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Benchmarking concept / crisis management / competitive benchmarking / principles of benchmarking / quality management principles / hospitality industry / hotel services / modern methods of quality assurance.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kh. R. Sharipova, Boboeva Sh. S., Mahmadulloev A. S., Kholniyazov M.M.

This article reveals the application of the benchmarking concept, where the main goal is management in crisis situations. The benchmarking method is aimed at identifying the unique capabilities of an enterprise, solving problems based on previous experience, in order to solve anti-crisis issues for the development of competitive advantages. The authors analyzed the main elements of benchmarking, as well as benchmark indicators that determine the efficiency and competitiveness of the hotel business. The purpose of this method is to study the business of partners and use their advanced techniques and practical methods for crisis management and achieving commercial success for their company.

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MANAGEMENT IN THE HOTEL BUSINESS Kh. R. Sharipova1, Boboeva Sh. S2., Mahmadulloev A. S.3, Kholniyazov M.M.4

1. Candidate of Economic science, associate professor Department of Management and Marketing of the Tajik National University

2. Doctor - PhD of the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics of the Tajik National University

3. Doctor - PhD of the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics of the Tajik National University

4. Student, 1st year, (bachelor's degree) Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Annotation: This article reveals the application of the benchmarking concept, where the main goal is management in crisis situations. The benchmarking method is aimed at identifying the unique capabilities of an enterprise, solving problems based on previous experience, in order to solve anti-crisis issues for the development of competitive advantages. The authors analyzed the main elements of benchmarking, as well as benchmark indicators that determine the efficiency and competitiveness of the hotel business. The purpose of this method is to study the business of partners and use their advanced techniques and practical methods for crisis management and achieving commercial success for their company.

Keywords: Benchmarking concept, crisis management, competitive benchmarking, principles of benchmarking, quality management principles, hospitality industry, hotel services, modern methods of quality assurance.


Шарипова Х.Р., Бобоева Ш.С., Махмадуллоев А.С., Холниязов М.М.

1. Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры менеджмента и маркетинга Таджикского национального университета

2. Доктор - PhD кафедры менеджмента и маркетинга экономического факультета Таджикского национального университета

3. Доктор - PhD кафедры менеджмента и маркетинга экономического факультета Таджикского национального университета

4. Студент 1-го курса (степень бакалавра), факультета экономика и бизнеса Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации

Аннотация: В данной статье выявлено об применения бенчмаркинговой концепции, где главная цель является управление в кризисных ситуациях. Метод бенчмаркинга направлен на выявление уникальных возможностей предприятия, решение проблем на основе предыдущего опыта, чтобы решать антикризисные вопросы для развития конкурентных преимуществ. Авторами проанализировано основные элементы бенчмаркинга, также показатели бенчмарки определяющий эффективность и конкурентоспособность гостиничного бизнеса. Цель данного метода, заключается в изучение бизнеса партнеров и использование их передовых приемов и практических методов для антикризисного управления и достижения коммерческих успехов своей компании.

Ключевые слова: Концепция бенчмаркинга, антикризисное управление, конкурентный бенчмаркинг, принципы бенчмаркинга, принципы менеджмента качества, индустрия гостеприимство, гостиничные услуги, современные методы обеспечения качества.

I. Introduction

Each economic subject has its own capabilities, tools and methods that realize its competitive advantages, but at the stage of the life cycle of organizations they may encounter negative trends leading to a crisis.

II. Goals and objectives of the study

In such conditions, there is a special need to analyze indicators of the business and financial condition of enterprises and detect signals and approaches or the presence of a crisis state. One such tool for crisis management can be offered as benchmarking, which includes a systematic and continuous analysis, assessment of enterprise processes and their comparison with the processes of leading enterprises in the world in order to change environmentally friendly products, services, equipment and technologies.

III. Research results and their discussions Benchmarking is a method of objective systematic comparison of one's own activities with the work of the best companies (divisions of one's company), understanding the reasons for the effectiveness of partners' business, organizing appropriate actions to improve their own performance and their implementation [6].

Benchmarking tools serve to comparatively study the performance of various objects and highlight the best practical example in the work of competitors. This is a well-known method, originated in the USA, in 1972 by the investigative and consulting organization PIMS (PIMS - Profit Impact of Market Strategy Program "the impact of a marketing strategy on profit" approach consists in searching for instructions developed on the basis of the generalized experience of successful and unsuccessful companies) found that in order to find the optimal solution, it is necessary to know the best experience of other enterprises that are successful in similar conditions.

There are a huge number of interpretations of the concept of benchmarking. The earliest and most famous definition: "benchmarking is a constant process of studying and evaluating goods, services and production experience of the most serious competitors or those companies that are recognized leaders in their fields," is given in the book by R. Camp [2].

