Научная статья на тему 'Assembling a matrix of photodiodes based on MapD'

Assembling a matrix of photodiodes based on MapD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
avalanche photodiodes / breakdown voltage / matrix based on MAPD / dark current. / лавинные фотодиоды / напряжение пробоя / матрица из МЛФД / темновой ток.

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Sushkova Polina Maksimovna, Akbarov Ramil Aladdin, Tyutyunnikov Sergey Ivanovich

The assembly of sixteen element matrix based on micropixel avalanche photodiodes of the type MAPD-3NM are presented. Measurements of the I-V characteristics were carried out, as a result of which the breakdown and operating voltages were determined. Photodiodes were selected with the same operating voltage for homogeneous assembly. The dark current and photocurrent of devices are measured.

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В работе представлена сборка шестнадцати элементной матрицы на основе микропиксельных лавинных фотодиодов типа MAPD-3NM. Было проведено измерения вольтамперной характеристики, в результате чего определены значения пробивное и рабочее напряжения. Производилась селекция фотодиодов с одинаковым рабочим напряжением для однородности сборки. Измерялись темновой и общий ток приборов.

Текст научной работы на тему «Assembling a matrix of photodiodes based on MapD»


УДК 537.529

Сушкова Полина Максимовна

бакалавр, Кафедра квантовой электроники и радиоспектроскопии, Институт Физики, Казанский (Приволжский) Федеральный Университет, Казань, Россия

Акберов Рамиль Аладдин оглы аспирант Объединенный Институт Ядерных Исследований Дубна, Россия

Нуруев Сабухи Муса оглы аспирант Национальная Академия Наук Азербайджана Баку, Азербайджан

Тютюнников Сергей Иванович начальник сектора, Лаборатория Физики высоких энергий, Объединенный Институт Ядерных Исследований, Дубна, Россия


Sushkova Polina Maksimovna

bachelor, Department of Quantum Electronics and Radiospectroscopy, Institute of Physics,

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Akbarov Ramil Aladdin PhD student, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

Nuruyev Sabuhi Musa

PhD student, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan

Tyutyunnikov Sergey Ivanovich

head of department, Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia



The assembly of sixteen element matrix based on micropixel avalanche photodiodes of the type MAPD-3NM are presented. Measurements of the I-V characteristics were carried out, as a result of which the breakdown and operating voltages were determined. Photodiodes were selected with the same operating voltage for homogeneous assembly. The dark current and photocurrent of devices are measured. Аннотация

В работе представлена сборка шестнадцати элементной матрицы на основе микропиксельных лавинных фотодиодов типа MAPD-3NM. Было проведено измерения вольтамперной характеристики, в результате чего определены значения пробивное и рабочее напряжения. Производилась селекция фотодиодов с одинаковым рабочим напряжением для однородности сборки. Измерялись темновой и общий ток приборов.

Key words: avalanche photodiodes, breakdown voltage, matrix based on MAPD, dark current. Ключевые слова: лавинные фотодиоды, напряжение пробоя, матрица из МЛФД, темновой ток.


For many years, vacuum photomultipliers (PMTs) have been used as photodetectors in high-energy physics, cosmic researches, medicine and various fields where registration of single photon or photon beams is required. However, PMTs have some negative features that limit their use. These disadvantages include their high operating voltage, sensitivity to magnetic fields and vibrations, large dimensions, etc. In recent decades, scientific and technical work has been carried out to create silicon-based solid-state photodetectors, new models of which are not inferior to modern PMTs. With the use of the high technologies, manufactured samples

of silicon photo multipliers with respect to their vacuum counterparts have advantages, such as high photon detection efficiency (~ 40%), compact geometrical parameters, low operating voltage, etc [1]. In this work the results of a study of the latest micropixel avalanche photodiodes and the assembly of a 16-element matrix based on them are presented.

Experimental setup

In this work, a matrix of sixteen photodiodes was assembled. To assemble this matrix, it was necessary to measure photodiode characteristics such as the breakdown voltage Ubr and the operating voltage Uop. The experimental setup is shown schematically in Figure 1.

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Dark box r _ _ _ _ _


Figure 1. Experimental setup.

The samples were connected to a voltage source KEITHLEY 6487 picoammeter. The entire installation is isolated from the effects of external light by dark box. The ammeter shows the value of the dark current Id.

To determine the values of these parameters, the I-V characteristic was measured for each sample and analyzed by the dark current differentiation method [2]. The data obtained is the maximum logarithmic derivative max [f (U)], where the function f (U) is determined by the equation (1). The curve of the function of the logarithmic derivative is shown in the figure 2.

/(u)=£M£))=ix£(£) (1)

dU 1 dU v '

By fitting the curve obtained by the Gauss function, the center of the peak is determined, which corresponds to the photodiode breakdown voltage. The results I-V characteristic measurements are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. I-V characteristic obtained by the method of differentiation of dark current (left)

and I-V characteristic with a logarithmic scale of current (right).

As shown, the breakdown voltage Ubr equal to 71 - 71.3 V, as well as the operating voltage Uop equal to 74.2 - 75.2 V. The measurements were carried out at a temperature T = 20.8 ° C.

For the homogeneity of the matrix, photodiodes with identical dark currents and operating voltage were chosen. The installation necessary for the study of these characteristics is shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 3. Experimental setup.

The photodiode is connected to a voltage source and illuminated by a 450-nm light-emitting diode, which fed was 30-ns square wave with a frequency of 1 kHz and an amplitude of 2.8 V. The ammeter indicated the total current of Id.

At a certain voltage (~ 72.5 V), for which the signal amplitude for different photodiodes was the same, the values of the currents Id, Itot were determined. The voltage values for them could vary within 0.05 V. In total, the characteristics of forty photodiodes of the MAPD-3NM type were measured, in which the dark current varied in the range from 65 nA to 120 nA and the total current from 75 nA to 130 nA. Further, according to the measurement results of photodiodes, sixteen photodiodes were chosen to assemble a 4x4 matrix. After that, photodiodes were housed to previously design

solid box with epoxy conductive glue, and heated in a thermal oven with a temperature of 60 ° C.


The I-V characteristic of photodiodes was investigated, from which the values of the breakdown (71 -71.3 V) and (74.2 - 75.2 V) operating voltages were determined. Technical and constructive work on the assembly of the 16-element matrix was carried out.


1. Z. Sadygov et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 567, p. 70 (2006)

2. D. Renker, E. Lorenz, J. Instrumentation, 4, p. 04004 (2009)

3. N. Anfimov et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 617 p. 78 (2010).

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