Научная статья на тему 'Archaeological monuments as sources in the study of Azerbaijan tolerance and multicultural traditions'

Archaeological monuments as sources in the study of Azerbaijan tolerance and multicultural traditions Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Bayramov М., Kerimov S.

Azerbaijan multicultural and tolerance traditions were invistigated by archaeological sourses in the article. The resource based on this research is organized the tombstones of latest Bronze-Early Iron, Ancient and Early Medieval ages which proves ethnic and cultural diversity and helps to study multicultural and tolerance traditions historically existed in our country.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Archaeological monuments as sources in the study of Azerbaijan tolerance and multicultural traditions»






Байрамов М.

Лянкяранский государственный университет преподаватель

кафедры Гуманитарных наук, Азербайджан. Керимов С.

Ленкоранский областной научный центр Национальной академии наук Азербайджана старший научный сотрудник,




Bayramov М.

Lankaran State University PhD in history Department of Humanities Azerbaijan. Kerimov S.

Lankaran Regional Scientific Center Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Senior Researcher, Azerbaijan


В статье исследуются традиции толерантности и мальтy культуризма Азербайджана на основе археологических источников. Научные базой этого исследования является надгробия позднего бронзового раннего железа, античного и раннего средневековья которые помогают изучать этнические и культурные разнообразия, исторически существовавшие в нашей стране. ABSTRACT

Azerbaijan multicultural and tolerance traditions were invistigated by archaeological sourses in the article. The resource based on this research is organized the tombstones of latest Bronze-Early Iron, Ancient and Early Medieval ages which proves ethnic and cultural diversity and helps to study multicultural and tolerance traditions historically existed in our country.

Ключевые слова: Азербайджан, мультикультурализм, археология, этническая принадлежность, этническое и культурное разнообразие, надгробные камни, погребальные обряды

Keywords: Azerbaijan, multiculturalism, archeology, ethnicity, eth1nic and cultural diversity, tombstones, funeral rites

Rich multicultural traditions of our people as well as reflected in the numerous archaeological monuments found out in our country.In this regard the archaeological monuments take particular importance and actuality in the study of multiculturalism and tolerant traditions of Azerbaijan, and play the role of a rich factual basis. According to scientific literatures archaeological monuments which are valuable scientific sources in the study of multiculturalism have not been adequately studied, the serious efforts in this direction were not shown.

As more attention hasbeen paid to the artistic sources, philosophical and socio-political approach in

the study of multiculturalism, archaeological sources have remained beyond from the attention and in many cases had been poorly illuminated. The rich archaeological heritage and many archaeological monuments of different periods of the history, also were the best precious keepsakes of multiculturalism, has become the highest indicator of the tolerance culture of our people.

The twentieth-century was a special stage in the development of archeology science and remained in the memory with the large-scale and stationary excavations have been conducted in different parts of the country. The registration of hundreds of monuments reflects the


ethnic - cultural diversity and created the opportunity their entry into the scientific circulation.

The resource base of the current researchconsists of the ancient burial rituals and traditions found during archaeological excavations. Graves monuments of latest Bronze-Early Iron, Ancient and Early Medieval ageswere selected as an object of research.

The tombstones and funeral rites belong to above-mentioned periods archaeologically helps to study ethnic and cultural diversity that historically existed in our country.Because,in those periods the first symptoms of the ethnic, cultural and religious diversityoccurred and devoloped in the territory of Azerbaijan.

in the study of historical roots of Azerbaijan multucultural tradition the monuments belonging to that chronological period are invaluable. Before the spread of Islam mound graves, stone, soil, pots, mud-brick tombs, catacombs, pottery trough, stone sarcophagus and other types of graves were registered and investigated in our country. The ethno-cultural belonging of the grave types has caused widespread controversy in the scientific literature, has proven the existence of ethnic and religious diversity historically in our country and held a special place of its multiethnic evolution.

Tombstones and burial traditions reflected various historical events take place in the life of every society, the socio-political, ideological changes, migration and the formation of new ethnic element, the integration of local and coming funeral traditions and sometimes in the background of it formation of common symbiosis burial rituals (1, p. 24).

The topology of burial monuments and comparative and static analysis of funeral equipment found in the graves prove the formation of the cultural diversity in our country since ancient times.

In Azerbaijan archeology associated with the tombstones and funeral rites by the researchers S.M.Gaziyev, G.M.Aslanov, J.A.Khalilov, R.M.Vahidov, R.B.Goyushov, A.B.Nuriyev, MJ.Khalilov, G.O. Goshkarli, N.O.Museyibli, V.Karimov and others published many articles and monographs, on the basis of factual materials and their common and scientific analysis were given in the extensive literatures (2, p.921; 3, p.177; 1, p. 91-123; 4, p. 54-103; 5, p. 4871).

These extensive archaeological sources were the results of the long-term archeological researches and prove the spread of different cultures and religions based on artifacts with the scientific basis.The barrow graves what were the most ancient burial custom of the South Caucasus also in Azerbaijan as well as considered important archaeological sources in the study of ethno-cultural relations and migrations.

The Soyugbulag barrows, investigated in 20042005 by N.A. Museyibliare entirely considered one of the oldest monuments in the South Caucasus. To his mind the occurring of the burial tradition in barrows in the area of Caucasus belonged to Leylatapa culture tribes and connections betweenMesopotamia -Maykop tribes were done through of these culture bearers (6, p. 54-56).