In our opinion, the essence of crisis management comes down to minimizing and, if possible, eliminating the negative consequences caused by unfavorable situations that can affect the image and reputation of enterprises. In this aspect, "crisis management is understood as a process that also includes prevention, which is not an isolated phase, it is an integral part of the crisis management process, including: prevention, preparation, development of a negative fact, response to the crisis and the post-crisis period" [1]. Therefore, on these judgments, the use of benchmarking is a targeted action to eliminate negative consequences.

And others consider it the product of the evolutionary development of the concept of competitiveness, others - a quality improvement program, while others rank it among the exotic products of Japanese business practice. According to F. Kotler, benchmarking is a powerful theoretical, methodological and practical tool for the survival and development of an enterprise in a strong competitive field, based on

marketing management, designated as marketing management [4]. Currently, the range of interest in this topic is growing, and therefore there is a numerous definition of benchmarking. Among the most well-known definitions can be identified, presented in table I [8].



Authors Definition of benchmarking

American Center for Performance and Quality (APQC) The process of identifying, disseminating and using knowledge and best practices to achieve strategic, operational and financial benefits.

Bagiev G.L. The process, the activity of long-term reflection on an entrepreneurial strategy based on the best experience of partners and competitors at the sectoral, cross-sectoral, national and international levels.

Kachalin V., Rietveldt D., Fukolova Yu. Comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of one company and the indicators of other, more successful ones.

Salomeeva A. A systematic activity aimed at finding, evaluating and learning from the best examples, regardless of their size, business area, geographical location.

Shirokova G.V. The benchmarking hotel business needs to select the best features of each partner company and combine them so that it can come up with a better solution than any of the individual hotel solutions.

Svante Ostoblume, Bengt Karlef An ongoing, systematic process of comparing one's own performance in terms of productivity, quality and organization of work processes, with businesses and institutions that are "best".

IBM A tool used to find methods that allow an organization to perform a particular business process at the highest (reference) level.

Source: compiled by the author based on materials.

Analyzing all the definitions of various authors on the essence of benchmarking, we can conclude that the practical experience of using the benchmarking method in the hotel industry will significantly complement and improve hotel management for the better. Since the essence of benchmarking is proposed by researchers and practitioners to be defined ambiguously both as a concept, and as a process, and as a function (a specialized type of activity), a method for evaluating strategies, a tool, and goals of work.

IV. Obtained result

Summarizing and analyzing, we propose the following definition of benchmarking in the hospitality industry: it is a method of increasing the competitiveness of hotels or other accommodation facilities by searching, studying competitors and adapting to their own environments, applying and adapting carefully selected management methods in their company, while working out the best examples, methods and the best features of the company, regardless of their field of activity. And in general, the outcome of this study and the implementation of the results obtained should meet the needs of the market and achieve the key goals of the hotel and be competitive

In the hotel business, there are two options for increasing competitiveness. The first one - the technology implements process benchmarking, the second one -supports competitive benchmarking. In the first option, the internal organization of the hotel management system is studied, in the second, information about the work of competing hotels is used to increase competitiveness. In the latter case, information is collected about the competing hotel that you should be like.

Features, are the basic elements (Figure 1) that organize, integrate and lay the foundation for the concept and concept of competitive analysis, are the goals, objectives and principles of benchmarking [7, pp. 36-40].






improving business and increasing competitiveness;

• identification and application of best practices ii the organization's core business processes;

• improving the quality of hotel services;

• achievement of strategic goals of the hotel;

• Increasing the profitability and efficiency of hotel enterprises;

• broadening the horizons of the organization;

• consolidation of the company's position in the service market.

• establish a competitive position and identify relatively weak points;

• selection of ideas for cardinal process improvement;

• identify 'best of breed' examples of practice;

• encourage the developmer of goals beyond operational planning that are significantly higher than current performance goals;

• develop new methods for improving the quality of services;

• reorientation of corporate culture.

• Mutually beneficial.

• Reliability of information.

• Focus on quality.

• Importance of business processes.

• System analysis of external benchmarking

• Benchmarking is the basis of survival.

• Purposefulness in implementation of changes. .

Figure 1. Basic elements of a benchmarking study of the hotel services market

(compiled on the basis of an analysis of literary sources) [5, pp. 28-32]

The basic elements of benchmarking show that this tool is necessary to achieve marketing goals, because. based on proper research, can provide the necessary information to improve hotel services and meet market requirements. The goal of benchmarking is to find and find the best business competitor that is doing better than you. It should be noted that after finding the goal cannot be achieved, since here it is necessary to independently find the answer to the question "what ways and methods to do it better?", Since the principle of benchmarking is "from best to best". Managers making change through benchmarking should remember one of Edward

Deming's "Apply but don't accept" advice. In other words, blind copying is not acceptable, since in this case the desired results will certainly not be achieved, and interest in further reference studies in the organization will be lost for a long time.

