Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of ways to optimize approaches to ensuring public and national security'

Analysis of ways to optimize approaches to ensuring public and national security Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yarovoi T.

The article covers various aspects of state security. It was determined that the main need to improve its level is to optimize management decisions based on evidence-based approaches. As a result of the study of the opinions of various scientists, it was found that the most significant component in the system of national security is the socio-economic component, so a system of indicators that can be used during the diagnosis of the country's security was proposed. The presence of effective regulatory and legal levers to optimize management decisions related to the security of the state in Ukraine has not been revealed. The historical experience, which characterizes the attempts of such optimization using computer technology, was considered. The definition of the terms "state security" and "national security" was analyzed. The literary analysis of these concepts allowed us to identify the correlation between them and highlight the general sense. The concept of "state security considered as a state of security of the state, which is supported by public authorities, since this approach reflects the essence of state security, which complements national security. It is proposed to expand the limits of lobbying activities of civil society in Ukraine in order to ensure the security of the state. In order to further develop the optimization of management decisions, a number of socio-economic indicators are proposed (Table 1), which can be used to determine the level of security of the state, as well as the possible ratio of the results with the level of public confidence in public administration (formula 1).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of ways to optimize approaches to ensuring public and national security»




Яровой Т.

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри публгчного адмтктрувания М1жрегюнально'1 Академи управлтня персоналом, м. Киев



Yarovoi T.

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv


В статп дослщжено pi3Hi аспекти по забезпеченню безпеки держави. Визначено, що основною необ-хвдшстю для покращення ïï piBra е оптишзащя управлшських рiшень, що базуеться на науково обгрунто-ваних пiдходах. В результата вивчення думок piзних вчених, було встановлено, що найбшьш вагомою скла-довою в системi забезпечення нацiональноï безпеки займае мiсце соцiально-економiчна складова, тому було запропоновано систему показнишв, як1 можуть бути викоpистанi щд час дiагностики безпеки краши.

Наявносп дiевих нормативно-правових важелiв для оптишзацд упpавлiнських piшень, що пов'язанi iз забезпеченням безпеки держави в Укрш'ш не виявлено. Розглянуто iстоpичних дослщ яких характеризуе спроби до проведения тако1 оптимiзацiï з використанням обчислювально1 технiки.

Пpоаналiзовано визначення теpмiнiв «державна безпека» та «нацюнальна безпека». Проведення литературного аналiзу цих понять дозволило видшити кореляцш мш ними та видiлити спiльну сутнiсть. Вдос-коналено поняття «державно1 безпеки», виокремивши складову державного упpавлiння. Державна безпека в такому випадку може розглядатися, як стан захищеностi держави, який щдтримуеться органами державно! влади, оск1льки такий пiдхiд вiдобpажае сутнють державно! безпеки, яка доповнюе нацюнальну без-пеку. Запропоновано розширення меж лобютсько! дiяльностi громадянського суспiльства в Украш з метою забезпечення безпеки держави.

З метою подальшого розвитку оптимiзацiï упpавлiнських piшень запропоновано ряд сощально еко-номiчних показнишв (табл. 1), як можуть застосовуватись для визначення piвня безпеки держави, а також представлено можливе сшвввдношення отриманих pезультатiв iз piвнем довipи населення до оpганiв державного управлшня (ф-ла 1).


The article covers various aspects of state security. It was determined that the main need to improve its level is to optimize management decisions based on evidence-based approaches. As a result of the study of the opinions of various scientists, it was found that the most significant component in the system of national security is the socio-economic component, so a system of indicators that can be used during the diagnosis of the country's security was proposed.

The presence of effective regulatory and legal levers to optimize management decisions related to the security of the state in Ukraine has not been revealed. The historical experience, which characterizes the attempts of such optimization using computer technology, was considered.

The definition of the terms "state security" and "national security" was analyzed. The literary analysis of these concepts allowed us to identify the correlation between them and highlight the general sense. The concept of "state security", highlighting the component of public administration was improved. State security in this case can be considered as a state of security of the state, which is supported by public authorities, since this approach reflects the essence of state security, which complements national security. It is proposed to expand the limits of lobbying activities of civil society in Ukraine in order to ensure the security of the state.

