Научная статья на тему 'Bibliometric Analysis of Turkish Journalism Theses and Dissertations: Research Approach Transformation'

Bibliometric Analysis of Turkish Journalism Theses and Dissertations: Research Approach Transformation Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Journalism / thesis / bibliometrics / academy / method / Журналистика / диссертация / библиометрия / академия / метод

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Делал Эбони Озлем

The rapidly changing landscape in the media sector, driven by the dynamic interplay of technology, communication systems, and societal influences, is causing a profound paradigm shift in academic research focus. This study investigates the landscape of journalism theses and dissertations in Turkey, spanning years, universities, types, subjects, keywords, and methodologies. Our approach employs bibliometric analysis to illuminate the transformation in research strategies within the journalism field. We collected data from the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center, where all graduate theses and doctoral dissertations are submitted through institutional channels using a web scraping technique. Over 36 years (1985–2021), 1,709 graduate studies were authored in journalism in Turkey. Our findings reveal that Istanbul University and Marmara University were prolific publishers of doctoral dissertations and master's theses, respectively. Predominant interdisciplinary themes revolve around communication sciences, sociology, and political communication. Notably, content analysis, discourse analysis, and field research have emerged as the primary research methodologies in journalism.

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Библиометрический анализ диссертаций по журналистике: трансформация исследовательского подхода (на примере Турции)

Область журналистики имеет долгую и легендарную историю, развивающуюся с появлением технологических достижений. От скромного начала с информационных бюллетеней до нынешней цифровой и взаимосвязанной формы, журналистика постоянно адаптировалась к меняющимся временам. В Турции журналистика, как многогранная дисциплина, сыграла решающую роль в донесении важных событий и информации до масс. Это превратилось в отдельную профессию, что привело к созданию специализированных учреждений для образования и профессиональной подготовки. Эта трансформация включает в себя создание последипломных учреждений, которые стали неотъемлемой частью формирования сферы журналистики. По мере того, как сфера журналистского образования расширялась и охватывала студентов разного происхождения и карьерных устремлений, технологии сыграли ключевую роль в формировании того, как преподают и изучают журналистику. Технологические достижения не только повлияли на учебу в классе, но и оказали значительное влияние на исследования в области журналистики. Эти симбиотические отношения между технологиями, журналистским образованием и исследованиями представляют собой динамическую силу, которая продолжает формировать будущее журналистики как профессии и академической дисциплины. Создание Высшего учебного заведения (YÖK) в 1980 г. способствовало получению последипломного журналистского образования, что позволило будущим преподавателям проходить обучение за границей. Последипломные программы по журналистике начались в таких университетах, как Университет Гази, Университет Анкары и Университет Эге. По последним данным, в Турции на 60 факультетах коммуникации обучается около 67 000 студентов, что подчеркивает значительную роль этих учебных заведений в формировании журналистского ландшафта. В этом исследовании использовался библиометрический подход для анализа ландшафта магистерских и докторских диссертаций по журналистике в Турции. Данные были собраны из диссертационного центра Совета высшего образования с упором на год публикации, дочерний университет, язык, тип диссертации, предмет, ключевые слова индексации и методологии исследования. Кроме того, для оценки данных университетов и методов исследования использовался анализ двусторонних графов, что давало представление о взаимосвязях между университетами и их методами исследования. Исследование выявило пять отдельных факультетов, связанных с журналистикой в Турции, в общей сложности с 1 709 доступными диссертациями. Распределение диссертаций по кафедрам показало, что наибольшее количество диссертаций было на кафедрах журналистики: 1 200 магистерских и 337 докторских диссертаций. Заметный рост количества написанных диссертаций наблюдался в середине 2000-х гг., а значительный рост количества магистерских диссертаций наблюдался в 2018 г. Университетский анализ показал, что Университет Мармара подготовил больше всего магистерских диссертаций, в то время как Стамбульский университет доминировал в написании докторских диссертаций. Тематика диссертаций включала журналистику, коммуникативные науки, социологию, политические науки и телерадиовещание. Анализ ключевых слов выявил растущее внимание к темам, связанным с интернетом, социальными сетями и новыми медиа на протяжении многих лет. Основные исследовательские методологии, использованные в этих диссертациях, включали контент-анализ, полевые исследования и анализ дискурса. Контент-анализ оказался наиболее распространенным выбором. Некоторые диссертации включали несколько методов исследования, что указывает на разнообразие подходов в исследовании. Эволюция журналистского образования в Турции имеет долгую и богатую историю, при этом развитие программ последипломного образования играет значительную роль в удовлетворении потребностей журналистской индустрии. Это библиометрическое исследование позволило получить представление об эволюции академических исследований в области журналистики и коммуникации путем анализа траектории диссертационных исследований в этой области. Результаты выявили тенденции, в том числе заметное увеличение количества написанных диссертаций, распределение диссертаций по университетам и развитие предметных областей исследований. Хотя это исследование предлагает широкий взгляд на магистерские и докторские диссертации в турецкой журналистике, важно признать его ограничения и потенциал для будущих исследований, чтобы глубже изучить влияние технологических достижений на эти диссертации и обеспечить более полное понимание этой динамики.

