Научная статья на тему 'Basic principles of health preservation'

Basic principles of health preservation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Rusnak I.T.

Actuality of health preservation and prevention of diseases development stipulate exceptional importance of proper diet, drinking regime, strengthening of measures to stimulate physical activity and prevention of obesity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Basic principles of health preservation»

Проведення такої складної ендодонтичної маніпуляції вимагає розуміння властивостей силерів на основі фенол-формальдегіду і особливостей їх застосування в історичному аспекті.



Nazarian R.S., Fomenko Y.V., Shcheblykm N.A., Kolesovа T.A., Golik N.V. Key words: mummification, impregnation, resorcinol-formalin method.

Mummificating and impregnating techniques have a long history — more than 100 years. The main reasons for which dentists used them were the lack of tools, which enabled to provide adequate access to the pulp chamber and to reach and extend root canals. Despite all nessary means to carry out the highest level endodontic manipulation are currently available dentists continue to apply these techniques, which are "undemanding" to the quality of root canal treatment and the level of manual skills of the doctors. Often this tactic leads to endodontic re-treatment of root canals, previously sealed by resorcinol-formalin method. As pro-ducs of theis group, their production import, their applying in medical practice are not banned, doctors will continue facing the necessity of the root canal retreatment after previous mummificating-impregnating techniques. However, even the applying of magnifying devices and state-of-art tools can not guarante success when trying to retreat this teeth. Carrying out such a complex endodontic manipulation requires an understanding of the properties of sealers containing phenol-formaldehyde and peculiarities of their application in the historical aspect.

UCD 613.0 Rusnak I. T.


High state educational institution of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Actuality of health preservation and prevention of diseases development stipulate exceptional importance of proper diet, drinking regime, strengthening of measures to stimulate physical activity and prevention of obesity.

Key words: health, impact, water, nutrition, physical activity recommendations.

A significant prevalence of lesions of the heart and blood vessels, decrease the quality of life of the working population, disability and mortality caused by them require finding new ways to effective prevention of the disease, early detection of the first signs and then having a safe effective treatment available.

Increasingly, doctors focus their patients on exceptional importance of proper nutrition, drinking regime, sleep and rest, relief from emotional stress to maintain health and avoid disease development, rational physical activity and obesity prevention.

Water taken in sufficient quantity is of magor importance in disease prevention. We must recognize the vital importance of water and learn to recognize dehydration by identifying dysfunction of the organs in which pathological symptoms appear. MD F. Batmanghelidj devoted twenty years of his life to studying this subject and came to the unequivocal conclusion that the existence of different indicators "sustainable unintentional dehydration" [2]. The results of his research (more than 3 thousand patients [3] were cured with water only for the first few years of observations) indicate that the human body has three categories of indicators that should be considered as symptoms or results of dehydration: sensitive indicators, water shortage alarms and adaptive programs to combat dehydration. These signals dehydration can

be seen, recognized and even prevent their occurrence, before the body inflicted damage will be irreparable [2].

Water shortages emergency signals include various localized chronic pain. The origin of the pain and symptoms is easy to understand. They occur when any organ actively used at the moment face shortage of water to clean itself of "toxic waste", which are by-products of metabolism. Nerve endings register the change in chemical environment and transmit this information to the brain. Perceiving pain signals to the brain tries to report the threats that may be a result of local dehydration.

Thus, pain not caused by any infection or trauma is a signal of lack of water in the area where the pain is felt. Pain is owr body's desperate request of water, required to flush toxic wastes away from areas affected by dehydration. The main problem of today's most common mistakes is a lack of understanding of the significance and importance of pain as a tangible body thirst signal.

Water for the human's body is vital important to health and well-being [17]. The assumption that taking any liquid, such as tea, juice, soup or milk will affect the way water does is false. Here is a new scientific truth and a new level of thinking that will help most people to use preventive medicine -water being the solvent regulates all body functions, including the activity of dissolved sub-

stances. Violation water metabolism sent many signals that indicate certain "problems in the system" [1].

Adequate water consumption is useful for maintaining health and is essential to prevent dehydration, which is associated with adverse health effects such as headache, urolithiasis, cognitive disorders [28]. Health risks (such as tooth decay, obesity) are associated with regular intake of high doses of calorie sweetened beverages (such as soda, fruit drinks, sports drinks) are reduced in their placement in ordinary drinking water [28, 32]. Consumption of water before meals and replacing high-calorie sweetened drinks with water correlate with lower energy consumption and increased intake of plain water with adult associats with keeping weight at a certain level or weight loss [15, 16, 19, 20, 30, 33, 37]. According to the dietary recommendations for Americans 2010 adults should drink water as a remedy hydration and state medical organizations are recommended to pro this message in a society [11, 23, 31, 36].

