AYURVEDIC APPROACH TO MANAGING BACK PAIN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Ключевые слова
Ayurveda / Back Pain / Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Traditional Medicine / аюрведа / боль в спине / альтернативная медицина / традиционная медицина

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским наукам и общественному здравоохранению, автор научной работы — Аджу Дж. Джордж

Introduction. Back pain is a prevalent and often debilitating ailment that affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Conventional medical treatments offer relief but sometimes fall short of addressing the root causes. An alternative approach that has gained recognition is Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine originating in India. Ayurveda focuses on holistic healing, emphasizing the interplay between the mind, body, and spirit. Methods. This article presents a comprehensive exploration of Ayurvedic principles and practices for managing back pain. Our research included a thorough literature review of Ayurvedic sources, expert interviews with practitioners, and a qualitative synthesis of findings. We examined the role of dosha imbalances, individualized treatment approaches, and holistic well-being in the context of back pain management. Results. Ayurveda's unique perspective identifies back pain as a manifestation of dosha imbalances, particularly an aggravated Vata dosha. Ayurvedic treatments encompass dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, yoga, Abhyanga (oil massage), meditation, and lifestyle modifications. These treatments aim to pacify Vata dosha and promote balance. Qualitative synthesis suggests potential benefits, while scientific evidence supporting Ayurvedic interventions is ongoing. Discussion. The individualized approach of Ayurveda, tailoring treatments to one's dosha constitution, offers a promising avenue for back pain relief. The emphasis on holistic well-being, addressing mental and emotional factors, aligns with the broader trend towards integrative healthcare. While limitations exist, including the need for further research, Ayurveda's enduring wisdom reminds us of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the journey towards back pain relief. Conclusion. Ayurveda emerges as a holistic and complementary approach to managing back pain. Its ancient roots offer a timeless path towards harmony and well-being. As we navigate the complexities of back pain, embracing Ayurveda's wisdom encourages a deeper connection with our bodies and the natural world, resonating with the holistic healthcare approaches of our time.

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Введение. Боль в спине – распространенная и часто встречающаяся жалоба, которая встречается у людей всех возрастов и социальных групп. Традиционные методы медицинского лечения предоставляют облегчение, но не всегда решают этиологические причины. Один из альтернативных подходов, который набирает признание, – это Аюрведа, древняя система медицины, зародившаяся в Индии. Аюрведа сосредоточена, главным образом, на холистическом исцелении и подчеркивает взаимодействие между психикой и телом. Методы. В данной статье представлено всестороннее исследование аюрведических принципов и методов управления болью в спине. Наши исследования включили в себя тщательный обзор литературы, экспертные интервью с практикующими специалистами и качественный анализ полученных данных. Мы рассмотрели роль дисбаланса дош в контексте управления болью в спине, индивидуальные подходы к лечению и холистическое благополучие. Результаты. В аюрведической медицине боль в спине определяется как проявление дисбаланса дош, особенно усиления доши Вата. Аюрведические методы включают в себя коррекцию диеты, травяные рецепты, йогу, Абхьянгу (массаж маслом), медитацию и коррекцию образа жизни. Эти методы направлены на укрощение доши Вата и восстановление гармонии. Качественный анализ намекает на потенциальную эффективность этих методов, хотя научные доказательства, подтверждающие аюрведические вмешательства, все еще находятся в процессе разработки. Обсуждение. Индивидуализированный подход Аюрведы, адаптированный к конституции дош, предоставляет многообещающую возможность для облегчения боли в спине. Уделяя внимание холистическому благополучию и воздействию на ментальные и эмоциональные факторы, Аюрведа соответствует общему тренду интегрированной медицины. Несмотря на существующие ограничения, включая необходимость дальнейших исследований, древняя мудрость Аюрведы напоминает нам о взаимосвязи между разумом, телом и духом в пути к облегчению боли в спине. Заключение. Аюрведа представляет собой холистический и дополняющий метод управления болью в спине. Уникальная система основана на эмпирическом и холистическом подходе является безопасным дополнением к основной терапии заболеваний и состояний, сопровождающихся болью в спине.