Текст научной работы на тему «Bibliometric Analysis of Turkish Journalism Theses and Dissertations: Research Approach Transformation»


DOI 10.17150/2308-6203.2024.13(1).107-124 Original article

Bibliometric Analysis of Turkish Journalism Theses and Dissertations: Research Approach Transformation

Ozlem Delal Abanoz ©

Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey, ozlem.delal@omu.edu.tr

Abstract. The rapidly changing landscape in the media sector, driven by the dynamic interplay of technology, communication systems, and societal influences, is causing a profound paradigm shift in academic research focus. This study investigates the landscape of journalism theses and dissertations in Turkey, spanning years, universities, types, subjects, keywords, and methodologies. Our approach employs bibliometric analysis to illuminate the transformation in research strategies within the journalism field. We collected data from the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center, where all graduate theses and doctoral dissertations are submitted through institutional channels using a web scraping technique. Over 36 years (1985-2021), 1,709 graduate studies were authored in journalism in Turkey. Our findings reveal that Istanbul University and Marmara University were prolific publishers of doctoral dissertations and master's theses, respectively. Predominant interdisciplinary themes revolve around communication sciences, sociology, and political communication. Notably, content analysis, discourse analysis, and field research have emerged as the primary research methodologies in journalism.

Keywords. Journalism, thesis, bibliometrics, academy, method.

Article info. Received October 09, 2023; revised December 04, 2023; accepted December 16, 2023; available online March 25, 2024.

Научная статья

Библиометрический анализ диссертаций по журналистике: трансформация исследовательского подхода (на примере Турции)

Делал Эбони О. ©

Университет Ондокуз Майыс, Самсун, Турция, ozlem.delal@omu.edu.tr

Аннотация. Область журналистики имеет долгую и легендарную историю, развивающуюся с появлением технологических достижений. От скромного начала с информационных бюллетеней до нынешней цифровой и взаимосвязанной формы, журналистика постоянно адаптировалась к меняющимся временам. В Турции журналистика, как многогранная дисциплина, сыграла решающую роль в донесении важных событий и информации до масс. Это превратилось в отдельную профессию, что привело к созданию специализированных учреждений для образования и профессиональной подготовки. Эта трансформация включает в себя создание последипломных учреждений, которые стали неотъемлемой

частью формирования сферы журналистики. По мере того, как сфера журналистского образования расширялась и охватывала студентов разного происхождения и карьерных устремлений, технологии сыграли ключевую роль в формировании того, как преподают и изучают журналистику. Технологические достижения не только повлияли на учебу в классе, но и оказали значительное влияние на исследования в области журналистики. Эти симбиотические отношения между технологиями, журналистским образованием и исследованиями представляют собой динамическую силу, которая продолжает формировать будущее журналистики как профессии и академической дисциплины.

Создание Высшего учебного заведения ^ОК) в 1980 г. способствовало получению последипломного журналистского образования, что позволило будущим преподавателям проходить обучение за границей. Последипломные программы по журналистике начались в таких университетах, как Университет Гази, Университет Анкары и Университет Эге. По последним данным, в Турции на 60 факультетах коммуникации обучается около 67 000 студентов, что подчеркивает значительную роль этих учебных заведений в формировании журналистского ландшафта.

В этом исследовании использовался библиометрический подход для анализа ландшафта магистерских и докторских диссертаций по журналистике в Турции. Данные были собраны из диссертационного центра Совета высшего образования с упором на год публикации, дочерний университет, язык, тип диссертации, предмет, ключевые слова индексации и методологии исследования. Кроме того, для оценки данных университетов и методов исследования использовался анализ двусторонних графов, что давало представление о взаимосвязях между университетами и их методами исследования.

Исследование выявило пять отдельных факультетов, связанных с журналистикой в Турции, в общей сложности с 1 709 доступными диссертациями. Распределение диссертаций по кафедрам показало, что наибольшее количество диссертаций было на кафедрах журналистики: 1 200 магистерских и 337 докторских диссертаций. Заметный рост количества написанных диссертаций наблюдался в середине 2000-х гг., а значительный рост количества магистерских диссертаций наблюдался в 2018 г. Университетский анализ показал, что Университет Мармара подготовил больше всего магистерских диссертаций, в то время как Стамбульский университет доминировал в написании докторских диссертаций. Тематика диссертаций включала журналистику, коммуникативные науки, социологию, политические науки и телерадиовещание. Анализ ключевых слов выявил растущее внимание к темам, связанным с интернетом, социальными сетями и новыми медиа на протяжении многих лет. Основные исследовательские методологии, использованные в этих диссертациях, включали контент-анализ, полевые исследования и анализ дискурса. Контент-анализ оказался наиболее распространенным выбором. Некоторые диссертации включали несколько методов исследования, что указывает на разнообразие подходов в исследовании.

