Научная статья на тему 'Background and objectives of free economic zones'

Background and objectives of free economic zones Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Медведев С. В., Кириллова А. В.

This article briefly describes the history of the creation of free economic zones, the purpose of their creation and their types of functioning. There are presented some zones which are already operating at the moment. As an example, it is considered the Togliatti free economic zone, its goals, causes and history of creation. Tax benefits of the free economic zone, as well as its residents are characterized here

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Текст научной работы на тему «Background and objectives of free economic zones»


11.Брусс Е.А. Инновационный подход к развитию строительной сферы // Новый университет. Серия: Экономика и право. 2015. № 6 (52). С. 59-61.

12.Gorgotskaya E.A., Selyutina L.G. Budgeting as the innovative finance management method of a building company in the conditions of business scale growth // Of beaming and organization of effective functioning of innovation sphere of economy enterprise, industry, the complex: proceedings of the International œnference, 28-30 April 2013. Austria, Salzburg, 2013. PP. 92-98.

© Малиновская М.А., Калинин В.Ю., Акопян К.Г., 2017

УДК 332.122.5

С.В. Медведев

студент 4 курса А.В. Кириллова

к.п.н., доцент кафедра «Теория и практика перевода» Тольяттинский государственный университет г.Тольятти, Российская Федерация



This article briefly describes the history of the creation of free economic zones, the purpose of their creation and their types of functioning. There are presented some zones which are already operating at the moment. As an example, it is considered the Togliatti free economic zone, its goals, causes and history of creation. Tax benefits of the free economic zone, as well as its residents are characterized here.

Key words

Free economic zone, international economic relations, domestic economy, a classification of free economic zones,

the Togliatti special economic zone

Special economic zones are getting more and more popular being an integral part of international economic relations and solving different types of tasks. It is a wide range of social, political, scientific and technological problems that many countries aim to resolve according to their own needs. Setting up goals depends mainly on the economical and political situation of the country and its international relations.

The purposes of creation of free economic zones may be different for different countries [2, P. 51]. Among the main objectives are the following:

• Acceleration of economic development of certain regions by attracting foreign investors;

• increasing of the export potential of the country;

• setting up manufacturing of high quality products for the domestic market, which is unique in the state;

• acquiring modern international experience of management, economics and innovation;

• tax planning [3].

Under certain conditions, free economic zones accelerate the inclusion of the national economy into the interstate communication, stimulate the economic development of the country as a whole and act as poles of its economic development. Free economic zones can serve as a tool of regulating economic relations with other countries and domestic economy [6, P. 286].

A free economic zone is a limited area with favorable economic conditions for domestic and foreign entrepreneurs. A free economic zone has a special legal status in comparison to the rest of the territory of the country.

Proceeding from the state in creating special economic zones objectives, their structure may vary. The


classification of free economic zones is quite diverse, but traditionally there are the following types:

1. free trade zone;

2. joint ventures zone;

3. banking area and the insurance area;

4. technological zones;

5. integrated zones.

It should be noted that SEZ are among the oldest economic groups. However, the definition, revealing the nature of these economic structures, appeared relatively recently.

The first free economic zone in the world is the city of Livorno, which was declared a free trade city in 1547.

So, the first stage in the special economic zones development was characterized by the fact that they were the trade-warehouse and transit zones. This is the oldest type of free economic zones, enabling businesses to store, pack, label, partially process and overload different goods without customs duties and other charges. Currently, there are more than 200 small free ports for transit, warehousing and trade in the world.

Special economic zones have a long history and they are especially widespread in developing countries. Due to the official data there are over 150 free economic zones in more than 45 countries now. Speaking about the preferable industries of zones, electronics and clothes manufacturing takes 75% of all their production. Other important industries are agricultural row-materials processing and manufacturing of furniture, footwear, sport equipment and different products of light industry [5, 410].