УДК: 615.825.1 DOI: 10.24412/2790-1289-2023-3-80-87

МРНТИ: 76.35.35


Aju G. George*

Ayurveda Treatment Centre «Brahmi», India, Kerala

*Corresponding author


Introduction. Back pain is a prevalent and often debilitating ailment that affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Conventional medical treatments offer relief but sometimes fall short of addressing the root causes. An alternative approach that has gained recognition is Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine originating in India. Ayurveda focuses on holistic healing, emphasizing the interplay between the mind, body, and spirit.

Methods. This article presents a comprehensive exploration of Ayurvedic principles and practices for managing back pain. Our research included a thorough literature review of Ayurvedic sources, expert interviews with practitioners, and a qualitative synthesis of findings. We examined the role of dosha imbalances, individualized treatment approaches, and holistic well-being in the context of back pain management.

Results. Ayurveda's unique perspective identifies back pain as a manifestation of dosha imbalances, particularly an aggravated Vata dosha. Ayurvedic treatments encompass dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, yoga, Abhyanga (oil massage), meditation, and lifestyle modifications. These treatments aim to pacify Vata dosha and promote balance. Qualitative synthesis suggests potential benefits, while scientific evidence supporting Ayurvedic interventions is ongoing.

Discussion. The individualized approach of Ayurveda, tailoring treatments to one's dosha constitution, offers a promising avenue for back pain relief The emphasis on holistic well-being, addressing mental and emotional factors, aligns with the broader trend towards integrative healthcare. While limitations exist, including the need for further research, Ayurveda's enduring wisdom reminds us of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the journey towards back pain relief.

Conclusion. Ayurveda emerges as a holistic and complementary approach to managing back pain. Its ancient roots offer a timeless path towards harmony and well-being. As we navigate the complexities of back pain, embracing Ayurveda's wisdom encourages a deeper connection with our bodies and the natural world, resonating with the holistic healthcare approaches of our time.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Back Pain, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Traditional Medicine.


Back pain is a pervasive and often debilitating ailment that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It can stem from a myriad of causes, including poor posture, muscle strain, injury, or underlying medical conditions [1]. For those seeking relief from this persistent discomfort, the world of medicine offers various treatment options, from conventional approaches like pain medications and physical therapy to more holistic methods [2].

One such holistic approach that has been

gaining recognition and trust is Ayurveda. Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine that originated in India, offers a unique perspective on health and healing. It revolves around the concept of holistic wellness, emphasizing the delicate interplay between the mind, body, and spirit. Unlike conventional medicine, which often targets isolated symptoms, Ayurveda aims to address the root causes of ailments by restoring harmony within the individual [3].

In this article, we delve into the profound

Ayurvedic approach to managing one of the most common and debilitating health issues faced worldwide: back pain. Ayurveda, often referred to as the «science of life», offers a holistic and time-tested methodology that blends natural remedies, lifestyle adjustments, and dietary modifications to not only alleviate back pain but also promote long-term well-being.

Before we explore the Ayurvedic approach to managing back pain, it's crucial to understand the foundational principles of Ayurveda and how they relate to this prevalent ailment. By delving into the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine, we can uncover effective, natural strategies that empower individuals to find relief and maintain a balanced and pain-free life. So, let's embark on a journey through the realms of Ayurveda to discover how it can offer both solace and enduring benefits to those grappling with the challenges of back pain |4|.

Foundational principles of Ayurveda. Ayurveda, often regarded as the «science of life», is an ancient system of medicine that has been practiced for over five millennia in India. At its core, Ayurveda is founded on a set of principles that guide its approach to health and healing [1; 31. These principles provide a profound understanding of the human body, mind, and spirit, emphasizing the importance of balance and harmony. Here are the foundational principles of Ayurveda:

1. The Three Doshas: Central to Ayurveda is the concept of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These doshas represent different combinations of the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Each person has a unique constitution characterized by the predominance of one or a combination of these doshas. Understanding one's dosha helps determine their physical and mental tendencies and susceptibilities to imbalances [4; 5].

