Научная статья на тему 'Application of innovation teaching methods on the basis of virtual patients for graduating students of medical Faculty'

Application of innovation teaching methods on the basis of virtual patients for graduating students of medical Faculty Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Tarnavska S., Shahova O.

The article deals with the assessment of efficacy to apply the elements of problem-oriented learning using virtual patients in the educational process of graduating students within the frame of ERASMUS+ ТАМЕ grant project (training against medical error) by the results of an anonymous questionnaire. On the whole the students liked the methods of problem-oriented learning. It enabled to enhance the efficacy to analyze and synthesize new information, improve decision-making in various clinical situations and ability to identify and avoid medical errors. In the process of learning the students increased their motivation to unsupervised cognitive activity and improvement of mastering professional skills and knowledge.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Application of innovation teaching methods on the basis of virtual patients for graduating students of medical Faculty»

17. Ситянш В.В. Формування правово! компе-тентносл науково-педагогiчних пращвнишв вищо! школи: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.04.

Ки!в: Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Уш-верситет менеджменту освгги» Нацюнально! акаде-мп пeдагогiчних наук Укра!ни, 2010. 21 с.


Tarnavska S.,

PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Pediatrics and children infectious diseases HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University", Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Shahova O.

PhD, Asistant of Department of Pediatrics and children infectious diseases HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University", Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The article deals with the assessment of efficacy to apply the elements of problem-oriented learning using virtual patients in the educational process of graduating students within the frame of ERASMUS+ TAME grant project (training against medical error) by the results of an anonymous questionnaire. On the whole the students liked the methods of problem-oriented learning. It enabled to enhance the efficacy to analyze and synthesize new information, improve decision-making in various clinical situations and ability to identify and avoid medical errors. In the process of learning the students increased their motivation to unsupervised cognitive activity and improvement of mastering professional skills and knowledge.

Keywords: problem-oriented learning, case, virtual patient.

Introduction. Nowadays among up-to-date methods of organization of teaching-educational process the methods of problem-oriented learning, applied for the formation and development of the targeted skills, improves the process of mastering the material, teaches students to think and realize their knowledge in practical work, which is especially important [2]. Problem-oriented learning on the basis of many-sided information available enables a personality to form one's own position, compare it with the thoughts of other people, find issues correlated with one's own views, elaborate one's own attitude to different opinions, that is, to create information perception of the world which is open for specification, extension and transformations [1].

Rational combination of traditional and innovation teaching methods improves the development of cognitive processes and creative abilities of students, individual intellectual thinking and stimulates better training for practical work, since traditional methods of training are directed mainly to acquire certain knowledge and skills, but less promotes the development of creative abilities of students. In modern quickly changing world where competition at the labor-market is increasing from day to day, the lack of practical experience and skills of graduates can be a serious and valuable obstruction on the way to employment and career development. Due to this fact, modern teaching methods become more and more popular, since they are directed to the formation of certain competence of graduating students [3].

As to the training of medical specialists from the very first years it is important to develop ability to clinical and analytical thinking, to synthesize information in the form of syndromic diagnosis, prognosis, making a plan of a comprehensive and individual treatment. Ability to synthesize information concerning a patient, analyze it, make medical diagnostics, plan therapeutic-

preventive measures is usually defined as student's clinical thinking.

Problem-oriented teaching methods include supply of a deep and comprehensive understanding of educational material and development of analytical, creative thinking. These methods intensify provision of the main and additional possibilities under conditions of application of information-communication technologies. Students acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities individually working in a team and solving a special set of tasks and questions, using subjective-activity and individual-creative approaches. It is an instrument to create motivation and stimulate cognitive activity of students. Traditional teaching methods focus on the reasons of a direct perception and reproduction of educational information. Increase of motivation activity of students, mastering methods of research and project-making activity, intellectual search for knowledge are leading directions in the problem-oriented teaching methods [5]. Without assistance students solve issues concerning making the diagnosis, necessity to examine and treat a patient, look for the answers together using innovation technologies and enjoying the process of intellectual work from overcoming difficulties to finding solutions and suggestions [4].

The educational process should be organized in the way that students are able to develop logical thinking, ability to realize issues by means of their structuring, to suggest hypotheses, to specify their major elements and plan of examination, to draw conclusions, and to make responsible independent decisions. All these matters stipulate topicality of our work.

Objective: to assess the efficacy of problem-oriented learning applying different case-methods in order to improve the quality of training of graduating students on specialty "Pediatrics, Children Infections".

Materials and methods. A comparative assessment of effective training of 41 six-year students on specialty "General Medicine", subject "Pediatrics,

Children Infections", was made on the base of the Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases at the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University».

The students studied according to the credit-module system with the use of elements of problem-oriented learning and certain case-methods within the frame of TAME (Training Against Medical Error) project with the assistance of the European Union Program ERASMUS+.

Six-year students of the specialty "General Medicine" study the subject "Pediatrics, Children Infections" in Module №5 «Pediatrics» divided into several structural modules: Pulmonology, Cardiology, Neph-rology, Neonatology, Gastroenterology, Out-patient and Polyclinic Aid for children. The total duration of the learning cycle for the six-year students was 20 days (106 academic hours). In the course of learning certain classes were implemented according to the problem-oriented teaching methods using virtual patient in the form of certain cases. The variants of tasks with virtual patients were developed by the lecturers of the Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases at the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University». The classes were held twice a week in the groups of 6-8 students. The groups of observation were formed depending on the plan of clinical cases: I group included 21 six-year students on specialty "General Medicine" who worked with ramified cases (with possibility to choose the variants of the following steps suggested by the authors of the case); II group included 20 six-year students on specialty "General Medicine" who decided non-ramified linear clinical cases (with necessity to make one's own choice of the following steps by means of an optimal variant without possibility to choose the variants of the following tactics suggested by the authors of the case).

