Научная статья на тему 'Биоэтический статус теории Альберта щвейцера “благоговение перед жизнью”'

Биоэтический статус теории Альберта щвейцера “благоговение перед жизнью” Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Биоэтический статус теории Альберта щвейцера “благоговение перед жизнью”»


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Смоленская государственная медицинская академия

"On that I stand, and so I operate in a pattern, were guided tendency to make mankind by means of thought more spiritually and better." A. Schweitzer

The Bioethics is a bridge between natural and humanitarian sciences, and the bioethics [1, 2], it some kind of ethical expertise of achievements of different sciences are more particular between a biology and ethics - from here, as, for example, modern chemistry biotechnology, the medical technologies can threaten to the future of mankind. The bioethics are considered Van Rensselaer Potter as new science about survival of mankind as kind simultaneously system of the ethical norms (standards) for a normal steady civilization of the future. V. R. Potter [3, 4] underlines depth sense of bioethics as orbs of the sanction of global problems (GP), where the problems of medical ethics make only part. There are many ethic's conceptions in fundament at bioethics. One of them is the theory of "Warship of Life", suggested by A. Schweitzer [6].

The mankind is included in 21 century with a depauperated spiritual world. To what the ingenious mind of maximum creation of God, is not a parameter of rich spiritual life has reached. Most valuable, that is for man, it is his life and health (both spiritual, and physical). And to value it he is uneasy obliged, and it is necessary for him. The mankind has resulted itself in a deadlock position and to leave from it uneasy. All-creative mind of man has created such conditions of modern life, which have generated out quantity of problems, which rise with each day, if not in geometrical progression, in arithmetic progression is exact. And these problems have put the man before an eternal problem "to be or not to be?" What are problems? What are their causes? How to decide them? Having answered on this triad of problems, the mankind can survive in full of by negative energy the 21-th century, and to make future life more truthful. As writes A. Schweitzer: "The Truthfulness is the bed of spiritual life". It means that life becomes perfect, safe and spiritual.

What are problems? There are two moments in definition of problems in society. At first, all known global problems of mankind, secondly, our society is in a stagnation point of the development, when "natural immunodefence" of a nature has become reduced, therefore, any slightest problem can by base for originating more powerful problem and negative affect the future of man.

What are causes? In searches of sources of global problems, it is necessary to begin from words of A. Schweitzer: "... Fatal for our culture is that its material part was advanced much more strongly, than spiritual. The equilibrium of it dislocated. Under effect of discoverings, which in unprecedented before a degree put to us on a service of force of nature, conditions of life of the individuals, of public groups and states have exposed to radical transformation. Our knowledge have become rich, and capability have increased in scales, which earlier hardly could be considered conceivable. Due to this before us the perspectives have opened to supply in some respects more better, as contrasted to former, conditions of existence of man. Were admired by successes of science and practice, we alas! - came to the error concept of culture. We overestimate its material achievements and we do not recognize spiritual began in that measure, in which would follow. But we interfere with the facts. And all of them force more us to reflect. By ruthlessly severe tongue they speak us, that the culture developing only the material part without the conforming advance spiritual, is similar to the ship, which having deprived control, loses a maneuverability and uncontrollably rushes towards to catastrophe" [6].

Certainly, much has changed from times of Schweitzer, but the urgency of a spiritual problem of mankind has not vanished, therefore words of the great humanist concern to "the new world" (to the world of 21-th century).

Business means everything in modern society Culture-creative energy has run low. In epoch of Enlightenment and Rationalism, the philosophy has put forward founded on reason ethical ideals, which concerned changes of aircraft attitude of the individual, his position in society, material and spiritual problems of the society, relations of people to each other and their rise in a structure of mankind. By one word the philosophy has paid all attention on man. In this schedule the words of A. Schweitzer are actual:"...The philosophy became sciences categorizing achievements of natural and historical sciences and collecting stuff for the future outlook, accordingly supporting scientific activity in all areas. At the same time it was invariably absorbed past. The philosophy almost became a history of philosophy; the creative spirit has abandoned it. It is ever more and more it became with philosophy without intellection, certainly, it analyzed outcomes of private sciences, but elementary intellection has ceased to be appropriate to it ..." [6]. The philosophy did not reflect that the outlook, founded on a history and natural sciences both deprived ethic status and optimism, never can generate energy necessary for the substantiation and maintenance of ideals of

culture. There are no ideals of culture, will not be spiritualness. If man loses spiritualness, he ceases to be him, and to become robot. It means that the modern man is limited in freedom, in ability to think. The modern man is burdened by thirst of a profit. The man reasonable (Homo Sapiens) presently becomes the man costeffective (Homo Economicus), man for money, man calculative [5].

