ASSESSMENT OF ETHIOPIAN ADVANCED BREAD WHEAT GENOTYPES AND VARIETIES TO SEPTORIA TRITICI LEAF BLOTCH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
Advanced wheat genotypes / commercial / wheat / varieties / septoria tritici blotch

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Abebele Getnet Muche

Wheat production and productivity is significantly constrained by multiple pathogens of which Septoria tritici blotch is an economically important foliar disease in the major wheat-growing areas of the world including Ethiopia. Host plant resistance rests the first mark of protection to mitigate this foliar disease, principally in developing countries for economically humble farmers and the most eco-friendly and lucrative strategy for profitable farmers. Thus, the present experiment was executed with the aim of screening of wheat genotypes against septoria leaf blotch. A total of 451 wheat genotypes comprising 436 advanced bread wheat genotypes and 15 commercial released varieties were incorporated in the study. The study shown that none of the genotypes were displayed immune reaction. Close to half (47.1%) of examined wheat genotypes showed good tolerance to the diseases, while the remaining, exceeding half of test genotypes displayed moderately susceptible to susceptible reaction. Therefore, those genotypes which express highly to moderately resistant reaction to septoria tritici could have an imperative role in resistance breeding to septoria leaf blotch which intern play key role for maximizing yield and reduce hunger.

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UDC 633; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2022-06.21


Abebele Getnet Muche*

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research & Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center,


*E-mail: getnetmuche2014@gmail.com


Wheat production and productivity is significantly constrained by multiple pathogens of which Septoria tritici blotch is an economically important foliar disease in the major wheat-growing areas of the world including Ethiopia. Host plant resistance rests the first mark of protection to mitigate this foliar disease, principally in developing countries for economically humble farmers and the most eco-friendly and lucrative strategy for profitable farmers. Thus, the present experiment was executed with the aim of screening of wheat genotypes against septoria leaf blotch. A total of 451 wheat genotypes comprising 436 advanced bread wheat genotypes and 15 commercial released varieties were incorporated in the study. The study shown that none of the genotypes were displayed immune reaction. Close to half (47.1%) of examined wheat genotypes showed good tolerance to the diseases, while the remaining, exceeding half of test genotypes displayed moderately susceptible to susceptible reaction. Therefore, those genotypes which express highly to moderately resistant reaction to septoria tritici could have an imperative role in resistance breeding to septoria leaf blotch which intern play key role for maximizing yield and reduce hunger.


Advanced wheat genotypes, commercial, wheat, varieties, septoria tritici blotch.

Wheat stands the utmost key food security grain crop with a production of 778.6 million tons (MT) on about 220 million hectares (Mha) worldwide in 2021. Africa contributes more than 3.4% of the entire wheat production globally while, sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) produced a total of 7.5 MT on a total area of 2.9 Mha accounting for 40 and 1.4 per cent of the wheat production in Africa and at global levels, respectively (FAO, 2021). In Ethiopia, wheat production is increased year after year dramatically for instance it boosts from 429 thousand tons in 1977 to 5,100 thousand tons in 2020(World Data Atlas Ethiopia Tropics Agriculture Crops Production)

Unlike the increments both in area coverage and yield, productivity of wheat in Ethiopia is far less than the global average. This low yield is attributed to multi-faced abiotic and biotic factors such as shortage of upgraded varieties, low and uneven distribution of rainfall, deprived agronomic practices, insect pests and diseases (Dereje and Yaynu, 2000). Of the biotic yield restraining factors, diseases like Septoria leaf blotch (Septiria tritici), Rusts (Puccinia spp), Fusarium head blight (Fusarium gramnearum), Leaf spot (Helminthosporium spp) and Tan spots (Helminthosporium tritici-repentis) exists the foremost diseases (Ayele and Temesgen, 2008).