2. Prakriti (Constitution): Prakriti refers to an individual's innate constitution, which is determined at birth and remains relatively constant throughout life. It reflects the unique balance of the doshas in an individual and plays a crucial role in determining one's susceptibility to health issues and the most appropriate lifestyle and dietary choices [4; 5].

3. Vikriti (Imbalance): Vikriti represents the current state of imbalances in an individual's doshas. Ayurvedic practitioners assess Vikriti to identify the root causes of health issues and formulate personal-

ized treatment plans to restore balance [4; 6].

4. Sapta Dhatu (Seven Tissues): Ayurveda recognizes that the human body is composed of seven primary tissues—plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, nerve, and reproductive tissue. These tissues are formed sequentially, and the health of each depends on the proper functioning of the preceding tissue. Imbalances in the doshas can affect the formation and maintenance of these tissues [4; 6]

5. Agni (Digestive Fire): Agni represents the body's digestive fire, responsible for breaking down and assimilating nutrients from food. Healthy Agni is essential for proper digestion and overall well-being. Imbalances in Agni can lead to the accumulation of toxins (ama) and contribute to various health issues [4; 6].

6. Malas (Waste Products): Ayurveda recognizes three primary waste products: urine, feces, and sweat. The regular elimination of these malas is essential for maintaining health. Ayurvedic treatments often focus on promoting healthy elimination processes [4; 7].

7. Prana (Life Force): Prana is the vital life force that animates all living beings. It flows through energy channels known as nadis and is essential for maintaining vitality, balance, and well-being. Practices like pranayama (breath control) and meditation help regulate and balance Prana [4; 8].

8. Ojas: Ojas is the subtle essence that represents the body's vitality and immunity. It is the result of balanced doshas, proper digestion, and a harmonious lifestyle. Building Ojas is a key aspect of Ayurvedic health practices [4; 9].

9. Dinacharya (Daily Routine): Ayurveda places great importance on establishing a daily routine (Dinacharya) that aligns with natural circadian rhythms. This routine includes practices like waking up early, performing self-care rituals, and maintaining regular eating and sleeping patterns [4; 9].

10. Ritucharya (Seasonal Routine): Ayurveda recognizes the impact of changing seasons on health. Ritucharya emphasizes adapting one's diet and lifestyle according to the season to maintain balance and prevent imbalances [4; 10].

11. Ahara (Nutrition): Ayurvedic nutrition focuses on the individual's constitution (Prakriti), the current imbalances (Vikriti), and the qualities of foods. It classifies foods into categories such as hot, cold, heavy, light, and pungent, and recommends


appropriate dietary choices to balance the doshas [4; 10].

These foundational principles form the bedrock of Ayurveda's holistic approach to health and healing. Ayurveda seeks to identify and address the root causes of imbalances rather than merely treating symptoms. By promoting balance in the doshas and aligning with the natural rhythms of life, Ayurveda offers a profound path to wellness and vitality [11].


In this section, we will elucidate the methodologies employed in our exploration of the Ayurvedic approach to managing back pain. The study aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Ayurvedic practices and their efficacy in alleviating and preventing back pain.

Literature Review. Our research commenced with an extensive literature review conducted in online databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Ayurvedic journals. This review spanned studies and articles published up to our knowledge cutoff date in September 2021. The search keywords comprised «Ayurveda», «back pain», «Ayurvedic treatment», «Vata dosha» and related terms. We included peer-reviewed articles, books, clinical trials, and expert opinions to gather diverse perspectives on the Ayurvedic approach to back pain management.

