Научная статья на тему 'Application of forensic psychological portraits in investigating specific types of crime'

Application of forensic psychological portraits in investigating specific types of crime Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие медицинские науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим медицинским наукам, автор научной работы — Zherzh Nataliia Аnatolyevna

The paper investigates the activities profiled and features of the method of psychological and forensic portrait in the investigation of certain types of crimes. The author carried out a synthesis of available scientific and practical international experience making psychological portraits of unknown criminals, providing recommendations for their practical use in the practice of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of certain categories of offenses, as well as research work Profiler and application of practical experience of foreign countries in the practice of investigative activities in Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Application of forensic psychological portraits in investigating specific types of crime»

Zherzh Nataliia Anatolyevna,

Senior lecturer of the department criminal law, process and criminology National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, c.j.s., (Irpen, Kiev region


The research and identification of unknown offender is one of the most difficult and important tasks investigate crimes. In terms of pre-planned crime of information about the offender can be quite small, which leads to identify additional ways and means of obtaining sources.

Features of this area have the potential developmentand analysis involving data communication sciences other special orientation, such as psychology, sociology, criminology, sexual pathology, forensic medicine and psychiatry. Some researchers (V.D. Bernaz [1] F.W. Glazyrin [2] M.I. Enikeeva [3] V. Konovalov [4] V. Samples [5] B.J. Petelin [6] E.R. Ratinov [7] V.Y. Shepitko etc.) attempted to develop in this direction tactics spot observations, but the last have a complex nature and need further development.

Therefore, the purpose of this research generalization of existing scientific and practical international experience drafting psychological portraits of unknown criminals (psychological profile) making recommendations for their practical use in the practice of law enforcement in the investigation of certain categories of offenses, as well as research and application profiler work experience foreign states in the practice of investigative activity in Ukraine.

Long time ago scientists have concluded that some people can not install and expose their crimes in the usual way, through search operations, or during the investigation, or even using polygraph.

In 80th in connection with the investigation of the case of a serial killer T. Bundy at the National Academy of the FBI (Kuantiko, Virginia) was a Behavioral department (FBI Behavioral Sciences Unit, BSU), which takes advantage of the method of drawing up a psychological portrait offender («psychological profiling method»), which is based on the analysis of criminal activity assumed

psychological characteristics of the offender, his personal pre-defining characteristics [8].

In Russia, the realization of the fact was as well, that, for example, «serial» criminals can catch analyzing the scene. In 1992, a Russian Interior Ministry has made the program a scientific development of searching psychological portraits of unknown criminals who commit serial crimes against persons. In SRI Interior Ministry created department of physiological problems of crime detection and analysis of criminal behavior, the main object of which is an offense containing elements of the batch [9].

Building a psychological portrait of an unknown offender optimal conduct not randomly, but under strictly designed stages. According to the American canons psychological profiling distinguish seven stages of building a psychological portrait of an unknown offender:

1. Evaluation of the offense;

2. A detailed assessment of the specific characteristics of the place (s) of the event;

3. A detailed analysis of victims;

4. The detailed reports of police;

5. Study protocol forensic autopsy;

6. Development of critical characteristics profile of the suspect person (s);

7. Proposals for investigative strategy built on the basis of user identity [10, p. 23].

All created psychological portraits scientifically based. Even though many critics about not matching certain criteria portrait of people who sought out, this technique has already proven its value in many countries. Some mismatch confirm that each person is different.

However, now there are other non-contact methods of verification of the information reported by the person in speech, based on knowledge of psychology and other related disciplines such as

№ 2 (38) 2015 m. K,a3aK,cmaH PecnydnuKacu 3aHflaMa UHcmumymuHUH^ MMprnbicbi

profiling. On the one hand profiling in forensic science - a criminal profiling by how he commits crimes (which requires the investigator quality knowledge in the field of personality psychology, incentive system). A broader definition profiling - a direction of psychology that appeared recently and that allows to decipher nonverbal components used in interpersonal communication (visual verification by psychophysiological diagnostics).

