BARRIERS TO EQUALITY IN THE ARAB EDUCATION SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Alvakili Noha

This article explores approaches to reduce inequality between the Arab minority and the Jewish majority in the State of Israel. Three strategies were presented to reduce the inequality of Arab students in Israel's education system. In order to narrow the education gap between Arab minorities and the Jewish population, it is necessary to identify and diagnose the common needs and interests of Arab students, and to develop and implement approaches that promote development and equality for all students, regardless of their nationality.

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В этой статье рассмотрены подходы для уменьшения неравенства между арабским меньшинством и еврейским большинством в Государстве Израиль. Были представлены три стратегии снижения неравенства арабских учащихся в системе образования Израиля. Для сокращения разрыва в уровне образованности между арабскими меньшинствами и еврейским населением необходимо выявлять и диагностировать общие потребности и интересы учащихся из арабского сектора, разрабатывать и реализовывать подходы, способствующие развитию и равенству всех учащихся, независимо от их национальности.


8. Копытов Н.Ф. Горно-Алтайское педагогическое училище (Очерки истории). Горно-Алтайск, 1994. - 200 с.

9. Кудирмекова Н.И. Становление и развитие алтайской национальной школы (1917-1958 гг.): монография. - Горно-Алтайск: РИО ГАГУ, 2008. - 180 с.

10. Культурное строительство на Алтае. 1917-1941. Документы и материалы. Барнаул, 1980.

11. Тимофеева Ф.М. Из истории социалистической культурной революции в Горном Алтае // Культурное строительство в Сибири в 1917-1960 гг. Новосибирск, 1962. - С. 117-118.


UDC 371

PhD student of Alvakili Noha

Institute of International Relations of Moldova (IRIM) (Kishinev)


Annotation. This article explores approaches to reduce inequality between the Arab minority and the Jewish majority in the State of Israel. Three strategies were presented to reduce the inequality of Arab students in Israel's education system. In order to narrow the education gap between Arab minorities and the Jewish population, it is necessary to identify and diagnose the common needs and interests of Arab students, and to develop and implement approaches that promote development and equality for all students, regardless of their nationality.

Keywords: education in the Arab sector, inequalities, barriers to reducing inequality.

Аннотация. В этой статье рассмотрены подходы для уменьшения неравенства между арабским меньшинством и еврейским большинством в Государстве Израиль. Были представлены три стратегии снижения неравенства арабских учащихся в системе образования Израиля. Для сокращения разрыва в уровне образованности между арабскими меньшинствами и еврейским населением необходимо выявлять и диагностировать общие потребности и интересы учащихся из арабского сектора, разрабатывать и реализовывать подходы, способствующие развитию и равенству всех учащихся, независимо от их национальности.

Ключевые слова: образование в арабском секторе, неравенство, барьеры на пути сокращения неравенства.

Introduction. Israel is made up of a Jewish majority but an Arab minority. The ethnic-national minorities in Israel are the Arabs, Druze, Bedouins and Circassians. A minority is a group of people distinct from the majority group. The minority population in Israel is not uniform and has different approaches to the State of Israel, even within the same population group. The importance of equal opportunities in the education system and attempts to achieve almost everything is agreed in Israel, and the agreement crosses political and ethnic boundaries. In international tests, Israeli students are often at the top of the list of academic gaps between students of different classes and backgrounds, and over the years several committees have discussed the solutions to the situation.

The innovating point of this article is that it offers dealing with overt and covert barriers to reducing equality. This is particularly important since the new generation in the Arab sector, on the one hand, is exposed to the values of democracy equality and human rights, and on the other, encounters the gaps that exist in the equality of sectors, expresses anger at the establishment and exacerbates the activities and the presentation of equality. In this article I will present the main barriers to reducing inequality in the education system in Israel [1-5].

The main content of the article. Many studies and many governmental committees have examined the relationship between Jews and Arabs in Israel, and highlighted the deep divide between these two groups and the inequalities that exist between the Jewish and Arab sectors on all levels. Suggestions have been made for improvement and change, but if this is the knowledge most often in the field of theory and no breakthrough in the field is evident.

Many studies address areas of significant inequality between Jews and Arabs. This article does not deal with the description of these gaps, but it offers a way of thinking about clarifying the barriers to the inequality between Arabs and Jews with the idea that their understanding will help to reduce the gaps.

If we classify the existing barriers to inequality we can distinguish:

1. Objects barriers - which are the result of the social historical context, including the Arab-Jewish conflict. These barriers may include: geopolitical circumstances, structural conditions, religious and traditional prejudices, abilities and skills.

2. Subjective barriers - which include values and norms, attitudes and perceptions, relationships.

Objective and subjective barriers can appear across a continuum ranging from the individual level, the group level (for example, residents of a particular space, lifestyle, religion) to the level of the ethnic collective (Arabs versus Jews).

3. External barriers - originating from the behaviour of government institutions and Jewish society.

These barriers can be:

(1) The set of norms that the Jewish sector has in relation to the Arab sector. Barriers like existential threat, disloyalty to the state.

