ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN SHAPING A MODERN CITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Abilev Dinmukhamed Nurlanyly, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich, Jakipova Gulzarа Saitgalieva

With the development of technologies and their implementation in everyday life, there is also the possibility of their professional use in various industries and structures. The AI system is a virtual assistant, whose development every year can create a perfect model of urban control and a virtual assistant to help in many routine tasks of people. This article describes the prospects for using AI and examples of its development.

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18. Чирков Н.В. Инкультурация христианства в этнические традиции народов в миссионерской деятельности Римско-католической церкви: автореф. дис. ... канд. филос. наук: 09.00.14. СПб., 2019.

19. Ющук Л.А. Архитектура зданий римско-католической и евангелическо-лютеранской церквей в Сибири и на Дальнем востоке (1792-1917гг.): автореф. дис. ... канд. архитектуры: 18.00.01. Новосибирск, 2000.

20. ГлазычевВ.Л. Эволюция творчества в архитектуре. М.: Стройиздат, 1986. 496 с.

21. Стёпкин В.В. Пещеростроительство в лесостепном Подонье: УИ-ХХ вв.: автореф. дис. ... канд. исторических наук: 07.00.02. Воронеж, 2005.


'Abilev DinmukhamedNurlanyly — Bachelor of Arts, undergraduate Student;


Abstract: with the development of technologies and their implementation in everyday life, there is also the possibility of their professional use in various industries and structures. The AI system is a virtual assistant, whose development every year can create a perfect model of urban control and a virtual assistant to help in many routine tasks of people. This article describes the prospects for using AI and examples of its development.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, architecture, smart city, smart home.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the percentage of the human population living in cities ranged from 10-15% worldwide, by the end of 2010, the percentage of people living in cities was half of the world's population, excluding those living in suburban areas and rural areas, and this percentage continues to grow as the number of modern cities itself.

At the time of the mid-twentieth century, the number of large cities with millions of inhabitants throughout the World did not exceed more than 85 cities with a population of more than one and a half million people each, excluding those living in suburban areas and rural areas at the moment, their number has increased significantly as the population itself living in them, similar processes are underway in Kazakhstan.

Nevertheless, every year the population of urban agglomerations grows, and the need to improve the quality of life of citizens, and the formation of modern urban public spaces is growing. If earlier city territories were controlled by local Executive bodies in compliance with standards and norms, in the modern world all activities are also carried out by local authorities along with digital technologies that created the concept of a smart city with artificial intelligence.

The concept of a smart city is the main stage of the digital economy, the main concept of which is the widespread introduction of digital technologies in the processes of urban infrastructure-starting from the control of transport highways, urban communications such as water and power supply, and security systems of private property [1].

As you know, the information infrastructure of a smart city itself is a complex bundle of systems that is divided into even more subsystems responsible for controlling the main communications of the city's life, these are huge information farms that process data in large quantities coming from various devices, sensors and sensors. The data that is received is processed, analyzed and transferred to the server for storage in the future, contributing to the development of certain subsystems responsible for monitoring the comfort of city residents. As an example, you can specify the transport system of the city. for example, in the event of an accident on one of the busy highways, video cameras and sensors that recorded the incident send data for processing to the AI subsystem that controls this structure, and that then transmits the coordinates of the site to the responsible authorities, and there are many such examples.

However, with the growth of the urban population, there is also a problem with the formation of transport collapse in large cities, increasing the burden on city-forming services such as health, law enforcement, housing and communal services, etc. All this led to the decision to transfer most of the load from management

bodies to AI and computers, that is, to create an automated urban economy structure under the control of AI and specialists [2].

This step is one of several in the transformation into a "smart" city, the introduction of AI systems will allow the collected data to be used offline. The task itself is not easy, so helping cities collect and process data is one of the areas where artificial intelligence is currently being used.

Data sources include the results of scanning sensors and sensors on the sale of electronic tickets for public transport to entertainment venues, statistics on the consumption of housing and communal services, municipal and state services, reports of municipal services, health services, law enforcement, environmental monitoring, etc. [3].

As mentioned earlier, the main source of digital data is photo and video fixation, since AI creates an informative image based on this data after processing the data. Since many control systems of developed cities in the world are gradually coming under the control of AI, which facilitates their activities for various services, however, it is not necessary to mention only rescue, law enforcement, social and emergency services whose warning systems are gradually moving into a common network of artificial intelligence subsystems, AI can also monitor the private property of city residents.

Monitoring the security system, the humidity level in the room, a voice assistant integrated into kitchen appliances and portable gadgets that people use daily. The element of science fiction has come to life in the modern world, and only recently the very mention of artificial intelligence was associated with video games and cinema.