The practical implementation of these approaches and their complex application allows registered human response to solve some problems in forensic and investigative practice:

- detection, prevention, suppression and detection of crime, and installation of individuals of interest to law enforcement authorities;

- collecting and processing information used in the process of searching for people who are hiding from the investigation and trial;

- preparation and implementation of search operations;

- during the selection of candidates to serve in law enforcement and other personnel dealing with problems.

Roessler has repeatedly said that even with multiple characteristics, work profiler is not limited to mechanical criminal chargeable to a particular facial features. Some serial killers are sometimes ambiguous enough people. Not always in their actions is sexual motive - known murderers who considered themselves the bearers of a great mission to destroy the people of a certain profession, race, age, etc. Another, even more strange category of serial killers - female. Such criminals manage to detect extremely rare, and in some cases even the reasons for their crimes can not be determined.

Today the method of solving crimes by creating a psychological portrait (profile) is recognized by most scientists and criminologists. During the crime, the person leaves traces, moving the scene of the crime, touching certain objects. It is about as traces in the narrow sense (footprints, hands and other body parts) and a wide (traces of blood, saliva, secretions of the body, hair, etc.). But these tracks are not being supported by additional information is not sufficient to search the offender at the beginning of the investigation. Other important is information about social psychological personality traits, which allows to narrow your search, select individual categories, groups and even specific individuals who have unique features [11, p. 132].

During the investigation of serious and very serious crimes, when the scene and allow victims to assert state the presence of an unknown

perpetrator for any variations in treatment, there is an urgent need for investigators in the preparation of forensic psychological portrait (profile persons unknown offender). In particular, the last time in the forensic literature often of interest socalled concept portrait search («Profile») and a psychological portrait of the offender, which is usually associated with the activities profiler specialists (psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, linguists, sexopathologists et al.) that on Based on the study collected information in the proceedings formulate conclusions about person unidentified perpetrator [12, p. 241; 13, p. 115; 14, p. 347; 15].

Drawing up a psychological portrait of an unknown offender increasing importance in investigative practice. Scientists mostly offered in this area drafting technique of psychological portrait of the offender, based on information from the criminal proceedings collected from all sources. At the initial stage of the same pre-trial investigation, in particular, during the inspection of the scene, the investigator operates insufficient information. However, the skilful use of the latter, the use of forensic expertise can play some missing facts.

The concept of «psychological profile of the perpetrator» should be considered in a broad sense, to include it in particular social, gender and age, and in fact psychological characteristics. In turn, the psychological characteristics of a person consists of strong-willed, intelligent and emotional components including properties (temperament, character, abilities, skills, abilities), states (situational displays of affection, attention, will, thought, imagination), processes of perception, memory ' memory, thinking, the emergence of motivations, feelings, decisions, attitudes toward events [16, p. 66-67; 9, 17, p. 10].

Some of them contain significant (positive) knowledge of the characteristics desired subject (such models are formed on the testimony of victims, witnesses of crime and other data collected on procedural basis). Others consist of likely knowledge that needs to be reviewed. Finally, there are combined models include certain knowledge (information) and some of the likely knowledge of other aspects of the offense. As a psychological portrait ofthe offender and the offender psychological profile are only different variants of the same name, so you should consider it appropriate to use the term «psycho physiological profile (portrait)» [18].

As one of the varieties of forensic mental models psychological profile (portrait) wanted criminals is a system of psychological reports and other features of the face, significant in terms of its detection and


identyfication. Because the system includes features not only physiological nature, but also the legal, social and demographic etc consider that will more accurately identify the object as a psychological and forensic characterization of the offender.

The psychological portrait of an unknown perpetrator not being developed for each offense, and usually in the commission of high-profile, especially violent crimes and mass, eg many episodes murder, terrorism, crimes committed through national and religious hatred.

Thus, psychological and forensic portrait of an unknown perpetrator - a product spetcific analytical work law enforcement officials and agencies involved to work in the criminal proceedings professionals. He developed psychological and forensic methods cognition criminal events and focused on identifying indyvidual signs installed in the proceedings persons eligible for task resolution to investigate the crime. Thus, under psychological and forensic psychological portrait refers result cognition legal and operational materials criminal proceedings for facts unsolved serial crimes with information about search features offender recommendations for nomination investigative search and versions of the main directions of the testing and and prognostic assessment of probability of another similar offense.