With age, the sharpness of thirst and awareness that the body requires water is lost. Chronic dehydration in the elderly can lead to heart disease and kidney disease. Those who have heart or kidney problems, who is undergoing treatment, water intake should be increased slowly and, if possible, under medical supervision. Urine developing should be increased simultaneously with the taken amount of water. If during the two days urination doesn't increase, you should consult your doctor. Those who have their heart and kidneys are function normally, should start with two glasses of water half an hour before each meal and a glass of water two and a half hours after the meal [2].

Experience shows that a person needs to drink 14 grams of water for every 450 g weight (in the metric system about 30 g per 1 kg) a day. Increasing the receiving water causes increased production of urine, which can lead to loss of salt, minerals and water soluble vitamins. Therefore, an additional amount of salt (about half a teaspoon of salt per 2 liters of water you drink per day, it can be added to food) and vitamins should be added to the daily diet. If cramps appear, it means that the amount of salt in the diet is not enough to meet all the needs of the body. Then the amount of salt in the diet sould be increased for the entire period of increased water taking. Dehydration urine colour (if one does not take vitamins that can change the color of urine) varies from dark yellow to orange. The more the body is saturated with water, the lighter the urine is [2].

According to the study of a nationally representative sample of 3,397 American adults who participated in the survey of food attitudes and habits of the National Cancer Institute in 2007, 7% of adults reported no daily consumption of drinking water, 36% reported drinking 1 to 3 cups, 35 % reported drinking 4 to 7 cups, and 22% reported

drinking 8 glasses or more [13]. Previous studies have shown that water consumption decreases with age; study of 4112 American adults by Kant and other authors found a reduced consumption of plain water among the elderly [18, 26, 38].

According to the National research survey of health and nutrition 2005-2008 biennium (NHANES), a simple water consumption among American adults (aged >20 years) was 4.4 cups for men and 4.3 cups for women [34]. Few studies have been conducted on the relationship of individual water consumption practices and nutrition principles and diet [26]. Although water consumption has been associated with individual factors (such as physical activity, which leads to increased needs for hydration due to sweating [28]), little is known about how water consumption is associated with other food and health related habits and attitudes [24, 26, 29, 34]. There is evidence of cross-study habits and nutritionally (FAB) of National Cancer Institute, when the survey among American adults was conducted by post from October to December 2007. This study was approved by the Expert Council on nutrition National Cancer Institute [12]. Results of multivariate regression analysis [13] showed no association between consumption of water and TV watching timeV, which is consistent with a study conducted among 3,867 American children and adolescents [25]. A well-known practice of encouraging smoking cessation program participants by increasing their water consumption [35].

Through regular use of water in sufficient quantity each person can help the body stay healthy for a long time.

According to experts of WHO public health by 8-12% depending on the current health care system in the country, by 18-20% on the human genetic predisposition to certain diseases, by 6874% on way of life, one of the major components of which is food [8]. The existence of relationships between nutrition and chronic non-infectious diseases is scientifically based and proven. Thus, in the global WHO strategy on diets, physical activity and health adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2004, is stated that the leading causes of the major noncommunicable diseases (cardiovascular, osteoporosis, hypertension (AH), hypercholes-terolemia , obesity, etc.) is correctly folded diet [8].

One of the major factors affecting human health is food quality.

Our body is a complex biochemical mechanism that requires a daily intake of essential nutrients. In order to have good health, we need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Deficiency of any nutrient is the cause of disorders in humans varying degrees. Radical changes that have occurred over the past decade in the environment and nutrition affect health extremely. Fat, salt and sugar excess in the diet is directly linked with the development of cardiovascular, cancer, obesity,

allergic conditions, strokes and so on [5].

Modern intensive agronomic technology involve the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides in the cultivation of herbal products, the widespread use of antibiotics and stimulants in animal production. Further processing of agricultural products often involves the addition of synthetic vitamins, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavorings and more.

Chemical food additives are added to foods to enhance flavor, improved nutritional value, slow spoilage, extend the storage, simplify cooking and make products more accessible. Many carcinogenic dyes are added without warning instructions on the labels [5].