(2) The preference of the Jewish sector to the details of the Jewish population over the Arab. They prefer to employ Jews, teach Jews, and as a result there is a lack of communication that can lead to disconnection.

(3) The geopolitical barriers that anchor the Israeli-Palestinian conflict between Israel and the Arab countries. They reflect the political identity of the Jewish sector as opposed to the Arab sector.

4. Internal barriers originating in the Arab sector itself, which constitute minority groups. Here, too, different types of barriers can be categorized:

(1) A sense of historical injustice and a desire to correct justice in the future.

(2) A subjective perception of the Arab sector. These barriers include the norms and values that prevail in Arab choice and basically shape their attitude toward government institutions, Arab society, personal status and unique religious views.

(3) Objects barriers such as residence, job-centric distance, peripheral-centred education and service, restrictions on women's activity.

How the barriers appear: The barriers can appear at any stage of the decision-making / policy process.

Starting with process:

1) The problem definition. There may be subjective barriers which are the values and norms of the decision makers that are different from the minority group. Due to the lack of communication resulting from the external barriers, decision makers will not be able to stop their mistake.

2) Raising the issue on the agenda - Almost all barriers lead to the failure to raise the policy to the public agenda. These barriers can stem from the nature of Jewish and Arab customs, fearing that the Jewish sector will lose power as the Arab minority group grows.

3) Formulation of solutions usually encounters objective structural barriers that involve changing the social patterns of both groups in the Jewish and Arab sectors.

4) Implementation of the Policy - Even when policies are set for non-allocation of economic resources, bureaucratic opposition to power, thwart policy decisions on the one hand, on the part of local Arab sector leaders who, for certain reasons, value and tradition to maintain the existing situation.

What are the centres of power of the Arab minority that can cope with these barriers? Five such points can be specified:

1) Extra-parliamentary political movements (such as the Islamic Movement).

2) National action organizations such as the Supreme Monitoring Committee and the Committee of Arab Local Authorities.

3) NGOs.

4) Local Authorities and Heads of Local Authorities.

5) Parliamentary Representatives.

Strategies for dealing with barriers. Three main strategies for dealing with barriers can be identified, the first -a macro strategy - that deals with the essence of the state and its character, it requires a radical revolutionary change that cannot always be applied. The second - Mezzo strategy - deals with key areas of daily life, including the political and cultural sectors. The third - micro strategy - tackles unique issues. This strategy does not deal with the state's image and does not seek a comprehensive change in a particular field. It identifies a critical niche through which penetration and action in its field can reduce gaps and promote equality.

The changes that are being sought are changes in the centres of political power mainly. Arab centres of power can contribute to reducing barriers in each of the three strategies. Of course, the macro strategy is difficult. The Arab centres of power always have a central dilemma stemming from these three strategies, they always face two options: focusing on removing barriers, promoting their civil rights as individuals, and promoting certain cultural rights against the promotion of Palestinian national identity and their right to live in Israel as an unequalled Palestinian citizen. Choosing the second option means changing the macro and increasing the external barriers of the Jewish sector. Choosing the first option will lead the Arab minority and its leaders to achieve the cooperation of the Jewish public, thereby reducing external barriers, which may lead to an improvement in the status of Arab Israeli citizens as a minority group.


1. Abu-Asaba, K., (2006) The Arab Education System A Saturation Barrier, within Barriers to Arab Equality in Israel, the Florsheimer Institute for Policy Studies, 183-194. 2006

2. Gavison & Balfour (2005) Background material for discussion of "Minority Collective Rights", submitted to the Knesset Constitution and Justice Committee, August 2005

3. Hasson S., (2006) Barriers to Equality and Development between Arabs and Jews in Israel

4. Markowitz H. (2011), an adequate representation of members of the Arab population, including Druze and Circassians in the civil service, from the Civil Service Commission report. As of 2011

5. Shavit, Feniger & Arbiv-Elyashiv (2017), Is There a Chance for Change? Current Theory and Research on Equal Opportunities in Education, Raanana, Mofet Institute, 2017


УДК: 378

кандидат педагогических наук Алдакимова Ольга Викторовна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Армавирский государственный педагогический университет» (г. Армавир)


Аннотация. В статье представлен анализ содержания и структуры межкультурной компетентности преподавателя педагогического вуза. Выявлены и охарактеризованы ценностно-ориентационный, познавательный, деятельностно-поведенческий, рефлексивно-оценочный компоненты межкультурной компетентности преподавателя педагогического вуза. Рассмотрены возможности современных педагогических технологий в формировании межкультурной компетентности при изучении дисциплин педагогического цикла.

Ключевые слова: межкультурная компетентность, структура межкультурной компетентности преподавателя, педагогические дисциплины.

Annotation. The article presents an analysis of the content and structure of intercultural competence of a teacher of a pedagogical university. The value-orientational, cognitive, activity-behavioral, reflective-evaluative components of the intercultural competence of the teacher of a pedagogical university have been identified and characterized. The possibilities of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of intercultural competence in the study of the disciplines of the pedagogical cycle are considered.

Keywords: intercultural competence, structure of intercultural competence of a teacher, pedagogical disciplines.

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