Эволюция журналистского образования в Турции имеет долгую и богатую историю, при этом развитие программ последипломного образования играет значительную роль в удовлетворении потребностей журналистской индустрии. Это библиометрическое исследование позволило получить представление об эволюции академических исследований в области журналистики и коммуникации путем анализа траектории

диссертационных исследований в этой области. Результаты выявили тенденции, в том числе заметное увеличение количества написанных диссертаций, распределение диссертаций по университетам и развитие предметных областей исследований.

Хотя это исследование предлагает широкий взгляд на магистерские и докторские диссертации в турецкой журналистике, важно признать его ограничения и потенциал для будущих исследований, чтобы глубже изучить влияние технологических достижений на эти диссертации и обеспечить более полное понимание этой динамики.

Ключевые слова. Журналистика, диссертация, библиометрия, академия, метод.

Информация о статье. Дата поступления 09 октября 2023 г.; дата поступления после доработки 04 декабря 2023 г.; дата принятия к печати 16 декабря 2023 г.; дата онлайн-размещения 25 марта 2024 г.


Journalism, which conveys important events, developments, and facts to large masses, has a long history in practice. The adventure of journalism started with newsletters and has undergone a great transformation over time with the articulation of technological developments. After a series of developments such as paper, printing press, telegraph, and telephone, this area, which was affected by the internet and computer technologies and opened for personal use in the 90s, has always played a vital role due to its news function.

Journalism, a multifaceted discipline responsible for conveying information about one's immediate and distant surroundings and actively contributing to societal transformations, has evolved into a distinct profession over time. This evolution has accompanied a growing recognition of the need for formalized training within the field. As the field of journalism advanced and its scope expanded, the establishment of dedicated institutions for education and training became imperative. In response, communication faculties emerged as foundational entities designed to cultivate qualified and knowl-

edgeable professionals who could navigate the complex realm of journalism. However, this transition marked just one phase in a broader transformation. A subsequent and equally vital step in this progression was the inception of postgraduate institutions that prepared educators and trainers to guide the next generation of communication professionals. These postgraduate institutions, specializing in communication education, played an integral role in ensuring the continued growth and development of communication faculties and, by extension, the broader field of journalism.

In the present era, journalism education has expanded its footprint to encompass a broad spectrum of educational levels, catering to students from diverse backgrounds and career aspirations. This educational journey begins as early as high school and extends through various stages, including associate degree programs, undergraduate studies, advanced graduate degrees, and even doctoral levels, with private and public institutions contributing to this educational landscape. One of the significant forces shaping journalism education today is the ever-advancing realm of technology. Tech-

nological developments have proven to be catalysts for change within the journalism profession, and this transformative impact is palpable in the way journalism is taught and learned. Curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and the tools and platforms used in journalism education have all evolved to reflect the demands of the contemporary media environment.

The influence of technology is not confined to the classroom alone. It reverberates through the realm of research and studies in journalism. Scholars and researchers actively explore the multifaceted relationship between technology and journalism, investigating how it has reshaped the practice of journalism and the theoretical underpinnings of the field. This symbiotic connection between technology, journalism education, and research manifests as a dynamic and continually evolving force in shaping the future of journalism as both a profession and an academic discipline.

This study seeks to trace the trajectory of journalism development by analyzing a corpus of postgraduate theses. Our methodology involves a multi-step process. Firstly, we employ web scraping techniques to gather data from diverse online sources. This method allows for the collection of a comprehensive dataset. Once collected, this data undergoes rigorous analysis through bibliometric approaches. Bibliometrics is a powerful statistical method that harnesses numerical data to scrutinize and interpret academic outputs. Within the framework of this study, we employ bibliometrics to investigate postgraduate theses in journalism.

To delve into the academic evolution of journalism, one greatly influenced by technological advancements, we me-

ticulously examine the available theses within the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center's repository. Parameters include the publication year, the respective university, department, thesis type, research subject, index terms, and employed research methodologies.

This study aims to uncover academic trends in Turkish journalism research by exploring which subjects have received heightened attention across different years, the methodologies prevalent in these studies, the transformation of index terms (keywords), and the discernible influence of internet-based computer technologies on the chosen research subjects. It provides a detailed and data-driven portrait of journalism's evolution.

