TUBERCULOSIS. Uteshev M.S.1, Parpieva N.N.2
1Uteshev Malik Safarovich. - doctoral student;
Abstract: the purpose of assessing the knowledge of people with TB about their health and tuberculosis was to determine the quality of the work carried out in the phthisiological service among people with TB undergoing inpatient and outpatient treatment.Material and methods: after completing the literature analysis in the electronic library and PubMed databases, study the questionnaires previously used for tuberculosis patients. Validated questionnaires were studied separately to assess the needs and requirements of people with tuberculosis. The results of the literature search were considered when developing our own questionnaire designed for use in work in family clinics and in the tuberculosis service. Keywords: tuberculosis, patient awareness, questionnaire, drug resistance.
ТУБЕРКУЛЕЗОМ. Утешев М.С.1, Парпиева Н.Н.2
1Утешев Малик Сафарович - докторант;
2Парпиева Наргиза Нусратовна - профессор, директор, Республиканский специализированный научно-практический медицинский центр фтизиатрии и пульмонологии,
г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: Целью оценки знаний больных туберкулезом о своем здоровье и туберкулезе было определение качества работы, проводимой во фтизиатрической службе среди больных туберкулезом, находящихся на стационарном и амбулаторном лечении. Материал и методы: после завершения анализа литературы в электронной библиотеке и базах данных PubMed изучить анкеты, ранее использовавшиеся для больных туберкулезом. Утвержденные вопросники изучались отдельно для оценки нужд и потребностей людей, больных туберкулезом. Результаты поиска литературы были учтены при разработке собственной анкеты, предназначенной для использования в работе в семейных поликлиниках и в противотуберкулезной службе. Ключевые слова: туберкулез, информированность больных, анкетирование, лекарственная устойчивость.
УДК 616.24.-002.5:316.4
Result: a questionnaire of 57 questions was developed. The questionnaire allows you to assess the following aspects: the presence of stigmatization and discrimination against people with TB, to assess the knowledge about tuberculosis. The questionnaire was tested among people with TB who are at the inpatient and outpatient stages of treatment. 84% of respondents agreed to answer these questions. Filling out the questionnaire took about 14 minutes. The questions were intuitive and did not require explanations.
Conclusions: The developed questionnaire allows, from the researcher's point of view, to assess the needs and needs of tuberculosis patients of a medical, psychological, and social nature
The phthisiological Service in Uzbekistan performs medical examination of all identified persons with TB, determines and conducts an appropriate specialized treatment regimen in a hospital and polyclinic, deals with the rehabilitation of patients, works directly in tuberculosis foci and with contact persons, identifies and actively participates in the investigation of all neglected cases of tuberculosis, keeps records and reports on approved forms, conducts monitoring. It is not unimportant to note the fact that in every phthisiological institution, sanitary educational work is carried out among patients and their family members.
When the diagnosis is stopped, a tuberculosis patient must evaluate himself and his environment in a new way. He should form an adequate attitude to his illness, have a desire to participate in the treatment actively and consciously, be committed to the successful completion of the treatment. The solution of these tasks is possible provided that the patient is properly and fully aware of his disease. The patient needs to have a correct idea of the ways of spreading tuberculosis and understand and know all the rules of personal hygiene. He needs to know the methods of treatment of his disease, possible side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs, its possible outcomes and prospects for further employment. A patient with tuberculosis should know their rights and obligations and conditions for receiving social assistance.
The object of the study were tuberculosis patients treated in phthisiological institutions at the inpatient and outpatient stages of treatment.
To carry out the work, we developed a questionnaire consisting of questions that characterized the level of knowledge of patients about tuberculosis, the patient's interest in his condition, whether the patient reads about tuberculosis, and whether the patient remembers the possible consequences of interrupting treatment.
To obtain the most reliable information, the questionnaire was conducted anonymously, the questionnaire was offered only to those who wished. The results of the answers were evaluated by choosing one of the answer options or the answer option as another.
The frequency of correct answers was evaluated for each question of the questionnaire and, in general, for the questionnaire questions, the coefficients calculated during the study were evaluated by comparing their values with a critical value for the significance level
At the stage of preparing the questionnaires, a preliminary expanded list of questions was compiled, which was discussed with the management, the research team (sociologists). Based on the results of the discussion, the most important issues were highlighted, the wording was clarified. A version of the questionnaire has been prepared for practical testing in the TB service.
A questionnaire of 57 questions was developed. The questionnaire allows you to assess the following aspects: the needs and needs of tuberculosis patients of a medical, psychological, and social nature.
During the survey, the opinion of patients with tuberculosis about the needs of the patient of a psychological nature and social character will be studied.
It should be borne in mind that treating patients as partners, providing them with psychological support and using a more personalized approach to tuberculosis education will help strengthen patients' trust in medical professionals and help significantly reduce dropout rates from treatment.
Evaluating something is often a difficult task, especially if the result does not match the original idea, but, nevertheless, it is very important to do this to understand what works and what does not, and to recognize problems that need to be fixed in time. Sometimes it turns out that an unexpected result unexpectedly served the cause. In general, if a problem is identified, it is possible to make changes in practice and measure the effectiveness of changes using both the same data that helped identify the problem and using other criteria, such as patient and/or staff satisfaction, depending on who is affected by these changes. The survey process itself in this study, during which the initial situation is analyzed, changes are planned and implemented, along with an assessment of the effectiveness of the results, where this can be formalized in the form of a scientific article. This survey is conducted in the following format: identify the research problem/question, analyze the relevant literature (books and articles) on the topic, explain exactly what is planned to be done, how and why, document and analyze the results /solutions obtained and bring up for discussion everything that has been done. This assessment will allow the development of evidence-based medicine and encourage others to do the same. If this is the goal, it is important to collect enough raw data so that you can then analyze the changes that have occurred because of the planned intervention. TB control programs usually collect data on all aspects of medical care and can be used to formulate a research question and answer it. It is possible, if possible, to involve local organizations that are engaged in nursing or social research.
Conclusion: The developed questionnaire allows, from the researcher's point of view, to assess the attitude of the consumer and the provider of medical services, to assess the psychological and social needs of patients with TB, and the interest of patients about their current condition to increase adherence to treatment and prevent the development of adverse reactions.
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