Научная статья на тему 'Biological nitrogen accretion in gray forest soil of Tatarstan Republic depending on the mineral nutrition level of a single or multi alfaalfa (medick (lat. Medicago varita)) agrocoenosis'

Biological nitrogen accretion in gray forest soil of Tatarstan Republic depending on the mineral nutrition level of a single or multi alfaalfa (medick (lat. Medicago varita)) agrocoenosis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Faik N.S., Khismatullin M., Mars M.K.

Two different opposed tasks are described in this article that is getting as more as possible high quality fodders of alfalfa (medick (lat. Medicago sativa)) agrocoenosis from one square soil applying as less as possible agrochemicals. We can get success if we combine mineral matters with biological nitrogen, which are absorbed by legume bacterium of the alfalfa.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Biological nitrogen accretion in gray forest soil of Tatarstan Republic depending on the mineral nutrition level of a single or multi alfaalfa (medick (lat. Medicago varita)) agrocoenosis»

Кривий, В.Ф. Шевчук, С.А.Давидов та шшг - Житомир: ПП «Рута», - 2007.- С. 7-135.

3. Прохоренко П.Н. Методы повышения генетического потенциала продуктивности и его реализации в молочном скотоводстве / П.Н. Прохоренко // Животноводство. Весник ОРЕДГАУ. 2008. -№2. - С. 11-13.

4. Чуйко Н.В. Шдвищення продуктивносп велико! рогато! худоби як резерв ресурсозбере-ження / Н.В. Чуйко // шдвищення продуктивносп альськогосподарських тварин: Збiрник наукових праць Харшвська зооветеринарна академiя. - Х.: 2006, Т.16. С. 132-137.

УДК 631.6.632

5. Доротюк Э.Н. Эффективность разведения скота абердин ангусской породи различных генотипов условиях восточного региона Украины. / Э.Н. Доротюк, В.Т. Прудников, А.И. Колесник // проблемы сельскохозяйственного производства на современном этапе и пути их решения: мат. XI Международной науч.-произв. конференции. - Белгород. 2007. - С. 171.

6. Польова О.Л. Оцшка ефективносп виро-бництва за рiвнем енергоощадносп реконструкцп тваринницьких будiвель / О. Л. Польова // мат. тре-тьо! мiжнародно! науково-практично! конференцп . - Житомир: Видавництво ЖДАУ iм. 1.Франка. -2009. - С. 89-94.



Faik N.S.

Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor. Kazan State Agrarian University

Marsel M.K.

Candidate of Economical Science, associate professor. Kazan State Agrarian University

Mars M.K.

Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor. Kazan State Agrarian University


Two different opposed tasks are described in this article that is getting as more as possible high quality fodders of alfalfa (medick (lat. Medicago sativa)) agrocoenosis from one square soil applying as less as possible agro-chemicals. We can get success if we combine mineral matters with biological nitrogen, which are absorbed by legume bacterium of the alfalfa.

Keywords: alfalfa (medick (lat. Medicago sativa)), awnless brome, meadow fescue grass, fertilizer mixture, biological nitrogen, legume bacterium, managemental removal and balance of humus, phosphorus and potassium.

Introduction. There are a few information about experimental researches in grassland science about perennial grasses which give positive results to the soil fertility, about its physicochemical properties and micro-bial flora vital (Andreev, 1994; Altunin, 2002; Vafin, 2004; Panferov, 2008; Malikov, 2008). However all this researches were done without data of botanical composition of seeded grasslands and without taking into account numbers of applied mineral fertilizers. Hence, it is a very important up-to-date problem: influence of the alfalfa agrocoenosis cultivated with different mineral nutrition and it plays an important role in organic arable farming as first of all public health depends on organic production of food. Problem solution in the field of high quality livestock product depends on fundamental reevaluation of the feeding crops of arable lands structure in favour of using perennial grasses that is in favour of alfalfa agrocoenosis which are storages of biological nitrogen.

