ANTIOXIDANT AND HYPOGLYCEMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LACTOBACTERIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
intestinal microbiota / lactobacteria / antioxidant / diabetes mellitus / glucose / and α-amylase

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — G. Bekmurodova, M. Xidirova, K. Boltaeva

Intestinal microbiota and excessive accumulation of polysaccharides and a decrease in body's immune system are important in the occurrence of symptoms of hyperglycemia. The lactobacteria strains are included into the group of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microbiota and have an effective effect in reducing the complications that occur in diabetes. Antioxidant and hypoglycemic activity were investigated in the study of 37 lactobacteria isolates. α-amylase enzyme activity was effectively stopped by 4 lactobacteria (L. plantarum TK1, L. plantarum KA3, A. kunkeei 1 and E. faecium 1) isolates. The lactobacteria isolates have been recommended for use as antidiabetic probiotics

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Bekmurodova G.A.12, Xidirova M.A.1, Boltaeva K. Sh.2

institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, Uzbekistan Governmental higher education organization Alfraganus University, Tashkent. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13624227

Abstract. Intestinal microbiota and excessive accumulation of polysaccharides and a decrease in body's immune system are important in the occurrence of symptoms of hyperglycemia. The lactobacteria strains are included into the group of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microbiota and have an effective effect in reducing the complications that occur in diabetes. Antioxidant and hypoglycemic activity were investigated in the study of 37 lactobacteria isolates. a-amylase enzyme activity was effectively stopped by 4 lactobacteria (L. plantarum TK1, L. plantarum KA3, A. kunkeei 1 and E. faecium 1) isolates. The lactobacteria isolates have been recommended for use as antidiabetic probiotics.

Keywords: intestinal microbiota, lactobacteria, antioxidant, diabetes mellitus, glucose, and a-amylase


The world is paying attention to reducing the risk of diabetes, providing affordable, high-quality treatment and care for patients. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by persistent hyperglycemia caused by decreased insulin production or impaired insulin activity. Although many drugs have been developed to regulate the production and use of insulin, stop the production and absorption of glucose, block the reabsorption of glucose in the urine, and normalize glucose levels, these drugs have side effects. This can cause a number of diseases. Intestinal microbiota and excessive accumulation of polysaccharides and a decrease in body's immune system are important in the occurrence of symptoms of hyperglycemia. Lactobacillus acidophilus KLDS1.0901, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus NCDC 17 and L. rhamnosus GG, L. salivarius AP 32, L. reuteri GL-104 and L. plantarum HAC01 LAB strains improve antioxidant activity and intestinal permeability.

Studies have shown that LAB strains inhibit the activity of a-amylase and a-glucosidase enzymes. It has effectiveness in glucose tolerance, blood glucose levels, total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins [Amirsaidova D.I. 2021 p 445-457]. Creating a biological drug with antioxidant and hypoglycemic properties that does not have side effects on the organism is relevant today.

Research goal. Determination antioxidant and hypoglycemic activity of local lactobacilli strains.

Materials and methods.

Medicinal plants from Taraxacum officinale, Helianthus tuberdsus, Ajuga turkestanica and different sources isolated 37 LAB isolates were used in the study. LAB isolates are stored at -800C in the laboratory collection "Microbiology and Biotechnology of Probiotics"of the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Antioxidant activity of the isolates DFPG radicals [Li K.T.2005, p 388-391] and hydroxyl radicals [Wang H. 2022 p 1363] based on partial modification of the recommended methods,

superoxide anion radical inhibitory activity was investigated using the spectrophotometry method [Wu D., 2014. r.- 14]

The a-amylase inhibitory activity of the samples was determined by A.M. Ugoleva to the method. It was performed on the basis of homogenates of the pancreas and small intestine accordingly. The amount of protein in tissues was determined with the Lowry method [Ugolev A.M. 1969. c 187-192].

Results and discussion.

When studying the antioxidant activity (AF) of SAB isolates L. plantarum Mal1, Enterococcus faecium 1, L. plantarum TK1, L. plantarum KA3, Apilactobacillus kunkeei 1, E. feacium f1, and L. plantarum TK2 have high antioxidant activity (table 1).

