“ASPIRATION” AS A MEANINGFUL FACTOR IN PUTONGHUA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vikhrova A. Ju.

There is no comparison between voiced and voiceless consonants in Mandarin. The corresponding stop consonants form pairs that differ in the presence / absence of aspiration. The consonants “b” and “g” are non-aspirated semi-voiced stops. When pronouncing these sounds, a bow is first formed, and only then, at the very end, the vocal cords begin to vibrate weakly. The consonants “p” and “k” are aspirated voiceless stops, that is, they are pronounced with a strong exhalation and with an additional x-shaped noise at the end of the consonant. When pronouncing, the vocal cords should not vibrate. Without this x-shaped noise, “p” would become “b” and “k” would become “g”. This feature often leads to problems in language communication between native Chinese speakers and representatives of other languages.

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«Придыхательность» как смыслоразличительный фактор в путунхуа

Вихрова Анастасия Юрьевна,

кандидат филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник, Институт стран Азии и Африки, Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова E-mail: avikhrova@gmail.com

В путунхуа не существует сопоставления звонких и глухих согласных звуков. Соответствующие смычные согласные образуют пары, различающиеся по наличию / отсутствию придыхания. Согласные «Ь» и «д» являются непридыхательными полузвонкими смычными. При произнесении этих звуков сначала образуется смычка, и лишь затем, в самом конце, начинают слабо вибрировать голосовые связки. Согласные «р» и «к» являются придыхательными глухими смычными, т.е. произносятся при сильном выдохе и с дополнительным x-образным шумом в конце согласного. При произнесении голосовые связки не должны вибрировать. Без этого x-образного шума «р» превратится в «Ь», а «к» - в «д». Эта особенность нередко приводит к проблемам в языковой коммуникации между носителями китайского языка и представителями других языков.

Ключевые слова: придыхание, звуки, полисемия, инициаль, китайский язык, путунхуа, эксперимент, фонетика.

The official language of the People's Republic of China is Putonghua (HS® putonghua, «common language»). Its phonetics and vocabulary are based on the pronunciation norm of the Beijing dialect.

The basic phonetic unit of the Chinese language is the syllable, which consists of a consonant part -the initial (^S shengmu) - at the beginning of the syllable and a vowel part - the final (US yunmG) - at the end of the syllable. Modern Mandarin has about 400 basic syllables. To write the sounds of the Chinese language, the pinyin phonetic alphabet (i#H plnyln) is used based on the Latin alphabet. Initials can be expressed with only one consonant sound. There are 21 initials in Chinese: b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h, j, q, x, z, c, s, zh, ch, sh, r ([p], [p'], [m], [f], [t], [t'], [n], [l], [k], [k'], [x], [t<<], [t<?'], [<?], [t§], [ts'], [§], [r], [ts], [ts'] and [s] (the sign ['] denotes aspiration: for example, [p '] - [p] aspirated.) Under the final we mean the last part of the syllable, containing as an obligatory component a vowel sound unit and possible nasal elements.

When considering initials, it is necessary to refer to the concept of aspiration songqifuyln).

There are no voiced consonants in Chinese: consonants are opposed by aspiration / non-aspiration. In Latin transcription, they are denoted as voiceless and voiced consonants are denoted in other languages -aspirated are denoted by t, k, p, non-aspirated are denoted by d, g, b. In order to learn how to pronounce initials with aspiration, when pronouncing, you can bring a piece of paper to your lips and make a sound with a strong exhalation. A piece of paper should deviate from you due to the air flow during intense exhalation. When pronouncing the initials without aspiration, the sheet of paper should not move.

Pronunciation of aspirated sounds of the Chinese language causes certain difficulties in teaching Chinese. Russian-speaking students mistakenly replace aspirated sounds with voiceless sounds of the Russian language, which are perceived by the Chinese as non-aspirated sounds. Hence there is a significant misunderstanding in the field of language communication. The aim of the research article is to experimentally test how incorrect pronunciation (lack of aspiration) affects language communication between Russians and Chinese.

The object of the study was the pairs of initials b -p, d - t, g - k. Pronunciations of aspirated and non-aspirated sounds were recorded at the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics of the ISAA MSU, after which they were processed in the Praat speech analysis and processing program. Below are waveforms of Chinese aspirated and non-aspirated sounds. When pronouncing aspirated sounds, the ligaments begin to fluctuate after a considerable period of time after the beginning




1=1 А



C3 t; о m О от


ы о со

of the opening of the stop of the explosive consonant. when pronouncing an aspirated sound, the pronuncia-This is clearly seen on the oscillograms (fig. 1). Also, tion time increases (almost 2 times).

Sound d

Sound t

o 1= o


Sound b

Sound p

Sound g

Sound k

Fig. 1

For the experiment, pairs of monosyllabic words were selected, pronounced with the same tones and belonging to the same part of speech. We abandoned the idea of using disyllabic words for the reason that

a disyllabic word provides minimal context and can become a hint for a native speaker. The following pairs of words were selected as material for the study, selected using the Chinese-Russian dictionary:

3=1 A


o m o




o 00 A

1. tu "hare" - d u "belly"

2. kan "cut" - g an "feel"

3. ti "raise" - d i "correspond"

4. pa "to climb" - b a "to pull out"

5. pang "thick" - b ang "cool"

6. ku "bitter" - g u "ancient"

7. pi "to misbehave" - bi "to compare"

8. pai "assign a task" - b ai "worship"

9. kai "to open" - g ai "to be due"

10. tong "to be sick" - dong "to move"

11. kuai "piece" - guai "monster"