Results and Discussions. Field experiments were carried out from 2004 to 2010 on the experimental field

of the agronomical department of Kazan State Agricultural University (KSAU). The result monitoring of the experiment was made on the fields of the "Khaerbi" farm situated in Laishevo municipal district of Ta-tarstan Republic Russia from 2011 to 2015. Gray forest soil (0-40 cm) agrochemical benchmarks were the following: (sensu Tyurin) humus level was 3.91-4.02l, liable phosphorus was 152-156, and an exchangeable potassium in the soil was 161-168 mg kg-1 , a water-stable aggregate content was 43.8-44.6%, minimum soil water capacity was 28-29%, pH salt extract was 5.9.

If we compare an average many years moisture, taking into account 8 years in May, it was dry in 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, but perennial grasses suffer less from May drought. For these grasses it is more important moistness in the second half of the growth. In this case 2004, 2005, 2008 and last years were more suitable for the grasses than the other experimental years.

For the purpose of solving our task we have done

our researches on the base of two stationary experiments (24 variants with 4 time replications) and two in-process control (18 variants with 1 time replication).

Field experiments we used the methods of Higher Scientific Research Fodder Production Institute named after Wilyams V.R. (1987), Statistical data processing were calculated with variance analyses method (Dospekhov B.A., 1979). Economic effectiveness was calculated with generally -accepted method that is cost caparison to the cost of derived product. For data processing it was used index numbers method of two-factor correlation and regression analyses.

Table 1.

Influence of fertilizer mixture calculated data to biological nitrogen accretion by alfalfa agrocoenosis.

Grass stand species Fertilizer mixture to planned yield of herbage Kg h-1 ± to control Cost of biological nitrogen in rubles

Kg h-1 %

Single crop sowing control (without fertilizers) 95 - 100 3515

30 t ha-1 (N0P12K0) 113 18 119 4181

35 t ha-1 (N6P42K12) 140 45 147 5180

40 t ha-1 (N14P64K48) 141 46 148 5217

Alfaalfa and grass stand Control (without fertilizers) 94 - 100 3478

30 t ha-1 (N4P12K0) 127 33 135 4699

35 t ha-1 (N14P42K12) 169 75 180 6253

40 t ha-1 (N24P64K48) 173 79 184 6401

Grass and alfalfa stand Control (without fertilizers) 89 - 100 3293

30 t ha-1 (N44P12K0) 93 4 104 3441

35 t ha-1 (N60P42K12) 121 32 136 4477

40 t ha-1 (N75P64K48) 103 14 116 3811

It is necessary to apply 198 kg ha-1 nitrogen for getting 40 t ha-1 green grass of alfaalfa. Of this amount only 35 kg of green grass and 8 kg of nitrogen are from natural soil sources which come from seeds, rains, snowmelt and 14 kg ha-1 from applied fertilizers. Totally we get 57kg ha-1 but the removal is 198 kg ha-1. Therefore proficit is 141kg ha-1 which become covered by biological nitrogen air (that is nitrogen fixed by root bacteria and annual mineralizing of crop root remains) and it costs 5217 rubles per hectare (table 1).

First of all, analyzing biological nitrogen accretion it is necessary to explain differences between single alfalfa stand and alfalfa-grass stands. In the alfalfa-grass stand alfa alfa is 70% better than in the single alfalfa stand. This evident differences can be explained very simple. Firstly, grass weeds in the single alfaalfa crop field are more than in multispecies field. Secondly, total biological nitrogen consists of 2 parts: - air nitrogen fixation with root alfalfa bacteria; nitrogen accretion in

fertilizer mixture i

soil during mineralization of perennial plant after harvesting stubbles.

It is impossible to separate two parts of nitrogen accretion in soil. On the one hand, if we apply high volume of technical nitrogen we decrease quantity of alfalfa root bacteria (table 2), on the other hand, it helps to store up root remains after harvesting in the soil and it initiates organic mineralization.

