APPLICATION OF THE OPPORTUNITIES OF VIRTUAL LABORATORIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Muradova Firuza Rashidovna

Given the current situation with the mental and physical condition of laboratory equipment, an alternative to using virtual learning in automation laboratories instead of traditional methods of teaching students is being considered. The advantages and opportunities of using virtual and distance learning in real conditions are shown.

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APPLICATION OF THE OPPORTUNITIES OF VIRTUAL LABORATORIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Muradova Firuza Rashidovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Information communication technologies.

E-mail: fmuradova275@gmail.com Bukhara engineering-technological institute

Given the current situation with the mental and physical condition of laboratory equipment, an alternative to using virtual learning in automation laboratories instead of traditional methods of teaching students is being considered. The advantages and opportunities of using virtual and distance learning in real conditions are shown.

Keywords: information technology, virtual laboratories, distance learning process, advantages, opportunities, dynamic model.

The information support of the modern educational space should be at a level that would allow the teacher to solve all educational tasks facing him quickly and efficiently. Information technology allows you to find for a particular pedagogical situation. New information technologies in education in general and in teaching history, including, can be used by the teacher at almost all stages of the educational process, in particular: when preparing theoretical material, when creating information and methodological support for the discipline, when developing demonstration materials for classes , when checking the knowledge of students, for collecting and analyzing progress statistics. This list can be modified and expanded by the teacher in accordance with the specifics of pedagogical activity.

Initially, before the advent of computers, the laboratory of natural sciences had a single form of organization: a real object under study and the necessary auxiliary equipment, for example, a set of control and measuring instruments. All studies were carried out by hand. The advent of computers and the intrusion into scientific activity greatly facilitated the work of scientists, taking over the most labor-intensive moments of research. Today, computer technology and scientific activity are inseparable parts. Experiments can be carried out using real or virtual instruments and devices in real or virtual laboratories with a real test object or its mathematical model. Moreover, various configurations of these capabilities are possible.

When the object under study is actually present in the experiment, and not its mathematical model, usually the main components of the workplace are the object of study, a set of instrumentation, auxiliary equipment, and a personal computer. However, instrumentation and auxiliary equipment often occupy a significant part of the total cost of the laboratory bench, sometimes many times higher than the cost of the research object. And due to known circumstances, many organizations are now unable to equip their laboratories according to this scheme. Therefore, researchers automate instrumentation and ancillary equipment

through application software. Thus, the constituent components of the virtual stand are reduced to an object of research and a computer with the necessary software. However, even full automation of instrumentation and auxiliary equipment does not hide serious material costs for organizing a laboratory bench. Therefore, ultimately, in many laboratories, a laboratory stand degenerates into a workplace where experiments can be carried out only with a mathematical model of the object under study. To organize the experiment, only a computer with the necessary software is needed.

The laboratory can be organized according to three options, regardless of whether the object of research is present in the experiment or is replaced by a mathematical model: autonomous, based on a local network or via the Internet.

Choosing a tool for developing a virtual laboratory is an important step. The quality of the product being developed, the time and effort spent by the developer on the implementation of the program code will depend on it. Therefore, the tool must satisfy a number of requirements corresponding to the task at hand.

The goal of the project is to develop not only an Internet version of the virtual laboratory, but also a local one, so that even those users who do not have an Internet connection can work with it. It is also necessary to take into account the class of problems solved in the virtual laboratory.

The development and creation of virtual laboratories is primarily due to the development of distance education. Nevertheless, there are a number of disciplines in which laboratory research implies significant expenses of educational institutions on machines, tools, workpieces, reagents, etc. Moreover, as practice shows, it is not always possible for students to do it right the first time, after theoretical training. to perform laboratory work. Often, for a successful outcome, you need to conduct the experiment several times, then the costs can increase significantly. Virtual laboratories are also used in cases when an experiment takes place on an inconvenient scale of space and time, is impossible, unique, unattended, etc. In these cases, such laboratories become a necessity in order to provide an opportunity to conduct the educational process at much lower costs, or will save means, teaching students first on special virtual simulators, for their subsequent transition to real expensive laboratory stands. Physics classes at the university are characterized by a constant shortage of time and the complexity of using demonstration material and laboratory equipment. Particular difficulties arise for students studying by correspondence and distance learning. Distance learning requires hard work from students and a certain initial level that allows them to use modern computer technologies.

A virtual laboratory is a software and hardware complex that allows experiments to be carried out without direct contact with a real installation or in the complete absence of it. In the first case, we are dealing with a so-called laboratory installation with remote access, which includes a real laboratory, software and hardware for managing the installation and digitizing the data obtained, as well as communication tools. In the second case, all processes are simulated using a computer.