In this study's scope, we analyzed 1,709 postgraduate theses in journalism, encompassing works available for examination until the conclusion of 2021. Within this dataset, 1,331 theses were dedicated to master's degrees, while 378 pertained to doctoral studies. Our primary aim was to ascertain the prevailing trends in scientific inquiries within this field.

Journalism Education in Turkey

In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, the global need for education to support diverse professions became a central concern for higher education institutions. The transformative forces set in motion by the Industrial Revolution necessitated the acquisition of fresh skills and knowledge, compelling higher education establishments to pivot towards delivering pertinent education tailored to a wide array of vocations, including but not limited to journalism, engineering, and medicine.

As the 19th century drew to a close, an escalating demand emerged

for vocational training within higher education. Consequently, establishing faculties and departments dedicated to these fields became a paramount objective for higher education institutions. These developments also led to the inclusion of communication education on the agendas of higher education institutions [1, p. 149].

In this context, the United States of America (USA) was the first country to start training on communication [2, p. 19]. The emergence of theoretical studies in communication, commencing in the United States during the 1920s, initially concentrated on the traditional communication mediums of newspapers and radio, prevalent during that era. These early inquiries delved into subjects such as the press's societal role, voting behavior, and radio research, laying the foundational groundwork for the field of communication education and research of the time.

Communication was conceived as an interdisciplinary domain encompassing aspects of politics, psychology, and sociology. Research endeavors were dedicated to comprehending phenomena relevant to these broader fields and the distinctive realm of communication itself. In the latter half of the 20th century, the focus gradually shifted towards direct communication studies, with educational institutions specializing in journalism, radio, television, and cinema playing a pivotal role in advancing the evolution of this mul-tifaceted discipline. These institutions played a crucial role in advancing our understanding of communication and its applications [3].

Compared to its Western counterparts, the institutionalization of communication studies in Turkey is relatively recent. While journalist Ahmet Rasim

first introduced the concept of journalism education in Turkey [4, p. 67], Sedat Simavi, the President of the Journalists' Association, undertook the initial foray into this field. In 1947, he addressed a formal request to the Rec-torate of Istanbul University, advocating for establishing journalism education. The Rectorate positively responded to Simavi's entreaty [5, p. 375]. Subsequently, informed by input and extensive assessments from local and international scholars, the Senate created a Journalism Institute under the auspices of the Faculty of Economics on November 17-24 [6, p. 14].

When the Istanbul University Faculty of Economics Journalism Institute welcomed its inaugural class of 479 students in 1950, it encountered a significant challenge in sourcing qualified instructors. During that period, only two individuals in Turkey had received formal journalism training: Ahmet Emin Yalman and Zekeriya Sertel. Regrettably, Yalman was unavailable to assume teaching responsibilities, and Sertel was abroad. Consequently, the mantle of instructing these budding journalists fell upon seasoned professionals such as Cevat Fehmi Ba§kut, who served as the President of the Journalists' Association, Hasan Refik Ertug, §ükrü Baban, Enis Tahsin Dil, and Burhan Felek [5, pp. 375-376].

In addition to admitting recent high school graduates, the Istanbul University Faculty of Economics Journalism Institute also extended its doors to individuals with at least two years' experience working as journalists, irrespective of their prior educational backgrounds. Subsequently, in 1960, the Institute augmented the duration of its educational programs to encompass a three-year curriculum. Later, the educa-

tion period was further expanded to four years, leading to the transformation of the Institute's name to the Istanbul University Journalism Public Relations Vocational School. This milestone marked the establishment of Turkey's inaugural institution, setting a precedent for establishing analogous educational centers dedicated to the comprehensive study of mass media, encompassing newspapers and various other forms of communication [7, p. 121].

The initial endeavor to broaden the scope of press education at Istanbul University was instigated by the Ankara Journalists Association, advocating that societal progress could be facilitated through enhanced communication, promotion, and interaction [ibid]. In pursuit of this vision, the association sought to establish a school within the Middle East Technical University (METU) in 1962, aiming to offer university-level education to bolster the professional growth of journalism practitioners. Regrettably, their application was declined, and instead, the Communication Institute was founded within the Faculty of Political Sciences at Ankara University in the same year [6, p. 15]. This decision was reached following an application made by the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences at METU to the United Nations Technical Assistance Organization, which subsequently forwarded the request to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

In 1965, the Law on Private Education Institutions (numbered 625) was ratified, opening the door for establishing private educational institutions in various fields, including communication and journalism. Consequently, the Ba§kent School of Journalism was

founded in 1967. This marked the initiation of a wave of private journalism schools, with institutions such as the Istanbul Journalism School and the Izmir Karata§ Private Journalism School emerging in response to this legislative shift [8, p. 1549].

