AUGMENTED REALITY AS A REAL AND VIRTUAL INTERACTION TECHNOLOGY IN THE AREA OF ARCHITECTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Lebedev N.A., Ushanova N.P.

Nowadays the introduction of new information technologies, which are aimed at facilitating the design and construction of structures, is the most radical means of modernization for the architectural space formation. One of these technologies is the augmented reality. The aim of my work is to identify its advantages and prove the importance of its usage in architecture. For this work we gave the examples of structures that were designed using this technology. AR usage improves the project quality, helps to avoid a lot of mistakes, reduces costs, lays the foundation for solving the issues of industrial facility construction and operation and speeds up the design process.

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Дополненная реальность как технология взаимодействия реального и виртуального в сфере архитектуры

Лебедев Никита Александрович

студент, Институт ИСА, Московский Государственный Строительный Университет, nikita.lebedev.2000@bk.ru

Ушанова Надежда Петровна

старший преподаватель, Институт ИСА, Московский Государственный Строительный Университет

Сейчас для формирования архитектурного пространства наиболее радикальным средством модернизации является внедрение новых информационных технологий, которые направлены на облегчение проектирования и возведения сооружений. Одной из таких является дополненная реальность. Цель моей работы - выявить её преимущества, доказать важность ее применения в архитектуре. В процессе работы были приведены примеры сооружений, которые спроектированы при помощи этой технологии. Применение AR повышает качество самого проекта, помогает избежать многих ошибок, снижает затраты, закладывает фундамент для решения вопросов строительства и эксплуатации промышленного объекта и ускоряет процесс проектирования. Ключевые слова: дополненная реальность; очки виртуальной реальности; информационное взаимодействие; архитектурная визуализация; визуально-информационного пространство; эмоциональное восприятие; реалистичные копии объектов; визуальная картина; AR технология на базе маркеров

Mexican publicist Octavio Paz said: «Technology is not an image of the world but a way of operating on reality». We are fortunate to live in a world that is rapidly changing due to the widespread technological expansion. One of the key technology features is to improve life, unnoticeably, comfortably and naturally for humans. It is already in our pocket, available for the most popular versions of smartphones. These are augmented (AR), virtual (VR) and mixed (MR) realities. AR is an unusual technology. It is not just a new tool - it is a way to complement a human. Augmented Reality (AR) is a real-time environment supplementing the physical world, as we see it, with digital data, using any devices - i-pads, smartphones or VR glasses and special software.

The aim of augmented reality is to expand the information exchange between the user and the environment. Context objects layers put onto the actual environment image with the help of the computer are informative in nature. Thus, the information contextually related to real-world objects, with the help of augmented reality, becomes available to the user in real time. I-pads, smartphones or VR glasses can be devices for immersion in this world.

pic. 1

Augmented Reality in Architecture

Architects create physical models to imitate the properties of a real environment and building projects. The creation of such models costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. They are not able to render scale, materials and colors. VR and AR made a technical breakthrough in architectural visualization, allowing to realistically displaying the objects that yet exist "on paper" (pic 1). Architectural visualization with the usage of AR is not only clearer and more understandable than static images or a 3D model, but also more effective, since it allows a person not only to look at an object, but also to interact with it in real time directly at the place of work, without reference to workplace. The application of this technology will set the stage of a new standard for the design information presentation and work with it at the construction site.



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Augmented reality will open up brand new opportunities such as: concept of an object exterior and structure; the construction progress operational monitoring; fixing and work quality control; project changes monitoring. AR will also help to find project flaws, work up an ergonomic question, and evaluate the intermediate stages of construction (pic 2).

The "markerless" technology works according to special recognition algorithms, where a virtual "grid" is superimposed on the surrounding landscape shot by the camera. On the grid, software algorithms find some reference points according to which they determine the exact place to which the virtual model will be "tied".

Spatial Technology





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pic. 2

It will also help to save a lot of time while carrying out technically challenging operations, geodetic works, communication installation and general construction. And most important is to get access to the 3D information model of the object whenever and wherever you are. Augmented reality will bring presentation of projects to a completely new level. AR will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the object on the ground, full size, with the ability to wander around, inside or even look inside the walls at important design features, units or communications. How Augmented Reality Works The work of augmented reality includes a special algorithm that allows you to attach virtual things to real things to create the illusion that virtual objects really exist in the physical world. There are three basic principles of AR: Marker-Based AR Technology The camera of a smartphone or other device recognizes an image (which can be in the form of a marker or marks) in the real world, "transfers" it to the virtual environment, superimposes one layer of reality on another and thus creates a world of augmented reality. Basing on information about the position of the marker in space, the program projects a virtual object onto it. Thus the effect of its physical presence in the surrounding space is achieved (pic. 3).

pic. 3

pic. 4

In addition to marker-based and markerless technologies, there is also a technology of augmented reality which is based on the spatial location of the object. It uses data from GPS/ GLONASS, a gyroscope and a compass inside a smartphone, VR glasses or i-pad. The virtual object location is taken with the coordinates in space. The augmented reality program activation occurs when the coordinates in the program coincide with the coordinates of the user.

Let's consider how one of the AR applications works. We scan the plan of the future skyscraper, and the application superimposes the existing in the library three-dimensional model on the existing two-dimensional plan, which is the mark (pic. 4). As a result, we get not just a flat image of an object in the camera zone of vision, but an image with a perspective: we can watch the building in real time from different viewpoints. Using the application, you can "remove" the external envelope and see its frame, thereby making sure that the structures are reliable (pic. 5). You can also calculate the size of the shadow cast by the building at different times of the day, which will allow you to see how large the shadow of this object will be and whether it will interfere with neighboring buildings (pic. 6).