In order to further develop the optimization of management decisions, a number of socio-economic indicators are proposed (Table 1), which can be used to determine the level of security of the state, as well as the possible ratio of the results with the level of public confidence in public administration (formula 1).

Ключовi слова: державна безпека, оптишзащя управлшських ршень, мехашзми забезпечення деpжавноï безпеки, нацюнальна безпека.

Keywords: state security, optimization of management decisions, mechanisms of state security, national security.

Problem statement.

The most difficult optimization task in public administration is to determine the right way of development of the state under the conditions of threats and risks. Its formulation is optimization, since the forms and methods of implementing such optimization do not give a guaranteed result by one hundred percent. In addition, the assessment of certain management decisions, basically, can be given after their adoption. Of course, it is advisable to prepare forecasts, but to take into account all the factors affecting the results of these decisions is not possible.

This applies to any system of public administration, including the leading countries of the world.

Focusing on developing countries, which include Ukraine, we can say that the number of risk factors in public administration is many times more than in the leading countries, due to the imperfection of legislation, corruption, and dependence on external factors, external aggression and the decline in production. Therefore, the complexity of decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, threats, risks and dangers can be considered as an unsolved problem. In addition, today in Ukraine there is no systematic activity aimed at optimizing decision-making in public administration, and therefore the problem of inefficiency of localization of threats of the state and national security also remains unresolved.

Analysis of recent publications and studies.

Among the main part of scientists who studied the problem of optimization of public administration in the process of ensuring state security, the vast majority insists on the priority solution of socio-economic issues, since only human potential can always be used in the market, production, investment and demographic environments of the country. So, the work of O. Andriiko was aimed at highlighting regulatory issues, ensuring the security of the state and providing proposals for the reform of administrative and legal instruments for the regulation of optimization activities in the management decision-making process^]. As a result, the need to optimize the decision-making system in public administration was determined.

V. Tykhonovych considers it necessary to carry out optimization of public administration using a positive foreign experience [2].

Back in 2012, I Kulchiy in his works emphasized the need for research of individual functions of public authorities, monitoring of their activities in real time, statistical studies of the effectiveness of decision-making and the creation of mechanisms for the implementation of such experience in the system of public security, which is an optimization model of public administration [3].

Despite the fact that much has already been done in this direction, the problem of ensuring the security of the state by optimizing the social, economic, political and foreign policy aspects in Ukraine remains open.

In 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the "Concept of optimization of the system of Central Executive bodies until 2020", which involves the creation of effective mechanisms for interaction of public authorities with departmental ministries, as well as the creation of a single register of management decisions together with an information base, which includes the ability to save the maximum amount of information on the factors that affect the results of these decisions [4, 5].

And despite the call to address the issues of optimal public administration, which occupy a significant place in the system of national security, there are no real ways to implement them. Thus, the government proposal for the optimization of the system of public administration involves the optimization of the organizational structure of ministries and departments, reducing their number, redistribution of their powers and consolidation of a number of provisions at the regulatory level. But the document never mentioned the optimization of management decisions. There is a proposal for their improvement, which, unlike optimization, does not make it possible to clearly define the limitations, the target function and the limits of permissible management actions.

Such optimization was offered by the Ukrainian scientist V. Glushkov to improve the planned economy of the former RSRS [6, p. 12]. But unfortunately he was not heard by the country's leadership and could not realize this task in full. The result of neglecting Glushkov's proposals, some scientists believe the collapse of the USSR [7, 8].

In general, the principles of creating such systems, which were proposed half a century ago, have not

1. Andriyko O. F. Optimization of public administration: organizational and legal aspects / O. F. Andriyko / / Legal state: Yearbook of scientific works. — 2010. — Issue 21. — p. 191197.

2. Tykhonovych V. V. Optimization of mechanisms of state management of economic cooperation taking into account positive foreign experience / V. Tykhonovych // Scientific Bulletin of the Academy of municipal management. Series: Management. - 2014. - Issue 1. - p. 348-355.