Selection Criteria. We selected literature based on relevance to the Ayurvedic management of back pain. Included sources presented insights into Ayurvedic principles, dosha imbalances related to back pain, traditional Ayurvedic treatments, and contemporary research on Ayurvedic interventions. We excluded sources lacking credibility or scientific rigor.

Data Synthesis and Analysis. Information extracted from the selected literature was qualitatively synthesized. Key themes, including Ayurvedic principles, dosha imbalances, and treatment modalities, were identified and analyzed. This qualitative approach enabled us to create a coherent narrative that explains the Ayurvedic perspective on managing back pain.

Limitations. It is important to note the limitations of our study. While we aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the Ayurvedic approach to managing back pain, the knowledge cutoff date for our research was September 2021. Additionally,

the qualitative nature of our data synthesis and the subjective nature of expert interviews may introduce inherent biases.

Results and discussion

In this section, we present the key findings from our exploration of the Ayurvedic approach to managing back pain and engage in a discussion of their implications.

L Ayurvedic Principles and Back Pain. Our research revealed that Ayurveda approaches back pain through the lens of dosha imbalances, with a particular focus on Vata dosha. According to Ayurvedic principles, an aggravated Vata dosha, associated with the elements of air and ether, can lead to dryness, stiffness, and pain in the body, including the back. This concept aligns with contemporary understanding, as many back pain sufferers report sensations of stiffness and discomfort [12].

II. Ayurvedic Treatments and Their Efficacy. Ayurvedic treatments for back pain primarily aim to pacify Vata dosha and promote balance. These treatments include dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, yoga, Abhyanga (oil massage), meditation, and lifestyle modifications [8; 12].

Dietary Adjustments: Ayurveda recommends warm, nourishing foods and spices to counteract Vata imbalance. Ingredients like ginger, turmeric, and ghee (clarified butter) are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and provide relief from back pain. Our research indicates that these dietary adjustments may help reduce inflammation, contributing to pain relief [13].

Herbal Remedies: Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashwagandha, Triphala, and Guggul have been traditionally used to alleviate back pain. These herbs are known for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. While scientific research on the efficacy of these herbs is ongoing, anecdotal evidence and historical use suggests their potential benefits [14].

Yoga and Exercise: Gentle yoga poses and stretches are a cornerstone of Ayurvedic back pain management. These practices aim to improve flexibility and circulation while strengthening the back and aligning the spine. Numerous studies support the benefits of yoga for back pain relief and improved mobility [15].

Abhyanga (Oil Massage): Ayurvedic oil massages, specifically Abhyanga, are believed to lubricate the joints and tissues, reducing pain and stiffness. While there is limited scientific research

on this specific practice, massages, in general, have been recognized for their potential in relieving muscle tension and discomfort [16].

Meditation and Stress Management: Ayurveda recognizes the mind-body connection and its role in pain perception. Meditation and stress reduction techniques are recommended to calm the mind, alleviate stress-related back pain, and enhance overall well-being [17].

Lifestyle Adjustments: Ayurveda encourages individuals to follow a daily routine (Dinacha-rya) that includes regular sleep patterns, hydration, and mindful living. These practices can contribute to better overall health and may indirectly aid in the prevention of future back pain [16; 18].

III. Individualized Approach. One of the strengths of Ayurveda is its individualized approach. It recognizes that each person is unique and may require a customized treatment plan based on their dosha constitution (Prakriti) and current imbalances (Vikriti). This tailored approach may enhance the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatments [5].

IV. Holistic Well-being. Ayurveda's emphasis on holistic well-being aligns with the growing recognition of the importance of mental and emotional factors in managing chronic pain. The incorporation of meditation and stress reduction techniques underscores the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit [5; 14; 16].

V. Limitations and Future Research. While Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing back pain, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of our study. The scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments for back pain is still emerging, and further research, including well-designed clinical trials, is needed to establish their effectiveness definitively. Additionally, individual responses to Ayurvedic treatments may vary, highlighting the importance of personalized care.