Among the biotic restraints, Septoria tritici blotch appears around the world in countries as diverse as Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, the United States, the Netherlands, Russia, New Zealand, and Australia. It is an enormous tricky on durum wheat in Iran, Tunisia and Morocco. Epiphytotic can be particularly overwhelming in rising countries, like those in East Africa. High comparative humidity, regular rains, and modest temperatures are critical for disease development. Moreover, constant wheat cropping, high seeding rates, primary planting and extreme use of nitrogen fertilizers enhanced septoria leaf blotch proliferation (Fernandez et al., 1998; Simon et al., 2003; Ansar et al., 2010).

Under severe epidemics of septoria tritici (STB) can decrease wheat harvests by 35 to 50%. In the United States, STB is second next to wheat rust in terms of importance, and it is

the primary disease of wheat in Russia and many countries of Western Europe. The price of fungicides to control the disease can be high, and fungicide treatments may not be cost-effective liable on the price of grain. About 70% of the projected volume of fungicide used on cereals in Europe is used to control STB. In Europe, annual losses from STB are projected to be $400 million dollars, and similar loss estimates for the United States are more than $275 million dollars per year (Ponomarenko A. et al., 2011). In Ethiopia, septoria tritici is one of the major constraints of wheat in all wheat-growing areas, causing 82% (Mengistu et al., 1991), 42% (Abera et al., 2015), 30% to 39% (Yitagesu et al., 2020), crop economic loss annually.

Taking into account the difficulty of the disease, an integrated approach that incorporates crop rotation, variety selection, stubble management and fungicides (if required) can provide effective suppression of STB where advancement of resistant wheat varieties is the most effective, economic and environmentally-safe strategy to control this disease (Eyal and Ziv 1974; Eyal 1999). CIMMYT's wheat wide crosses program has produced a broad range of resistant germplasm from D genome synthetics and their synthetic derivatives (Mujeeb-Kazi et al., 1996; 1998; 1999). These materials express high levels of resistance to several leaf pathogens, including Bipolaris sorokiniana, Pyrenophora triticir'epentis, and S. tritici.

Therefore, genetic diversity is a vital source for selecting various disease resistance and high yielding genes. The dissimilar genetic sources deliver required allelic variation in parental lines to produce new genetic combinations (Tar'an et al., 2005). Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the level of resistance in 453 bread wheat germplasms comprising 436 advanced lines and 17 commercial varieties to S. tritici in the field, at different growth stages and under natural environment conditions.


The experiment was conducted at Bekoji district, experimental station and main hotspot area for septoria disease Kulumsa agricultural research center southeast, Ethiopia in 2020 main cropping season. The site is located at latitude 070 32' 37'' N and longitude 390 1 5' 21'' E with an altitude of 2780 meter above sea level. The maximum and minimum temperature was 3.8 and 20.4 0C respectively with annual rain fall 939 mm.

In the nurseries, a total of 436 advanced spring wheat lines and 15 varieties which were obtained from Kulumsa Agricultural Research center (Ethiopian national bread wheat regional center of Excellency) were included. The test experimental spring wheat lines were arranged in augmented design with standard susceptible check Danda'a. Each test entry was planted in a plot consisting of two rows of 1 m long spaced at 20 cm between rows. A seed rate of 150 kg ha-1 and fertilizer rates of 64 and 46 kg ha-1 N and P2O5, respectively, were applied on experiment.

Disease assessment was executed on plot wise plants to double digit scale (00- 99) described by Eyel et al. (1983). The first digit (D1) shows vertical disease progress on the plant and the second digit (D2) states to severity measured as diseased leaf area. Percent disease severity is projected relay on the formula: % severity = ((D1/Y1) x (D2/Y2) x 100), where D1 and D2 denote the score recorded (00-99 scale) and Y1 and Y2 denote the maximum score on the scale (9 and 9) (Sharma and Duveiller, 2007). Then, genotypes were classified in seven categories; immune (00), highly resistant (1-14), resistant (15-34), moderately resistant (35-44), moderately susceptible (45-64), susceptible (65-84) and highly susceptible (85-99) (Eyal et al., 1987).


