in grades 1-2 Students in grades 3-4

Rely on memory Rely on the analysis

More attentive to listening and speaking More attentive to reading and writing

Focus on only one aspect of the task Focus on different aspects of the task

Cannot put into practice what they have learned Can put into practice what they have learned

Cannot control their emotions Can control their emotions

Think positively about themselves, have an optimistic approach to learning Compare themselves with their friends, positivity decreases

Are not aware of the main rules of syntax in their own language. Are aware of the main rules of syntax in their own language

Eight to ten years olds have a language with all the basic elements in place. They are competent users of their mother tongue and in this connection they are aware of the main ruler of syntax in their own language. By the age of ten children can:

-understand abstracts

- understand symbols (beginning with words)

- generalize and systematize

This refers to student's general language development. When it comes to learning a foreign language , it is very important for students to be aware of their own language.

Young learners who are learning a foreign language , have strengths and weaknesses and the best way to take advantage of their strengths and help them learn effectively is to cater to their learning styles or multiples intelligences, namely Visual -Spatial, Logical - Mathematical, Bodily - Kinesthetic, Musical - Rhythmic, Inter-Personal, Intra-Personal, Verbal-linguistic. How can we accomplish this? Let's see some examples:

• for musical - rhythmic intelligence learners, teach an esl element with a song, like if you're happy and you know it. young learners are generally very enthusiastic about songs, especially if they can sing along.

• for bodily - kinesthetic intelligence learners, teach body parts with a sing head, shoulders, knees, and toes.

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2024, ISSUE 5 (1)


• for visual - spatial intelligence learners, use maps, charts, and all types of visual aids. teach them the different types of stores and locations they may find around town with a big map-like board game, and have them "visit" the different locations by throwing the dice.

• for logical-mathematical intelligence learners, use puzzles and games, logical, sequential presentations, classifications and categorizations.

• inter-personal - pairwork, project work, group problem-solving.

• intra-personal- self-evaluation, journal keeping, options for homework.

• verbal-linguistic- note-taking, story telling, debates.

According to the CEFR, learners of every LT context should be facilitated to gain the particular proficiency level in a particular stage of learning. For learners from grade 1 to grade 4 is level A1. In A1 level learners:

- can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type;

- can introduce him/herself and others;

- can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has;

- can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

The CEFR describes language learners' ability in terms of «speaking, listening, reading and writing» at six reference levels. The reference levels of FL are examined through communicative tasks and activities.

The development of linguistic competence of students in primary education in English language classes is carried out through thorough mastering of speech competences and knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar of the English language.

Linguistic competence is, first of all, mastery of the system information about the language being studied according to its levels: phonemic, morphemic, lexical, syntactic. The student must have an understanding of the foreign language system and can use this in practice. Student ability construct grammatically correct forms and syntactic structures, as well as understand semantic segments in speech, organized in accordance with norms, and their use in the meaning in which they are used.

Linguistic competence in the process of teaching English includes mastery of formal knowledge and corresponding skills, as well as mastery of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the language being studied.

In order to develop students' linguistic competence in foreign language teaching, it is important to take into consideration their intellectual characteristics, that is, the student's attention, thinking, memory and emotional environment, as well as his communicative and cognitive needs. The student's communicative skills and abilities are explained by their personal characteristics.


Here, let's pay attention to the characteristics of the cognitive processes of 3rd-4th graders, such as attention, memory, and thinking:


- Voluntary (consciousness is involved), stabilized to a certain extent;

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- it takes 4-5 minutes for students to be able to listen carefully;

- The ability to concentrate is formed through special exercises.


- 3rd-4th graders can consciously manage memory and coordinate the activities of remembering, reminiscing, and memorizing processes for a specific purpose;

- The habit of reusing (reproducing) sentences and content without changes is formed.

- as a result of the increase of the lexical reserve, the skill of creative filling of the language material is formed.

-The students acquire many concepts, such as high-low, far-near, less-more, etc., on the basis of direct perception of spatial relations between things and events in the previous reality.

-They rely on attractive external signs of objects: when thinking about a book, a pen, a ball, a plane, a hat etc., they make judgments such as "a book is for reading ", "a pen is for writing", "a ball is for playing", "a plane is for flying", "a hat is for wearing".

The motivational approach is considered effective in the psychological research of student activity, and it has both theoretical and practical significance. The theoretical importance is to study the psychological mechanisms of attracting students to study and effective teaching, and the practical importance is to form positive motivations in students based on theoretical knowledge.

According to the scientific views of I.A. Zimnyaya, two types of motives are observed in educational activity - the motive of achievement and the motive of knowledge.

In the process of teaching a foreign language, the specific characteristics of learning motives have an effect on the effectiveness of the education and training process, that is, various motives can lead to a positive change in the educational environment. The stronger the effect of motivation, the higher the efficiency of the activity.

Taking into consideration the above characteristics, the necessary recommendations for the effective organization of English lessons were developed:

- in foreign language teaching, the language material should be mastered for the purpose of using it in live communication in a communicative approach. Therefore, during the listening process, the student should be taught to pay attention only to the necessary information, to remember them and to use them for communicative purposes.

- Demonstration is widely used in order to attract their attention and arouse their interest in teaching English to the lower grade students of schools. This, in turn, serves to



increase children's activity. But as a result of visuality exceeding the norm, the student moves away from the main goal, gets used to paying attention only to external signs, not to internal important signs.

- miming and guessing and Total Rhysical Response exercises should take a large place in the practice of teaching foreign languages in primary education.

- The student's self-awareness and motivational aspects are inextricably linked with the successful implementation of education. Taking into consideration the motivational aspect in teaching English is an important factor in the development of students' linguistic competence.


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2. Jalolov J.J, Makhkamova G.T, Ashurov Sh.S. English Language Teaching Methodology.-Toshkent,2015. P-59-60.

3. Tajibayev G.Sh. Boshlang'ich o'quvchilariga chet til o'qitishda kommunikativ yondashuv . Diss. ...ped. fan. bo'yicha falsafa. doct.- T.,2018. B-31-35.

4. Mamadayupova B. SH. Bola ruhiyatining rivojlanishida chet tilining tutgan o'rni // Uzluksiz ta'lim.- T. Sharq, 2017.-№5. B. 97-100.

5. Зимняя И.А. Лингвопсихология речевой деятельности. - М.: Московский психолого-социальный институт; Воронеж: МОДЭК, 2001.

6. Wendy A. Scott and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. Teaching English to Children.-London.P-4-8.

7. Diane Larsen-Freeman. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford. Second edition. P-169-170.


Maftuna Haydarova Murodilla qizi, tayanch doktorant [Мафтуна Хайдарова Муродилла кызы, докторант], [Maftuna M. Haydarova, PhD student]; manzil: Namangan viloyati, Pop tumani , Beruniy, 56.[адрес:Беруний, 56. Попский район, Наманганская область], [address:Beruniy, 56. Pop district, Namangan region]; E-mail: haydarovamaftuna1992@mail.ru

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