Table 2

to the root bacteria

Species of grass stands Fertilizer mixture to planned yield of herbage 2005 r. 2009 r.

unit/ plant % to the control unit/ plant % to the control % to the control 2005 r.

Single crop sowing control (without fertilizers) 156 100 169 100 108

30 t ha-1 (N0P12K0) 204 131 220 130 108

35 t ha-1 (N6P42K12) 238 153 267 158 112

40 t ha-1 (N14P64K48) 249 160 273 162 110

Alfaalfagrass stand control (without fertilizers) 147 100 161 100 109

30 t ha-1 (N4P12K0) 186 127 198 123 106

35 t ha-1 (N14P42K12) 193 131 206 128 107

40 t ha-1 (N24P64K48) 150 102 160 99 106

control (without fertilizers) 134 100 125 100 93

Grass-alfalfa stand

30 t ha-1 (N44P12K0) 121 90 113 90 93

35 t ha-1 (N60P42K12) 106 79 92 74 87

40 t ha-1 (N75P64K48) 93 69 80 64 86

НСР05 to the sample plot 1 17.18 16.11

НСР05 to the sample plot 2 9.38 9.85

НСР05 А 8.59 8.06

НСР05 В 5.42 5.69

НСР05 АВ 55.86 63.46

There are red, rosy and white root bacterial symbioses on the alfalfa roots. The white root bacteria are the most active. In our research we didn't divide them and calculated their total numbers. Our calculation approved that numbers of roots in alfa alfa single species grow to applied fertilized mixtures: in 2005 year from 156 during control to 249 units of plants in the variant N14P64K48 (photo 1), it is typically for alfa alfa- grass agrocoenoses, only exception for the last variant of experience. Therefore we can suppose theoretically that there is no clear antagonism between little amount of technical (N6-14) and root growth.

Vice versa, nitrogen in fertilizer mixture from 6 to 14 kg h-1 provides positive dynamics of legume bacterium growth which was found out during our research

years: in 2005 year it was 238 units per plants and according to research variants of our experiments it was 249 units per plants, but in 2009 year it was 267 and 273 units per plants.

On the grass -alfalfa stands annual nitrogen accretion from 89 to 121 kg h-1 flux from root remain mineralization exceeded than from its legume bacteria fixation. First of all this point of view is proved by our research when in 2005 we applied high volume nitrogen (N44-75) the total legume bacterium numbers in one plant root decrease from 134 to 93 units (31% less). Secondly, if we compare by year to year, this regressive process had been intensifying including our control variant of experiment.

Photo 1. Legume bacteria on the alfalfa roots in the first year growth period

Therefore, in mixed seeding of alfa alfa, awnless brome and meadow fescue, where grass dominates, air nitrogen fixation decreases due to two reasons: firstly plants from two Alu-families compete with each other for environmental factors; secondly due to applying high volume of mineral nitrogen the total numbers of legume bacteria decrease too. That is why nitrogen positive balance in grass -alfalfa stands amount up higher stubble remains accretion and rise up their mineralization by applying of technical nitrogen.

Agrochemical changes of data of gray forest soil in the alfalafa agrocoenouses grown with different mineral nutrition are taken place in two directions.

For example, it is found out that in the gray forest soils humus becomes more due to three varieties of alfalfa- grass stand. There is only one difference between them that is in the field, where there are only alfaalfa agrocoenosis, humus forms due to intensification of nitrogen fiction potential of alfalfa, especially in the var-

iants where we applied high level phosphorus potassium fertilizers (P42K12 h P64K48), but on the grass- al-falafa meadows humus forms due to mineral nitrogen. If we compare two factors which influence to the humus formation, we can find out advantages of biological factor. During 5 years on the alfa alfa agrocoenosis meadows humus formation rises from 3,91% ( which was at the beginning of our research) to 4.09% (105% more than in the previous soil) but on the multi species grass fields, where awnless brome and meadow fescue grass grow, humus content is in the same level in two variants.(table. 3)

