BLACK AND WHITE; GREEN, GOLD AND PLATINUM: THE COLOURS OF PUBLISHING! Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Predatory journals / Publication ethics / Scientific writing / Хищные журналы / Этика публикаций / Научная литература
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Central Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics

2021; Vol 2 (2)

© 2021 by the author. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

eISSN: 2708-9800 https://doi.org/10.47316/cajmhe.2021.2.2.08



Received: June 25, 2021 Accepted: June 29, 2021

Sakir Ahmed1, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4631-311X

department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India

Corresponding author: Sakir Ahmed, DM, Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar 751024, India Twitter handle: @sakir_rheum; E-mail: sakir005@gmail.com

Keywords: Predatory journals, Publication ethics, Scientific writing

How to cite: Ahmed S. Black and white; green, gold and platinum: the colours of publishing! Cent Asian J Med Hypotheses Ethics 2021:2(2):112-115. https://doi.org/10.47316/cajmhe.2021.2.2.08

It was enthralling to read the thoughts of Beall J, the man who had coined the term "predatory journal" and waged a crusade across continents to bring awareness about such counterfeit to authors, academicians, librarians and millions of others [1]. He had to face flake from the publishers of such journals but stood his ground. Such journals have multiplied exponentially, but people are now aware. But certain novice authors may still be unaware and thus gullible.

In India, the erstwhile Medical Council (MCI) had recognised publications in journals index in the controversial "Index Copernicus". This led to a large number of journals mushrooming up with indexing in this controversial list [2]. The MCI has been replaced by the National Medical Council (NMC) and the new rules do not recognise the Index Copernicus. The faculty who had published their research in such previous "recognised" journals, cannot revert back. Many of the "published" manuscripts have disappeared from the original websites, but their traces and references remain. Does it mean that all their work (and also a bit of their money) has all gone in vain?

Central Asia has not been safe from such practices. Kazakhstan was the joint leading country in number of predatory publishing in a Scopus based analysis [3]. Kazakhstan has good publication potential otherwise [4]. Awareness about identifying predatory journals can definitely help.

New authors may get confused with open access options. Newer journal will take time to get indexed: there needs to be sustained and dedicated efforts even for archiving in a repository like PubMedCentral (PMC) [5]. For early stage authors it may be difficult to differentiate such early open access journals from purely predatory ones. Table 1 summarizes the different types of open access models. Many journals follow a hybrid model that allows a combination of either subscription and Gold open access. Table 2 contains some elements that may suggest a predatory journal.

The table 2 is neither exhaustive nor fool-proof. Predatory journals may find new ways to circumvent these warnings. When in doubt, it makes sense to consult a senior author, editor or experienced librarian.

Thus, keeping an open mind and inquisitiveness during submission to a new journal is warranted to fall for the trap of a predatory journal. On the other hand, all new


journals are not predatory. Rarely, the fine line between the two maybe blurred and then it is preferable to discuss with an experienced person.

Model Who pays Restrictions

Subscription The reader Behind a firewall-not "open access"

Green Open Access Like subscription model; but the author can archive self-copies of the manuscript (before peerreview version) on online repositories Some journals that allow green Open access, allow it only after a fixed minimum duration like 6 or 12 months

Gold Open Access Author None

Diamond/Platinum Open Access None (cost of journal is borne by the university or society supporting the journal) None

1. Beall J. Open access, research communities, and a defense against predatory journals. Cent Asian J Med Hypotheses Ethics 2021;2(1):14-17.

2. Mondal H, Mondal S. Pressure to publish: Index Copernicus and predatory journals are helping (?) academicians. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2019;10(3):332-334.

3. Machacek V, Srholec M. Predatory publishing in Scopus: evidence on cross -country differences. Scientometrics (2021) 126(3) 1897-1921:1-25.

4. Ahmed S, Anirvan P. Top Central Asian educational institutions on Publons: analysis of researchers and reviewers. J Korean Med Sci. 2021;36(21):e144.

5. Gasparyan AY, Kitas GD. PubMed Central archiving: a major milestone for a scholarly journal. Mediterr J Rheumatol. 2020;31(1):3-5.

Table 1. Different publication models

Table 2. How to suspect if a journal is predatory. Please note that not any of these are fully confirmatory, but

has to be interpreted in context.

Element Implication Logic Fallacy

Platinum Open access Likely non-predatory The backbone of predatory journals is earning profits Very early on, they may allow free publication to known authors to earn some reputation

"guarantee to publish": Some journal promise to publish "after peer review" Likely predatory No genuine journal can guarantee publication before the peer review process is completed

Promise of publication within fixed time Likely predatory No genuine journal can guarantee publication before the peer review process is completed and duration of peer review cannot be predicted from before Early "submission to acceptance" time does not mean it is predatory. This is average of all submissions but the editor cannot guarantee that the next manuscript will be done in the same time frame

Doubtful submission systems: instructions to email manuscript to generic domain like gmail.com Likely predatory In an attempt to make quick money, they may not invest in a proper submission website or specific domain Currently most predatory journals are too smart. They may have impressive websites.

Mismatch between country of origin and currency for article processing charges Likely predatory Self explanatory

Editorial board members are not well known and have limited publications themselves Likely predatory Self explanatory Nowadays some predatory journals may rope in a couple of known names to throw authors off-guard. But usually the editor-inchief will not be very well known

Very board scope: the journal invites manuscripts from different branches of medicine and surgery, dental, biochemistry, and other fields Likely predatory They want to get more articles (thus more money) Some predatory journals maybe limited to specific fields like internal medicine, but unlikely to be specific for a single sub-speciality

Longstanding journal claimed to be established 5-10 years ago but no articles available beyond last few years Likely predatory Self explanatory



ТYйiндi сездер: жырт;ыш журналдар, жариялау этикасы, гылыми эдебиет

Дэйексвз Yшiн: С. Ахмед. ^ара жэне а; жасыл, алтын жэне платиналы: гылыми басылымдардын, тустер^ Медициналы; гипотеза мен этиканыц Орта Азиялы; журналы. 2021;2(2):112-115. https://doi.Org/10.47316/caimhe.2021.2.2.08

ЧЕРНЫЙ И БЕЛЫЙ; ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ, ЗОЛОТОЙ И ПЛАТИНОВЫЙ: ЦВЕТА ИЗДАНИЙ! Ключевые слова: Хищные журналы, Этика публикаций, Научная литература

Для цитирования: С. Ахмед. Черный и белый; зеленый, золотой и платиновый: цвета изданий! Центральноазиатский журнал медицинских гипотез и этики. 2021;2(2):112-115. https://doi.Org/10.47316/cajmhe.2021.2.2.08

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