The 30th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies B-I-21
Autofluorescence in flow cytometry: multifarious capabilities
for cells analysis
E. Shirshin
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Leninskie gory 1/2, Moscow, Russia
Flow cytometry is routinely used in biochemical and biophysical studies of cells, as well as in medical diagnostics. The mainstream modality is using fluorescent marker for selective labeling of cell structures and specific proteins, which allows for phenotyping, status assessment etc. In this context, autofluorescence is a non-desirable background signal, which should be avoided when analysing the cytometry data. On the other hand, autofluorescence contains information about endogenous fluorophores in cells, some of which are involved in important biochemical processes. Thus, potentially, autofluorescence analysis in flow cytometry experiments could yield important data for cells analysis. In this report, we will address the possibilities of autofluorescence in cells analysis using the flow cytometry setup.