Depending on the task, benchmarking divides two types of research:

1. Comparative benchmarking.

2. Process benchmarking.

Comparative benchmarking is the process of collecting and analyzing the performance of an organization and comparing these data with those of other companies in the industry in order to identify problems and develop strategic programs.

For enterprises, the hotel business, you can use the following indicators as benchmarks (Table II).

At the same time, the values of the indicators of the analyzed enterprise of the hotel sector must be compared with the indicators of enterprises similar to it in terms of volume, structure, and client orientation. In comparative benchmarking, not only horizontal analysis is calculated (comparison with other hotel enterprises), but also vertical (comparisons with previous periods, month, quarter, year), while taking into account the influence of the seasonal factor.



№ Names of the indicator Calculation formulas

1 Revenue Per Available Room - room stock revenue per room for a period of time Room stock revenue per room for a period of time = revenue / number of hotel rooms RevPAR = Rooms Revenue/Rooms Available

2 Revenue Per Available Room - room stock revenue per room for a period of time Room stock revenue per room for a period of time = hotel occupancy * average room price RevPar = Occupancy (%) * ADR (Average daily room rate)

3 Revenue Per Available Guest - room stock revenue per guest for a period of time Room stock revenue per guest for a period of time = total hotel revenue, including accommodation, meals, additional services, taxes / number of guests staying for a period RevPag = Total Revenue/N guests

4 Average Daily Room rate - average cost per room Average cost of a room = room stock sales revenue / number of rooms sold over a period of time ADR = RoomRevenue/Roo ms Sold

5 Occupancy - hotel occupancy Hotel occupancy = rooms sold / all rooms, except for rooms under major renovation Occupancy% = Rooms Sold/RoomsAvailable

6 Gross operating profit per available room - gross operating income per room Gross operating income per room = gross operating income of the hotel / total number of rooms, except for rooms under major renovation GOP PAR = EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) / Rooms Available

Process benchmarking is the study of business processes of enterprises that have the best results in their field, that have certain directions and business processes.

V. Conclusions

Business process research is based on studying the mechanism of operation of the business process of interest, and not on comparing its effectiveness with the results of a similar business process in your organization. This research is usually carried out on the basis of a mutual agreement between the parties, which is governed by a benchmarking code of conduct1. Like any new economic tool, benchmarking arose as a reaction to the economic crisis. Therefore, the degree of detail of business processes and analysis of hotel problems completely depends on the goals set at the first stage of the benchmarking procedure. Therefore, benchmarking studies can become the basis for developing a strategy for the quality of hotel services, which can become an exemplary tool for crisis management. Considering all these factors, we believe that the use of benchmarking research provides an opportunity for a hotel industry to take an outside look at its management practices and identify their potential for improvement in the future.

List of literature used

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2. Camp, R.C. Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to Superior Performance. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: ASQC Quality Press, 1989

3. Gornostaeva Zh.V. Benchmarking in the service sector: monograph / Zh.V. Gornostaeva, S.V. Bogdanov [and others]. - Mines: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "YURGUES", 2009. - P. 54-55.

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5. Mikhailova E.A. Fundamentals of benchmarking: basic principles of the concept and planning of a benchmarking proj ect / Magazine "Management in Russia and Abroad" No. 3/2001,

6. Starikov V.V. Benchmarking - the way to improve marketing in Russia and abroad, No. 4 (54) / 2006

7. Siziks N.V. Assessing the efficiency of the hotel complex and its divisions. KPI system // Hotel business. -2007. - No. 3. - pp. 36-40

8. Sharipova Kh.R. Radjabov, R. K. Benchmarking as a tool for developing the competitiveness of hotel enterprises / R.K. Radjabov, Kh. R. Sharipova // Bulletin of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics. Social Science Series. - 2018. - No. 3(76). -pp. 28-38. - EDN YUTNZTN.

1 "The European Benchmarking Code of Conduct", developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management - EFQM

Information about the author:

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SHARIPOVA KHADICHA RUSTAMOVNA. Candidate of Economic science, associate professor of the Department of Management and Marketing of the Tajik National University. Tajikistan, Dushanbe. E-mail: khadicha.rustamzoda2020@mail.ru. SPIN-code: 3958-8011 BOBOEVA SHUKRONA SAYMUDINOVNA - Tajik National University, doctor - PhD of the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management. Phone: (+992) 205896161; e-mail: boboevash@mail.ru. SPIN code: 6757-5804 MAHMADULLOEV AHMADJON SAIDJONOVICH

Tajik national University, doctoral student PhD of the Department of management and marketing, 734025, Dushanbe city, Rudaki Avenue 17. Tel: (+992) 988-88-83-37; E-mail: dass_ahmadjon@mail.ru, SPIN-code: 4711-7407

KHOLNIYAZOV MUHAMMADJON MANUCHEHROVICH, Student, 1st year, (bachelor's degree) Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Tel: (+992) 555549771, E-mail: mukhammad.m00@mail.ru

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