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interactive method / sports / pedagogical technologies / methods / criteria / practical lessons / "interact" / control

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Jabbarov Akbar Tukhliyevych

This article discusses the importance of using modern pedagogical technologies in physical education and sports classes, some recommendations and skills for forming a worldview and thinking scope, forming physical, spiritual and moral qualities

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Jabbarov Akbar Tukhliyevych

Karshi State University, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Sports, Department of Physical

Education and Sports https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10714781

Abstract. This article discusses the importance of using modern pedagogical technologies in physical education and sports classes, some recommendations and skills for forming a worldview and thinking scope, forming physical, spiritual and moral qualities.

Keywords: interactive method, sports, pedagogical technologies, methods, criteria, practical lessons, "interact", control.


One of the priorities of our country's policy is to raise a generation that is both physically and mentally healthy. Because today, in the conditions of globalization processes that are intensifying in the countries of the world, raising a highly moral and physically fit generation is one of the most important factors that determine the future of our country and realize the noble goals of our people. In the implementation of this good deed, its legal foundations have been created, and extensive work is being done. In particular, the Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev of June 3, 2017 "On measures for the development of physical education and mass sports" No. Decree No. PF-5368 "On measures to fundamentally improve the management system" is of particular importance in the further development of this field. One of the main goals of these decrees and decisions is to further deepen theoretical and practical knowledge in this field, to correctly formulate the concepts and terms of skills and qualifications related to physical education.

The idea of national independence that is being formed in the independent Republic of Uzbekistan is to establish a humane, democratic, legal state and society, as well as to raise it to higher levels of socio-economic and cultural development, to take a worthy place in the ranks of the world community. serves to realize the directed noble goals.

The positive result of these goals is first of all the effective organization of educational and educational work to teach the young generation the basics of scientific knowledge, to create a broad outlook and scope of thinking in them, and to form physical, spiritual and moral qualities. depends on doing. After all, creating a bright perspective of the country, spreading its name to the world, showing the national and cultural heritage created by the great ancestors to the society, enriching them, ensuring that the independent Republic of Uzbekistan occupies a place among the developed countries, makes the young generation a perfect person in all respects and a qualified person. depends on training as a specialist.

Teachers should be prepared for conducting trainings, using various educational tools effectively, and should reveal the methodology of the curriculum and programs, integrating the teaching methods. However, it should not be forgotten that management of teaching and learning processes, effective use of existing educational tools and ensuring that the educational activities

are as useful as possible to students, and many other similar tasks is fully charged to the teacher. The use of new pedagogical technologies in the teaching of subjects; the teacher is responsible for teaching and learning, as well as for the effective use of available opportunities and conditions. To fulfill this task, the teacher must fully know the teaching process and the scientific and technical aspects of the taught subjects.

The purpose of this is that the teaching method should be developed in such a way that students can fully master the taught subject.


In determining whether teaching methods meet the needs of students, the teacher must consider the following six main components of his program:

1. Planning

2. Opportunity and conditions

3. Styles

4. Activities

5. Feedback

6. Control

One way to determine your teaching style is to make a list of questions related to each of the six factors listed above. It is worth noting that ensuring the full fulfillment of the requirements of each component and following it increases the effectiveness of the chosen teaching method. Planning; The teaching method includes:

- analysis of qualifications and main goals;

- composition of the group;

- necessary qualifications;

- subjects to be studied;

- motivating factors for learning;

- learning types and opportunities;

- educational material and its relevance to the times;

- the need to summarize experiences in identifying problems and finding solutions;

- the need for methods of presenting educational material; The following conditions must be met for study:

- classrooms;

- educational tools;

- audio-video materials;

- various models and equipment;

- model weapons for practical training;

- assignments and tasks related to the topic;

- group or individual teaching methods;

- assessment materials.

- styles;

The teacher should be aware of the following teaching methods:

- teaching and giving instructions on how to perform the work;

- teaching using special computer programs;

- lecturing and teaching;

- demonstration and experiment;

- work on a project basis;

- use of algorithms and different analysis methods;

- study of the situation;

- role-playing, discussion and motivation exercises;

- teaching with the help of a computer.

Which of the following teaching methods is most effective?

- lecture;

- independent work;

- training based on audience demand;

- individual training;

- creating an opportunity to gain work experience.

- the ability of the teacher to be not only a distributor of knowledge, but also a supplier of this knowledge so that the listener can absorb it;

- organization of evaluation system;

- quick establishment of feedback between teachers and students.

In order to develop a suitable teaching and learning program based on the criteria defined above, the teacher must be able to:

- having actual teaching skills;

- to explain the criteria for determining the established norms for assessing the level of knowledge of students;

- determining the suitability of teaching methods for students.


Methods and means of increasing the efficiency of using modern pedagogical technologies, incorporating teaching methods in physical education and sports classes. Today, physical education teachers, like all pedagogues, are required to use advanced pedagogical technologies such as organizing lessons based on modern pedagogical requirements, using innovative approaches to the lesson, teaching students to think independently during the lesson.

Interactive method - by increasing the activity between students and the teacher in the educational process, it serves to activate the acquisition of knowledge and personal qualities of students in physical education and sports activities.


Interactive (interactive) is an English word, "interact" means "inter", mutual, "act" means "to act".

In general, "interactive" means to interact. differences between non-traditional and interactive lessons.

1. When teaching the subjects of the curriculum, it is necessary to take into account which subjects it is appropriate to organize interactive lessons.

This involves the use of interactive or traditional types of training that ensure the full achievement of the purpose of the training on one subject.

2. In order for the interactive training to be effective, it is necessary to ensure that the students know the basic concepts and preliminary information on its topic before the new training.

3. It is necessary to take into account that more time is spent for independent work of students in interactive training than in traditional training.

Interactive education method is implemented by each teacher at the level of available tools and capabilities.

A physical education teacher can increase their knowledge and learning activity only if he knows the level of certain conditions of students.

For this purpose, students should be able to prepare for the interactive training session, master the topic, and prepare for the training session, be able to hold discussions on the text read or listened to during the lesson, be creative, they need to be able to easily perform tasks of a practical nature. The educational process is not only a process controlled by the teacher; it is also closely connected with the students' activities.

The learning process is activated as a result of the student's self-management. In physical education and sports lessons, the student can control his own behavior, identify and eliminate his mistakes, draw conclusions independently, participate in the performance of reproductive, partial research and creative tasks. , increases student activity and effectively affects its implementation. The advantage of using interactive methods in theoretical and practical lessons of physical education and sports:

1. In-depth learning of topics by students;

2. Ease of supervision of students by the teacher

3. Students get more information in a short time

4. Maximum development of students' skills and competencies CONCLUSION

In conclusion, it can be said that interactive education provides an opportunity to solve several problems at the same time.

The main of these is that the communication skills and abilities of the students are developed, it helps to establish emotional relationships among the students, and the fulfillment of educational tasks by teaching them to work as part of a team, to listen to the opinions of their peers. provides.


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