In our exploration of the Ayurvedic approach to managing back pain, we have uncovered a profound and holistic perspective on health and healing. Back pain, a pervasive and often debilitating ailment, finds its unique remedy in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. This holistic system of medicine, originating in India over 5,000 years ago, offers a compelling alternative to conventional treatments by addressing not just the symptoms but the

underlying imbalances that give rise to discomfort [i; 4].

Ayurveda, often referred to as the «science of life», invites us to reimagine the approach to back pain management by emphasizing the intricate interplay between the mind, body, and spirit. Rather than isolating pain as a singular entity, Ayurveda recognizes the broader context in which it arises, viewing it as an expression of imbalances within the body's elemental constitution [5; 14].

Our research has unveiled several key insights:

1. Dosha Imbalances: Ayurveda's focus on dosha imbalances, particularly the role of aggravated Vata dosha, offers a lens through which we can better understand the nuances of back pain. By addressing these imbalances, Ayurvedic treatments aim not only to alleviate pain but also to prevent its recurrence.

2. Customized Approach: The beauty of Ayurveda lies in its individualized approach. Recognizing that each person is unique, Ayurvedic practitioners tailor treatments to an individual's dosha constitution (Prakriti) and current imbalances (Vikriti). This personalization enhances the effectiveness of Ayurvedic interventions.

3. Holistic Well-being: Ayurveda's emphasis on holistic well-being transcends the mere alleviation of pain. It acknowledges the intricate connection between mental, emotional, and physical health. The incorporation of meditation and stress reduction techniques underscores the importance of nurturing not only the body but also the mind and spirit.

As we conclude this exploration, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations and the ever-evolving nature of Ayurvedic research. While Ayurveda presents a promising holistic path to managing back pain, the scientific evidence supporting its efficacy is in its infancy. Rigorous clinical trials and further research are needed to provide a more comprehensive understanding of Ayurvedic treatments' effectiveness and mechanisms [5].

In a world where holistic health approaches are increasingly valued, Ayurveda stands as a timeless and holistic system that complements conventional medicine. The Ayurvedic approach to back pain management invites us to embrace a more profound connection with our bodies and the natural world around us. It encourages us to seek harmony


not only within our physical selves but also within our broader environment [15; 17].

In this journey towards back pain relief, Ayurveda emerges as a beacon of hope, offering an alternative path that aligns with the broader trend toward integrative and holistic healthcare approaches. While its roots are ancient, its principles remain relevant, reminding us of the enduring wisdom that comes from understanding and nurturing the interplay of mind, body, and spirit. As we navigate the complexities of back pain, let us not forget to embrace the holistic path, guided by the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.


1. Patwardhan B., Warude D., Pushpangadan P., Bhatt N. Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine: a comparative overview // Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. - 2005. -Vol. 2(4). - P. 465-473.

2. Wujastyk D. The Roots of Ayurveda: Selections from Sanskrit Medical writings. Penguin Books. -2003. -389 p.

3. Payyappallimana U., Venkatasubramanian P. Exploring Ayurveda Knowledge on food and health for providing innovative solutions to contemporary healthcare // Frontiers in Public Health. - 2016. -Vol. 4. - P. 1-9.

4. Mishra L., Singh B. B., Dagenais S. Ayurveda: a historical perspective and principles of the traditional healthcare system in India // Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. - 2001. - Vol. 42(2). - P. 36-42.

5. Rastogi S. Rehabilitative potential of Ayurveda for neurological deficits caused by traumatic spinal cord injury // Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. - 2014. - Vol. 5(1). - P. 56-59.

6. Hagen E. M., Rekand T„ Gilhus N. E., Gron-ning M. Traumatic spinal cord injuries e incidence, mechanisms and course // Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening. -2012. - Vol. 132. - P. 831-837.

7. Singh S. K., Rajoria K. Ayurveda approach in the management of spinal cord injury: a case study // Ancient Science of Life. - 2015. - Vol. 34(4). - P. 230-234.