When mentioning the capabilities of AI, there is a stereotypical fear that machines will replace human creators in areas such as building design, creating art and design, which sometimes [4].

According to the Stanislas Chaillou (Harvard Graduate School of Design) team, the integration of AI into architecture is at an early stage, and the research results show good prospects for development. AI can significantly advance the architecture and construction industry for years to come.

However, according to experts, AI is not able to adapt the artistic skills and analytical mind of the architect to the information flow, remaining only a tool for implementing the idea. However, AI's assistance in the design stages allows architects and designers to free themselves from routine tasks, allowing them to focus on the creative process.

When creating new design solutions, architects often use already implemented projects of buildings and structures, analyzing and studying them, sometimes spending from one day to a week bringing them to perfection, while taking into account the engineering and construction part. It is at this stage that AI assistance in selecting options will be of great benefit and create various options for architectural design solutions.

In addition to the design stage, the AI will be able to perform calculations of engineering and construction structures during the construction stage, conducting a preliminary analysis before construction and analyzing the environment of the future building and selecting construction materials, then passing the collected information to the architect, saving time preparing for the start of construction. Nevertheless, the role of AI in a more advanced stage of construction can be modeled using drones under the control of subsystems of AI structures.

Any building is designed for the people who will use it, so architects will soon be thinking about how artificial intelligence can potentially improve the experience of using space for residents. Even now, automation of control of various home systems, such as lighting, climate, security, multimedia, allows you to create a space that adapts to the preferences of residents. The introduction of artificial intelligence in such systems will allow the level of personal comfort of residents of the house to a completely new level.

Definitely, artificial intelligence opens up new horizons and creative challenges in architecture.

But as experience shows, the integration of AI in the control of urban systems

will depend on the ratio of implementation costs and subsequent benefits.this proposal was announced by the type of "smart homes" and "smart cities"can also be attributed to them.

When describing smart cities and the advantages of AI, you should take into account the areas of their territorial location in the city structure, taking into account the risks of implementation. Nevertheless, humanity still underestimates the capabilities of AI and the very concept of a "smart city", expressing this idea as a utopia. Innovation doesn't have to be expensive or a comprehensive collection of information responses. The AI concept represents the broadest range of capabilities in the smart city spectrum [3] [4].

We recommend that you carefully consider where the value of smart data solutions will be greatest, and therefore where they should be applied. This is the only way cities can realize the potential of artificial intelligence to significantly improve the quality of life of their residents, regardless of their size.


1. ShapiroD. Fundamentals of virtual reality technology; mechanical engineering-Moscow, 2013. 268 p.

2. Rapoport G.N., Hertz A.G. Biological and artificial intelligence. Part 4. Perception of the external world

by individual intelligence carriers; Lenand-M., 2015. 184 p.

3. Merkov A.B. IMAGE Recognition. Introduction to methods of statistical training; URSS-M. tutorial, 2011. 256 p.

4. Maklakova T.G. Architectural and structural design of buildings. Volume 1. Residential buildings; Architecture-S-Moscow, 2010. 328 p.


Мердасса Февен Тарику — аспирант, департамент архитектуры Российский университет дружбы, народов, г. Москва

Аннотация: в неформальных поселениях проживает почти четверть городского населения мира, в основном в развивающихся странах. Лучшее понимание развития и распространения этих поселений играет важную роль в поиске устойчивого и учитывающего региональные особенности политики городского планирования и строительства. В статье анализируются основные факторы, вызывающие развитие и распространение, а также особенности неформальных поселений в таких городах, как Найроби, Ибадан, Каир, Дурбан, Аддис-Абеба.

Ключевые слова: неформальное поселение, трущобы, скваттерские поселения, развивающаяся страна, урбанизация, устойчивое развитие.

Понятие трущоб существовало задолго до того, как в XIX веке возникла терминология, связанная с эпохой индустриализации. В этот период, особенно в XIX и начале ХХ веков, большинство промышленно развитых столиц характеризовались массовой и быстрой урбанизацией и перенаселенностью. Однако во второй половине ХХ века, в эпоху модернизма, поселения в трущобах стали характерной чертой развивающегося мира из-за таких факторов, как: высокий уровень миграции в городские районы; высокий уровень безработицы и городская бедность, рост неформальной экономики, неэффективная политика городского планирования и регулирования; стихийные бедствия, социальная нестабильность; и др. [1].

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Рис. 1. Городское население, живущее в неформальных поселениях и трущобах [2]

Быстрый рост урбанизации без экономического развития является катализатором проблемы расширения трущоб в развивающихся странах. В африканских регионах к югу от Сахары, которые стремительно росли с момента обретения независимости, почти две трети городских жителей проживают в неформальных поселениях [3].

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