Electronic educational resources based on modern computer three-dimensional simulation of physical processes and phenomena are implemented in the form of multimedia educational and scientific laboratories or virtual simulators. The novelty of the technology of virtual simulators is substantiated by the use of modern means of computer modeling and the active introduction of information technologies in the field of education.

Let's formulate the main reasons for using the technology of virtual simulators:

- existing laboratory stands and workshops are insufficiently equipped with modern instruments, devices and apparatus;

- most laboratory stands and training workshops were put into operation after decommissioning, do not meet modern requirements and are morally outdated, which can distort the results of experiments and serve as a potential source of danger for students;

- laboratory works and stands require annual improvement, which leads to additional financial costs;

- in such areas as, for example, building materials science or physical chemistry, in addition to equipment, consumables are also required - raw materials, the reagents of which are quite high. Of course, computer hardware and software are also expensive, but the versatility of computer technology and its widespread use compensate for this disadvantage;

- modern computer technologies make it possible to observe processes that are difficult to distinguish in real conditions without the use of additional equipment, for example, due to the small size of the observed particles;

- virtual simulators make it possible to simulate processes, the flow of which is fundamentally impossible in laboratory conditions;

- virtual simulators provide an opportunity to penetrate into the subtleties of processes and observe what is happening on a different time scale, which is relevant for processes that take place in a fraction of a second or, on the contrary, last for several years;

- safety - an important advantage of using virtual laboratories in cases where work is in progress, for example, with high voltages or chemicals;

- due to the inertia of work or processes on some laboratory facilities for the allotted time for them, it is difficult to re-analyze or check;

- the acquisition by trainees of sufficient skills and work experience in a particular field requires the need to repeat classes, which is not always done in order to avoid frequent breakdowns of installations and additional costs for consumables;

- virtual simulators are a highly effective teaching method, which is due to the low level of abstraction of the educational material contained in them, in other words, the virtual learning environment in multimedia educational and scientific laboratories simulates real conditions as much as possible.

With the use of virtual laboratories, it becomes necessary to introduce a new, effective and accessible pedagogical method that contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

- initiate sufficient interest among students along with accessibility and increase the activity and independence of their educational work;

- attract the attention of students, taking into account their psychological characteristics and improve the perception of educational material through multimedia;

- provide full control of the assimilation of the material by students;

- facilitate the process of repetition and training in preparation for exams and other forms of control;

- relieve the teacher from the routine of control and consultation;

- to use extracurricular time for study in the form of individual homework;

- to introduce distance learning forms.

Virtual laboratory stands can be used:

- when giving lectures as illustrations;

- to improve the qualifications of specialists;

- to simulate the operation of various devices in operating modes;

- fulfillment of individual tasks and laboratory work, keeping records of student progress, their rating;

- implementation of objective control over the quality of student knowledge;

- distance learning. For the study, virtual laboratory stands are being developed, in which the dynamics of the ongoing processes in automation and telemechanics systems is realized through computer animation. Initially, all the processes of forming the concepts of defining features, their analysis and synthesis, the development of animation displayed on the computer display in certain sequences are developed by a specialist. The multimedia database contains simulation dynamic models of devices and objects in which physical parameters change and real technological processes take place. Simulation dynamic models are developed on the basis of real systems and objects in which physical processes occur and physical parameters change in real conditions in accordance with quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Basic requirements for virtual laboratory stand:

- the dynamic model of the technological process should take into account the mutual influence of the main real parameters;

- application development tools should be simple and flexible;

- the interface should be as close as possible to real physical processes and parameters;

- there must be options for various situations and the possibility of changing the defining parameters;

- it should be possible to evaluate the student's actions and indicate incorrect or erroneous actions. When creating stands, modern multimedia technologies should be used, which make it possible to present the necessary educational material in a form that is convenient for learning and assimilation. To simplify,

you can also use video materials of real automation devices with a demonstration of their operation in various modes or physical processes occurring in them. To measure parameters, you can show control points, connection methods, measuring instruments. Indicate the algorithms and features of the device operation, algorithms for checking serviceability and troubleshooting.

Thus, taking into account the above, the following positive aspects of using virtual laboratories can be distinguished:

- interactivity and accessibility, allowing to perform laboratory and practical work in a frontal way;

- independence from specific laboratories, the availability of measuring instruments, stands and equipment;

- no need to purchase expensive equipment, measuring instruments and more compact laboratories in terms of area;

- the ability to simulate various processes, the implementation of which in real laboratories can take a lot of time;

- the ability to monitor ongoing technological processes in real time at certain stages and experimental research;

- the ability to change various parameters in wide ranges and their fixation;

- no errors when measuring parameters and errors when connecting;

- no need for calculations, building graphs and tables;

- ensuring high safety during laboratory and practical work;

- using virtual laboratories for distance learning, as well as for independent work. The main disadvantage when using virtual laboratories is the lack of development of practical skills in working with real automation devices, determining control points for measuring signals and using measuring instruments.

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