ARAB LEXICOLOGY: THEORY OR PRACTICE? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
core / inflection / lexicology / meaning / phrase / synonym / ядро / словоизменение / лексикология / значение / словосочетание / синоним.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Islomov, Muhiddin

The article is devoted to the lexical features of the Arabic language, its problems and solutions. It describes the lexical units of the Arabic language and their peculiarities. There is also a special emphasis on word formation in Arabic. Since Arabic belongs to the family of inflected languages, the formation of a new word in it is done not by adding to the base, but by replacing, increasing or decreasing the letters in the core letters. Terms such as core and supplement are also explained below, and various scientific bases are given. Special attention is paid to the use of lexical units (words and phrases), semantic features, synonyms and antonyms.

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В статье рассматриваются лексические особенности арабского языка, его проблемы и решения. Описываются лексические единицы арабского языка и их особенности. Также особое внимание уделяется словообразованию в арабском языке. Поскольку арабский язык относится к семейству флективных языков, образование нового слова в нем осуществляется не путем прибавления к основе, а путем замены, увеличения или уменьшения букв в основных буквах. Ниже также объясняются такие термины, как ядро и дополнение, и приводятся различные научные основы. Особое внимание уделяется употреблению лексических единиц (слов и словосочетаний), семантическим признакам, синонимам и антонимам.

Текст научной работы на тему «ARAB LEXICOLOGY: THEORY OR PRACTICE?»

ARAB LEXICOLOGY: THEORY OR PRACTICE? d https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6653428

Muhiddin Islomov

Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Teacher of Near Oriental Languages (Uzbekistan) Tel: +998994483117


The article is devoted to the lexical features of the Arabic language, its problems and solutions. It describes the lexical units of the Arabic language and their peculiarities. There is also a special emphasis on word formation in Arabic. Since Arabic belongs to the family of inflected languages, the formation of a new word in it is done not by adding to the base, but by replacing, increasing or decreasing the letters in the core letters. Terms such as core and supplement are also explained below, and various scientific bases are given. Special attention is paid to the use of lexical units (words and phrases), semantic features, synonyms and antonyms.

Key words: core, inflection, lexicology, meaning, phrase, synonym.


Maqaola arab tilining leksikalogik xususiyatlari, undagi mavjud muammolar va ularning yechimlariga bag'ishlangan. Unda arab tilda mavjud bo'lgan leksik birliklar, ularning o 'ziga xos xususiyatlari yoritilgan. Bundan tashqari, arab tilada so'z yasalish usullariga ham alohida e'tibor qaratilgan. Arab tili flektiv tillar oilasiga mansub bo'lganligi sababli, unda yangi so'zning yasalishi asosga qo'shimcha qo'shish bilan emas, balki o'zak harflar tarkibidagi harflar o'rnini almashtirish, harflarni ziyoda qilish yoki kamaytirish orqali amalga oshiriladi. Quyida o 'zak (asos) va qo 'shimcha kabi atamalarga ham izoh berilib, turli xil ilmiy asoslar keltirilgan. Leksik birliklar (so'z va ibora)larning foydalanishi, ma'no xususiyatlari, sinonim va zid ma'noni anglatuvchi so'zlarga ham alohida e'tibor berilgan.

Kalitso'zlar: o'zak, flektiv, leksikologiya, ma'no, ibora, sinonim.


В статье рассматриваются лексические особенности арабского языка,

его проблемы и решения. Описываются лексические единицы арабского языка и


их особенности. Также особое внимание уделяется словообразованию в арабском языке. Поскольку арабский язык относится к семейству флективных языков, образование нового слова в нем осуществляется не путем прибавления к основе, а путем замены, увеличения или уменьшения букв в основных буквах. Ниже также объясняются такие термины, как ядро и дополнение, и приводятся различные научные основы. Особое внимание уделяется употреблению лексических единиц (слов и словосочетаний), семантическим признакам, синонимам и антонимам.

Ключевые слова: ядро, словоизменение, лексикология, значение, словосочетание, синоним.


The article deals with the theoretical problems of Arabic lexicology in terms of teaching Arabic as a foreign language. The historical changes that have taken place in our country over the past decades have made significant changes in the entire education system, including the training of highly qualified personnel who know foreign languages, including Oriental languages.

As a country that is largely attracted to the East in its development, our country is developing a new identity as a result of the synthesis of Eastern and Western cultures. In addition, Uzbekistan has embarked on the path of democratic development and integration into the world economic space.

In order to improve the methodological level of modern teaching of literary Arabic, the curriculum of "Oriental Studies" includes theoretical courses of great practical importance for the younger generation of Arabic scholars.

This means that getting acquainted with the formation of Arabic words in the theoretical course "Lexicology of the Arabic language" seems necessary and expedient for students of Arabic in all specialties.