In 1971, the Ministry of National Education enacted a dedicated law to reorganize private colleges in communication and journalism, which had drawn criticism for their seemingly haphazard proliferation. As a result of this legal overhaul, the Ba§kent School of Journalism became an integral part of the Ankara University Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, housed under the umbrella of the Journalism and Public Relations Vocational School. Likewise, the Istanbul Journalism School was incorporated into the Istanbul Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, while the izmir Karata§ Private Journalism School found its place within the Izmir Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences [ibid, p. 118]. These nationalizations were perceived as a corrective measure [5, p. 377].

In 1992, a significant amendment to Law No. 2908 on Higher Education Institutions, through Law No. 3837, transformed several vocational schools into faculties, marking a pivotal shift in educational structures. As a result, five press and broadcasting vocational schools engaged in providing education were rebranded as communication faculties. This legislative change also led to the establishment of the Faculty of Communication at Selçuk University in Konya and the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Anadolu University in Eski§ehir [7, pp. 122-123]. Furthermore, a dedicated communication faculty was inaugurated within Gala-

tasaray University, a higher education institution established in 1992, elevating the total number of communication faculties to eight [5, p. 377].

The momentum towards specialization continued in 1993, with the Higher Education Institution resolving to introduce distinct departments within the purview of communication faculties. This decision facilitated the creation of departments such as general journalism, press, and broadcasting techniques, press economy and management, and information and computer technologies, enriching the landscape of journalism education within communication faculties [6, p. 25]. This strategic move allowed for a more refined and focused approach within the expansive domain of journalism.

After establishing the Higher Education Institution (YOK) in 1980, educational institutions in Turkey offering communication programs embarked on providing graduate-level journalism education [9, pp. 1549-1550]. This advanced level of education holds particular significance as it plays a pivotal role in preparing educators for communication faculties. To cultivate instructors capable of teaching within communication faculties, the first step involved evaluating overseas educational opportunities to train future educators abroad. Subsequently, the second step materialized with the passage of the Higher Education Law in 1983, enabling the launch of postgraduate education programs within Turkey. Master's and doctoral programs in journalism commenced at universities like Gazi University, Ankara University, and Ege University [6, pp. 25-26]. These universities spearheaded graduate-level communication education, with programs housed in the social scienc-

es institutes affiliated with their respective rectors.

In subsequent years, foundation universities joined the educational landscape, establishing faculties and institutes offering journalism education at undergraduate and graduate levels. A comprehensive report from the Communication Workers Solidarity Network reveals that in Turkey, approximately 67,000 students are enrolled in 60 communication faculties [10].

Literature Review

Advancements in communication technologies have dramatically enhanced web data extraction, allowing access to vast troves of information within minutes through many applications. This ease and speed of data accessibility, a pivotal development for academic research, is also mirrored in the evolving methodologies employed in scientific studies. Although bibliometric analysis is a time-honored technique, its utilization has surged with technological progress, extending its application to diverse research endeavors.

In a study titled "Analyse bibliomé-trique des revues 'Canadian Journal of Communication' et 'Communication' 1974-2005," Ramirez employed bibliometric analysis to scrutinize the scholarly literature within Canada's communication realm. Published in both the Canadian Journal of Communication and Communication journals, this research represents one of several instances where the bibliometric analysis method has been harnessed to explore literature in the field of communication [11].

Another investigation conducted by Ulu and Akdag [12] employed the bibliometric analysis method to explore

the communication domain. Their research was centered explicitly on the Selcuk Communication Journal and examined various facets. This encompassed an analysis of the relationships between the most prolific authors and contributors to the journal, the author's institutional affiliations, the prevalence of collaborative authorship, the average annual article output, the distribution of articles across publication years, and the average number of references. The study spanned from 1999 to 2013, analyzing 467 articles. The findings revealed that the most productive authors were affiliated with Sel?uk University, and a single individual authored a significant proportion of the studies.

Another notable bibliometric exploration in journalism is the research conducted by Pelivan [13], titled "A bibliometric analysis of master's theses on newspaper news." This study delved into various dimensions, encompassing the examination of departments, subjects, theoretical approaches, methodologies, and hypotheses. The focus was directed towards the contextual analysis of the year and university associated with the theses dedicated to newspaper news in Turkey, particularly those addressing ideological aspects.

In their research, Atabek and Ata-bek [14] conducted a bibliometric analysis to assess the body of Turkish journalism literature across five academic journals. Their investigation, which scrutinized 558 articles, revealed that most of the articles were single-authored, and the research methodology was often insufficiently articulated in these articles. Furthermore, the study identified that the most frequently cited sources were of Turkish origin [14].

