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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vagapova Alfiya R.

It is an issue of great importance and necessity to study phenomenology of modern people’s social activity within the context of perceiving it as a source of transformation of oneself and of society as a whole. Changes in certain forms of manifestation of social activity, as well as the locus of its orientation are conditioned by the interaction between many factors pertaining to multi-level order, which are integrated into the dynamic regulatory-functional system, reveal peculiarities of social changes, and, at the same time, reflect the general socio-historical context. The monograph written by a group of authors (R. M. Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E. Bocharova, N. V. Usova, M. A. Klenova, A. A. Sharov, A. I. Zagranichny) presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies of the phenomenology, mechanisms and factors of young people’s social activity according to provisions of the system-diachronic approach, which is being actively developed by Professor R. M. Shamionov’s scientific school. Varied empirical material helps to establish some facts that indicate contradictory trends of functional manifestation in the development and limitations of certain social activity forms in various life spheres, depending on the social and age status of an individual, conditions and stages of socialization, as well as the context of real and virtual environment. The team of authors made an attempt to develop and validate the tool for evaluating a person’s adherence to various forms of social activity (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E. Bocharova, et. al.) and its components (R. M. Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva); to adapt and validate the questionnaire published in the English language called CYBA (Cyber-aggression Questionnaire for Adolescents, D. Álvarez-García, A. Barreiro-Collazo, J. C. Núñez, A. Dobarro) on the Russian-speaking sample (A. A. Sharov), which allowed to record destructive practices of social activity, which were implemented in the virtual environment. The team of authors would like to express hope that the monograph can serve as a tool to clarify some of the aspects of social activity and social behavior of modern young people and can be useful for students and graduate students, whose academic work is related to young people’s social activity.

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A. R. Vagapova. Book Review: Psychology of young people's social activity


Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Акмеология образования. Психология развития. 2021. Т. 10, вып. 3 (39). С. 275-278

Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2021, vol. 10, iss. 3 (39), рр. 275-278

https://akmepsy.sgu.ru https://doi. org/10.18500/2304-9790-2021 -10-3-275-278

Book Review

Book Review: Psychology of young people's social activity. Under the editorship of Rail Munirovich Shamionov. Moscow, Publishing house "Pero", 2020. 200 pages. 1,9 Mb [Electronic publication]

A. R. Vagapova

Saratov State University, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012, Russia Alfiya R. Vagapova, Al_fiya@bk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2720-7656

Abstract. It is an issue of great importance and necessity to study phenomenology of modern people's social activity within the context of perceiving it as a source of transformation of oneself and of society as a whole. Changes in certain forms of manifestation of social activity, as well as the locus of its orientation are conditioned by the interaction between many factors pertaining to multi-level order, which are integrated into the dynamic regulatory-functional system, reveal peculiarities of social changes, and, at the same time, reflect the general socio-historical context. The monograph written by a group of authors (R. M. Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva, I. V. Arenda-chuk, E. E. Bocharova, N. V. Usova, M. A. Klenova, A. A. Sharov, A. I. Zagranichny) presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies of the phenomenology, mechanisms and factors of young people's social activity according to provisions of the system-diachronic approach, which is being actively developed by Professor R. M. Shamionov's scientific school. Varied empirical material helps to establish some facts that indicate contradictory trends of functional manifestation in the development and limitations of certain social activity forms in various life spheres, depending on the social and age status of an individual, conditions and stages of socialization, as well as the context of real and virtual environment. The team of authors made an attempt to develop and validate the tool for evaluating a person's adherence to various forms of social activity (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E. Bocharova, et. al.) and its components (R. M. Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva); to adapt and validate the questionnaire published in the English language called CYBA (Cyber-aggression Questionnaire for Adolescents, D. Alvarez-Garcia, A. Barreiro-Collazo, J. C. Nunez, A. Dobarro) on the Russian-speaking sample (A. A. Sharov), which allowed to record destructive practices of social activity, which were implemented in the virtual environment. The team of authors would like to express hope that the monograph can serve as a tool to clarify some of the aspects of social activity and social behavior of modern young people and can be useful for students and graduate students, whose academic work is related to young people's social activity.