3. I. O. Kulchiy. Optimization of functions of executive authorities in the context of public administration reform / ye. O. Arkhipova / / Public administration: improvement and development: electronic scientific professional publication. — 2012. - № 8. - URL: http : //www. dy. nayka. com. ua/?op= 1&z=449

4. The concept of optimizing the system of Central Executive

authorities - URL:

https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/uploads/public/5a5/f70 /222/5a5f702223810749489574.doc

5. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 27, 2017 № 1013-p. "On approval of the Concept of optimization of the system of Central Executive authorities", [Electronic resource], access mode: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/npas/pro-shvalennya-koncepciyi-optimiz

6. Glushkov V. M. Bases of paperless computer science / Glushkov. - [ed. 2, ISPR.]. - M. : Science editorial board, 1987. - 551 p.

7. Morozov A. A., Glushkova V. V., Korobkova T. V. Creation of unified system of social information (USSI) - Bulgarian OGAS // MMS. 2013. №3.

8. Abramov Roman Nikolaevich. Soviet technocratic mythology as a form of "Theory of missed chance": on the example of the history of Cybernetics in the USSR // Sociology of science and technology. 2017. No. 2.

changed. The need for the last century and to this day remains relevant, the only difference is that only the source of power and computing power of information technology has changed.

The proposed system of economic management by V. Glushkov included the need to create a unified system, analysis of management decisions based on the information received in real time and constant updating of information bases depending on changes.

Given the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, where according to article 5, the only source of power in Ukraine is the people, it should be noted that the improvement of public administration without taking into account the opinion of civil society in Ukraine is not possible. Therefore, the decision-making system based on their optimization should be solved collectively.

Thus, rethinking historical experience can play a key role in ensuring state security, protecting the country's key resources, its sovereignty, identifying internal and external threats and risks, and, most importantly, making optimal management decisions collectively, taking into account the interests of the majority of the country's citizens. Hence, the security of the state collectively, using the potential of all actors, including the citizens of the country. Consequently, the processes of state security and national security in public administration, which are aimed at improving and developing the country, cannot be implemented without optimizing management decisions and without the will of the Ukrainian people.

At the time of academician Glushkov's proposal to create a nationwide automated data processing and control system (NADPCS [9]) in 1964, there were no opportunities to use mobile applications, smartphones and software for collective management of state processes for citizens of the country. We cannot say the same about the present day, when humanity has crossed the threshold of the "fourth technological revolution", where every person, every citizen of the country can perform its role as a subject of state security directly from your own phone, taking part in collective decisions and votes.

Many examples of electronic voting can be seen around the world. A striking example is the Estonian e-government, where public access to e-government services is provided through the use of electronic identification cards, through which citizens are able to use all public services. This allowed Estonia back in 2005 to become the first country in the world to provide the possibility of electronic voting of citizens, and in the

elections in 2011 to the EU Parliament. The share online voting accounted for 24% of the citizens voted, who in fact, stayed in 105 countries [10].

So, today there are opportunities for lobbying the interests of the citizens of Ukraine in the field of national security through collective and well-organized work.

Returning to the settlement of the conceptual apparatus of security in Ukraine, which, unfortunately, for some reason was brought before the "Revolution of dignity" in the first place in comparison with practical actions, it should be noted that the concept of national security and state security are mainly correlated with each other and have a common essence.

So, the scientist V. Baryshpolets considers it as a means of influencing social processes, characterized by a number of components [11, p. 3]. Yu. Abramov considers the concept of "national security" as a system of support for social decisions aimed at improving the socio-economic level of citizens [12].

According to clause 9 of Art. 1 of the law of Ukraine "On national security", it is considered as protection of the state sovereignty, territorial integrity, the democratic constitutional system and other national interests from real and potential threats [13].

Therefore, this concept can be considered as protection of interests of the person and the citizen, society and the state.

The concept of "state security" somewhat differently covers the security of the main security facilities of the country, where the main role is given to the interests of the administrative elites in the country.

According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, state security is a set of measures to protect the existing state and social system, territorial integrity and independence of the state from subversive activities of intelligence and other special services of hostile states, as well as opponents of the existing system in the country [14]. Scientist V. Pylypchuk characterizes state security as protection of state sovereignty, economic, scientific, technical and defense potential, information sphere, constitutional system and territorial integrity, as well as state interests from external and internal threats [15]. V. Belevtseva covers the state security as a purposeful influence of the executive on external threats for the purpose of effective functioning of the national security system. In her opinion, state security is the highest slice of national security [16].