In Azerbaijan the burial custom in barrows occurred during the latest Copper and early Bronze Age and this burial ritual continued until the early middle Ages. As a burial monument the barrows spread widely in the later stages of the Bronze Age and reflected traditions ancient idolatrous and the first fire-worship tribes.Hasansu barrows that belong to middle Bronze Age manifest itself certain ethno-cultural relations and have close similarity with the Trialeti funeral rites and shows cultural connections betwen South Caucasus and Front Asia (7, p. 26-31).

The late Bronze and Early Iron Age barrows take an important place in the local ethnic group's burial practice and prove the cattle-breeder and farmer tribes living in our country had cultural - economic relations with many civilizations. According to M.J.Xalilov the issue of ethno-cultural identity of the barrows had already solved registered in the historical territory of Albania belong to the early Middle Ages and he put forward the idea that barrow type graves having a connection with Massagetean - Hun tribes migrated to Albania (2, p. 82-84).

Registration the traces of cremation and ingumasy in the burial barrows have been closely associated with the religious views of ethnic groups they belong to.The custom of burial in pitcher graves did not belong to a particular ethnic group became a common burial custom adopted by local and sometimes by incoming ethnic groups. Of course, ethno-cultural identity of this type of grave still remains a controversial issue among researchers.To our opinion, burial in pitcher allows us to say religion of Zoroastrianism widely spread in Azerbaijan in ancient period.

The stone burial boxes what were the main grave type in the late Bronze and early Iron Age reflected the certain symptoms of the religious idolatry and Zoroastrianism.The stone boxes burial custom also had takes an important place among the grave types of Ancient and Early Medieval period and this funeral liturgy proves the existence of religious diversity in the country at that time.

The ground graves in the burial practice of the people widely spread since the Early Iron Age. Researchers connected the early group of them belonged to VII-IV centuries BC with Scythian ethnic elements and noted their participation in the formation of the local Albanian ethnicity. The other group which researchers belonged to I-III centuries CE connected with the migration of the Sarmat-alan ethnic elements (1, p. 127-128).

MJ.Khalilov came toa conclusion the elements of the created culture of the north "nomadic" tribes vividly manifested itself in some early medieval tombs registered in Albania and those graves were belonged to the people joined to the unity "Masqut-hun", the majority of the idolatrous ground graves belonged to the local Albanian ethnic group (2, p.70-71; 8, p.181-196).The reason of putting forward such ideas have been associated with the characteristics of the graves burial ceremonies.

Catacombs can be shown as a type of grave which does not reflect local burial traditions were found outthe first time in Azerbaijan in Mingachevir. There

SCIENCES OF EUROPE # 24, (2018) | CULTUROLOGY are different opinions about burial custom in the catacombs in the scientific literature. J.A.Khalilov connected of the early catacomb graves with sarmatian-alanian ethnic group (4, p. 54-103; 1, p. 143).

The catacombs were found out in Mingachevir, Gabala, Shamakhi, Guba, Shamkir and in the other places of Azerbaijan Republic.

But M.J.Khalilov noted according to the burial ceremonies burial in the catacombs were a culturebe-longed to the tribes lived compact in Albania in the early Medieval Ages and these were reflected in the archaeological sources(2, p. 80-83).

J.A.Khalilov, R.B.Goyushov, G.O.Goshgarli, MJ.Khalilov and other researchers say that some grave types - catacombs, mud-brick tombs, pottery vats, stone sarcophagus and others had been registered in the historical territory of Albania do not belonged to burial practices of the local population and was connected with these ethnic groups migrated here.

Belonging to the ancient and early medieval ages these grave types were the clear example of cultural diversity and attained great importance in the investigation of ethno-cultural relationship.

G.O.Goshgarli put forward the idea of the burial tradition of mud-brick tomb and clay trough (pottery sarcophagus) belonged to the Parthia colonies, the world of Greco-Parthian migrants.

M.J.Khalilov noted the Christian funeral traditions spread widely after announcing Christianity as a state religion in the IV century in the country and burial in the ground graves, stone boxes, catacombs etc. en-teredinto burial practice of the Christian populationas it was in idolatry.

He moved forward the idea possibility of burial in stone sargufagus were carried out mainly by Chiristian rules and in some monuments were observed wrapping Christian-idolatry burial rituals and among the Christian graves with representatives of the local population were graves belong to the Christian missionaries who came from front Asia.

The stone sarcophagus researchers belong to the VII-X centuries registered in Albania.Buried possibility of the prominent Christian clergy, missionaries and members of the upper class of this religion were put forward in these grave monuments.For example such monuments can be shown the graves found out in the temples Amaras, Elysee, Kish and others. M.J.Khalilov noted that

among the persons who preached Christianity in Albania even were nomads and one of the representatives of them were buried in the temple of Kish who had great service in front of the church (9, p. 97-113; 5, p. 143-152; 2. p.65-67; 8, p. 187). Part of the Hun-Xazarian, settled down in Albania also worshiped Christianity.

Confrontations of Sassanian-Roman, Sassanian-Bizantine Empire and the flows of Hun-Xazar made an important influence in formation of the religious and cultural diversity in the territory of our country in the early middle Ages.

The variety of the grave monuments and burial ceremonies proves once again historically widely spreading religious and cultural diversity in our country.

These burial customs and ceremonies prove the peopleshave been living in the tolerant environment and cultural integration in our countryfaith to the idolatry, fire-worship, Judaism, Christianity etc. religions.

Investigation of the archaeological sources affirms the existence of the religious and ethnic diversity by heavy facts and it show cultural variety take an important place in the life of our people.


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