Av§ar [15] performed a bibliometric analysis on SSCI-indexed articles

from the Web of Science (WoS) database to investigate the academic landscape pertaining to social media. His research, which encompassed publications from 2000 to 2020, identified a noticeable upward trend in articles addressing various aspects of social media over the two-decade period.

In a study examining the scientific literature at the intersection of social media and journalism, as published in journals indexed by Journal Citation Reports up to 2017, Segado-Boj [16] conducted a comprehensive analysis of 213 articles. The results from bib-liometric analysis revealed a consistent increase in studies on this subject, particularly since 2014. Among the countries leading in publications on this topic, the United States, Australia, and England stood out, with Twitter emerging as the most frequently studied social media platform. The most prevalent research methods employed in the published articles were content analysis and in-depth interviews.

Conducting a bibliometric analysis, Qatalcali and Ural [17] scrutinized the landscape of data journalism within academic research in Turkey. Their investigation centered on articles, master's theses, and doctoral dissertations published from 2000 to 2020. The results of their study indicated a growing interest in data journalism within academic circles, coinciding with the ongoing digitalization process.

In a research endeavor utilizing the Dimensions database, 1,734 articles digital journalism were identified and subjected to a thorough bibliometric analysis. The primary objective of this study was to offer a comprehensive assessment of the current status and evolution of digital journalism from 1987 to 2021. The findings revealed that the most fre-

quently utilized journals for digital journalism research include Digital Journalism, Journalism, Journalism Practice, and Journalism Studies. Additionally, the research delved into the intricate network of citations involving authors, institutions, and countries actively contributing to digital journalism research [18].

In a study by Kubilay and Ova [19], bibliometric and citation analyses were employed to assess the landscape of academic research concerning the interplay between social media and journalism in Turkey. Their comprehensive examination encompassed 115 articles published between 2009 and 2021 in Turkish academic journals. The research highlighted the prevalence of theoretical analyses while indicating a relative dearth of studies exploring the user dimension. Furthermore, the bib-liometric analysis unveiled an uneven distribution of research methodologies within the field and discerned an overall uptick in the volume of studies dedicated to the intersection of social media and journalism.


This study employed the biblio-metric method to construct an extensive landscape of postgraduate theses within Turkey's journalism realm. The theses selected for analysis were those accessible through the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center. The core objective of this research was to delineate prevailing trends and patterns within the field by scrutinizing these theses concerning their publication year, affiliated university, language, thesis type, subject matter, indexing keywords, and the research methodologies applied.

Bibliometric analysis, a widely utilized quantitative method, plays a

prominent role in universities and research institutions. Its primary purpose is to evaluate the performance of research endeavors by scrutinizing publication and citation data. This analytical approach finds application among information experts, librarians, researchers, and policymakers, serving as a valuable tool for gauging the productivity and influence of research within a specific discipline or institution [20]. It revolves around the statistical examination of bibliographic information, encompassing factors like the number of publications, citations, and various metrics. Its utility extends to identifying trends and patterns in a given field, allowing for comparisons of research output across diverse institutions and among individual researchers.

In contemporary times, bibliometric analysis is a common approach employed to assess scientific research. This method relies on quantitative measures for scrutinizing research publications, operating under the assumption that scientific discoveries and research findings are accessible for reading and citation by other researchers [21, p. 1].

Following the bibliometric analysis, we employed the bipartite graph method to assess the university and research method data. A bipartite graph is a specific type of graph where the vertices, or nodes, can be categorized into two separate sets in such a way that each edge in the graph links a vertex in one set to a vertex in the other set [22-25]. This type of graph is commonly used to represent connections between two distinct sets of entities, such as individuals and the organizations they are associated with. Within the domain of network analysis, the bipartite graph method serves as a means to depict and analyze relation-

ships between these two sets of entities in a network. It is instrumental in recognizing patterns and trends within the data and can facilitate predictions regarding the network's overall behavior.

In a bipartite graph, the edges connecting the vertices in the two sets are assigned a numerical value known as the edge weight. This numerical value serves to quantify the strength or significance of the relationship between the respective vertices it connects. For instance, in a bipartite graph modeling connections between individuals and organizations, the edge weight might represent the frequency of interactions, the duration of engagement, or some other measure of the intensity of their association. Incorporating these weighted edges into a bipartite graph imparts supplementary information regarding the relationships among the entities in the graph. This approach equips researchers with enhanced insights and analytical capabilities, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of the data.


When exploring the database of the Council of Higher Education The-

sis Center for departments containing the keyword 'journalism,' five distinct departments are identified: Journalism, General Journalism, Journalism and Public Relations, General Journalism and Media Management, and New Media and Journalism. A collective sum of 2,002 theses had been authored within these departments by 2021. However, for the specific scope of this study, only 1,709 theses that were accessible for viewing were examined.