8. Devi G. K, Kumar S. Current concepts in neural regeneration - A systemic review // Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. - 2017. - Vol. 10(12). - P. 4423-4428.

9. Sharma R., Kabra A., Rao M. M., Prajapati P. K.

Herbal and holistic solutions for neurodegenerative and depressive disorders: leads from Ayurveda // Current Pharmaceutical Design. - 2018. - Vol. 24(22). - P. 2597-2608.

10. Kumar R. K, Dhar B. L., Jayram H. Management of a case of lumbar stenosis with Ayurveda intervention // Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. - 2016. - Vol. 9(2). - P. 11-13.

11. Mishra A., Nigam P. Role of paica karma in various disorders associated with pain; WSR to sciatica, spondylitis and osteoarthritis // Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. - 2018. - Vol. 8(4). - P. 362-364.

12. Sushruta S., Shastri A. D. Ayurveda approach for management of ankylosing spondylitis: a case report. 11th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Academy. - 1997.

13. Gupta A. K., Shah N., Thakar A. B. Effect of majjabasti (therapeutic enema) and asthi shrinkha-la (cissus quadrangularis) in the management of osteoporosis (Asthi-Majjakshaya) // AYU. - 2012. -Vol. 33(1). -P. 110-113.

14. Jansz M., Ediriweera E. R., Abeynayake P. Effect of Mustadi Rajayapana Vasti and selected treatment regimen in the management of spinal cord injury-A Case Study // International Journal of Advanced Computer Research. - 2021. - Vol. 5(1). -P. 1-10.

15. McCall MC, Ward A, Roberts NW, Heneghan C. Overview of systematic reviews: yoga as a therapeutic intervention for adults with acute and chronic health conditions // Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. - 2013. -DOI: 10.1155/2013/945895.

16. Wren A. A., Wright M. A., Carson J. W., Keefe F. J. Yoga for persistent pain: new findings and directions for an ancient practice // Pain. - 2011. -Vol. 152(3). - P. 477-480.

17. Curtis K, Hitzig SL, Bechsgaard G, Stoliker C, Alton C, Saunders N, et al. Evaluation of a specialized yoga program for persons with a spinal cord injury: a pilot randomized controlled trial // Journal of Pain Research. -2017. - Vol. 10. - P. 999-1017.


1. Patwardhan, B., Warude, D., Pushpangadan, P. and Bhatt, N. (2005). Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine: a comparative overview. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2(4), 465-473.

2. Wujastyk D. (2003). The Roots of Ayurveda: Selections from Sanskrit Medical writings. Penguin Books, 389 p.

3. Payyappallimana, U. and Venkatasubramanian, P (2016). Exploring Ayurveda Knowledge on food and health for providing innovative solutions to contemporary healthcare. Front Public Health, 4, 1-9.

4. Mishra, L., Singh, B. B. and Dagenais, S. (2001). Ayurveda: a historical perspective and principles of the traditional healthcare system in India. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 42(2), 3642.

5. Rastogi, S. (2014). Rehabilitative potential of Ayurveda for neurological deficits caused by traumatic spinal cord injury. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 5(1), 56-59.

6. Hagen, E. M., Rekand, T„ Gilhus, N. E. and Gronning, M. (2012). Traumatic spinal cord injuries e incidence, mechanisms and course. Tidsskrift for den Norslce Laegeforening, 132, 831-837.

7. Singh, S. K. and Rajoria, K. (2015). Ayurveda approach in the management of spinal cord injury: a case study. Ancient Science of Life, 34(4), 230234.

8. Devi, G. K. and Kumar, S. (2017). Current concepts in neural regeneration - A systemic review. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 10(12), 4423-4428.

9. Sharma, R., Kabra, A., Rao, M. M., Prajapati, P K. (2018). Herbal and holistic solutions for neurodegenerative and depressive disorders: leads from Ayurveda. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 24(22), 2597-2608.