It is obvious that a wide range of wheat diseases management options are available of which use of resistant variety is the best and fundamental diseases control strategy in general and Septoria tritici blotch in particular for resource poor farmers in developing countries and the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective scheme for commercial farmers. According to van Ginkel et al., (1999), in most wheat production environments,

although not in all, genetic resistance is the most economical method to control fungal diseases besides to cultural and chemical that may be utilized. Thus, this experiment was executed aiming at selection of wheat genotypes including bread wheat lines, candidate and commercial wheat types for Septoria tritici blotch resistance and/or tolerance.

Thus, a total of 451 bread wheat germplasms comprising 436 advanced lines and 15 commercial varieties were screened during the year 2020 cropping season at Bekoji, main hotspot area to Septoria tritici. There were differences among test advanced bread wheat lines and varieties to the disease. However, amazingly, this study confirmed that neither the varieties nor the advanced lines were completely resistance or immune to Septoria tritici blotch (Tables 1, and Figurel). For this reason, where resistance is not operative, tolerance can be pursued according to McKendry and Henke, (1994). Out of 15 bread wheat varieties, only one variety was exhibited highly resistant to the pathogen. Among 436 advanced bread wheat lines tested; 3.4%,26.8%, 16.9% and 38.9% were found highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant and moderately susceptible infection types against the disease, respectively (Table 1). Conversely, 13.5% and 0.23% showed susceptible and highly susceptible infection types in there order. These few genotypes with tolerance attributes could contribute in breeding program and key component in integrated management of Septoria tritici blotch in the region.

0 50

1 45 EL 40 §- 35

0 30

1 25 ¡ 20


1 10 " 5

<D 5

Q- 0

Advanced lines «Varieties


Infection type



Figure 1 - Response of Advanced bread wheat lines and Varieties to Septoria tritici at Bekoji in 2020

Likewise, about 5.8%, 29.4%, 11.76%, 47.1% and 5.8% of the bread wheat varieties expressed highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible reaction to the disease correspondingly (Table 1), however none of varieties displayed neither immune or nor highly susceptible infection type. Generally, about 52.63% of advanced lines and 52.9% of varieties were within the range of susceptible to highly susceptible reactions. This revealed that Septoria tritici blotch is one of the devastating diseases that limit the production and productivity of wheat globally.

The present study result indicated that there was a wide range of differences among both commercial bread wheat varieties and advanced lines to Septoria leaf blotch; reaction score of resistant to susceptible. This finding is in lined with similar works Teklay et al (2015) which states that bread wheat varieties showed different response to Septoria leaf blotch. The widely cultivated mega cultivar in study area viz; Kubsa and Ogolcho were affected by septoria leaf blotch, scored diseases index exceeding 44. Research findings have revealed that S. nodorum resistance in wheat is inherited in an intricate manner containing numerous genes (C.M. Ellerbrook et al, 199). In addition to, field trials genetic mapping, identification of resistant genes on for chromosomes 2A, 3D, and 7D is important. Therefore those genotypes that showed resistance under field conditions should be studied on a single chromosome recombination so as to fully cognize their heritability as well as highlighting linked markers.

Table 1 - Severity and host response of wheat genotypes against Septoria tritici

Number Genotype (00-99) DI Response Number Genotype Scale (00-99) DI Response Number Genotype (00-99) DI Response

