ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AS PART OF A COMPANY’S INTELLECTUAL POTENTIAL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Slavyanov A.

The widespread dissemination of information technology in all types of economic and social activities has led to the emergence of new management systems that can not only improve the productivity and quality of products and services, but also influence decision-making processes in the face of changing external or internal environment of the enterprise. The work shows that artificial intelligence systems have a decisive influence on the competitiveness of a company in a changing environment and are an important component of the intellectual potential of a company.

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UDC 33

Slavyanov A. Artificial intelligence as part of a company's

intellectual potential

Slavyanov A.

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department -

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Abstract. The widespread dissemination of information technology in all types of economic and social activities has led to the emergence of new management systems that can not only improve the productivity and quality of products and services, but also influence decision-making processes in the face of changing external or internal environment of the enterprise. The work shows that artificial intelligence systems have a decisive influence on the competitiveness of a company in a changing environment and are an important component of the intellectual potential of a company.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, intellectual potential, human capital, information technology, business processes.

Рецензент: Бородай Владимир Александрович - доктор социологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры «Сервис, туризм и индустрия гостеприимства», Донской государственный технический университет (ДГТУ). Государственный советник Ростовской области 3 класса, г. Ростов-на-Дону

Introduction Of traditional means of production - labor and capital. However, it became clear that all this could compete in the rapidly changing global markets for high-tech goods and services. To ensure competitiveness, new methods of organizing production, qualifications of employees of enterprises, new methods of promoting goods and services on the market, and others. An enterprise must have the so-called intellectual potential, the concept of which appeared relatively recently. Foreign researchers Intellectual potential of a company (enterprise) is defined as the sum of knowledge that allows it to receive additional competitive advantages [1].

Analysis At present, it is customary to single out three main components of intellectual potential: human capital, social (relational) capital and organizational (structural) capital (the last two components are nothing more than technologies for managing production and relations with company counterparties). This approach was recognized by the International Federation of Accountants and supported by most researchers in this field [2-3].

Particular attention should be paid not only to knowledge as an asset of the company (human capital), but also to its location and use [4]. It is in this understanding that such a structural component of the enterprise's intellectual potential as its dynamic ability to build up

other components over time (human capital, production management and counterparty interaction technologies, information recognition and processing, dynamic and informational), and then use them in particular, is of particular importance. as new competitive advantages for its effective development. At the same time, there is a need to protect knowledge as assets, competencies and technologies in order to maintain sustainable competitive advantages of the enterprise. The widespread dissemination of information technology in business processes can significantly improve the productivity and quality of products in enterprises [5], and information support for management decisions to promote goods on the market can lead the company to a leading position. A new level of development of information technology allows not only automation of technological processes, but also decision-making processes at different levels of management in the face of changing external or internal environment of the enterprise.

The emergence of new supercomputers capable of processing large volumes of data with high speed, miniaturization of electronic equipment, and innovative software products have contributed to the rapid development and penetration of IT in almost all types of economic activities, including engineering, transport, communications, agriculture, housing, and communal services. The complexity and non-triviality of a number of tasks that need to be solved when organizing the management of various systems have led to the need to create special devices that can self-learn during the work, choose the best ways to achieve the goal, monitor the external environment, control the parameters of the system, make certain decisions and perform other operations and human actions. Such systems have received the definition of artificial intelligence (AI). To implement in the machine the functions inherent in man, allowed computers and software products. Most often, AI is understood as a direction in informatics and information technologies, the task of which is to recreate reasonable reasonings and actions using computer systems and other artificial devices [6].

Result Modern production and technological processes are based on the analysis and processing of large amounts of data and the solution of this problem in the usual way requires the corresponding expenditure of resources. The desire to obtain competitive advantages motivates large and medium-sized corporations to introduce systems with elements of artificial intelligence (AI) in their industries and in control systems. The results of the analysis. According to experts from the international company Frost & Sullivan, by 2022 the total technology market will increase 4 times compared to 2017 ($ 13.4 billion), which will amount to $ 52.5 billion. According to analytical studies conducted by PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) The introduction of AI technology by 2030 will increase the global market for goods and services by $ 15.7 trillion. A special role is played by IT in the control of financial flows and