The general object of this method is a criminal event (criminological characteristics of the offense) immediate object - behavioral characteristics of the offender in the context of criminal events. The subject of the portrait is the content of the subjective aspect of the offense. In the Preparation portrait alleged perpetrator is the definition psychological and forensic portrait (subjective, personal) values of some elements of crime characteristic, based on the establishment of possible relations between forensic options characterizing the whole place, time, method, tools suspected and significant for the victim and offender characteristics investigation.

Thus, the name «psychological and forensic portrait» more precisely conveys the meaning of the method of application than «psychological profile (portrait )». Moreover, the structure of psychological portrait goes beyond internal, psychological, and behavioral traits of man. These include social and general physical (biological ) characteristics.

For the preparation of these portraits (models) one should involve academic and practitioners: investigators, staff operational units, criminalistic experts, psychologists, forensic. The result of their common activities may be a report ( or information) that is advisory in nature.The development and

use of psychological and forensic portrait requires some knowledge and skills .Experienced workers learn for a long time of operational , investigative or expert practice and form an idea of the psychology of individuals that interest them , not calling it a psychological portrait.

Psychology and forensic portrait and its use is not direct evidence in the proceedings, but it can be successfully used in their search, as well as conducting operational and investigative (detective) action to expose the perpetrators. In conditions of non-obviousness thanks to it it is possible to promote and verify the versions that appear only when you use it, as well as to predict the time and place of the commission of a new crime; clarify narrow down the suspects and highlight in this circle the appropriate person.

Thus, knowledge of the physiological characteristics of the offender further allows the investigator to narrow suspects, identify areas of criminal search, predict its behavior during arrest and pre-trial investigation. Workers of investigative law enforcement have encounter difficulties with the preparation of the portrait (the likely characteristics of the offender), because they do not have special knowledge and skills, the do not always understand which specialist they should contact and how to use the information further.

One of the founders of practices psycho profile of unknown perpetrator was FBI Special Agent John Douglas, who first led courses for FBI agents with the application of criminal psychology, and in 1979 took charge of research program» Individual criminal profiling .» Profile viewed as a set of behavioral traits that form the typical course of action or emotional reactions that indicate certain states of the individual. Owing to the success of the J. Douglas and some other special agents of the FBI (Rasslera R., R. Hazelwood ) method of psycho profiling was officially used in the FBI and in 1984 the Center of behavioral psychology has been established (a Behavioral department) and one national database . Further , many countries have followed for their example , including the method of drawing up a psychological profile was taken into service by Britain, France, Germany , and a special department for the study of criminal behavior exists, for example, Scotland Yard police in the UK [ 18, p. 51-52 ].

In Russia compiling forensic psychological portrait of unknown criminals involved only by some sexologists, psychologists and psychiatrists, among which Rostov psychiatrist is O. Buhanovskyy (heads Treatment and Rehabilitation «Phoenix»

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Research Center) , which is almost the only expert in the technique of drawing up psycho profile [19; 20]. Thus, the use of psychological and forensic methods of identification of unknown offender has an important practical importance.

In particular, its use is appropriate in the following cases:

- crime was committed , the offender has not been identified;

- crime was commited, offender is identified, but there is no possibility of obtaining from him information ( criminal hiding or he is dead );

- crime was committed , the offender is identified, detained, but there is no contact with him , knowledge of his personality is limited ( motivation of the crime is not identified);

- crime was commited, but victim is not identified or there is no corpse;

- crime was commited, victim is alive, but refuses to contact with the investigator, victim does not sign on materials or proceedings due to injury , disease.

So we can see, at first method of drafting forensic psychological profile was created as a means of combating the serial murders, and justified in practice is widely used in dealing with other crimes. In Ukraine, unfortunately, this technique is not very developed, so it should be based on the experience of foreign countries to implement investigative practice Ukraine.

Thus, the experience of these countries should initiate the creation of a group that would help investigators to work with such a necessity. In this case, taken on the basis of international experience will help to expand the scope of profiling on other groups of crimes and improve existing developments in the investigation of serial crimes. This lack of

knowledge in this area is one of the reasons for the slow development of the industry. The lack of information in this area makes it difficult to train specialists proper level, and the lack of specialists in this field, in turn, makes it difficult to get information and developments.