In this causing A. Schweitzer wrote: "The Material achievements make the man as such more independent from a nature, than earlier. At the same time they reduce quantity of independent entities inside the mankind" [6]. These words of Schweitzer brightly mirror the causes of a becoming of the restricted man. As the man not so reasonable, and costeffective, he ceases "to think", and loses culture-creative force. From the point of view of restricted existence the conditions of life in large cities (process of urbanization) were unfavorable folded which are more subject to a spiritual degradation.

To a restricted condition of the modern people as one more mental brake of culture their limitation adds also. Thus the application finds only part of abilities of man that in turn renders negative effect on his spiritual nature. As writes A. Schweitzer: "The Creative and art beginning in the man dies".

There is a threat, that the man restricted, restricted can become and not humane, and it is catastrophe for a human society! Coming to consideration of a basic problem: what is the solution of GP? - I want to tell, that on my view the global problems are accepted at a level of a self-preservative instinct and it yields chance to decide these problems, besides policies and diplomats make considerable steps to an avoidance of catastrophe. The human capabilities are borderless, and if the man will undertake any business, he will finish it up to the end with success!!!

What is the solution? (What is the treatment?) "I am life, which wants to live, I am life. Among life, which wants to live" (A. Schweitzer).

How we shall live in the 21 century, depends on many factors and the main one is reconstruction of human Ina-world, whether "Is solved that till now it was not possible to decide? Or be the outlook can, due to which only and the culture is possible, it is necessary to consider as illusion never leaving us, but also never receiving real domination? To offer it to our generation as a subject of a faith it seemed to me by business senseless and remediless. It can become its spiritual property only then, when will be before it as something, coming from intellection... The months were I in constant internal stress. Without any success I concentrated the thought on nature world and life foundation, and on that common, that they have among themselves. I wandered in a thicket, not finding a door. I rested on an iron door, which did not move to my efforts... To the surprise I should state, that that area of philosophy, where have started me speculation about culture and outlook, remained by the unknown country... I already have lost bravery and was exhausted. Perhaps, saw before itself that knowledge, about which there is a speech, but could not seize it and express. In such condition I was compelled to undertake long-lived trip on the river: together with the wife because of a poor condition of it's (her) health to depart in September, 1915 in Kar-Lopes by the sea. On a path I was invited to ball lady... A unique translation aid has appeared off-the shelf to departure the steamship dragging the in tow overloaded barge... Having gone deep in myself, I sat on a deck of the barge, reflecting about a problem of elementary and universal concept ethical, which I have not found in one philosophy... In the evening of the third day, when on sunset we passed through herd of the river horses, I instantaneously have arisen a word, which I in that moment did not search for and did not wait, - 'Warship of Life". The iron door has given in; a path in a thicket was designated. And I have come to idea keeping together world and life foundation and ethics!" [6].

About essence and value of ethics "Warship of Life" A. Schweitzer are written in many books of the different writers. The role of Schweitzer in a history of mankind is huge. True, on my view to speak that Schweitzer belongs to the great people, which suggested a pattern a new mode of life, and them it is enough to term only on a name: Sok-rat, Chises Christ, Gundy, L. Tolstoy and many others. The experience of Schweitzer can repeat everyone. He aimed on experience of own life to show, as it is possible to remain human in our epoch. The philosophy of A. Schweitzer is sincere and deep. Schweitzer has offered a pattern a new mode of the person, having tested his own life, besides with such exceeding, ultimate loads, which give to experiment unconditional truth.

Possible comprehension of ethics "Warship of Life" we shall try to express in following positions, which have grown out of the analysis of experience from own life and, certainly, knowledge of Schweitzer's life:

1. The ethics consist that the man experiences prompting to show peer warship of life both in relation to the will to life, and in relation to anyone another. In it the philosophy of morals also consists. The kindness - that serves to preservation and development of life, and angrily there is that deletes life or hinders with it! (A. Schweitzer).

2. Warship of life arises then, when any true knowledge passes in experience, when "the knowledge of a pattern becomes experience a pattern". Especially presently, main is not simply to learn nature any of a phenomenon, and to feel intercommunication with it. Thus we shall understand, that in a pattern all common and interdependent, in spite of the fact that the man lives outside of harmony with a nature.

3. "Warship of Life" is grounded on intellection. The ethics approach to all problems with mind, allows the man to be thinking, to be independent from collective consciousness and to remain individuality.