1 BW120086 85 49 MS 154 BW184123 85 49 MS 307 BWKU13494 87 69 S

2 BW120104 84 39 MR 155 BW184143 72 17 R 308 BWKU13503 87 69 S

3 BW120105 85 49 MS 156 BW184144 73 26 R 309 BWKU13522 86 59 MS

4 BW120106 86 59 MS 157 BW184150 65 37 MR 310 BWKU13536 84 40 MR

5 BW120110 83 30 R 158 BW184152 84 40 MR 311 BWKU13539 85 49 MS

6 BW120111 84 39 MR 159 BW184159 64 30 R 312 BWKU13540 86 59 MS

7 BW120115 83 30 R 160 BW184161 64 30 R 313 BWKU13544 84 40 R

8 BW120118 82 20 R 161 BW184172 65 37 MR 314 BWKU13547 86 59 MS

9 BW120125 84 40 MR 162 BW184174 65 37 MR 315 BWKU13551 85 49 MS

10 BW120135 83 30 R 163 BW184176 65 37 MR 316 BWKU13552 86 59 MS

11 BW120137 85 49 MS 164 BW184177 75 43 MR 317 BWKU13561 84 40 MR

12 BW120152 84 40 MR 165 BW184183 84 40 MR 318 BWKU13575 76 52 MS

13 BW172060 85 49 MS 166 BW184187 83 30 R 319 BWKU13576 76 52 MS

14 BW172600 83 30 R 167 BW184196 85 49 MS 320 BWKU13616 86 59 MS

15 BW172604 83 30 R 168 BW184200 83 30 R 321 BWKU13627 87 69 S

16 BW172608 82 20 R 169 BW184232 86 59 MS 322 BWKU13694 76 52 MS

17 BW172619 81 10 HR 170 BWKU13002 86 59 MS 323 BWKU13695 86 59 MS

18 BW172620 81 10 HR 171 BWKU13025 75 43 MR 324 BWKU13710 87 69 S

19 BW172709 82 20 R 172 BWKU13058 83 30 R 325 EBW192035 87 69 S

20 BW172779 85 49 MS 173 BWKU13072 73 26 R 326 EBW192034 86 59 MS

21 BW172797 84 40 MR 174 BWKU13075 73 26 R 327 EBW192852 87 69 S

22 BW172803 85 49 MS 175 BWKU13105 73 26 R 328 EBW192853 76 52 MS

23 BW172827 83 30 R 176 BWKU13107 76 52 MS 329 EBW192854 76 52 MS

24 BW172828 85 49 MS 177 BWKU13171 85 49 MS 330 EBW192855 86 59 MS

25 BW172831 83 30 R 178 BWKU13206 82 20 R 331 EBW192856 83 30 R

26 BW174302 85 49 MS 179 BWKU13207 81 10 HR 332 EBW192857 76 52 MS

27 BW174334 82 20 R 180 BWKU13208 82 20 R 333 EBW192858 83 30 MR

28 BW174374 83 30 R 181 EBW192945 75 43 MR 334 EBW192859 86 59 MS

29 BW174388 84 40 MR 182 EBW192950 75 43 MR 335 EBW192860 84 40 MR

30 BW174389 83 30 R 183 EBW192954 85 49 MS 336 EBW192861 83 30 R