Table 1

Antioxidant activity of Lactobacillus isolates

№ Strains Antioxidant index (%)

DFPG inhibition of the free oxygen radical Inhibition of superoxide anions Inhibition of hydroxyl radical

Supernatant Intact Supernatant Intact Supernatant Intact

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Control (vitamin C) 99 91,37 88,21

1 L. plantarum Mal 1 80 93 70,2 85 80,2 74

2 L. plantarum Kp5 87,5 0 75,4 72,8 18,0 78,5

3 E. faecium 1 84 86,7 74,0 82 77,9 54,8

4 E. faecium R1 84,5 12 68,4 90 48,2 80,73

5 L. plantarum TK1 77 85 80,5 77,6 76,8 70

6 L. plantarum KA3 62 87 82,4 76,4 77,7 72

7 E. faecium R3 91 83 76,4 83,47 56,68 60

8 L. plantarum K2 75 86 72 77,4 67,9 71,4

9 L.delbrueckii R2 71 73 69,8 84,8 74,5 74

10 L. rhamnosus 925 90 71 76,9 80,7 80,3 57

11 E. faecium R2 90 0 80,5 86 56,7 81,7

12 E. durans 88 62 75,2 80 76,18 72

13 E.faecium F2 89,5 19 72,7 84,2 35,5 79,8

14 L. plantarum Kp1 82,3 0 67,5 88,3 30,2 81,2

15 L. plantarum Kp2 71,4 16 65,5 78,5 32,0 79,6

16 L.plantarum Kp3 62,4 0 68,0 70,6 12 80,4

17 A. kunkeei1 82 64 86,4 75 80 78

18 P. acidilactici B 89,9 8,4 63,2 84,6 22,4 78,5

19 P. acidilactici S 83,6 0 86,5 75,68 10,6 75,2

20 L. plantarum R1 75 0 68,4 74,36 45,7 68,9

21 L. plantarum R2 67,54 48,83 89,9 70,23 40,2 56,0

22 L.plantarum R 3 64,24 52,68 74,23 75,9 38,5 64,2

23 L.plantarum R4 68,33 48,10 72,29 77,9 36,2 36,5

24 L. lactis R1 76,22 46,27 72,99 74,31 15,6 56,2

25 L. lactis R2 63,5 50,06 72,33 76,58 14,8 48,7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

26 E. hirae R3 70,29 48,34 68,49 75,39 12,2 68,4

27 E. faecalis R3 68,4 55,29 73,12 75,72 56,6 78,6

28 L. mesenteroides 75,42 51,29 74,19 70,47 38,9 45,8

29 L.sakei R1 66,5 52,26 72,68 77,66 40,2 47,2

30 W. sibaria R1 65,28 51,46 75,3 77,25 57,8 50,6

31 P.pentosaceus R1 74,0 0 0 72,25 45,0 56,9

32 E. faecalis Sh 56,4 48,6 75,2 78,2 40,2 56,4

33 L. plantarum Av 54,2 48,7 68,9 68,5 38,5 72,7

34 L.debrueckii D 42,6 49,9 65,2 77,2 54,0 63,2

35 E. feacium f1 68,4 78,6 56,4 70,4 56,2 65,5

36 L. rhamnosus 2 56,8 58,4 52,68 75,7 45,6 56,4

37 L.plantarum ТК2 60,4 53,4 55,6 54,4 59,8 55,4

The antioxidant activity of the supernatant and whole cells of these isolates was 55-93%. The inhibitory effect of a-amylase enzyme activity was studied with lyophilized cells and

their culture fluid (CF) of isolates (table 2).

Table 2

a-amylase inhibitory activity of Lactobacillus isolates

№ Strains Inhibition of a-amylase enzyme activity, (%)

lyophilized cells culture fluid

1 Control 100

2 L. plantarum TK1 33.33 83,3

3 L. plantarum KA 3 38.61 84,3

4 L. plantarum Mal 11,34 83,8

5 L. kunkeei1 38,5 83,8

6 E. faecium1 35,75 82,9

9 E. faecium R3 18,30 80,3

10 L.plantarum TK2 25.08 81,8

The inhibitory activity in CF did not differ between isolates (80%), this is inhibitory effect was noted that it was 2-2.5 times higher than in cells by the lyophilic method. a-amylase inhibitory activity differed among isolates. L. plantarum TK1, L. plantarum KA3, A. kunkeei 1 and E. faecium 1 isolate have the most effective activity, i.e equal to 33.33%, 38.61%, 38.5% and 35.75%

Summary. Lactobacillus isolates inhibited from 55% to 93% of free radicals the activity. The inhibition activity of a-amylase enzyme of LAB isolates was determined from 80 to 84% in their culture fluid and from 33.33 to 38.61% in lyophilized cells.


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