All the students answered the questions of the anonymous questionnaire containing 23 questions concerning assessment of the problem-oriented teaching methods, the attitude of students to learning, realizing the value of the acquired professional knowledge and quality of professional competence.

The results obtained were statistically processed on a personal computer using a package of the applied programs "Statistica 5.0". The relative risk (RR) and odds ratio (OR) of event instance were determined from the positions of clinical epidemiology.

Results. Analysis of the results of the questionnaire enabled to find that 100% students from I group and 85,5% (p^>0,05) representatives from II group liked the problem-oriented teaching methods. They would further like to learn clinical subjects using virtual patients.

Further analysis determined that learning according to case methods enables to become more profound in diagnostic and therapeutic processes, that was mentioned by 25% students from I group and 33,3% (p^>0,05) students from II group. In the process of learning independent decision-making was mastered by 35% and 9,4% (p^<0,05) respondents from I and II groups respectively. A detailed analysis at the end of the case enabled to see and realize the consequences of

decision-making that was indicated by 10% and 33,3% (p^<0,05) students from I and II groups respectively. Every fifth respondent from I group was stimulated by the method of virtual patients to learn the material independently, and 7,7% of students from II group considered the lack of violation of rights and safety of patients optimal.

Working with clinical cases allowed the possibility "to make a pause" in the process of work with a patient and obtain necessary additional information, that was indicated by 10% and 19% (p^>0,05) respondents from I and II groups respectively.

Motivation assessment concerning attending classes held within the frame of TAME project determined that 45% students from I group and 57,2% (p^>0,05) respondents from II group wanted to get new knowledge and learn something new. A high quality was indicated by 25% student from I group and 14,3% (p^>0,05) representatives from II group. Attending classes as a student duty was stated by 10% representatives from I group and 4,7% (p^>0,05) students from II group. Lively creative atmosphere during classes was indicated by every fourth representative from the both groups of comparison.

Working with cases 80% students from I group and 61,8% (p9>0,05) representatives from II group were sure that they were making decisions similar to those made by a doctor in real life. At the same time, 20% and 37,2% (p^<0,05) respondents from I and II groups did not agree with this statement.

An active collection of information about a patient (anamnesis of disease, results of examination and laboratory-instrumental findings) and its sorting in order to solve the patient's problems were successfully implemented by 95% and 84,8% (p^>0,05) students from I and II groups respectively.

Working with cases students continuously analyzed new information which helped them to reject or confirm a new suggestion in making differential diagnostics. For example, 90% respondents from I group and 85,7% (p^>0,05) students from II group indicated that new data obtained in the dynamics of working with a case helped them to make differential diagnostics.

It was rather encouraging that 95% students from I group and 85,7% (p^>0,05) respondents from II group indicated that due to the work with cases they would be able to confirm the diagnosis or exclude alternative diagnoses in their further work with real patients having similar complaints.

The data obtained coincide with the results of educational progress of the students participating in the poll. Thus, a part of students having the grades «excellent», «excellent and good», «good and satisfactory», «satisfactory», in II group was 4,7%, 42,8%, 52,3% and 0%. Among the representatives from I group these indices were the following: 0%(p9<0,05), 30% (p9>0,05), 55%(p9>0,05) and 15%(p9<0,05) respectively. Therefore, a part of students who possess higher grades of knowledge and skills and who can critically evaluate their essential level of ability for independent work was reliably higher among the students from II group.

Thus, 14,3% respondents from II group and 25%(p<p<0,05) students from I group evaluated their

level of ability for independent cognitive activity as high. An average level of their own abilities for independent cognitive activity was indicated by 65% and 85,7% (p9>0,05) students from I and II groups. And every tenth representative from I group indicated low ability for self-cognition.

4,7% students from II group spent less than an hour for self-training for classes. 1 hour for self-training was spent by 25 % and 23,7% (p9>0,05) students from I and II groups respectively. Longer self-training for classes (from 1 hour to 4 hours) was indicated by 75% and 71,4% (p9>0,05) respondents from I and II groups.

Therefore, it should be noted that on the whole students liked problem-oriented teaching methods. They learnt to work in a team, to analyze and synthesize new information, to make decisions in different clinical situations and become able to identify and avoid medical errors.

Conclusion. Problem-oriented teaching method is the most optimal for graduating students, since it enables to systematize the obtained knowledge, to analyze and synthesize new information more effectively.


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Трудова Д.А.,

магистр II курса

Волгоградского государственного социально-педагогического университета

г. Волгоград, Россия Фуреева Е.П. научный руководитель кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Волгоградского государственного социально-педагогического университета

г. Волгоград, Россия


Trudova D.,

II year master

Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University Volgograd, Russia

Fureeva E. scientific director

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, Volgograd, Russia Associate Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology


В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы развития связной речи у дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи посредством авторских и народных сказок. Выявляются наиболее распространенные проблемы развития связной речи у дошкольников, и определяется эффективность сказки как средства формирования речевого высказывания. Аbstract

This article discusses the development of coherent speech in preschoolers with a general underdevelopment of speech through copyright and folk tales. The most common problems in the development of coherent speech are identified among preschoolers, and the effectiveness of a fairy tale as a means of forming a speech is determined.

Ключевые слова: речевое высказывание, дошкольники, общее недоразвитие речи, сказка. Keywords: speech statement, general speech underdevelopment, fairy tale.

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