Научная статья на тему 'Application of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles'

Application of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles Текст научной статьи по специальности «Технологии материалов»

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Ключевые слова
ceramics / tiles / products / raw materials / quality. / керамика / плитка / изделия / сырье / качество.

Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Джавадзаде Дж.Р.

The main purpose of the study is to study the features of the theoretical basis for the use of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles. The study systematized the principles of operation of the theoretical foundations for the use of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles. The current state of this topic is also analyzed. The new tile typologies reflect all the innovations in mass and glazing compositions, raw material preparation, updated production strategies and therefore the rational use of all the necessary materials available. The limitations of the study are that it requires more practical information. The practical significance of the study lies in the large-scale establishment of a working principle based on the features of the theoretical basis for the use of new raw materials in order to improve the quality of the finished product in the production of ceramic tiles.

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Применение нового сырья в производстве керамической плитки

Основной целью исследования является изучение особенностей теоретической основы применения нового сырья в производстве керамической плитки. В исследовании систематизированы принципы действия теоретических основ применения нового сырья в производстве керамической плитки. Также анализируется современное состояние этой темы. В новых типологиях керамической плитки отражены все инновации составов массы и глазури, подготовки сырья, обновленные производственные стратегии и, следовательно, рациональное использование всех доступных необходимых материалов. Ограничения исследования заключаются в том, что оно требует больше практической информации. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в масштабном установлении рабочего принципа на основе особенностей теоретической базы применения нового сырья с целью повышения качества готового продукта при производстве керамической плитки.

Текст научной работы на тему «Application of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles»

UDC 666.3:738

Cavadzade C.R.

Master's Student, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan Джавадзаде Дж.Р. магистрант,

факультет химической технологии, Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности,

Баку, Азербайджанская Республика E-mail: cavadzadecavad@gmail.com

Application of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles Применение нового сырья в производстве керамической плитки

Abstract: The main purpose of the study is to study the features of the theoretical basis for the use of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles. The study systematized the principles of operation of the theoretical foundations for the use of new raw materials in the production of ceramic tiles. The current state of this topic is also analyzed. The new tile typologies reflect all the innovations in mass and glazing compositions, raw material preparation, updated production strategies and therefore the rational use of all the necessary materials available. The limitations of the study are that it requires more practical information. The practical significance of the study lies in the large-scale establishment of a working principle based on the features of the theoretical basis for the use of new raw materials in order to improve the quality of the finished product in the production of ceramic tiles.

Аннотация: Основной целью исследования является изучение особенностей теоретической основы применения нового сырья в производстве керамической плитки. В исследовании систематизированы принципы действия теоретических основ применения нового сырья в производстве керамической плитки. Также анализируется современное состояние этой темы. В новых типологиях керамической плитки отражены все инновации составов массы и глазури, подготовки сырья, обновленные производственные стратегии и, следовательно, рациональное использование всех доступных необходимых материалов. Ограничения исследования заключаются в том, что оно требует больше практической

информации. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в масштабном установлении рабочего принципа на основе особенностей теоретической базы применения нового сырья с целью повышения качества готового продукта при производстве керамической плитки.

Keywords: ceramics; tiles; products; raw materials; quality.

Ключевые слова: керамика; плитка; изделия; сырье; качество.

Introduction. Today, a sustainable mindset is rapidly spreading, the concept of sustainability is being understood, and efforts are being made to quickly implement sustainable practices. The ceramic coatings sector is one of the sectors that must be sustainable at every stage of the production process due to the damage it can cause to the environment.

Today, ceramics retain their longevity as an important product used in the coating of indoor and outdoor surfaces and floors of buildings, as well as in the creation of decorative products. Ceramics is made up of more than one raw material. These are ductile materials such as clay, glass forming materials such as feldspar, and non-ductile materials such as silicon. Ceramic is an inorganic, non-metallic solid that is fired at high temperatures and then cooled. As a rule, they are formed by combining materials such as clay, kaolin, quartz, feldspar at high temperatures [7].

Ceramic raw materials are the starting material for the production of ceramic products. Classical ceramics, constituting "traditional ceramics", are made from natural raw materials, plastics or non-plastics, depending on their function. First of all, it is clay. Non-ductile ones may have the function of "degreasing" (materials that reduce ductility, allowing them to work better and dry more easily) or "molding" elements (facilitate firing at lower temperatures and provide the elements needed to form new materials). Traditional ceramics are structural ceramics (brick, tiles, arches, thermogilt, clinker, etc.), pottery, table and art porcelain, sanitary ceramics, floor and wall tiles, lions and frits, refractory materials [5].

Feldspar is added in place of a specific melting point to create a homogeneous ceramic mixture of clay and quartz as it melts within a certain range of temperatures,

and to reduce the temperature that allows liquids to form when a body is burned. The melter (web) controls the degree of glazing of the ceramic body during firing.

Feldspar is an important industrial raw material used in the production of glass, ceramics, welding electrodes and paints. The color of feldspars is white, grey, pink, cream and red. In addition, they have a bright and uneven appearance due to their structure. The most important for the ceramic industry is potassium feldspar. Feldspar minerals have been used in the ceramic industry for centuries. The reason for using alkaline solvents such as feldspar in ceramic fire is to build the structure of the glass and lower the temperature. Thus, the feldspar softens and becomes a vitreous liquid, while the clay remains in the solid phase, forming a skeletal structure. The glassy liquid feldspar disperses between the pores of the clay and provides a structure with low water absorption.