10. Kumar, R. K, Dhar, B. L. and Jayram, H. (2016). Management of a case of lumbar stenosis with

Ayurveda intervention. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2016, 9(2), 11-13.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

11. Mishra, A. and Nigam, P. (2018). Role of paica karma in various disorders associated with pain; WSR to sciatica, spondylitis and osteoarthritis. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 8(4), 362-364.

12. Sushruta, S. and Shastri, A. D. (1997). Ayurveda approach for management of ankylosing spondylitis: a case report. 11th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Academy.

13. Gupta, A. K., Shah, N. and Thakar, A. B. (2012). Effect of majja basti (therapeutic enema) and asthi shrinkhala (cissus quadrangularis) in the management of osteoporosis (Asthi-Majjakshaya). AYU, 33(1), 110-113.

14. Jansz, M., Ediriweera, E. R. and Abeynayake, P. (2021). Effect of Mustadi Rajayapana Vasti and selected treatment regimen in the management of spinal cord injury-ACase Study. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, 5(1), 1-10.

15. McCall, M. C., Ward, A., Roberts, N. W. and Heneghan, C. (2013). Overview of systematic reviews: yoga as a therapeutic intervention for adults with acute and chronic health conditions. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, DOI: 10.1155/2013/945895.

16. Wren, A. A., Wright, M. A., Carson, J. W. and Keefe, F. J. (2011). Yoga for persistent pain: new findings and directions for an ancient practice. Pain, 152(3), 477-480.

17. Curtis, K, Hitzig, S. L., Bechsgaard, G., Stolik-er, C., Alton, C., Saunders, N. et al. (2017). Evaluation of a specialized yoga program for persons with a spinal cord injury: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pain Research, 10, 999-1017.


Аджу Дж. Джордж1*

1А юр ведал ы к емдеу орталыгы «Брахми», Ундютан, Керала *Корреспондент автор


Юртспе. Аркддагы ауырсыну - бул барлык жастагы жэне элеумегп к топтардагы адамдарда кездесетш жалпы жэне жш кездесетш шагым. Дэстурл1 медициналык емдеу жещлдетущ камтамасыз етедк 61 рак, эркашан этиологияльщ себеитерд! шеше бермейдк Танымал болып келе жаткан балама тэсшдердш б! р! - Ундютанда пайда болган ежелп медицина жуйес! Аюрведа. Аюрведа непзшен 61 ртутас емдеуге багытталган жэне психика мен денешн езара эрекеттесуше баса назар аударады.


ddicmepi. Бул макал ада аркадагы ауырсынуды баскарудын аюрведияльщ принц и nTepi мен эдютер1 туралы жан-жакты зерттеу усынылган. Бiздiц зерттеулер1м1з эдебиеттерд1 шолуды, тэж1рибешшермен сараптамальщ сухбаттарды жэне алынган деректерд1 сапалы талдауды камтыды. Б1з дош тецгер1маздтнщ аркадагы ауырсынуды бас кару контеш ндеп релш, емдеудщ жеке тэалдерж жэне oi ртутас эл-аукатты карастырдьщ.

Нэтижелер. Аюрведальщ медицинада аркадагы ауырсыну дош тецгер1маздшнщ Kepimci peri нде аньщталады, scipece дош Ватаньщ кушеют Аюрведальщ эдютерге диетаны тузету, шеп peuemrepi, йога, Абхянга (май массажы), медитация жэне eMip салтын тузету иредт Бул эд1стер дош Ватаны колга уйретуге жэне уйлеамдшкп калпына келтгруге багытталган. Сапалык талдау бул эдштерд! н элеуетп тш мДШ ri н керсетедк дегенмен аюрведияльщ араласуды колдайтын гылыми дэлелдер эл! де дамып келе,ш.