4. The operations of the man, which are directed even on annihilations of one life radium another, should be carried out on necessity. As writes Schweitzer: "I am glad to a new medicine from a tsetse-fly disease, which yields me a capability to keep life there, where before I was compelled to watch long and excruciating fading. But each time

considering under a microscope of originators of a tsetse-fly disease, I can think, that is obliged to exterminate this life to keep another". Here it is necessary to recollect about "the law jungle", which states: "It is necessary to delete not radium an entertainment, and for nutrition ..." [6]. The mankind should take an example from a nature ... You see what for to delete animal, plant; what for it is necessary to kill the innocent people, children and elderly; what for all wars, interethnic and inter-confessional conflicts are necessary to us?! In film "Anaconda" it is scored by one of the heroes, that this deletes the snake not animal, but machine of killing, which radium an entertainment. The man should not assimilate to this machine.

5. Of all people irrespective of their position the ethics excite to show interest to all people and their destiny and to return the human heat to the one who requires it. It does not permit the scientist to live only by science, even if he in its benefits. It does not permit the artist to live only by art, even if it creates kindness to the people. It demands of everything, that they a part of the life have returned to other people. « We should know, that our life gains value only then, when we feel a truth of following words: "who loses the life, that finds it", - these words A. Schweitzer once again approve my judgement, that any man should know importance of a nature, anyone a parts of our life, any individual in our society. And that to arrange the zoethic path pursuant to laws of nature, thus, not overlooking to assist the one who really requires it.

6. The ethics warship of life call for self-respect. The man should not act in relation to another's how did not want, that others have acted in relation to themselves. In this context, the ethics speak that the man should forgive darkness in relation to itself, as he is guilty in a peer measure that has admitted. As speaks A. Schweitzer: "I at all do not forgive, I at all do not finish business before" [6].

7. Most valuable, that should be for the man, for what the ethics call is a truthfulness, cleanness before by itself. And before to consider lacks of other people, it is necessary at first to look at itself from the party. We shall give one more of great thoughts of A. Schweitzer: "Struggle With ourselves and own truthfulness - means, with which we effect on others" [6]. Only that man should fall into to number "of a fissile part" societies, which is innocent before the conscience. By one word warship of life calls for humanity, thotfulness, true morals, validity, usefulness to a society and nature, independence, truthfulness...

To enumerate noble value of ethics it is possible indefinitely and with pleasure, as it consists of optimism.

The conclusion. The "fissile" part of mankind should conduct such policy, according to a principle warship of life, which would form new outlook for man. Certainly, it is a hard problem. For this purpose it is necessary to work out the new strategic program of operations under the solution of a problem of spiritual - moral improvement of mankind. All forces should be directed on perfectness of a system of derivation pursuant to the requirements (SPO). The officials, policy, businessmen, scientific should follow not profit material, and behind profit spiritual. An ideal for these people should become tendency to true morals, and humanity. For certain, you will have problem: "How so, all speak about it, but anybody nothing does, and even if does, where are outcomes?" To strip an organism of bacteria, from viruses is uneasy. Also uneasy to change the people in one instant, it needs time. And that fact, that this report and other similar activities are written, speaks that many students, schoolboys already realize gravity of a problem and in every possible way try to promote the favorable solution of a problem. That fact, that they are carried out set of conference on a problem of human ecology and nature, speaks that the governments of many states undertake attempts to the solution of global problems. Here there can be other problem; whether "Probably to change outlook of the people in general?" That the man has changed it is required following: • Readiness of the man at a conscious level to changes. For many individuals it is. And preparation of a remaining part of mankind, which for certain do not have conscious the state desire for changes, the so called "fissile" part of a society; • Waking a natural self-preservative instinct. And this factor is present for any term of a human society

Eternal problem "to be or not to be?" Is already solved - TO BE! Now it is necessary to decide other problem: "What to do?" From our point of view, first of all, it is necessary to change a system of derivation; it is necessary to form interest of students in selection of the future occupation; it is necessary to form for the people from a children year's outlook, directional on the careful attitude to the nature, to the man, to the society.


1. Beauchamp T.L., Childress J.F. Principles of biomedical ethics. - 4th ed. — N.Y., 1994.

2. Encyclopedia of Bioethics. - Vol. 1-5, Reich W. Th. (Editor-in-chief). — N.Y., 1995.

3. Potter V. R. Bioethics, the sciences of survival // Perspectives in biology and medicine. - 1970. - № 14. - Р. 127-150

4. Potter V. R. Bioethics, Bridge of Future. - Chicago, 1971.

5. Хайдеггер М. Основные понятия метафизики. - М., 1987.

6. Швейцер А. Благоговение перед жизнью: Пер. с нем. / Сост. посл. А. А. Гусейнова. - М.: Прогресс, 1992.

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