Научная статья на тему 'Bases of formation of linguoculturological competence'

Bases of formation of linguoculturological competence Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Bases of formation of linguoculturological competence»



COMPETENCE Yakhshieva Zulfizar, Bobodganova Guzal

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, teacher

Annotation: This article deals with the linguistic picture of the world, linguistic consciousness - these are "features of the culture and social life of a given human collective, which determined its psychological identity, reflected in the specific features of a given language".

Keywords: linguoculturology, language and culture, components, formation.

Аннотация: В данной статье речь идет о языковой картине мира, о языковом сознании - это «особенности культуры и общественной жизни данного человеческого коллектива, определившие его психологическое своеобразие, отразившееся в специфических чертах данного языка».

Ключевые слова: лингвокультурология, язык и культура, компоненты, формирование.

Language is closely connected with culture: it grows into it, develops in it and expresses it. On the basis of this idea, a new science emerged - linguistic cultural studies, which in the 90s of the 20th century took shape as an independent area of linguistics. Linguoculturology is a branch of linguistics that emerged at the junction of linguistics and cultural studies, exploring the manifestations of the culture of a people, which are reflected and entrenched in the language.

The focus of linguoculturology is a person considered as a carrier of language and culture, his background knowledge, national-specific, behavioral norms, making him a representative of the culture. Problems related to the functioning and study of the language in a multilingual society are considered against the background of the overall picture of the language situation. the components of which are the status of the language, language policy, language competences, value orientations of native speakers that make up the language portrait of society.

Works that define the conditionality of the language in the very meaning of lexical units appear, highlight the so-called "cultural" component of the meaning of words and phraseological units, reveal the linguistic nature of "background" knowledge, show the features and originality of their functioning.

Modern school faces the task of forming and developing productive bilingual-ism and multilingualism, the formation of a linguistic personality. This problem is currently becoming particularly acute: bilingualism in our multi-ethnic state should become the norm for every person. Possession along with the uzbek language as the most important means of inter-ethnic communication, a means of

familiarizing with the cultural achievements of peoples and to world culture is vital.

The implementation of this task depends on the effectiveness of teaching the Uzbek language at school, primarily at the initial stage, since during this period the foundation was laid, on the basis of which the whole further process of mastering the language and its culture is built, a positive psychological attitude is created, and interest in them is formed.

Linguocultural orientation in learning requires the teacher to introduce students not only to knowledge of the word, but also to the phenomenon of material and spiritual culture, which reflects the history of the people, their mentality in the cultural and historical environment that forms the linguistic personality. Through exercises containing linguistic and culturological material, the teacher will be able to help create a linguistic picture of the world, acquaint with vocabulary, idioms, texts that reflect the culture of the Uzbek people. The process of formation of linguistic and cultural concepts in the lessons of the Uzbek language is closely connected with the education of love for the native culture, respectful attitude to the languages and cultures of other nations, their familiarization with world culture. Today, the importance of linguocultural education, ensuring the spiritual and moral development of the individual, the formation of linguocultural self-identification as a necessary component of its ideological potential and the conditions for integration into world culture, is actualized with particular urgency.

In this connection, the problem of interaction between language and culture becomes relevant, since it is from culture that spiritual communication of people begins, understanding and cooperation of peoples, and the communication of cultures is actualized in the communication of personalities, the main means of which is the language.

Linguoculturology is a scientific discipline bordering the sciences of culture and philology (linguistics). Linguoculturology is defined as "a complex scientific discipline of a synthesizing type that studies the relationship and interaction of culture and language in its functioning and reflects this process as an integral structure of units in the unity of their linguistic and extra-lingual (cultural) content".

The main object of the study of cultural linguistics is the relationship and interaction of culture and language in the process of its functioning. The object of linguoculturology is the study of the interaction of language, which is a translator of cultural information, culture with its attitudes and preferences and the person who creates this culture using the language. The object is located at the "junction" of several fundamental sciences - linguistics and cultural studies, ethnography and psycholinguistics.

Linguoculturology studies the national forms of being of society, reproduced in the system of language communication and based on the cultural values of a specific historical community. The most important task of linguoculturology and its characteristic distinguishing feature is the systematic representation of the

culture of the people in its language. Linguoculturology explores the linguistic picture of the world, gives a systematic description of the facts of language and culture in their interaction and interrelation.