contracts concluded with various financial instruments. The introduction of AI in the financial sector allows for continuous monitoring of transactions, identify customers, collect and analyze large amounts of data, while leaving top decision-making for key managers. Russia is one of the leaders in the pace of IT implementation both in business and in government. Russian banks can be recognized as leaders in the implementation of IT in the financial sector. Thus, URALSIB Bank applies the concept of analytics of augmented AI in its practice of combating cyber fraud. To counter the legalization of funds obtained by criminal means (Anti Money Laundering), the AI gives recommendations based on the analysis of large amounts of customer data on 60 or more indicators, it is assigned a certain rating based on which suspicious transactions of customers are identified. As a result of the introduction of technology using AI, the proportion of accounts opened by small and medium-sized businesses has grown almost one and a half times, the legal risks of the bank for concluding transactions with unreliable counterparties have decreased. In 2018, Alfa Bank automated through AI more than 30 routine processes (mail processing, editing credit agreements, calls). The economic efficiency of using AI is based on the use of the Blueprism platform, the cost of which is less than 1 million rubles, while one employee will cost the company 600-700 thousand rubles. per year, despite the fact that the license is at least 3 years. Post Bank was one of the first (in 2015) to introduce client face recognition technology into its security system, which provides a comparison of the biometric parameters of new bank customers with the parameters of existing customers in its database, and also compares them with the database of scammers. The platform for identifying individuals operates in more than 4 thousand points of the bank's presence in post offices and street retail, as well as in 50 thousand partner stores of the bank. According to the Tractica forecast, the cost of provider companies using AI platforms such as Automation Anywhere and UiPath, and their income from the sale of software with AI technologies will grow from $ 8.1 billion in 2018 to $ 105.8 billion by 2025. One of new, but not yet introduced into circulation technologies - an application from Yandex to determine the emotions and interests of a person. This is an excellent lie detector, and, therefore, the technology can be implemented in the personnel security system of an enterprise, because a fraudster will "give himself out" before he has time to get a job. At the same time, the development of IT is adversely affected by state authorities, on the one hand, and criminal structures, which, using fraudulent schemes, deduct tax revenues from taxation.

Negative factors include: - an increase in the number of regulations both at the national and international levels leads to an inevitable increase in the amount of information and the costs of processing it; - By 2020, more than 300 million pages of new laws will appear in the world; - over the past 9 years, world banks have paid a total of more than $ 321 billion for

various violations; - during 2008-2016, the regulatory burden on compliance of the subdivision of financial institutions of developed countries increased by 492%; - the average bank employs from 10% to 15% of the workforce to comply with all regulatory requirements.

In order to counter negative factors, large financial corporations take significant resources out of circulation and channel them to the development of information protection systems, combating money laundering, fraudulent schemes for laundering criminal money and other operations that are suitable for the requirements of the Basel Committee on Banking Control and called " compliance "(from the English compliance, which means compliance with any requirements). Here, compliance means part of the management system in the organization associated with the risks of non-compliance with the requirements of applicable national and international legislation, other regulatory documents, rules and standards of supervisory authorities, industry associations and self-regulatory organizations, codes of conduct, etc. The units of financial institutions that implement these functions are called Compliance. In accordance with the Basel requirements, the Central Bank of Russia has adopted a provision according to which a compliance control service is introduced in all financial institutions, which is focused on the so-called regulatory or compliance risks. Foreign banks allocate significant resources to the development of a compliance control system using AI. According to Australian experts from the RegTech Association, employees of large financial institutions spend 40 to 90 hours of work per year on compliance training, and HSBC, Deutsche Bank, JPMorganChase and other financial corporations already spend more than $ 1 billion on such business processes [7].

Conclusion The introduction of artificial intelligence is an innovative solution to reduce the organization's costs of routine operations, to analyze large amounts of data, based on time-consuming complex algorithms that increase the accuracy of forecasts. In addition, AI helps to reduce legal risks, the costs of paying fines by checking and screening "toxic" counterparties. But nevertheless, like any innovative product, there are also inhibitory factors - regulatory support for the development of this market for services. Questions about licensing, ensuring the confidentiality of personal information and personal information; Enforcement of professional ethics remains open. The solution to these problems will significantly reduce the time needed to implement AI in enterprise management systems, and increase the competitiveness of domestic industry and the service sector in the domestic and world markets. Activities for the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence will significantly increase the value of the company's intellectual potential.


The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-29-07168mk

Работа подготовлена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект №19-29-07168мк.


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