УДК 37.013
Психолого-педагогические науки
Прокопенко Юлия Александровна, научный руководитель, канд. социол. наук, доц, Белгородский государственный университет, РФ, г. Белгород Коваленко Анастасия Андреевна, студент, факультет дошкольного начального и специального образования, Белгородский государственный
университет, РФ, г. Белгород
Аннотация: Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме, касающейся формирования общения у детей с ограниченными интеллектуальными возможностями. Подробно рассмотрено использование методов сенсорной интеграции, благодаря которым развитие коммуникативных способностей происходит гораздо успешнее.
Ключевые слова: сенсорная интеграция, дети с ограниченными возможностями, коммуникативное расстройство, умственная отсталость.
Abstract: The article is dedicated to an urgent issue concerning the formation of communication in children with intellectual disabilities. The use of sensory integration methods is considered in detail, thanks to which the development of communicative abilities is much more successful.
Keywords: sensory integration, children with disabilities, communication disorder, intellectual disability.
Social adaptation and integration in society of children with intellectual disabilities for modern defectological science is one of the priorities [1]. The lack of formation of communicative activity in children with intellectual disabilities leads to significant difficulties in full-fledged communication and learning, and, in addition,
prevents potential communicative development. In this article, we propose a system of influence, where communication is formed through sensory integration.
Communication is one of the main conditions for the mental development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, the leading type of human activity aimed at knowing and evaluating himself through others [5]. Socio-communicative skills are a set of human abilities, the main function of which is to build effective interaction with other people.
Children with intellectual disabilities are at risk for existing cognitive impairments that have arisen as a result of organic brain damage, and are accompanied by qualitative changes in the entire psyche, the personality as a whole, in combination with sensory processing dysfunction [2].
It is important to note that at present in speech therapy practice there are more and more children with a complex structure of the defect, which is characterized by a violation of sensory integration, which greatly complicates speech therapy work. For the study, children with a moderate degree of mental retardation were selected, since children in this category require a special approach to diagnosis and correction. This is due to the fact that most of these children are non-verbal. when working with this category of children, one of the most important tasks is the formation of their communication. For more effective formation, we suggest using elements of sensory integration, which will expand the repertoire of corrective exercises and techniques with children [4].
Since the language and sensorimotor development of the child is carried out in close interconnection and mutual influence on each other, it follows that the insufficient formation of the sensorimotor image of an object or phenomenon makes it impossible for the child to develop sensory concepts necessary for the appearance of a word (concepts). To work with children, methods and technologies are being developed that increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work, making it sensory-integrative. A speech therapy room with elements of a sensory room is a new special environment that allows a speech therapist to diversify their classes with the possibility of conducting complex therapy in one lesson.
Sensory integration is a neurological process that organizes sensations from within the body and from the environment and enables effective responses to changes in the environment.
The purpose of sensory integration correction is to enhance, balance and develop the processing of sensory stimuli in the central nervous system. Correction based on sensory integration methods is based on creating optimal conditions for the child to receive sufficient sensory stimulation, and the availability of these methods allows these methods to be widely used in correctional classes.
There are a number of symptoms of sensory integration disorders:
• Excessive or insufficient sensitivity to tactile, visual, auditory stimuli, as well as movement;
• Too high or too low level of physical activity, disorders of muscle tone, poor coordination of movements;
• Difficulty concentrating, impulsivity, short temper;
• Avoidance of social contact;
• Fast fatiguability;
• Delayed development of speech, motor development, and learning difficulties;
• Weak organization of behavior, lack of planning [3].
Obviously, children with sensory integration dysfunction cannot cope with these problems on their own. Their prevention and overcoming are associated with the implementation of special corrective and developmental measures aimed at improving the integration between various sensory systems.
Since communication is at a low level in children with moderate intellectual disabilities, and its development is the most important scientific and practical task due to its importance, based on the results of the literature we studied on the use of sensory integration, we came to the conclusion that for the formation of communication the following must be done:
• Development of posture and body schema;
• Development of vestibular sensitivity;
• Development of sensations;
• Work on praxis;
• Development of perception;
• Formation of subject activity;
• Development of imitation abilities [3].
The choice of exercises offered to the child provides for the basic level of knowledge and skills of the child and his preferences. So, when forming a posture and body scheme, an important task is to create and develop skills in a child in a stable posture, as well as to orientate in his own body. Developing vestibular sensitivity, the main task is to facilitate the orientation of the body in space, maintaining the balance of the body. With the development of sensations, the child is taught to recognize the sensations coming from the outside world, as well as the formation of the correct reaction to them [5]. It is important to remember that children can have hyper- and hyposensitivity. Working on praxis, the main task is to form the ability to retain the motor program without external influence. It is also important to develop visual, tactile and auditory perception. Particular attention in these classes is paid to the formation of prerequisites for speech based on basic types of perception. In the formation of objective activity, the main task is to form in the child a concept of the functioning of the object. Developing imitative abilities, the child is taught to imitate, a game and motor imitation is formed. It is important to remember that the child must repeat the action after the adult, but the adult must not voice this action.
Thus, the article discusses how, using the methods of sensory integration, it is possible to form communications in children with intellectual disabilities. A whole range of measures for the development of communication in the natural environment will help
Библиографический список:
1. Ayres E. Jean. The child and sensory integration, understanding hidden developmental problems. - M.: Terevinf, 2009. - 268 p.
2. Anita Bundy Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice / Anita Bundy, Shelley Lane, Elizabeth Murray; per. [from English] and scientific. ed. D.V. Ermolaeva. - 2nd ed. - M.: Terevinf, 2019. - 768 p.
3. Danilina E.V. Correctional and developmental education of preschool children with dysfunction of sensory integration. The world of special pedagogy and psychology.
4. Efremova T.E., Safonova I.A., A.M. Lobanova. The role of sensory integration in the rehabilitation of children with speech and mental disorders in the practice of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Belarus "CSTO": teaching aid / [and others]; FGBOU VO RostGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
5. GEF education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities). GEF HIA: approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1599 dated December 19, 2014// Enlightenment, 2021.