Keywords: monograph, young people's social activity, system-diachronic approach, forms of social activity, factors and mechanisms of determination

For citation: Vagapova A. R. Book Review: Psychology of young people's social activity. Under the editorship of Rail Munirovich Shamionov. Moscow, Publishing house "Pero", 2020. 200 pages. 1,9 Mb [Electronic publication]. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2021, vol. 10, iss. 3 (39), рр. 275-278 (in Russian). https://doi. org/10.18500/2304-9790-2021 -10-3-275-278

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)




© Vagapova A PR., 2021

1зв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер.: Акмеология образования. Психология развития. 2021. Т. 10, вып. 3 (39)

УДК 316.61

Рецензия на книгу: Психология социальной активности молодежи / под ред. Р. М. Шамионова. Москва : Издательство «Перо», 2020. 200 с. 1,9 Мб [Электронное издание]

А. Р. Вагапова

Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского, Россия, 410012, г. Саратов, ул. Астраханская, д. 83

Вагапова Альфия Равилевна, кандидат психологических наук, доцент, кафедра социальной психологии образования и развития, Al_fiya@bk.ru

Аннотация. Изучение феноменологии социальной активности современного человека необходимо в контексте понимания ее как источника преобразования самого себя и общества в целом. Изменение тех или иных форм проявления социальной активности, локус ее направленности обусловлены взаимодействием множества факторов разноуровневого порядка, интегрированных в динамическую регулятивно-функциональную систему, раскрывающих особенности общественных изменений, отражая при этом и общий социально-исторический контекст. В монографии авторского коллектива (Р. М. Шамионов, М. В. Григорьева, И. В. Арендачук, Е. Е. Бочарова, Н. В. Усова, М. А. Кленова, А. А. Шаров, А. И. Заграничный) изложены результаты теоретических и эмпирических исследований в области феноменологии, механизмов и факторов социальной активности молодежи в соответствии с положениями системно-диахронического подхода, активно разрабатываемого научной школой профессора Р. М. Шамионова. На разном эмпирическом материале установлены факты, свидетельствующие о противоречивых тенденциях функционального проявления в развертывании и ограничении тех или иных форм социальной активности в различных жизненных сферах в зависимости от социально-возрастного статуса личности, условий и этапов ее социализации, контекста реальной и виртуальной среды. Авторским коллективом предпринята попытка разработки и валидизации инструмента оценки приверженности личности различным формам социальной активности (Р. М. Шамионов, И. В. Арендачук, Е. Е. Бочарова и др.) и ее компонентов (Р. М. Шамионов и М. В. Григорьева), адаптации и валидизации англоязычного опросника CYBA (Cyber-aggression Questionnaire for Adolescents, D. Álvarez-García, A. Barreiro-Collazo, J. C. Núñez, A. Dobarro) на русскоязычной выборке (А. А. Шаров), позволяющего зафиксировать деструктивные практики социальной активности, реализуемые в виртуальной среде. Авторский коллектив выражает надежду, что монография позволит прояснить некоторые аспекты социальной активности и социального поведения современной молодежи и будет полезной студентам и аспирантам, а также специалистам, чья деятельность связана с социальной активностью молодежи.

Ключевые слова: монография, социальная активность молодежи, системно-диахронический подход, формы социальной активности, факторы и механизмы детерминации

Для цитирования: Vagapova A. R. Book Review: Psychology of young people's social activity. Under the editorship of Rail Munirovich Sha-mionov. Moscow, Publishing house "Pero", 2020. 200 pages. 1,9 Mb [Electronic publication] [Вагапова А. Р. Рецензия на книгу: Психология социальной активности молодежи / под ред. Р. М. Шамионова. Москва : Издательство «Перо», 2020. 200 с. 1,9 Мб [Электронное издание] // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Акмеология образования. Психология развития. 2021. Т. 10, вып. 3 (39). С. 275-278. https://doi.org/10.18500/2304-9790-2021-10-3-275-278 Статья опубликована на условиях лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)

Among modern works dedicated to social activity, there is a monograph that stands out. It is called "Psychology of young people's social activity" and was written by a team of authors from Saratov State University (M. V. Grigoryeva, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E. Bocharova, N. V. Usova, M. A. Klenova, A. A. Sharov, A. I. Zagranichny) under the editorship of Rail Munirovich Shamionov. It presents the results of a long-term and complex study of social activity, its factors and mechanisms of determination within the specifics of social, age-related and gender-related manifestation in various spheres of life activity.

Studying social activity of young people from the perspective of system-diachronic approach allowed the authors of the monograph to interpret it as "a source of development of an individual and group, due to the fact that, in its depth, the mastery of new ways of activity takes place, new skills are developed, value and meaning formations occur; they regulate behavior in a broad context, in the context of universal dispositions, which lead activity in a certain direction"

[p. 6]. Modern day social activity for young people is simultaneously a part of future activity of a higher order, when viewed from the point of view of scale, scope, meaning and search for one's mission.