The Volga Hydroelectric Station (Volga GES) was designed by JSC Hydroproject Institute using AR Microsoft HoloLens technology. With the help of AR glasses, you can see a project that hovers anywhere in real space as a 3D model displayed as a hologram (pic. 7). At the same time, it becomes possible to independently get acquainted with the object and its entire engineering infrastructure. Achieving the incredible effect and quality of the project presentation in Microsoft HoloLens augmented reality glasses became possible by integrating AR technology in the engineering data management system, as well as by implementing a

group interaction mode, which allows a group of people to use glasses to see the same hologram of the object and one of them to directly work with it.

pic. 5

pic. 6

Pic. 7

With the invention of AR technology it became possible to plan the installation /dismantling process correctly both in terms of implementation timeline and process engineering.

For example, it is necessary to dismantle a hydraulic turbine with a diameter of 10 meters on a dismantling site with an area of 20x20 m. There is a question - where to place items of equipment in order to fit into the geometry of a limited space allocated for dismantling.

Having Microsoft HoloLens glasses put on, a specialist can work with the hydraulic turbine augmented model and virtually work out various ways for positioning its elements on the site until he gets the desired result. In addition, all equipment engineering information will be immediately taken into account, which affects not only the prompt adoption of engineering decisions, but also safe execution of work in reality.

Conclusion. Augmented reality has already become a part of our life and has proven the benefits of its use for information modeling of buildings and architectural and construction works. It is considered to be a visual tool: augmented reality gives us "new eyes". I believe in enormous potential of developing virtual, augmented and mixed realities, but we should not forget that technology can't replace a human and the usage of programs and devices of additional and virtual reality requires significant intellectual investment. After all, as Microsoft founder Bill Gates said: "Technology is just a tool."


1. Helen Papagiannis. Augmented Human: How Technology Is Shaping the New Reality, Moscow: Bombora, 2019. - 288 p.

2. http://isicad.ru/ru/articles.php?article_num=16724

3. https://habr.com/ru/post/419437/

4. https://texterra.ru/blog/zachem-vashemu-marketingu-dopolnennaya-realnost-kak-izvlech-maksimum-polzy-i-sdelat-svoe-prilozhenie.html

5. https://funreality.ru/technology/augmented_reality/

6. https://raai.sfedu.ru/O8_cours/docs/AGOZ/Magictrat ura/VasilevAV.pdf

7. https://planetvrar.com/chto-takoe-dopolnennaya-realnost/

8. https://investment-estate.com/novosti/top-5-prilozheniy-virtualnoy-i-dopolnennoy-realnosti-dlya-arhitektorov

9. https://vr-j.ru/news/kak-dopolnennaya-realnost-transformiruet-stroitelnuyu-otrasl/

10. https://ubr.ua/business-practice/own-business/20-citat-izvestnyh-ludei-o-tehnologiiah-354577

11. http://integral-russia.ru/2016/06/22/dopolnennaya-realnost-v-sfere-aec-bim-autodesk-bentley-vectorworks-sketchup-i-drugie/

12. http://www.neolant.su/press-center/aboutus/news_detail.php?ID=3045

Augmented Reality as a Real and Virtual Interaction Technology in the

Area of Architecture. Lebedev N.A., Ushanova N.P.

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering JEL classification: L61, L74, R53

Nowadays the introduction of new information technologies, which are aimed at facilitating the design and construction of structures, is the most radical means of modernization for the architectural space formation. One of these technologies is the augmented reality. The aim of my work is to identify its advantages and prove the importance of its usage in architecture. For this work we gave the examples of structures that were designed using this technology. AR usage improves the project quality, helps to avoid a lot of mistakes, reduces costs, lays the foundation for solving the issues of industrial facility construction and operation and speeds up the design process. Keywords: Augmented Reality; VR glasses; information exchange; architectural visualization; visual information space; emotional perception; realistic copies of objects; visual picture; Marker-Based AR Technology References

1. Helen Papagiannis. Augmented Human: How Technology Is Shaping the

New Reality, Moscow: Bombora, 2019. - 288 p.

2. http://isicad.ru/ru/articles.php?article_num=16724

3. https://habr.com/en/post/419437/

4. https://texterra.ru/blog/zachem-vashemu-marketingu-dopolnennaya-realnost-kak-izvlech-maksimum-polzy-i-sdelat-svoe-prilozhenie.html

5. https://funreality.ru/technology/augmented_reality/

6. https://raai.sfedu.ru/08_cours/docs/AG0Z/Magictratura/VasilevAV.pdf

7. https://planetvrar.com/chto-takoe-dopolnennaya-realnost/

8. https://investment-estate.com/novosti/top-5-prilozheniy-virtualnoy-i-dopolnenney-realnosti-dlya-arhitektorov

9. https://vr-j.ru/news/kak-dopolnennaya-realnost-transformiruet-stroitelnuyu-otrasl/

10. https://ubr.ua/business-practice/own-business/20-citat-izvestnyh-ludei-o-tehnologiiah-354577

11. http://integral-russia.ru/2016/06/22/dopolnennaya-realnost-v-sfere-aec-bim-autodesk-bentley-vectorworks-skeichup-i-drugie/

12. http://www.neolant.su/press-center/aboutus/news_detail.php?ID=3045



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