The Council of Higher Education Thesis Center database reveals that the inaugural master's thesis in journalism was finalized in 1985, followed by the first doctoral thesis in 1990. Until 2000, a total of 47 master's theses and 15 doctoral theses were completed in journalism. Subsequently, there is a discernible uptick in the production of theses, particularly within the master's category, starting from the mid-2000s, and this surge is mirrored in doctoral theses as well. Of note, 2018 witnessed a remarkable spike in the number of master's theses, specifically in journalism, a phenomenon not witnessed in preceding years. This surge is likely attributed to changes in postgraduate

Thesis Distribution by Departments Распределение диссертаций по кафедрам

Master's / Doctorate / Total / Всего

Department / Кафедра Степень Докторская

магистра степень

Department of Journalism 1 200 337 1 537

Department of General Journalism 92 36 128

Department of Journalism and Public 9 5 14


Department of General Journalism and 1 0 1

Media Management

Department of New Media and 29 0 29


Total 1 331 378 1 709

Number of Theses Produced by Years

Fig. 1. Thesis Production over the Years Рис. 1. Создание диссертаций по годам

education regulations implemented in 2016, and the expiration of the time limit for completing master's theses in 2018.

In the realm of postgraduate theses within journalism, Marmara University emerges prominently, boasting a total of 316 master's theses. Conversely, Is-

tanbul University leads in the doctoral category, securing the highest count with 114 theses. In contrast, Trabzon University, a relatively recent establishment, exhibits the lowest number of master's level theses in this discipline. When considering doctoral theses, Ak-

Fig. 2. Thesis Counts by Universities Рис. 2. Количество диссертаций по университетам

deniz University presents the smallest count, with just one thesis.

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In order to gain a better understanding of the general subject areas covered in journalism theses, authors are mandated to furnish details about their thesis topics during the submission process to the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center. An analysis of the top 10 topics within this field reveals that the preponderance of theses, at both the master's and doctoral levels, predominantly revolve around journalism as their central subject. Following journalism, the most frequent subjects explored in these theses encompass communication sciences, sociology, political sciences, and radiotelevision.

In addition to titles, the theses incorporate indexed words to assist in structuring and categorizing the document's content. These indexed words offer a higher specificity level than the thesis titles and serve to delineate the broader subject area of the thesis, along with other significant topics per-

taining to its content. Using indexed words simplifies the process of locating precise information within the thesis for readers and aids researchers in identifying relevant studies pertinent to their research endeavors.

Our analysis delved into the evolution of indexed words usage in master's theses over time, with a particular focus on 10-year increments. Notably, the predominant indexed word in master's theses up to 2010 was 'press.' Nevertheless, as communication technologies advanced, an escalating number of theses began to center around internet-related subjects. Between 2001 and 2010, there were 15 master's theses dedicated to this domain. This figure significantly surged from 2010 to 2020, when 88 theses were completed on this topic.

Concurrently, social media started to play an increasingly prominent role in individuals' lives, prompting researchers to initiate investigations in this area. Over the decade spanning from 2010 to 2020, 150 master's thesis studies cen-

Fig. 3. Popular Research Subjects Рис. 3. Популярные темы исследований

Fig. 4. Yearly Trends in Indexed Words Рис. 4. Годовые тенденции индексированных слов

tered around social media were accomplished. In 2021, 'new media' emerged as the most prevalent index word in master's theses. These observations indicate that the choice of index words in master's theses has evolved, aligning with technological advancements and evolving research interests.

The 2000s heralded the onset of a phase characterized by an upswing in thesis studies, notably within the domains of journalism and doctoral research, concentrating on the Internet. Correspondingly, the utilization of index words encompassing notions related to the internet, social media, and new media has seen an ascending trajectory in recent times. This pattern mirrors the mounting significance of these subjects in research and underscores the expanding scrutiny of the internet and social media's roles across various disciplines.

In master's and doctoral thesis studies within journalism, three primary

research methods frequently find application: content analysis, fieldwork, and discourse analysis. Among these, content analysis emerges as the most prevalent choice. Examining the studies scrutinized in this research reveals that content analysis was employed in 343 master's thesis studies and 87 doctoral thesis studies. This prevalence underscores the method's popularity and efficacy in dissecting news media content and various communication forms in journalism research.

The study also revealed that certain thesis studies in journalism incorporate multiple research methods. Among the 1,331 master's theses analyzed, 927 exclusively relied on a single method, while 142 adopted two, 22 integrated three, and one employed four distinct methods. Furthermore, 239 of the master's theses comprised theoretical studies devoid of explicit research methods or a research component. This signifies that, although

Fig. 5. Primary Research Methodologies Рис. 5. Основные методологии исследования

Fig. 6. Number of Methods Used in the Thesis Рис. 6. Количество методов, использованных в диссертации

a singular method represents the prevailing approach in these studies, a noteworthy portion of thesis research embraces the utilization of multiple methods or emphasizes theoretical analysis.

