ASSEMBLY OF STRUCTURES AND WATER DIVIDERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
junction / erosion / vibration / hydromeliorative / tubular / water consumption. / соединение / эрозия / вибрация / гидромелиоративное / трубчатое / водопотребление..

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Sh. O‘Tbosarov, N. Xusanov

In the channels of hydro-reclamation systems, there is often a need to place structures performing various tasks in one place. This arrangement of structures is called a node of structures.

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В каналах гидромелиоративных систем часто возникает необходимость размещения конструкций, выполняющих различные задачи, в одном месте. Такое расположение структур называется узлом структур.



ASSEMBLY OF STRUCTURES AND WATER DIVIDERS O'tbosarov Shuhratjon Rustamjon ugli

Doctorate, Fergana polytechnic institute. Republic of Uzbekistan, Xusanov Nurmuhammad

Teacher, Fergana polytechnic institute. Republic of Uzbekistan, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7316939

Abstract. In the channels of hydro-reclamation systems, there is often a need to place structures performing various tasks in one place. This arrangement of structures is called a node of structures.

Keywords: junction, erosion, vibration, hydromeliorative, tubular , water consumption.


Аннотация. В каналах гидромелиоративных систем часто возникает необходимость размещения конструкций, выполняющих различные задачи, в одном месте. Такое расположение структур называется узлом структур.

Ключевые слова: соединение, эрозия, вибрация, гидромелиоративное, трубчатое, водопотребление..


When several structures are placed in one place, it is convenient to manage them, it is easy to organize repair and control, the structures in the node will have less funds for construction. It is advisable to place two or three structures in the node at the junction of the main channel and its networks, as well as channels. If the number of structures located in the node is large, the entrance is extended to the front. In the node of small channels structures, mainly water-receiving regulators are placed, and their number can be five or more. When the number of structures in the node is large, it becomes difficult to place them.


In this case, a mutual combination of open and tubular regulators is used. In channels in hydromeliorative systems, there are basically two different converging and distancing (figure 1) locations of structures:

When the structures are placed according to the approach scheme (figure1, a) less funds are provided, since the wall for several structures and part of the flutbet is common. In such a location, the structures interact with each other, and their ability to measure water deteriorates. When placed in a distanced scheme, the structures in the node are far apart (figure 1, B). In this case, the structure will improve the ability to measure water, but the funds that go to their construction will increase. A type of water distribution nodes in hydromeliorative channels are water springs. Such structures are installed in places where channels are divided into networks and serve to make the water consumption between them proportional. (Figure 2). According to the mode of operation, water dividers are divided into automatic and controlled types. According to their constructive signs, water dividers appear open and tubular.

Figure 1.

Node of structures in the channel:

a-the approach scheme of the location of the structures; b-the location of the structures divergent scheme; V-structural scheme of the node of structures; 1-incoming Channel; 2-water

matchmaking regulator; 3-dimmer structure.

Outdoor automatic running water springs water consumption networks the incoming channel in the middle is a constant reciprocal given in the calculation operation mode distributes in proportion (figure 2, a,b). Automatic running water one of the disadvantages of burners is that if use if it is necessary to change the water consumption in a given proportion during the period, there will be no possibility of its implementation.

In the event of an accident on the channel, it is impossible to allow any network to be closed on it. In open-controlled water springs, water consumption can be controlled at any time. Open sliders are installed on each network of such water springs. The threshold of the sliders is taken equal to the bottom of the channel on which satxi comes. In the event of an accident in the canal, the zatvors are lowered and the water consumption given to it is increased. All water consumption in the Sungra incoming channel is passed through a regulator installed in the second network. The scheme of the tubular water divider (figure 2, v) is shown.

Figure 2.

Water dividers in channels

a, b-open automatic; v-tubular




The achievement of such water dividers is that a road can be set up over it for road traffic. One or more rows of pipes can be installed on each network of water dividers, the number of which depends on the water depth and hydraulic mode.


The tubular water fountain access head is installed in common for two networks. It is desirable for the purpose of placing pipes in the network as straight A line as possible, but in some cases this cannot be done, their turn is carried out through special blocks. Blocks are made in places from aggregate or concrete. Pipelines water dividers operate in a pressurized and pressure-free mode according to the hydraulic mode.


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