Тащылау. Дош Конституциясына бешмделген Аюрведаньщ жеке Tacijii аркадагы ауырсынуды женшдетуге перспективалы M\'MK'i нд!к береги. Biртутас эл-аукатка жэне психикальщ жэне эмоционалдьщ факторларга эсерге назар аудара отырып, Аюрведа интеграцияланган медицинаньщ жалпы тренд1не сэйкес келедг 1\олданыстагы шектеулерге, соньщ imi нде косымша зерттеу кажетадппне карамастан Аюрведаньщ ежелп даналыгы акыл, дене жэне рух арасындагы байланысты еске салады

Щорытыпды. Аюрведа - аркадагы ауырсынуды баскарудыц oi ртутас жэне косымша эдют Eiрегей жуйе эмпирикальщ жэне бiртутас тэс1лге непзделген, аркадагы ауырсынумен 6ipre журет1н аурулар мен жагдайлардыц непзп терапиясына Kayi nci з косымша болып табылады.

Тушн. свздер: аюрведа, арца ауруы, балам а медицина, дэстурл\ медицина.


Аджу Дж. Джордж'

ЧДентр аюрведического лечения «Брахми», Индия, Керала *Корреспондирующий автор


Введение. Боль в спине - распространенная и часто встречающаяся жалоба, которая встречается у людей всех возрастов и социальных групп. Традиционные методы медицинского лечения предоставляют облегчение, но не всегда решают этиологические причины. Один из альтернативных подходов, который набирает признание, - это Аюрведа, древняя система медицины, зародившаяся в Индии. Аюрведа сосредоточена, главным образом, на холистическом исцелении и подчеркивает взаимодействие между психикой и телом.

Методы. В данной статье представлено всестороннее исследование аюрведических принципов и методов управления болью в спине. Наши исследования включили в себя тщательный обзор литературы, экспертные интервью с практикующими специалистами и качественный анализ полученных данных. Мы рассмотрели роль дисбаланса дош в контексте управления болью в спине, индивидуальные подходы к лечению и холистическое благополучие.

Результаты. В аюрведической медицине боль в спине определяется как проявление дисбаланса дош, особенно усиления доши Вата. Аюрведические методы включают в себя коррекцию диеты, травяные рецепты, йогу, Абхьянгу (массаж маслом), медитацию и коррекцию образа жизни. Эти методы направлены на укрощение доши Вата и восстановление гармонии. Качественный анализ намекает на потенциальную эффективность этих методов, хотя научные доказательства, подтверждающие аюрведические вмешательства, все еще находятся в процессе разработки.

Обсуждение. Индивидуализированный подход Аюрведы, адаптированный к конституции дош, предоставляет многообещающую возможность для облегчения боли в спине. Уделяя внимание холистическому благополучию и воздействию на ментальные и эмоциональные факторы, Аюрведа

соответствует общему тренду интегрированной медицины. Несмотря на существующие ограничения, включая необходимость дальнейших исследований, древняя мудрость Аюрведы напоминает нам о взаимосвязи между разумом, телом и духом в пути к облегчению боли в спине.

Заключение. Аюрведа представляет собой холистический и дополняющий метод управления болью в спине. Уникальная система основана на эмпирическом и холистическом подходе является безопасным дополнением к основной терапии заболеваний и состояний, сопровождающихся болью в спине.

Ключевые слова: аюрведа, боль ветше, альтернативная медицина, традиционная медицина.


Аджу Дж. Джордж - аюрвед-дэр! гер, аюрведалык емдеу орталыгы «Брахми», Индия, Керала; e-mail: dr.ajugeorge@gmail.com.


Аджу Дж. Джордж - врач-аюрведист, Центр аюрведического лечения «Брахми», Индия, Керала; e-mail: dr.ajugeorge@gmail.com.


Aju G. George - Dr., BAMS, Ayurveda Treatment Centre «Brahmi», India, Kerala; e-mail: dr.ajugeorge@ gmail.com.

Conflict of interest. The author declares that there is no potential conflict of interest requiring disclosure in this article. Financing. Absent.

Article submitted: 11.08.2023. Accepted for publication: 25.09.2023.

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