Upon reviewing doctoral studies in journalism, it was observed that 257 out of 378 theses were authored employing a sole method, whereas 43 theses

employed two methods. Furthermore, 11 doctoral theses embraced a three-method approach. In 65 instances, it remained unclear which method was employed or whether the studies were executed in a theoretical fashion. These findings underscore the prevalent use of a single method in doctoral studies in journalism while simultaneously high-

lighting a substantial number of studies that incorporate multiple methods or prioritize theoretical analysis.

In this graph, the size of the dots corresponds to the volume of theses generated by each university, while the edge's thickness connecting a university to a research method signifies the frequency of that method's utilization in the theses produced by that university. In simpler terms, larger dots and thicker edges denote a higher number of theses and more frequent use of the method within that university. This visual representation facilitates the efficient comparison of various methods across universities and the discernment of patterns and trends within the data.

The research unveiled variations in the relationship between universities and the methods employed in their theses. Marmara University witnessed a substantial use of fieldwork and content analysis methods in many theses. Meanwhile, Istanbul University and Gazi University exhibited a greater prevalence of the content analysis method in their theses. On the other hand, Ankara University favored the interview method more frequently than other approaches. These findings indicate that the specific university and its research emphasis may influence the selection of research methods.


The landscape of journalism education in Turkey has a rich history, reaching

Fig. 7. Bipartite Network Depicting University and Method Usage Relationship Рис. 7. Двусторонняя сеть, изображающая взаимосвязь между университетом и использованием методов

back to the 1950s. As journalism evolved and transformed, so did the demand for qualified educators in this field. Consequently, postgraduate programs in journalism and communication emerged as a response to this demand. By the 1980s, master's and doctoral programs in these domains expanded across Turkey, contributing to the academic preparation of individuals in journalism and communication. These programs remain instrumental in addressing the evolving requirements of the industry.

This bibliometric research study delved into analyzing the evolution of academic research in journalism and communication by scrutinizing the trajectory of thesis studies within this field. The comprehensive dataset consisted of 1,331 master's theses and 378 doctoral theses. The findings unveiled an upward trend in the number of theses over time. Notably, a substantial surge occurred in the number of master's theses in 2018, primarily attributed to alterations in postgraduate education policies, which imposed constraints on thesis completion timelines. A university-wise analysis of the research data revealed that most master's theses were conducted at Marmara University, while Istanbul University dominated the domain of doctoral theses.

Examining the subject matter within postgraduate theses in journalism unveiled a recurring emphasis on topics like journalism, communication sciences, sociology, political sciences,

and radio-television. By delving into the keywords employed in these theses, we gained insights into how the research focus has evolved over the years. During the 2000s, internet journalism garnered substantial attention as a prominent research subject. From 2010 to 2020, there was a noticeable surge in index words associated with emerging communication technologies, encompassing new media and social media. This shift was evident in both doctoral and master's theses and reached its pinnacle in 2021, marked by a notable uptick in the number of theses devoted to new communication technologies.

This research seeks to offer a broad perspective on postgraduate thesis studies in Turkish journalism, with the objective of discerning trends and recurring patterns in academic pursuits. Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge certain limitations inherent in this study. Primarily, our analysis is confined to theses accessible within the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center database. Future research might encompass all the theses within this domain and adopt a more comprehensive analytical framework for a more exhaustive field comprehension. Furthermore, scholars stand to gain valuable insights by focusing on methods and data collection techniques to gain a deeper understanding of the influence of advancements in new communication technologies on postgraduate theses.


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Author Information

Özlem DelalAbanoz — Dr. Research Assistant, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey, ozlem.delal@omu.edu.tr, <E https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3653-5838.

Информация об авторе

Делал Эбони Озлем — научный сотрудник, Университет Ондокуз Майыс, Самсун, Турция, ozlem.delal@omu.edu.tr, ® https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3653-5838.

For Citation

Delal Abanoz Ö. Bibliometric Analysis of Turkish Journalism Theses and Dissertations: Research Approach Transformation. Voprosy teorii i praktiki zhurnalistiki = Theoretical and Practical Issues of Journalism, 2024, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 107-124. EDN: VVLRNK. DOI: 10.17150/2308-6203.2024.13(1).107-124.

Для цитирования

Делал Эбони О. Библиометрический анализ диссертаций по журналистике: трансформация исследовательского подхода (на примере Турции) / О. Делал Эбони. — DOI 10.17150/2308-6203.2024.13(1).107-124. — EDN VVLRNK // Вопросы теории и практики журналистики. — 2024. — Т. 13, № 1. — С. 107-124.

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