Научная статья на тему 'BIOETHICS IS APPLIED ETHICS'

BIOETHICS IS APPLIED ETHICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Mamajonova G.K.

В этой статье обсуждается происхождение и основных проблем биоэтикиThis article discusses the emergence of bioethics and the main problems of bioethics

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Текст научной работы на тему «BIOETHICS IS APPLIED ETHICS»

УДК 608.1

Mamajonova G.K.

Teacher of Namangan Engineering Construction Institute


Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждается происхождение и основных проблем биоэтики

Ключевые слова: биоэтика, эфтаназия, клонирование, аборты, суррогатное материнство

Abstract: This article discusses the emergence of bioethics and the main problems of bioethics

Key words: bioetics, euthanasia, cloning, abortion, surrogate motherhood

The term «bioethics» consists of two words: «bio» - «life» Ethics - the philosophical science of morality - a system of values that guided people. Traditionally, ethics is treated as a humane philosophy and is seen as one of the manifestations of philanthropy. Consequently, bioethics is the ethics of life.

Bioethics in the broad sense of the word is the sphere of interdisciplinary research, public discussions and political decisions related to the comprehension, discussion and resolution of the various moral problems that generate the latest achievements in biomedical science and healthcare practice. The term «bioethics» was first used in the 1970s. physician Van Rensselaer Potter (1911-2001) in the work «Bioethics - a bridge to the future.» Bioethics is seen by Potter as a «new discipline» that will bridge the gap between biology and ethics in order to solve the long-term problem of human survival as a species while ensuring a decent quality of life. Bioethics will become a science of survival.

«The science of survival should not be just a science, but a new wisdom that would unite the two most important and extremely necessary elements - biological knowledge and universal values» (V.P.Potter).

A. Hellegers (amer.vrach) (1926-1979) presented bioethics as a new way of comprehending and solving the moral conflicts that high-tech medicine engenders. It was Hellegers that gave bioethics academic status and contributed to her recognition in biomedical sciences, politics and the media. Today, bioethics is not just a new field of knowledge, it is a field of social dialogue that is designed to ensure the coordination of science interests with human interests.

Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that arises at the intersection of philosophy, law, medicine, sociology, political science, demography, cultural studies, and religious studies. She explores the moral aspects of a person's relationship to life and death and includes the widest range of socioeconomic, moral and ethical and legal problems of modern medicine. In this sense, bioethics is a concept of moral and moral bases of human protection and public health as a whole, protection of the quality of life, physical and mental integrity of a person and his human dignity. She studies the contradiction between the interests of people, as well as their communities in the field of health and the attainments of

biology, medicine and pharmacy, which directly or indirectly can damage the health and quality of life. The main idea of bioethics is that human values should not be considered separately from biological facts. Man is a part of nature, he needs healthy food, fresh air, clean water, wild corners of nature, he can not exist without animals, without forests, rivers and soil, which are not only environmental resources, but also the main condition for human survival. Its goal - the development of moral and moral standards, requirements and principles, other mechanisms that ensure the use of scientific and technological achievements only for the benefit of man and nature.

Bioethics includes a number of closely related forms of activity.

First, it is a multidisciplinary field of research on the conditions and consequences of scientific and technological progress in biomedicine. Problems facing humanity are studied by doctors, biologists, philosophers, theologians, lawyers, psychologists, political scientists and representatives of other disciplines.

Secondly, this is the sphere of academic and educational activity. Various courses of bioethics are taught in kindergartens, schools and lyceums, universities (medical, biological, philosophical, theological and other faculties).

Third, it is a rapidly developing social institution. It includes a complex system of international, national (in the system of state and professional organizations), regional and local (in the structures of research and practical organizations) ethical committees. Bioethics in a certain aspect is part of the human rights movement in the field of health.

As a science, bioethics deals with the analysis of human actions in biology and medicine in the light of moral values. Proceeding from this interpretation, the content of bioethics includes:

1. Search for dialogue and solidarity of citizens in protecting good and opposing its evil in situations generated by the NTP in the field of medicine.

2. Axiological problems of modern medicine.

3. Ethical attitude to life and death.

4. Ethical-legal relations "doctor-patient".

5. Moral relationship of man to all living things.

The goal of bioethics: the search for moral and legal solutions to non-traditional medical and biological situations associated with the beginning and end of life and interference in the life of a person. The task of bioethics: the development of the theory of legal protection of the individual and its real implementation on practice. 14

Based on the content, purpose and task of bioethics, we see that this is not just a new section of professional medical ethics. This phenomenon is deeper due to the coverage of broad moral, ethical, legal, medical, philosophical and religious problems of modern medicine. All these problems are brought together in a single whole by a new understanding of human rights in the framework of biomedicine, a

14 Уринбоев Х. Б., Мамажонова Г. К. САМОЦЕННОСТЬ И СМЫСЛ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОЙ ЖИЗНИ //Теория и практика современной науки. - 2017. - №. 3. - С. 741-743.

moral attitude to life and death, to everything living.15

The main problems of bioethics:

• Protection of the rights of patients (including infected, psychiatric patients, children and other patients with limited competence);

• equity in health care;

• relationship with wildlife (ecological aspects of the development of biomedical technology);

• abortion, contraception and new reproductive technologies (artificial insemination, fertilization "in vitro" followed by implantation of the embryo into the uterus, surrogate motherhood);

• carrying out experiments on humans and animals;

• development of criteria for diagnosis of death (a new understanding of life and death);

• transplantology;

• modern genetics (genodiagnostics, gene therapy and engineering);

• manipulation of stem cells;

• Cloning (therapeutic and reproductive);

• assisting dying patients (hospices and palliative care organizations);

• Suicide and euthanasia (passive or active, voluntary or violent).

All these problems somehow affect the interests of each person and require a new philosophical, legal and medical understanding and decision. A minimum of knowledge in the field of bioethics is necessary for every person, because the whole life of people from birth to death is under the close attention of medicine.

Bioethics is an interdisciplinary discipline, the core of which is the attitude to life and death. Its starting point is the latest achievements of biology and biomedicine.Biomedical ethics is an applied medical ethics, an integral part of bioethics, which solves the particular ethical problems of biomedicine. Biomedical ethics is distinguished by the dynamics of its problems, it moves from an empirical description of the problems of medical morality to the philosophical comprehension of morality in the light of biomedical research and manipulation

Used sources:

1. Ismoilov M. I. TOWARDS THE ENVIRONMENTAL PARADIGM: FROM IRRATIONAL TO RATIONAL //Теория и практика современной науки. -2017. - №. 5. - С. 24-27.

2. Уринбоев Х. Б., Мамажонова Г. К. САМОЦЕННОСТЬ И СМЫСЛ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОЙ ЖИЗНИ //Теория и практика современной науки. - 2017. - №. 3. - С. 741-743.

15 Ismoilov M. I. TOWARDS THE ENVIRONMENTAL PARADIGM: FROM IRRATIONAL TO RATIONAL //Теория и практика современной науки. - 2017. - №. 5. - С. 24-27.

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