Научная статья на тему 'Basic methods in teaching foreign languages'

Basic methods in teaching foreign languages Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Toshpulatova Fotima Ungarovna

This article deals with the main methods in teaching foreign languages. A study of the methodological literature on this issue showed that teaching is an active interaction between the teacher and students and it cannot be one-sided, it depends on the teacher how successful the learning process will be. In teaching foreign languages, the main and related methods are distinguished as relatively universal methods. The article analyzes the features of methods in the activities of teachers and students. Each teaching methods and teachings in their comparison are considered, since they closely interact with each other.

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В данной статье речь идет об основных методах в обучении иностранным языкам. Изучение методической литературы по данному вопросу показало, что обучение это активное взаимодействие учителя и учащихся и оно не может носить односторонний характер, именно от учителя зависит то, насколько успешным будет процесс обучения. При обучении иностранным языкам выделяются в качестве относительно универсальных методов основные и сопутствующие методы. В статье проанализированы особенности методов в деятельности учителя и учащихся. Здесь методы преподавания и учения рассмотрены в их сопоставлении, так как они тесно взаимодействуют друг с другом.

Текст научной работы на тему «Basic methods in teaching foreign languages»

To solve each of the tasks set, students should know not only the general content of the video, but also remember the details, as well as be able to evaluate events, characterize the characters using words and expressions from the speech accompaniment of the video.

References / Список литературы

1. Barmenkova O.I. Video lessons in the system of teaching foreign speech // Foreign languages at school № 3. 1999. P. 20

2. Verisokin Y.I. Video film as a means of motivating students in teaching a foreign language // Foreign languages at school № 5, 2003. P. 31.

3. Weissburd M.L., Pustosmekhova L.N. Telecast as a support for organizing speech games in a foreign language lesson // Foreign languages at school № 6. 2002. P. 6

4. Solovova E.N. Using video in foreign language lessons // ELT News & Views № 1. March, 2003. P. 2.

BASIC METHODS IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Toshpulatova F.U. Email: Toshpulatova685@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article deals with the main methods in teaching foreign languages. A study of the methodological literature on this issue showed that teaching is an active interaction between the teacher and students and it cannot be one-sided, it depends on the teacher how successful the learning process will be. In teaching foreign languages, the main and related methods are distinguished as relatively universal methods. The article analyzes the features of methods in the activities of teachers and students. Each teaching methods and teachings in their comparison are considered, since they closely interact with each other. Keywords: teaching foreign languages, universal methods, basic and related methods, activities of teachers and students.


ЯЗЫКАМ Тошпулатова Ф.У.

Тошпулатова Фотима Унгаровна - преподаватель, кафедра практических аспектов языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье речь идет об основных методах в обучении иностранным языкам. Изучение методической литературы по данному вопросу показало, что обучение - это активное взаимодействие учителя и учащихся и оно не может носить односторонний характер, именно от учителя зависит то, насколько успешным будет процесс обучения. При обучении иностранным языкам выделяются в качестве относительно универсальных методов основные и сопутствующие методы. В статье проанализированы особенности методов в деятельности учителя и учащихся. Здесь методы преподавания и учения рассмотрены в их сопоставлении, так как они тесно взаимодействуют друг с другом.

Ключевые слова: обучения иностранные языки, универсальные методы, основные и сопутствующие методы, деятельность учителя и учащихся.

UDC 303.7.032.4

The processes of updating in the field of teaching foreign languages in a domestic school create a situation in which teachers are given the right and opportunity to independently choose the model for constructing courses of study for a subject, teaching aids and other teaching aids. In this situation, it is the teacher who must choose from among the many methodological systems that which is more consistent with the pedagogical realities and the specific conditions for teaching foreign languages.

When teaching foreign languages, we distinguish the following main and related methods as relatively universal methods.

In the teacher's activities, the main methods are: showing, explaining (setting landmarks or organizing their search by the students themselves), organizing training, organizing the application.

Accompanying each of these basic methods is control, including correction and evaluation.

In students' activities, the main methods are:

- familiarization (including sensory perception, comprehension, speaking), correlated with observation;

- reflection (including the awareness of the selected landmarks or their independent search, sometimes a detailed reasoning);

- training;

- the use of different types of speech activity.

Accompanying each of these basic methods is self-control, including self-correction and self-esteem [2, p.23]

Consider each of these methods of teaching and learning in their comparison, as they closely interact with each other.