The free economic zone in Togliatti was established according to the resolution of the Russian Federation government on 12 August 2010. The free economic zone is managed by the Regional Administration of the Samara region and Federal Agency for the Management of special economic zones in Russia. With an area of 660 ha the Togliatti special economic zone is one the largest industrial type zone in Russia. The primary aims of its construction are:

• to create new work-places for employees;

• to attract investors by establishing favourable conditions for both national and international companies;

• to improve development of the economy of the Samara region and Togliatti in particular.

The decision to found the special economic zone in Togliatti was supported by the fact that this region is one of the most economically developed in Russia with high labour potential.

Location advantages:

• federal highway M5 crosses the territory next to the special economic zone;

• the closest international airport Kurumoch is 60 km away from the free economic zone;

• the nearest railway station is 8 km from the special economic zone;

• the nearest river port is 17 km away the free economic zone.

Tax preferences:

• property tax 0% for 10 years;

• transport tax 0% for 5 years;

• land tax 0% for the first 5 years.

In 2012 the infrastructural construction works on the territory of the special economic zone were started. But the first manufacturing process began in two years in August 2014.

There are 22 registered residents from Russia, the USA, the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Japan in the Togliatti special economic zone now. They invested over 15 billion rubles. They represented the production of autocomponents, polymer processing, the production of pharmaceuticals and machine-tool construction.

It should be concluded that the study of international experience of free economic zones creation is important for individual regions and countries as a whole.

Список использованной литературы: 1. Федеральный закон от 22.07.2005 N 116-ФЗ (ред. от 23.07.2013) «Об особых экономических зонах в


Российской Федерации» //Справочно-правовая система Консультант Плюс

2. Безуглая В.М. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность: курс лекций. - Тамбов: Изд-во Тамб. гос. техн. ун-та, 2011. - 80 с.

3. Быкова Н.Н. Налоговая оптимизация как составляющая налогового планирования. Вестник СамГУПС. 2009. Т. 1. № 6. С. 24а-29.

4. Дралин А.И., Михнева С.Г. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность: учебное пособие. Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп. - Пенза: Информационно-издательский центр ПГУ, 2011. - 127 с.

5. Диденко Н.И. Международная экономика. - Ростов-н/Д.: Феникс, 2012. - 784с.

6. Кудров В.М. Мировая экономика: социально-экономические модели развития. Учебное пособие. - М: Магистр, 2012. - С. 286.

© Медведев С.В., Кириллова А.В., 2017

УДК 65.012.12

Медкова Д. А., Иванова К. Г.


4 курс Факультет «Корпоративной экономики и предпринимательства»

Научный руководитель - Л. Н. Лапшова,

к.т.н, доцент

Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления

Россия, г. Новосибирск


В данной статье рассмотрен система менеджмента и его необходимость для современных организаций. Так же акцентировано внимание на том, что человеческий ресурс - один из основных ресурсов компании.

Ключевые слова

Современный менеджмент, управление персоналом, человек, «победа».

Современный менеджмент является стройной системой знаний, в которую включаются: планирование производственных процессов, выстраивание организационной структуры, составление бюджета, управление проектами, анализ рентабельности инвестиций, развитие брэнда — без этого невозможно управлять бизнесом. Все вышесказанные методы появились в начале XX века. Именно тогда Фредерик Тейлор и Генри Форд начали работу над научной организацией труда и созданием «современного» менеджмента.

В начале XX столетия было большое количество новых открытий, но их количество существенно уменьшилось, а в последние годы оригинальные идеи высказывались совсем редко. Менеджмент действительно существует более века, поэтому не удивительно, что появляются попытки изменить его, причем порой самым революционным образом. Так, например, Гэри Хэмел [1,2], признанный авторитет в мире менеджмента утверждает, что «Менеджмент 1.0» как менеджмент ХХ века исчерпал себя, ему на смену должен прийти «Менеджмент 2.0», а «Компании, построенные на теориях управления прошлого века, разработанных во время промышленной революции, уже обречены».

В новой книге «Манифест лидера. Что действительно важно сейчас» [3] Гэри Хэмел говорит, что

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