Summarizing the above, it is possible to propose changes in the current department on drafting a psychological portrait of a search in Ukraine: qualified training professionals to work in the industry, based on the experience of foreign countries; Expansion of scope profiling (search psychological portrait of a criminal) in relation to other groups of crimes; Increased professionals working in this field; Training seminars for employees on psychological profiling.

Analyzing the results above, we propose the following changes in the method of addition and use the search psychological portrait of an unknown perpetrator in Ukraine: the creation of separate entities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on drawing psychological portraits (profiles) persons unknown perpetrators, based on the analysis of collected and available information in the criminal proceedings ; qualified training professionals who need to have psychological and legal education, a newly established business unit in the industry, based on the experience of foreign countries; expanding the use of profiling process (search psychological and forensic portrait offender) concerning the investigation of certain crimes; increase in professionals working in this field; training workshops for staff on psychological profiling law enforcement of Ukraine and widespread use of this method in the investigation of serious and heinous crimes.


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Цагаз бешмделген ic-шаралар мен цылмыстардъщ жекелеген тYрлерiнiц тергеу жэне сот психологиялъщ nopmpemi эдс ерекшелжтерт 3epmmeudi. автор олардыц практикалъщ цылмыстардъщ жекелеген санаттарын тергеу щущыщ щоргау органдарыныц mэжipибeciндe щолдану, сондай-ащ гылыми-зерттеу жумысы Profiler жэне тергеу ic-mэжipибeciндe шет елдердщ практикалыщ mэжipибeнi щолдану бойынша усыныстар усыну щолда бар гылыми жэне практикалыщ халыщаралыщ mэжipибeнi бeлгiciз щылмыскерлердщ психологиялыщ портреттер щабылдау (psihoprofiley) синтезы ЖYзeгe асырылады Украина.

TYuin свздер: профильдеу, психологиялыщ профиль, психологиялыщ nopmpemi сот сипаттамасы

В статье исследуется деятельность профайлером и особенности применения метода психолого-криминалистического портрета при расследовании отдельных видов преступлений. Автором осуществлено обобщение имеющегося научного и практического зарубежного опыта составления психологических портретов неизвестных преступников (психопрофилей), предоставление рекомендаций по их практическому использованию в практической деятельности правоохранительных органов при расследовании определенных категорий преступлений, а также исследования работы профайлера и применения практического опыта иностранных государств в практике следственной деятельности в Украине.

Ключевые слова: профайлер, психологический портрет, криминалистическая характеристика, метод психологического портрета.

^^^^^ № 2 (38) 2015 m. Ka iaiscmaii Pccny6:iuKacbi SauiiaMa uiicnuimymbiiibui .vcaputbicbi

The paper investigates the activities profiled and features of the method ofpsychological and forensic portrait in the investigation of certain types of crimes. The author carried out a synthesis of available scientific and practical international experience making psychological portraits of unknown criminals, providing recommendations for their practical use in the practice of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of certain categories of offenses, as well as research work Profiler and application ofpractical experience offoreign countries in the practice of investigative activities in Ukraine.

Keywords: psychological profile, forensic characterization method ofpsychological portrait.

Наталия Анатольевна Жерж,

Украинаньщ мемлекетпк сальщ ^ызмет ^лттьщ университетшщ ^ылмыстьщ ic журпзу

жэне криминалистика кафедрасыньщ ага о^ытушысы (Ирпень Киев облысы)

^ылмыстардыц жекелеген тYрлерiн тергеу барысында психологиялык-криминалистика-лык портрет эдкш колдану

Жерж Наталия Анатольевна,

старший преподаватель кафедры уголовного права, процесса и криминалистики Национального университета государственной налоговой службы Украины (г. Ирпень Киевская обл.)

Применение метода психолого-криминалистического портрета при расследовании отдельных видов преступлений

Zherzh Nataliia Anatolyevna,

Senior lecturer of the department criminal law, process and criminology National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, c.j.s., (Irpen, Kiev region)

Application of forensic psychological portraits in investigating specific types of crime

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