A demonstration is understood as any form of presentation of a specific task, foreign-language educational material and actions for its implementation. The show as written by I.L. Bim, addresses mainly to the sensory perception of students (auditory, visual, motor). The teacher can simply show, for example, an object, an action and name it in English or show the pronunciation of sound, words, combinations of words. He can depict the situation by drawing on the board, "creating" it on the table, on the magnetic board, and so on, accompanying the corresponding statement in English.

The first of the identified basic teaching methods - familiarization - is associated with the show. Acquaintance with units of foreign language teaching material and actions for its implementation is based on their sensory perception, comprehension and is usually accompanied by pronunciation in internal and external speech. As a teaching method, familiarization is characterized by the presence of directed attention of students, the activity of perception, interest, awareness of the task facing him and methods for its implementation.

The next teaching method is explanation. Explanation means not only the disclosure of a particular speech action or series of actions, not only the identification of their essential features (landmarks), but also the organization by appropriate instruction of students to independently search for these landmarks. Thus, the explanation encourages the student to think, it is necessary and sufficient for understanding and awareness of the perceived material for the purpose of its subsequent meaningful training and application [2, p. 24].

Thinking as a teaching method is a whole complex of purposeful actions on the path of active appropriation of foreign language speech experience, stimulated, as a rule, by the teacher's explanation or by setting on an independent search for the essential characteristics of material units and implementation actions.

Thinking is used when a deep insight into phenomena and processes is needed. It is used by the student not only when he is dealing with the rules of the language, but also in all cases when it is necessary to see the internal form behind the external form. For example, when it is necessary to extract deep semantic connections from the text, and when it is

necessary to select and combine material for the connected messages. Organization of training is aimed at consolidating the material and actions for its implementation. In a word, conditions are being created for organizing the diverse use of units of material within the framework of narrow tasks and in artificial conditions.

The following basic teaching method corresponds to this teaching method - training. This is a special set of techniques based on multiple reproduction of individual actions with units of material. During training, not only memorization is provided, but also a phased assimilation of actions, their gradual, controlled transition into the personal experience of students. In addition, the more fragmented and fractional these actions are, the more focused they are, the faster this transition occurs, the sooner skills and abilities are formed [1, p. 75].

The selection, in addition to the basic teaching methods, of a concomitant method -control, is determined by the significance of this method of teacher activity. Monitoring the results of any pedagogical impact, carried out in an adequate form, is aimed, as a rule, at verification of mastery, at correction and assessment of student actions. Consequently, correction and evaluation act, on the one hand, as the methods of its implementation that accompany the control, and on the other hand, as one of the control tasks. This method accompanies each main method and all methods in general.

Self-control as a concomitant teaching method is related to control. The practical goals of teaching foreign languages include the formation of the ability to independently work on the language, but this is only possible if students will adequately use the techniques and methods of work, if they learn to independently control their actions. And not so much from the point of view of correct speech in formal plan, how much from the point of view of an adequate expression as a whole of its content [4, p. 27].

There is no doubt that training organized on the active use of all teaching methods, including self-control, is more manageable, and therefore more effective.

Therefore, in each training system, methods are interpreted differently, and since they act in a complex interaction and are a system together, that is, there is reason to argue that each training system has its own system of methods. So, a system of methods is understood as a socially determined, depending on the goals, content and means of teaching, an integrated set of teaching and learning methods based on the interaction of methods with each other and on the hierarchy of techniques within them [3, p. 29].

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that techniques are the specific content of actions with educational material, which vary greatly depending on the direction and system of teaching this subject at school. The specific content of the techniques is directly determined by the methodological principles that underlie the teaching of foreign languages within the framework of the system by which the training takes place.

References / Список литературы

1. Bernard D. Interaction and imagination of students in the practice of teaching languages // Communicative teaching of foreign languages: interuniversity. Sat scientific Proceedings of the Perm State Technical University. Perm, 1998. 120 p.

2. Bim I.L. The problem of methods of teaching foreign languages. // Foreign languages at school, 1974. № 2. P. 19-32.

3. Rogova G. V., Vereshchagin I.N. The methodology of teaching English at the initial stage in high school: A manual for the teacher. M.: Education, 1988. 224 p.

4. Solovova E.N. Methods of teaching foreign languages: The basic course of the lecture: A manual for students of pedagogical universities and teachers. M.: Education, 2002. 256 p.

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