It closely interacts with cultural studies, linguistic and cultural studies, ethno-linguistics, and sociolinguistics, but at the same time it has its own specifics and a special aspect of studying the problem of language and culture. The object of its study includes lexical units with national-structural semantics of linguistic units in order to understand them in their entirety of content and shades, to a degree as close as possible to their perception by the speakers of a given language and a given culture. With this approach, linguoculturology is an aspect of linguistics that studies the problem of reflecting national culture in language and the problem of speech activity in the context of intercultural communication.

Language communication is a prerequisite for the existence and development of human culture, it ensures the unity of cultural processes within the framework of this community, storage and transmission of cultural values. Thus, communicative activity turns out to be the link in which language intersects and interacts as a system of symbolic units of different levels and a culture in which it exists and of which it is a necessary component.

The focus of linguistic culturology is a person considered as a carrier of language and culture, his background knowledge, national-specific, behavioral norms that make an individual a representative of this culture.

From the above, it can be concluded that the main objects of study of cultural linguistics are "Man", "Language", "Culture" in their interrelation. In the triad of these initial concepts, the first place is occupied by the notion "Man" and the notion "linguistic personality" that follows from it.

A linguistic personality is a personality expressed in a language, i.e., in the oral and written texts it creates, ensuring its vital activity in society. By the range of speech opportunities, the elite linguistic personality stands out. The concept of "language personality" becomes the central, backbone concept of modern language teaching. A person as a linguistic person is at the same time a carrier of language and culture, which makes them interconnected. The formation of a linguistic personality is proclaimed as the main goal of language learning, and the real communicative, cognitive and cultural needs of the individual form the basis of the learning system. Thus, there arises the problem of studying the structure of a linguistic personality and its needs for constructing an ideal model of a linguistic personality as a desired result of the formation process. Moreover, the object of consideration is a multilingual (or at least bilingual) language personality. Mastering the native language and culture allows the student to communicate within the same ethno-social and cultural community; the assimilation of another language and culture of the people - its carrier opens up the possibility of intercultural communication and the formation of a bilingual linguistic personality in the process of this communication.

A multilingual linguistic personality is a person who speaks several languages. In our country, this is at least a trilingual personality: owning a native

language, russian, and one of the european languages as a means of international communication (English, French, German). Mastering a second language involves learning a new linguistic picture of the world.

To know the linguistic picture of the language being studied is to become imbued with the world outlook of the people - its carrier, to penetrate into its linguistic consciousness. Description of the linguistic picture of the world in order to comprehend both the native and the studied language is one of the urgent tasks of linguodidactics. The solution of this problem is important for the knowledge of the system of the language being studied, for the formation of the linguistic, linguistic and linguocultural competence of students.

The interrelation of language and culture is one of the basic concepts of the linguoculturological concept of language learning. This question can be considered in three aspects:

1) language as an indicator of the general culture of a person, his speech culture and culture of communication.

2) language as a phenomenon of culture and as a treasury of the culture of a people, its keeper and means of transmission from one generation to another.

3) language in its aesthetic function as a means of creating literature, one of the most important components of culture.

The cultural minimum is in our case the realities of Uzbek culture and English culture. The linguistic picture of the world, or linguistic consciousness, is "the peculiarities of the culture and social life of a given human collective, which determined its psychological originality, reflected in the specific features of the given language". Description of the linguistic picture of the world in order to comprehend both the native and the studied language is one of the urgent tasks of linguodidactics. The solution of this task is important for the knowledge of the system of the language being studied, for the formation of not only linguistic, but also ethnocultural competence of students.

Each language divides the world in different ways, so some concepts may be absent in a particular language. For example, in English there are words "brother" and "sister", but there are no special words for "elder (younger) brother" and "elder (younger) sister", whereas in the Uzbek language these concepts are (aka, uka, singil, opa), but there are no common words "brother" and "sister."

Language is a way of existence and transmission of culture, the implementation of which occurs through the texts. The text is the basic unit of the formation of a linguistic personality, because it is through the text that the student gets the opportunity to learn new knowledge and values, the spiritual culture of his and other people, to verify their moral and aesthetic positions.