31 BW174425 81 10 HR 184 EBW192963 76 52 MS 337 EBW192862 88 79 S

32 ETBW9080 87 69 S 185 EBW192973 85 49 MS 338 EBW192863 84 40 R

33 ETBW9172 82 20 R 186 EBW192975 76 52 MS 339 EBW192864 87 69 S

34 ETBW9396 84 40 MR 187 EBW192976 66 44 MR 340 EBW192865 86 59 MS

35 ETBW9452 86 59 MS 188 EBW192977 84 40 MR 3 1 EBW192866 87 69 S

36 ETBW9578 86 59 MS 189 EBW192986 84 40 MR 342 EBW192867 85 49 MS

37 ETBW9581 85 49 MS 190 EBW192988 75 43 MR 343 EBW192868 86 59 MS

38 BW174413 82 20 R 191 EBW192990 76 52 MS 344 EBW192869 86 59 MS

39 BW174371 84 40 MR 192 EBW192001 83 30 R 345 EBW192870 85 49 MS

40 BW174102 84 40 MR 193 EBW192002 85 49 MS 346 EBW192871 87 69 S

41 BW172771 86 59 MS 194 EBW192003 85 49 MS 347 EBW192872 88 79 S

42 BW172714 83 30 R 195 EBW192005 83 30 R 348 EBW192873 83 30 R

43 BW172713 84 40 MR 196 EBW192015 86 59 MS 349 EBW192874 84 40 MR

44 BW172627 86 59 MS 197 EBW192020 87 69 S 350 EBW192875 86 59 MS

45 BW120149 83 30 R 198 EBW192021 76 52 MS 351 EBW192876 84 40 MR

46 BW120126 85 49 MS 199 EBW192024 76 52 MS 352 EBW192877 84 40 MR

47 BW120116 83 30 R 200 EBW192027 86 59 MS 353 EBW192878 86 59 MS

48 BW120109 65 59 MS 201 EBW192488 85 49 MS 354 EBW192879 85 49 MS

49 BW120101 83 30 R 202 EBW192494 76 52 MS 355 EBW192880 84 40 MR

50 EBW192353 63 22 R 203 EBW192897 85 49 MS 356 EBW192886 72 17 R

51 EBW192357 83 30 R 204 EBW192898 85 49 MS 357 EBW192887 85 49 MS

52 EBW192361 84 40 MR 205 EBW192899 76 52 MS 358 EBW192888 87 69 S

53 EBW192363 86 59 MS 206 EBW192900 86 59 MS 359 EBW192889 87 69 S

54 EBW192370 82 20 R 207 EBW192901 86 59 MS 360 EBW192890 86 59 MS

55 EBW192371 85 49 MS 208 EBW192902 86 59 MS 361 EBW192891 84 40 MR

56 EBW192375 85 49 MS 209 EBW192903 82 20 R 362 EBW192892 84 40 MR

57 EBW192377 82 20 R 210 EBW192904 86 59 MS 363 EBW192893 87 69 S

58 EBW192380 84 40 MR 211 EBW192905 87 69 S 364 EBW192489 88 79 S

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59 EBW192382 81 10 HR 212 EBW192906 76 52 MS 365 EBW192490 88 79 S