A native speaker of Chinese (Beijing pronunciation norm) was asked to pronounce these words (not in pairs, but in random order), but not to add aspiration (conditionally - their task was to pronounce voiceless and voiced consonants, as in Russian). This task turned out to be extremely difficult, since for the Chinese, aspiration is the main characteristic of pronouncing these consonants. Therefore, it was decided to ask a Russian-speaking speaker (who speaks Mandarin) to pronounce and write down the words. After completing this stage, we received artificial words that were offered to listen to other native speakers of Chinese (5 people took part in the experiment - 4 men and 1 woman). We will conditionally call them IM1, IM2, IM3, IM4, IZH. They were tasked to listen to the words (artificial without aspiration and natural non-aspiration), write down with the help of pinyin what they hear, and define the word they heard. It should be noted here that Chinese monosyllabic words are characterized by polysemanticity (one monosyllabic word may have different meanings). The presence of tone to some extent removes the ambiguity, but the word does not always have one meaning. For the study, we tried to use words with minimal polysemy, as well as to choose the most frequent meanings of words.

Consider the results of the experiment. To begin with, let's turn to "natural" monosyllabic words with a non-aspirated initial.

The word du «stomach» was correctly identified by all subjects. The word gan "to feel" was correctly identified by IM1, IM2 and IL. IM3 thought it was a word meaning «to be brave», IM4 said it heard the noun «stem». The word di "correspond" was correctly recognized by IM1, IM2, IM4 and IL. IM3 defined this word as a verb meaning «enlighten». The word ba "pull out" was correctly identified by all subjects. The word bang "cool" was correctly recognized only by IL, the rest of the subjects perceived this word as a noun with the meaning "stick". The word gu «ancient» was correctly identified by all subjects. The words bi «to compare», gai «to be due», dong «to move», guai «monster», and the word bai «to worship» were also correctly identified.

Now let's see what happened to the perception of «artificial» words with a non-breathing initial.

The word tu "hare" was perceived by all subjects 5 as the word du "stomach". The word kan "to cut" was 5 perceived by everyone as the verb gan "to be brave, to £ dare". The word ti "raise" was correctly identified only ° by IM2, the others identified it as the verb di "corre-z spond". The word pa "to climb" was correctly identified

by IM1, IM3 and IZH, the rest identified this word as the verb ba "to pull out". The word pang "fat" was identified by all subjects as the word bang "cool". The word ku "bitter" was correctly identified by IM2 and IM3. IM1, IM4 and IZH said it was the adjective gu "ancient". The word pi "to hooligan" was perceived by all subjects as the word bi "to compare". The word pai "assign a task" was identified by all subjects as the word bai "worship". The word kai "to open" was identified by all subjects as the word gai "to be due". The word tong «sick» was perceived as the word dong «move» by all subjects. The word kuai "piece" was identified by all subjects as the word guai "monster".

From this stage of the experiment, we can conclude that aspiration is a decisive factor in the identification of a lexical unit, but the frequency of the use of a word also plays an important role.

At the next stage of the experiment, it was decided to put «artificial» words with non-aspirated initials in the sentence - to add context. Thus, the subjects could rely not only on the meaning of a monosyllabic word, but also on its lexical environment. The following proposals were made:

1. HuT tu pao de kuai. "The gray hare runs fast"

2. Wo jTntian kan le dashu. «I cut down a tree today»

3. Gege ti xiao lanzi. "Big brother picked up a small basket"

4. Xiao baobao pa. «Baby is crawling»

5. Zhe ge ren zhen pang! "This man is so fat!"

6. Hongse de pingguo hen ku. "Red apple bitter"

7. Xiao hair changchang pi. "A small child often misbehaves"

8. JTngli pai le gongzuo. "The director instructed to do the work"

9. Ta kai le men. «He opened the door»

10. Wo jiao tong, yao qu kan yTsheng. "My leg hurts, I need to go to the doctor"

11. Zhe ge kuai tai da, chT bu wan. "This piece is too big, I can't finish it"

It should be noted that the context of the sentences was unambiguous, so all subjects correctly identified each word, even despite the absence of aspiration. However, in the course of listening, they described these words as "strange", "wrong", "unnatural", "mispronounced". The context, the order of the words in the sentence gave them a hint about the meaning of the words under study. However, in an isolated position, these words are identification is extremely difficult or they can't be recognized at all.

From the experiment, we can conclude that the sign «breathing» is extremely important, meaningful in the Chinese language. The incorrect use of this overtone not only indicates incomplete mastery of Chinese phonetics, but also makes it extremely difficult to communicate with native Chinese speakers.


Vikhrova A. Ju.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

There is no comparison between voiced and voiceless consonants in Mandarin. The corresponding stop consonants form pairs that dif-

fer in the presence / absence of aspiration. The consonants "b" and "g" are non-aspirated semi-voiced stops. When pronouncing these sounds, a bow is first formed, and only then, at the very end, the vocal cords begin to vibrate weakly. The consonants "p" and "k" are aspirated voiceless stops, that is, they are pronounced with a strong exhalation and with an additional x-shaped noise at the end of the consonant. When pronouncing, the vocal cords should not vibrate. Without this x-shaped noise, "p" would become "b" and "k" would become "g". This feature often leads to problems in language communication between native Chinese speakers and representatives of other languages.

Keywords: aspiration, sounds, polysemy, initial, Chinese, putong-

hua, experiment, phonetics.


1. Zadoenko T.P., Huang Shuying "Initial course of the Chinese language. Part II" - 5th ed., rev. and additional, - M.: VKN Publishing House, 2015. - 384 p.;

2. Kondrashevsky A.F., Rumyantseva M.V., Frolova M.G. "Practical course of the Chinese language: in 2 volumes. Vol. 2" - 12th ed., Rev. - M.: VKN Publishing House, 2016. - 752 p.

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