The artistic text performs a special function associated with the depiction of phenomena and processes of national history and culture. At the same time, the works of fiction themselves are part of the national culture, reveal the peculiarities of the national character, the moral and aesthetic ideal of the people. Therefore, linguistic and culturological analysis of a literary text, for example, at the vocabulary level (highlighting non-equivalent words, connotative and back-

ground vocabulary, phraseological combinations, proverbs and sayings, etc.) will allow students to get acquainted with the lifestyle, traditions of peoples, their national character. Awareness of the language as a phenomenon of culture, as a cultural and historical environment, embodying the history, culture, customs of the people, comprehending it as a treasury of culture, contributing to the storage and transmission of the material and spiritual culture of society from generation to generation, leads to the need to describe the national cultural component meanings of linguistic units of all levels and above all, vocabulary, phraseology, aphoristics and text. The linguistic picture of the world, the national-cultural halo of the word are especially clearly reflected in the concepts of culture and the words that call them. Based on concepts related to the character and way of life of the people, poets and writers create metaphors, bright artistic images that return to the people, enrich their linguistic consciousness, give impetus to the development of their spirituality. Identifying and describing culture keywords, concept words is an urgent task of linguistic culturology, significant for enriching the students' conceptual sphere. Mastering the norms of verbal communication, the development of communicative competence is one of the goals of language learning, for the achievement of which it is necessary to describe the national-cultural features of verbal behavior, the rules of intercultural communication.

A comparative description of speech behavior, cultural realities, vocabulary with a national-cultural component of meaning in English and native languages and cultures will help to assimilate the national-cultural specifics of language means serving communication and cultural needs of a person, help to create the necessary knowledge for communication of culture.

In our time, when national problems are particularly relevant, it is necessary to find the right angle in the study of the mother tongue, in no way exaggerating or belittling its merits and capabilities. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out purposeful work to inculcate interest in the native language, which should be closely connected with the upbringing of national and international feelings: through the national it is necessary to develop the international qualities of students, as a person who does not perceive and does not love his native language, his culture, will be able to appreciate the language and culture of another people.

Knowledge of the native language is the enrichment of your spiritual world, knowledge of the past, present and future of your people, your homeland, therefore, teachers of the Uzbek language and literature in their native language lessons should set and solve the following tasks aimed at raising interest and respect for the language and culture of others Peoples: 1) a system of exercises and forms of work to form students' love and devotion to the motherland, to their people; 2) working on language material, cultivate a love for the native language, culture and the English language as the language of interethnic communication of peoples; 3) foster respect for the languages and cultures of other nations; 4) to develop among schoolchildren a sense of respect for the memory of the past of our Motherland, of its people, and of the peoples of other coun-

tries; 5) to cultivate the love of native nature as an integral part of national self-consciousness.

Mastering the native language, the child learns not only words, their addition and modification, but also an infinite number of concepts, views on objects, a lot of thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of the language. Such is this great national teacher - the native word.


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2. Alefirenko, N.F. Linguoculturology / N.F. Alefirenko. - M .: Book on Demand, 2012. -284 c.

3. Vorobiev, V. V. Lingvokulturologiya / V. V. Sparrows. - M .: Publishing House of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 2008. - 340 p.

4. Zinovyeva, E. I. Lingvokulturologiya. Theory and Practice / E.I. Zinoviev, E.E. Yurkov. - M .: MIRS, 2009. - 747 c.

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6. Kutyeva, M.V. Portable semantics of the common vocabulary of the Spanish language in the aspect of linguistic culturology / M.V. Kutyeva. - Moscow: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), 2011. - 527 p.


Вориводина Мария Владимировна, студент (marie@nxt.ru) Федорова Светлана Николаевна, к.э.н., доцент (svetl-fedorova@mail.ru) Юго-Западный государственный университет, г.Курск, Россия

В работе изучена тема дополнительного школьного образования и подробно описана работа научной лаборатории КвадрУм.

Ключевые слова: КвадрУм, робототехника, химия, физика.

В современном мире остро стоит вопрос образования человечества. Людям еще с древних времен стало ясно, что знания необходимо давать ребенку с малых лет. Дополнительное образование- это не просто внеклассная деятельность, предполагающая занятия в различных кружках или секциях. Это понятие выступает средством формирования личности ребенка и непрерывного обучения полезным навыкам. Дополнительное образование в начальной школе, средней или старшей - это мероприятия и факультативы, которые должны быть объединены в единое образовательное пространство.

В городе Курске существует научная лаборатория "КвадрУм". Научная лаборатория КвадрУм - это уникальные программы развития ребенка с 6 до 14 лет, которые ведутся по следующим направлениям:

- Робототехника (рис. 1);

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