60 BW120002 82 20 R 213 EBW192907 86 59 MS 366 EBW192491 86 59 MS

61 BW120004 83 30 R 214 EBW192908 76 52 MS 367 EBW192508 86 59 MS

62 BW120011 82 20 R 215 EBW192909 85 49 MS 368 EBW192509 88 79 S

63 BW120014 87 69 S 216 EBW192910 76 52 MS 369 EBW192510 86 59 S

64 BW120039 84 40 MR 217 EBW192911 77 60 MS 370 EBW192511 88 79 S

65 BW120041 87 69 S 218 EBW192912 76 52 MS 371 EBW192512 88 79 S

66 BW120042 83 30 R 219 EBW192913 86 59 MS 372 EBW192023 86 59 MS

67 BW120044 82 20 R 220 EBW192914 86 59 MS 373 EBW192010 87 69 S

68 BW120052 85 49 MS 221 EBW192915 88 79 S 374 EBW192022 84 40 MR

69 BW120053 83 30 R 222 EBW192916 75 43 MR 375 EBW192018 87 69 S

70 BW120054 81 10 HR 223 EBW192917 86 59 MS 376 EBW192521 87 69 S

71 BW120056 83 30 R 224 EBW192918 87 69 S 377 EBW192032 85 49 MS

72 BW120060 82 20 R 225 EBW192919 86 59 MS 378 EBW192991 84 40 MR

73 BW120063 83 30 R 226 EBW192920 83 30 R 379 EBW192320 84 40 MR

74 BW172056 85 49 MS 227 EBW192921 76 52 MS 380 EBW192322 85 49 MS

75 BW172082 61 7 HR 228 EBW192922 84 40 MR 381 EBW192330 83 30 MR

76 BW172088 72 17 R 229 EBW192923 86 59 MS 382 EBW192331 82 20 R

77 BW172093 83 30 R 230 EBW192924 85 49 MS 383 EBW192332 85 49 MS

78 BW172105 86 59 MS 231 EBW192925 83 30 R 384 EBW192336 88 79 S

79 BW172319 76 52 MS 232 EBW192926 86 59 MS 385 EBW192337 88 79 S

80 BW172393 83 30 R 233 EBW192927 83 30 R 386 EBW192338 84 40 MR

81 BW172440 83 30 R 234 EBW192928 84 40 MR 387 EBW192339 88 79 S

82 BW172474 72 17 R 235 EBW192929 76 52 MS 388 EBW192340 88 79 S

83 BW172862 73 26 R 236 EBW192930 75 43 MR 389 EBW192341 85 49 MS

84 BW172864 73 26 R 237 EBW192931 84 40 MR 390 EBW192344 86 59 MS

85 BW172872 74 35 MR 238 EBW192932 87 69 S 391 EBW192345 82 20 R

86 BW172936 73 26 R 239 EBW192933 87 69 S 392 EBW192346 81 10 HR

87 BW172996 74 35 MR 240 EBW192934 88 79 S 393 EBW192347 81 10 HR

88 BW173001 64 30 R 241 EBW192935 87 69 S 394 EBW192348 88 79 S

89 BW173004 65 37 MR 242 EBW192936 88 79 S 395 EBW192349 84 40 MR

90 BW173006 65 37 MR 243 EBW192937 76 52 MS 396 EBW192350 83 30 R

91 BW173031 83 30 R 244 EBW192938 84 40 MR 397 EBW192351 83 30 R

92 BW173207 86 59 MS 245 EBW192939 83 30 R 398 EBW192352 83 30 R

93 BW173261 64 30 R 246 EBW192940 76 52 MS 399 EBW192359 86 59 MS

94 BW173263 85 49 MS 247 EBW192941 77 60 MS 400 EBW192360 85 49 MS

95 BW173270 63 22 R 248 EBW192943 87 69 S 401 EBW192362 88 79 S

96 BW173288 85 49 MS 249 EBW192006 84 40 MR 402 EBW192364 87 69 S

97 BW173292 82 20 R 250 EBW192007 87 69 S 403 EBW192366 86 59 MS

98 BW173332 83 30 R 251 EBW192008 85 49 MS 404 EBW192369 84 40 MR

99 BW173353 81 10 HR 252 EBW192009 85 49 MS 405 EBW192386 83 30 R

100 BW173366 83 30 R 253 EBW192011 85 49 MS 406 EBW192387 82 20 R

101 BW173378 81 10 HR 254 EBW192012 86 59 MS 407 EBW192392 85 49 MS

102 BW173380 85 49 MS 255 EBW192019 87 69 S 408 EBW192394 87 69 S

103 BW174116 82 20 R 256 EBW192028 87 69 S 409 EBW192395 87 69 S

104 BW174170 85 49 MS 257 EBW192031 84 40 MR 410 EBW192396 86 59 MS

105 BW174187 73 26 R 258 BW182002 81 10 HR 411 EBW192397 83 30 R

106 BW174456 85 49 MS 259 BW182005 83 30 R 412 EBW192398 86 59 MS

107 BW182052 84 40 MR 260 BW182021 85 49 MS 413 EBW192401 82 20 R

108 BW182122 73 26 R 261 BW182037 85 49 MS 414 EBW192402 86 59 MS

109 ETBW 9077 83 30 R 262 BW182039 87 69 S 415 EBW192404 87 69 S

110 ETBW 9080 83 30 R 263 BW182254 84 40 MR 416 EBW192407 88 79 S

111 ETBW 9128 64 30 R 264 BW182263 86 59 MS 417 EBW192408 88 79 S

112 ETBW 9136 83 30 R 265 BW182285 86 59 MS 418 EBW192410 88 79 S

113 ETBW 9396 83 30 R 266 BW182297 82 20 R 419 EBW192413 84 40 MR

114 ETBW 9452 86 86 HS 267 BW182442 85 49 MS 420 EBW192414 83 30 R