Potassium feldspar is widely used in the ceramics industry due to its faster melting rate than other types of feldspar and to minimize potential clay deformation. Despite the centuries-old history of ceramic tiles, the production process of this material from different manufacturers is almost the same. Only the applied technologies, the equipment, tools, adaptations and raw materials differ. Ceramic tile is one of the most popular and modern materials today. They have always been used to decorate the home and interior. In the past, obtaining ceramic tiles was a labor intensive process, and hand painting was time consuming. Not everyone was allowed to cover with ceramic tiles [5].

Ceramic materials are becoming more and more popular due to the growing demand for them. It is very difficult to choose a quality product from a wide range of samples presented. Therefore, the research topic is modern and quite relevant in terms of "the use of new raw materials in order to improve the quality of the finished product in the production of ceramic tiles." Raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles are divided into types according to the characteristics obtained during processing. Melting clay is used to make bricks and tiles. Refractory clay is needed in the kiln for the production of ceramic additives and bricks that can withstand high temperatures [3].

Plastic material is the basis for the production of pottery, aluminum oxide is an important part of the chemical composition of clay-forming minerals. When mixed with water, clay forms a paste-like mass suitable for further processing. There are significant differences in natural raw materials, all depending on the place of origin. If one raw material can be used in its pure form, then the other must be sifted and mixed in order to obtain a suitable raw material for the production of products [9]. Clay is a raw material with many technological applications. It is used both for the production of traditional ceramics and for the new materials that are used today. It is a complex mineral composed of hydrated aluminosilicates, usually accompanied by other minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and titanium.

The suitability of clays for use in ceramics depends mainly on their properties such as mineralogy, chemistry, granulometry and plasticity, as well as on the temperature of the firing conditions, holding time (wetting time), heating rate (heating time) and atmosphere [1, 2].

The raw materials and components used are as follows: main components — clay, kaolin; raw material — quartz sand to reduce shrinkage; flows for reducing the sintering temperature — nepheline, slag, feldspar; additives — mechanical activators, surfactants, diluents.

All raw materials used to create ceramic tiles can be divided into the following groups: clay components providing mass plasticity for further molding of the finishing material; quartz components that help form the frame of the tile; carbonate raw material, giving the calcined product a glassy structure.

Depending on the features of the technological process of creating ceramic tiles, the following types of finishing material are distinguished: glazed ceramic tiles; single fireproof glaze; tiles with double glazing.

In a detailed study of the technological scheme for the production of this type of product, a number of repeating stages can be distinguished, but there are also significant differences.

The stages that make up the technological process for the production of ceramic tiles, typical for all types of products:

1. Preparation of the mixture is a complex process to obtain a homogeneous mass, the required size and water content. The preparation of the mixture includes the following operations: stoning; mixing-homogenization; hydration.

At this stage of production, two technologies can be used: the technology involves the grinding of raw materials in water, followed by drying by sliding spraying; dry grinding and subsequent bringing the mixture to a predetermined moisture level. In the process of preparing the mixture, different manufacturers can change the composition of the mixture, in addition to observing the two above technologies. For example, the American ceramic tile factory Vortek provides up to 70-90% of the glass component used in the preparation of the mixture in the form of glass ash [4].

2. Casting — is carried out by pressing. As you know, more than 95% of ceramic tiles produced in factories in Spain are produced by pressing. Under the action of high pressure, the powder mass is compressed in two directions during pressing. In the process of pressing, the granules are deformed and the tile acquires the necessary strength and density [7, 8].

3. Drying — the stage of production in which the water necessary for molding is removed from the products. It is very important to organize product quality control during this operation. In fact, during the drying process, cracks or other deformations may appear on the surface of ceramic tiles.

4. Glazing — this operation is carried out only in the production of glass-ceramic tiles. During this operation, the candy is applied to the surface of the products and distributed over the entire plane. The frosting may contain the following: sand, kaolin, coloring pigments, frits.

5. Roasting is carried out in special ovens with tunnels. Products are moved from the tunnel on special conveyors, first they are heated and only then they reach the maximum value at which the firing temperature can exceed 1250°C [6].

Conclusions. In the chemical analysis of any substance, the results are usually expressed in terms of oxides, and especially in the case of materials of ceramic cases — magnesium oxide MgO, sodium oxide Na2O and potassium oxide K2O.

At 1000°C, volatile oxides (carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides such as SO2 and SO3, and water) are commonly referred to as loss on ignition. In accurate analysis, these components rarely make up 100% of the sample, since other elements, always present in varying amounts, usually make up less than 1%. These include barium, strontium and copper, chromium, manganese and boron, lithium and others. include other transition metals such as. Ceramic materials, unfortunately, are hardly soluble, since they are based on silicate, aluminate, and oxides. As expected, hydrofluoric acid HF and other mineral acids such as nitric acid, HNO, hydrochloric acid, HCl or sulfuric acid H2SO4 are widely used in special containers as expected.

"Classic" age method of chemical analysis: Prior to analysis, samples must be subjected to complex systematic processing to separate individual components. This is mostly done using (long and complex) gravimetric, colorimetric or complex metric methods (mandatory prior to accurate initial calibration). While these methods are still valid today, they have undoubtedly been superseded by more advanced devices that can draw immediate analytical conclusions from both soluble and raw samples



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