This requirement is due to the specific linguistic features of Arabic, which belongs to the group of inflected Semitic languages. The root of an Arabic word usually consists of three consonants. The combination of these consonants radically expresses the general lexical meaning of the word.

Vowels are used to indicate word formation and grammatical meanings. For example, from the core of the SFR, which means "to travel", the following words can be made: "safara" - "set off", "sufira" - "sent", "safar" - "travel, journey", "safr" "tourists, travelers", "sufira"-"travel conditions; dining table", "sa:fir" - "traveler,

passenger", "safari" - "camp", "safa:ra" - "embassy" and soon. This explains the structural harmony of the Arabic language and the clear division of its forms.


Literature in different languages was used to cover and comment on the terms.

To draw students' attention to the fact that in the process of teaching Arabic, the originality of the first two root words in many words (usually simple stems) is characterized by the presence of a certain common semantic feature expedient.

Thus, a famous Arab philologist from Basra al-Asmai (740-828) narrates the pronunciation of the word "falcon" by three Arabs from different tribes. One of them said as-sakr, the other said as-sakr, and the third suggested az-zakar [5].

The semantically distinct consonant menu can be found not only in nouns but also in verbs. For example, "bazaka" - "basaka" means "spit" or "khadoma" -"khadama" - "hatoma", which means "to break, break, destroy".

Even medieval Arabic philologists concluded that in a three-consonant root, the first two consonants often contain the basic concept, and that the "third consonant is a specialized" supplement. [1, 60].


Lexical features that are present in Arabic lexicology, which are not found in other languages, and the peculiarities of word formation have been discussed in similarly discussed parts.

The two-consonant roots of an Arabic word are the process of "taking" a missing third root or "replacing" one of the root consonants (al-ibdal in Arabic). The addition of an additional consonant is in front of, within, or behind a cell with two consonants. as a prefix, infix, or suffix.

You can create a root construction diagram by determining which consonants are added at the end of the root. For example, the box of consonants "kt": "katata" -"carve, cut", "katasha" - "separate or cut off a piece", "kagaaa" - "cut, cut", "katafa" - "cutting a flower"," katala "-" cutting, cutting "," katama "-" separating, biting "and others. The root ":takes" the missing third root, but the semantic basis is the same.

In an Arabic dictionary, the presence of words that have some formal differences in certain elements of the stem is usually not due to its regular paradigmatic changes. Some Arabic linguists claim that the word "finger" (isbaa) has up to nine pronunciations. Although Ibn Foris (d. 1004) said that a word can be two or four, sometimes five, just like the word "north" - "shamal", "shama:l", "tick", "candle", "wind", but there are no more than six variants. [7, 38].

These distinct differences in the sound shell of words are individual and lexical, and we find that H.K. In Baranov's dictionary we can find several variants of the same word. These changes do not affect the lexical meaning of words, nor do they violate their originality.

As a rule, they are related to the phonetic features of the pronunciation of a particular lexical unit by representatives of this or that Arab country, as well as different words and some other cases depending on the grammatical gender or type of conjugation.

In the early stages of teaching Arabic, the teacher should inform students about the variability of the Arabic dictionary, show its existence in the modern Arabic dictionary, theoretically pay attention to the correctness of all variants of the word in the dictionary. should.

In the general educational process of teaching Arabic, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the modern language situation - the presence of diglossia and literary language in the background of everyday spoken dialects and the mix of pure languages, successive literary forms and dialectal forms from the classical dictionary.

The absence of short vowels in Arabic script allows students to make phonetic phrases. Along with literary, classical forms, dialectal forms often resonate. Since pure literary forms in oral speech are difficult and unusual in pronunciation, the spoken forms of words are included in the Arabic dictionary and are strengthened according to various phonomorphological changes.


A mandatory component of the learning process is to acquaint Arabic language students with the types of vocabulary in Arabic: classification, in which the dictionary is organized either on a conceptual basis or on a specific lexical or semantic basis; annotated dictionaries, in which the dictionary is fully compiled and arranged in alphabetical order; bilingual dictionaries (general and terminological).

In recent years, there have been significant changes in the descriptive linguistics and lexicographic descriptions of Russian and Arabic. New words appeared in the Arabic literary language. Some words have been given new meanings, while others have received new translations from one language to another. VM Borisov's "Russian-Arabic Dictionary" and HK Baranov's "Arabic-Russian Dictionary" reflect the state of the Arabic literary language in the mid-20th century. Therefore, it is impossible to succeed in learning Arabic without knowledge and skills from modern specialized dictionaries. Some of the considerations presented in

the article allow us to conclude that it is necessary to combine theory and practice in the process of teaching Arabic. REFERENCES

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