115 ETBW 9642 86 59 MS 268 BW182761 82 20 R 421 EBW192416 86 59 MS

116 ETBW 9647 85 49 MS 269 BW182767 81 10 HR 422 EBW192417 88 79 S

117 ETBW 9648 86 59 MS 270 BW182834 85 49 MS 423 EBW192123 82 20 R

118 ETBW 9650 82 20 R 271 BW182870 85 49 MS 424 EBW192140 85 49 MS

119 ETBW 9654 73 26 R 272 BW182876 84 40 MR 425 EBW192423 85 49 MS

120 EBW192992 75 43 MR 273 BW182913 85 49 MS 426 EBW192424 86 59 MS

121 EBW192318 65 37 MR 274 BW182922 85 49 MS 427 EBW192430 82 20 R

122 EBW192319 66 44 MR 275 BW182935 85 49 MS 428 EBW192434 83 30 MS

123 EBW192321 84 40 MS 276 BW182977 84 40 MR 429 EBW194092 85 49 MS

124 EBW192323 84 40 MS 277 BW182981 83 30 R 430 EBW194169 86 59 MS

125 EBW192324 73 26 R 278 BW182985 84 40 MR 431 EBW194095 83 30 R

126 EBW192325 73 26 R 279 BW182999 82 20 R 432 EBW194030 88 79 S

127 EBW192326 75 43 MR 280 BW183001 84 40 MR 433 EBW194174 83 30 R

128 EBW192327 83 30 R 281 BW183015 85 49 MS 434 EBW194086 86 59 MS

129 EBW192328 73 26 R 282 BW183074 86 59 MS 435 EBW194158 86 59 MS

130 EBW192333 76 52 MS 283 BW183085 87 69 S 436 EBW194002 86 59 MS

131 EBW192335 66 44 MR 284 BW183100 83 30 R Varieties

132 EBW192343 81 10 HR 285 BW183106 85 49 MS Diqelu 81 10 HR

133 BW182111 72 17 R 286 BW183108 87 69 S Kinqbird 85 49 MS

134 BW182117 65 37 MR 287 BW183131 85 49 MS Tesfa 65 59 MS

135 BW182146 76 52 MS 288 BW183160 83 30 R Atlas 64 29 R

136 BW182463 82 20 R 289 BW183164 86 59 MS Shorima 83 30 R

137 BW182478 76 52 MS 290 BW184007 86 59 MS PBW343 85 49 MS

138 BW182491 83 30 R 291 BW184015 76 52 MS Kakaba 85 49 MS

139 BW182493 85 49 MS 292 BW184019 83 30 R Oqolcho 85 49 MS

140 BW182508 86 59 MS 293 BW184033 86 59 MS Lemmu 83 30 R

141 BW182509 75 43 MR 294 BW184039 86 59 MS Kubsa 76 52 MS

142 BW182536 82 20 R 295 BWKU13258 81 10 HR Wane 85 49 MS

143 BW182538 82 20 R 296 BWKU13306 87 69 S Galama 84 40 MR

144 BW182540 83 30 R 297 BWKU13347 84 40 MR Alidoro 83 30 R

145 BW182549 85 49 MS 298 BWKU13374 85 49 MS Hidasse 85 49 MS

146 BW182568 86 59 MS 299 BWKU13376 86 59 MS Danda'a 87 69 S

147 BW182623 75 43 MR 300 BWKU13380 86 59 MS

148 BW182627 82 20 R 301 BWKU13382 86 59 MS

149 BW182640 75 43 MR 302 BWKU13383 85 49 MS

150 BW182706 66 44 MR 303 BWKU13439 86 59 MS

151 BW182714 73 26 R 304 BWKU13470 86 59 MS

152 BW184055 73 26 R 305 BWKU13479 85 49 MS

153 BW184059 86 59 MS 306 BWKU13492 87 69 S


The current investigation showed that the presence of extensive variability among the tested wheat genotypes for S. tritici resistance. Therefore, these traits should be taken into account while choosing superior and appropriate plants for further development of yield and S. tritici resistance in the development of high yielding and resistant genotype in bread wheat. Thus, those genotypes that displayed lower disease index might be used as integrated disease management options on wheat.


This study was funded by Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research.


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The author declares no conflict of interests. The funders had no role in the study design; data collection analysis or interpretation; in writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the result.


The author acknowledges Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research and Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center for financial support and facilities required to the study. The author is also indebted to the staff of Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center pathology team for their unreserved support in conducting the experiment.


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