We are more interested in alfalfa- grass meadows,

because optimum balance of biological and mineral nitrogen increase humus to 0.27% (plus 107% than in the previous soil). But there are some other positive influences of the perennial legume grasses. According to our research experiments these grasses stabilize soil acidity due to ability to take up potassium from deep soil (pH 5.9-6.0) and they give positive phosphorus balance (from 100 to 105% than in the previous soil). But in-spite of the same conditions on the grass- alfalfa stands soil acidity increases to 5.7-5.8 when in the previous soil the acidity was 5.9 ; labile phosphorus content decreases from 148-151 to 152 Mg Kg-1 of dry soil.

Table 3

Influence of alfaalfa agrocoenosis to dynamics of agrochemical data of gray orest soil from the fields with different mineral nutrition. (2009 year.)

Species of grass stands Fertilizer mixture to a planned yield of herbage Humus content % ( as per Tyu-rin) рH Р2О5 K2O

2009 г. % to previous 2009 г. % to previous мg/kg soil % to previous мg/kg soil % to previous

Single species seeding of alfa alfa Control 3.98 102 6.0 102 152 100 163 97

30 t ha-1 (N0P12K0) 4.01 103 6.0 102 154 101 162 96

35 t ha-1 (N6P42K12) 4.09 105 5.9 100 156 103 167 99

40 t ha-1 (N14P64K48) 4.09 105 5.9 100 159 105 169 101

Alfaalfa - grass stand Control 3.93 101 6.0 102 150 99 162 96

30 t ha (N4P12K0) 4.10 105 5.9 100 153 101 161 96

35 t ha-1 (N14P42K12) 4.15 106 5.9 100 156 103 167 99

40 t ha-1 (N24P64K48) 4.18 107 5.8 98 159 105 170 101

Grassalfalfa stand Control 3.92 100 5.9 100 148 97 160 95

30 t ha-1 (N44P12K0) 3.92 100 5.8 98 151 99 158 94

35 t ha-1 (N60P42K12) 3.95 101 5.8 98 154 101 167 99

40 t ha-1 (N75P64K48) 4.02 103 5.7 97 156 103 170 101

Marginalia: Tyurin previoust humus content was 3.91% - 168 and Kirsanov soil labile phosphorus - 152 mg kg'1

We can not neglect alfalfa high exchange potassium need. According to this element a positive balance is found out only in the variants where fertilizer mixture of potassium 48 kg ha-1 was applied.

Conclusions. Mineral fertilizers applying to alfalfa agrocoesenosis by taking into account its botanical composition is capable of:

-to increase biological nitrogen accretion in gray forest soil of Tatarstan Republic to 240-250 kg ha-1 instead 130-156 kg ha-1 in control variants of the experiments (without fertilizers);

- to stabilize soil acidity (pH 5.9-6.0) on the grass stands with high level of alfaalfa, whereas on the grassalfalfa meadows pH increases to 5.7-5.8;

- to achieve positive humus and phosphorus balance. We found positive potassium balance only in the variants where potassium fertilized mixture had been applied with 48 kg ha-1 active ingredient.

(2004 year.); pH salt extract - 5.9; exchange potassium

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1. Altunin, D.A.2002. Reference Haylands and Pasture textbook. Vladimir, 432 pp. (in Russian).

2. Andreev, N.G.,1994. Meadow and Field Fodder Production. Moscow, Agropromizdat, 540 pp. (in Russian).

3. Vafin, R.K.2004. Artificial Meadows Productivity in Tatarstan Republic Depending on Level and Terms of Nitrogen Application. Dissertation in Support of Candidature for Agricultural Science. Kazan, 180 pp. (in Russian).

4. Malikov, M.M 2002. Fodder Production System in Tatarstan Republic. Kazan, 364 pp. (in Russian).

5. Panferov, N.V. 2008. Grassland Science in Overflow Lands of the Central districts of Non-black Soil Zone. Ryazan, 345 pp. (in Russian).

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