The major advantage of the monograph is the analysis of social activity from the perspective of system-diachronic approach, which presupposes the "analysis of the time aspect of social activity and includes, first of all, its chronology, the consistency/ inconsistency of the external and internal instances of personality, which is reflected in satisfaction/ dissatisfaction with oneself, one's activity and the situation, and, secondly, temporal reconciliation/ inconsistencies of personality and environment for implementation of activity, as well as the dynamics of adherence to various forms in relation to assessment of stability/instability of the subject's individual life and the factor of belonging" [p. 18].

The authors of the monograph have successfully solved one of the most complex procedural tasks, i.e. development of the technique aimed at registering various forms of social activity and the degree of their

A. R. Vagapova. Book Review: Psychology of young peoples social activity

manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E. Bocharova, N. V. Usova, M. A. Klenova, A. A. Sharov, A. I. Zagranichny), the scales of adherence to various forms of social activity, as well as the "Diagnostics of socially-oriented activity" (R. M. Shamionov and M. V. Grigoryeva), modification (by A. A. Sharov) of the questionnaire published in the English language and called CYBA "Cyber-aggression Questionnaire for Adolescents" (Universidad de Oviedo, D. Alvarez-Garcia, A. Barreiro-Collazo, J. C. Nùnez, A. Dobarro).

The content of the first chapter of the monograph (written by Professor R. M. Shamionov) gives a brief retrospective outline of the history of development of the problem of personal and group social activity in Russian and international psychology, a description of the "effects" of implementation of the system-diachronic approach to the study of the problem of interest, a discussion of the empirical model of the structure of social activity, its relationship with subjective well-being, data from the analysis of the ratio of socio-psychological characteristics of a person, and personal adherence to various forms of social activity. Thus, for example, the author of the chapter shows that, in accordance with the system-diachronic approach, the regulatory role of social activity is played by various instances of personality, the most important among which being the system of value orientations. It was revealed that real social activity is closely related to subjective representations linked to social activity. The author comes to the conclusion that "implementation of the system-diachronic approach allows to analyse social activity not only from the point of view of identifying its structure, component composition and dynamics, but also from the point of view of its multidirectionality, hierarchy, as well as the diachrony of its regulators and adherence to various forms" [p. 24].

In the second chapter (written by Professor M. V. Grigoryeva) the readers can familiarize themselves with the results of the study of the basic incentive mechanism, conditions of socialization as factors of individual social activity with subsequent description of situational and individual factors of individual and group social activity. The author of the chapter analyzes personal and group social activity from three perspectives: "as the experience of interaction between a person and a specific social group in the past; the content of this interaction in the present; anticipation of the direction, content and results of this interaction in the future" [p. 40]. It is interesting to review the results of the study of social activity motives, undertaken by M. V. Grigoryeva, which indicate that social activity of American and German youth is consistent and traditional, its focus is associated with self-realization, integration into society and creation of a reliable close social environment, unlike the Russian youth, whose social activity is characterized by contradictions, since

the motives of its actualization are individualistic motives, as well as the motives of comfort and satisfaction of basic and material needs.

The third chapter (written by associate professor I. V. Arendachuk) covers the results of the research into peculiarities of social activity manifestation forms among young people belonging to various age groups, how these forms are manifested in the context of value and meaning-related orientations, as well as subject-activity determinants. An interesting point for the reader concerns the results of the comparative analysis of social activity and forms of its manifestation in representatives from different age groups: 15-17, 18-21, and 22-25 years old. The author recorded the dynamics of activity forms, the strength and orientation of activity depending on the dominant type of young people's activity (work-related, educational and professional). According to I. V. Arendachuk's data, social activity of student youth is to a greater extent determined by characteristics of activity, rather than by subjective characteristics of personality.

The content of the fourth chapter (written by associate professor E. E. Bocharova) unveils the role of perfectionism in the actualization/deactualization of social activity and its forms. The author's primary contribution is the interpretation of the phenomenon of perfectionism from the socio-psychological perspective with its subsequent correlation with various forms of social activity, depending on the social status and age of young people. The author of the chapter specifies the role of perfectionism in the manifestation of various forms of activity: in case of fixing the internal locus of perfectionism, we can observe an unfolding socio-economic activity of an individual and limitation of educational, spiritual, protest and subcultural forms of activity. In case of fixation external locus of perfectionism, we can observe initiation of subcultural activity in young people accompanied by limitation of activity associated with educational and developmental activities. The significance of this study is undeniable: for example, in the course of work with young people, it is necessary to take into account the degree of adequacy of the requirements put forward by the subject to himself / herself and the results of one's actions in various forms of one's activity, one's ability to objectively assess his/her capabilities and recognize the limitations, which are natural for a person.