Accumulation of food additives in the tissues of the body can lead to the development of various pathological conditions.

Increased productivity, increase shelf life of products, improve the appearance of fruits, vegetables, grains achieved by means of chemicals used to fertilize the soil, control weeds, insects, rodents, for crop protection against mold and fungi. However, nutritional value of food falls. The accumulation of agrochemical agents in soil and water, converts them to the delayed-action mine, since by contamination of food products, including fruits, vegetables, and fish, bad the means fall into the human body [5].

Consumption of large quantities of processed products requires filling diet of modern man with minerals and vitamins.

The choice of quality food, study their composition and shelf life are critical factors in a rational way food.

If you provide the body with all the nutrients, it selects all all necessary components and cope with all diseases [5, 8] because the human body has an innate ability to sanogenesis.

Among the factors that form the basis for the emergence of many diseases, including cardiovascular, there is the lack of physical activity [7]. In 2008, about 31% of people (28% men and 34% women) all over the world aged 15 and over were not physically active. Approximately 3.2 million annual deaths related to physical inactivity [10].

Physical activity is to be untderstood any body movement involving skeletal muscles with energy expenditure [3, 9]. Physical inactivity (lack of physical activity) is an independent risk factor for chronic diseases. Health people are recommended to maintain appropriate levels of physical activity throughout life. At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 5 times a week reduces the risk of a number of non-communicable diseases among adults. Stronger physical activity brings more health benefits and may be required for weight control [9].

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality (6% of deaths in the world) [1, 7]. In addition, physical inactivity is a major cause approximately 21-25% of breast cancer and

colon cancer, 27% of cases of diabetes and approximately 30% of cases of coronary heart disease (CHD) [3].

Worldwide there is a decrease in physical activity, while every third adult is not physically active.

However, the increase in physical activity in terms of a healthy environment benefits the health of people of all age groups. WHO provides recommendations for optimal activity levels, but even minor physical activity is better than its absence. People who suffer from lack of exercise, should start with a low level of physical activity and gradually increase duration, frequency and intensity of the sessions.

To promote the benefits of physical activity necessary to take measures as throughout society as a whole and at the level of the individual. In 2013, WHO member states agreed on the reduction of the prevalence of insufficient physical activity by 2025 to 10% in the "Global Action Plan for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and combat them in 2013-2020." [4].

Recommendations on Physical Activity for adults in the United States provide at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week [27].

Regular practice of physical activity appropriate levels among adults have the following positive effects on health:

- to reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast cancer and colon cancer, depression and risk of falls;

- help to strengthen bones and improve functional health;

- is the main determinant of energy expenditure and therefore fulfill a crucial role in energy metabolism and maintaining proper weight [3].

The term "physical activity" should not be confused with "physical exercise". Exercise is one of the subcategories of physical activity, covering a planned, structured and repetitive physical activity aimed at improving or maintaining one or more components of physical fitness. In exercise physical activity also includes other types of active body movements, carried out during the Games, working, active transportation, household chores, and recreation and entertainment [3].

Modification of lifestyle is a priority in the treatment of hypertensive patients according to the recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in 2013 [6]. Clinical studies show that to reduce blood pressure (BP) changes in lifestyle can be equivalent efficacy [21] the drug alone and able to safely and effectively prevent the development of hypertension or delay the use of drug therapy, to prevent, if necessary, the use of it by patients with hypertension 1- degree [14]. In addition to effects blood pressure reduction, lifestyle changes contribute to the control of other factors of cardiovascular risk and clinical condi-

tions [22]. In the recommended approach to lifestyle changes regular exercise are envisaged, for example, at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity within 5 - 7 days a week. Moderate aerobic exercise are walking, jogging, cycling, swimming.

At the time, the Finnish government has introduced quite simple and effective measures to introduce rational approaches lifestyle modifications that allowed for 25 years to reduce mortality from coronary heart disease by 73 percent.

Thus, only the awareness of the need to maintain health on a personal level, supported by the health system in the state and global scale can reduce the incidence of complications and prevent infectious diseases.


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Batmanghelidzh F. Vashe telo prosit vody / F. Batmanghelidzh; per. s angl. - Minsk: Popurri, 2013 - 208 s.