Chapter five (written by associate professor N. V. Usova) covers the results of the study of socio-demographic and psycho-dynamic determinants of orientation of social activity under the conditions of social and work-related uncertainty. According to the author of the chapter, direction of social activity is not determined by individual psycho-dynamic features, but rather by their successful combination. For example, subjects of altruistic activity are characterized by communicative ergicity and the

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Зв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер.: Акмеология образования. Психология развития. 2021. Т. 10, вып. 3 (39)

subject's ability to think in a highly flexible manner, to make easy transitions from one form of thinking to another is characteristic of the leisure-communicative orientation of social activity. N. V. Usova's attention to the concept of social passivity, which is caused by social tension and frustration that arise as a result of unfulfilled hopes, is worth mentioning. The degree of manifestation of destructive behavioral activity is conditioned by unconscious motivation, moreover, in females it is supported by such personality traits as hyperthymia and demonstrativeness, while in males it is reinforced by negative emotions and increased aggressiveness. An indisputable contribution of the author, which is supported by the results of the empirical study, is the substantiation of a multilevel model of socio-political activity of young people. It has a complex configuration: the degree of involvement of an individual in the system of sociopolitical relations, the direction of socio-political activity, the form that reflects the influence of sociopolitical activity on an individual.

Chapter six (written by associate professor M. A. Klenova) covers the specifics of young people's socio-political and protest activity. The year 2020 was marked by unrest, discontent (trolling, bullying, discussion of the epidemiological situation, etc.), outbursts of social tension. According to data presented by the author of the chapter, subjects with high rates of negativism are characterized by down-to-earth thinking and rigidity of attitudes, etc. In the course of communication, they demonstrate willfulness, intractability, envy, negative attitudes towards others, and readiness for antisocial actions. M. A. Klenova comes to the conclusion that young people with oppositional preferences are characterized by the low level of communicative potential, self-control and self-regulation. In addition, they have an attitude towards failure and bad luck. Individuals with high level of escapism are distinguished by their dependence on the opinions of people around them and susceptibility to external control. The diachrony revealed by the author is important: on the one hand, such young people show a tendency to obey any authorities, have a deep level of conformity and dependence, but, on the other hand, they are responsible and have characteristic leadership qualities and independence. The author comes to the conclusion that the stronger the basic belief in the benevolence of the surrounding world is expressed, the more preference in social and political activity young people give to the motive of interest, i.e. trust in society gives rise to interest in participation in political processes, which is not observed in relation to protest activity.

Chapter seven (written by associate professor A. A. Sharov) presents the results of the study of

deviant behavior in the real and virtual environment within the structure of individual and group social activity. The author makes an attempt to find the "edge" in the structure of social activity of a person with deviant behavior, which he/she implements in real life (insults, spending time outside one's home aimlessly, various manifestations of autoaggression, suicide, fanaticism, etc.) and in virtual reality (offensive comments, use of the Internet for improving one's financial status, slander, disclosure of personal information, supporting the ideas of xenophobia, violence). As a result, A. A. Sharov comes to disappointing conclusions that regardless of the environment for implementation of deviant behavior, one deviation is a trigger or catalyst for another; real deviant activity in males is manifested to a higher degree, while in females both types of deviant activity are equally manifested. Defamation and harassment are more typical of individuals aged from 18 to 21, rather than young people aged 22-25.

The content of chapter seven of the monograph (written by A. I. Zagranichny) reveals the phenomenon of interconnection between discriminatory attitudes and protest activity. The mechanism of actualization of such interconnection is transformation of internal disagreement, rejection or defiance into a public protest. The author establishes the empirical fact, which states that participation in protest activity based on discriminatory attitudes can also enhance them through interaction with like-minded people, which is based on the open expression of attitudes of this kind. The study substantiates the conclusion that the level of compliance with social norms has a direct positive interconnection with the frequency of transfer of activity from one environment to another (virtual-real environment).

In conclusion we would like to point out the applied aspect of the problem under study, which can find practical application in the work of counseling services of educational institutions and organization of social work for young people.


1. Shamionov R. M., ed. Psikhologiya sotsial'noy aktivnosti molodezhi (Psychology of Young People's Social Activity). Moscow, Pero Publ., 2020. 200 p. 1,9 Mb. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44521792 (accessed 13 January 2021) (in Russian).

Библиографический список

1. Психология социальной активности молодежи / под ред. Р. М. Шамионова. М. : Перо, 2020. 200 с. 1,9 Мб. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44521792 (дата обращения: 13.01.2020).

Поступила в редакцию 01.03.2021, после рецензирования 16.04.2021, принята к публикации 13.06.2021 Received 01.03.2021, revised 16.04.2021, accepted 13.06.2021

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