Batmanghelidzh F. Vy ne bol'ny, u vas zhazhda / F. Batmanghelidzh; per. s angl. - Minsk: Popurri, 2008. - 320 s. Global'naja strategija po pitaniju, fizicheskoj aktivnosti i zdorov'ju. Fizicheskaja aktivnost' [Jelektronnyj resurs] / VOZ. Programmy i proekty. - Rezhim dostupa:

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/pa/ru/ 10 faktov o fizicheskoj aktivnosti [Jelektronnyj resurs] / VOZ. Podborki faktov. Mart 2014 g. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/physical_activity/ru/ Kachestvo pitanija cheloveka [Jelektronnyj resurs] - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.nsp.kharkov.ua/red-line/752-food-quality.html Klinichni rekomendaciY z arterial'noY gipertenziY Єvropejs'kogo tovaristva gipertenziY (ESH) ta Єvropejs'kogo tovaristva kardiologiv (ESC) 2013 r. [Elektronnij resurs] - Rezhim dostupu: http://www.mif-ua.com/education/symposium/klinichni-rekomendaciyi-z-arterialnoyi-gipertenziyi-yevropejskogo-tovaristva-gipertenziyi-esh-ta-yevropejskogo-tovaristva-kardiologiv-esc-2013-r

Pitanie i fizicheskaja aktivnost': prioritetnaja problema obshhestvennogo zdravoohranenija [Jelektronnyj resurs] / VOZ. Programmy i proekty. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/ru/

Krutovij Zh.A. Pro sistemnij pidhid do rozrobki racioniv harchuvannja / Zh.A. Krutovij, L.O. Kasilova, Ju.Ju. Prikazchikova [ta in.] // Progresivni tehnika ta tehnologiY harchovih virobnictv restorannogo gospodarstva i torgivli. - 2013. - Vip. 1(1). - S. 246252.

VOZ. Voprosy dostupa:

9. Fizicheskaja aktivnost' [Jelektronnyj resurs] / zdravoohranenija. - Rezhim http://www.who.int/topics/physical_activity/ru/

10. Fizicheskaja inertnost': global'naja problema obshhestvennogo zdravoohranenija [Jelektronnyj resurs] / VOZ. Programmy i proekty. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/factsheet_inactivity/ru

11. Popkin B.M. A new proposed guidance system for beverage consumption in the United States / Popkin, L.E. Armstrong, G.M. Bray [et al.] // Am. J. Clin. Nutr. - 2006. - Vol.83, №3. - P. 529542

12. Erinosho T.O. Awareness of the fruits and veggies — More Matters campaign, knowledge of the fruit and vegetable recommendation, and fruit and vegetable intake of adults in the 2007 Food Attitudes and Behaviors (FAB) Survey / T.O. Erinosho, R.P. Moser, A.Y. Oh [et al.] // Appetite. - 2012.- Vol.59, №1. - P. 155-160

13. Goodman A.B. Behaviors and Attitudes Associated With Low Drinking Water Intake Among US Adults, Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey, 2007 [Electronic resource] / A.B. Goodman, H.M. Blanck, B. Sherry [et al.] // Prev. Chronic Dis. - 2013. - Vol. 10. - Mode of access: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2013/12_0248.htm

14. Frisoli T.M. Beyond salt: lifestyle modifications and blood pressure / T.M. Frisoli, R.E. Schmieder, T. Grodzicki [et al.] // Eur. Heart J. -

2011. - Vol.32. - P. 3081-3087.

15. Akers J.D. Daily self-monitoring of body weight, step count, fruit/vegetable intake, and water consumption: a feasible and effective long-term weight loss maintenance approach / J.D. Akers, R.A. Cornett, J.S. Savla [et al.] // J. Acad. Nutr. Diet. -

2012. - Vol.112. - P. 685-692.

16. Daniels M.C. Impact of water intake on energy intake and weight status: a systematic review / M.C. Daniels, B.M. Popkin // Nutr. Rev. - 2010. - Vol.68, №9. - P. 505-521.

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Ключові слова: здоров'я, вплив, вода, харчування, фiзична активність, рекомендації.

Актуальність збереження здоров'я та уникнення розвитку хвороб зумовлюють виняткову важливість правильного харчування, режиму пиття, посилення заходів щодо стимулювання фізичної активності та попередження розвитку ожиріння.










Ключевые слова: здоровье, влияние, вода, питание, физическая активность, рекомендации.

Актуальность сохранения здоровья и предупреждение развития болезней обуславливают исключительную важность правильного питания, режима питья, усиление мер пропаганды физической активности и предупреждения развития ожирения.

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