From this it can be concluded that state security is the closest concept to public administration, and therefore, the processes of ensuring state security should be

9. Ideas of academician V. M. Glushkov and modern problems of artificial intelligence / A. I. Shevchenko, I. S. Salni-kov // Artificial intelligence. — 2008. — № 1.— p. 6-18.

10. Website for electronic voting in Estonia, url: https://www.valimised.ee/et

11. Barishpolets V. A. Geopolitics / V. A. Barishpolets, D. V. Barishpolets, V. L. Manilov. - M. : Terra, 2003. - 624 c.

12. Abramov Yu. F. On the way to global regionalism / Yu. F. Abramov, I. I. Arsentiev. - Irkutsk: ISU, 2005. - 182 p.

13. Law of Ukraine "On national security of Ukraine"

(Vulletin Verkhovna Rada (VTU), 2018, № 31, article 241),

url: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2469-19

14. Great Soviet encyclopedia // [Electron. resource.] - Access mode: www.cultinfo.ru/fulltext/1/001/008/012/101.htm.

15. Pylypchuk V. G. The problem of determining the conceptual-categorical apparatus in the field of public safety / V. G. Pylypchuk // Problems of fighting crime. - H. : Crossroad, 2006. - Issue. 12. - p. 71 - 86.

16. Belevtseva V. V. Problems of legislative regulation in the sphere of state security in Ukraine / V. V. Belevtseva / / Enterprise, households and law. - 2008. - Issue. 2 (146). - p. 94 - 97.

implemented exclusively by public authorities. Therefore, it is necessary to improve this concept, highlighting the component of public administration. State security in this case can be considered as a state of security of the state, which is supported by public authorities, since this approach reflects the essence of state security, which complements national security.

Thus, the concept of "state security" has a narrower and more specific characteristic, in contrast to "national security", and it covers the interests of state bodies, regardless of the interests of the majority or minority of citizens in the country.

The absence of a national component in this concept led to its transformation in 2003 by the Law of Ukraine "On the basis of national security of Ukraine" [17], this issue was resolved and a new concept of "national security" appeared. There have been heated discussions about their correlation and legal

status for a long time. Citizens who have to do with public administration defend the view that they are the main subjects of state security.

Citizens who are not involved in public administration also want to participate in the management of the state and believe that such processes should be carried out collectively.

V. Glushkov tried to establish the truth in this matter, stating in 1962, that humanity exhausted its capabilities of public administration, and the needed to optimize management decisions based on machine algorithms is a necessity for the further development of society [18].

Considering the state as a subject of security, attention should be paid to the objects of security (material, natural and other resources), which belong according to the Constitution of Ukraine to the Ukrainian people [19]. According to the basic law of Ukraine (article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine) "land, its subsoil, air, water and other natural resources within the territory of Ukraine, natural resources are the objects of ownership of the Ukrainian people". The provisions of this article indicate that all subjects of property rights are equal before the law and therefore have equal rights to state property. Thus, the majority must decide the fate of the country and its security, which necessitates the expansion of the boundaries of lobbying activities of the vast majority of citizens of Ukraine.

So, at a time when many factors affect the outcome of management decisions, especially with regard to security, public administration processes should be scientifically grounded and based on optimal calculations, and not on ideological preferences, tastes, opinions of individual public people, government officials, etc. And the civil function of control of such decisions should be implemented using artificial intelligence and

17. The law of Ukraine "On fundamentals of national security of Ukraine, {the Law is repealed by the law No. 2469-VIII of 21.06.2018}, (Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU), 2003, No. 39, article 351), url: https://za-kon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/964-15

18. Glushkov V. M., Self-organizing systems and abstract the-

ory of automats, Bulletin of computational mathematics and mathematical physics, 1962, v. 2, № 3.

network technologies that should unite the people of Ukraine in order to protect our country.

Previously unsolved parts of the overall problem.

There can be no separate unified approaches to public administration at all. Everything depends on the internal, economic, geographical and foreign policy conditions. Therefore, the most practical approach may be to consider certain issues of public administration for certain conditions. The most topical issues of national security include the optimization of management decisions based on scientifically based calculations.

The solution of these issues in Ukraine can't be carried out because of the inconsistency of the legislation, the reluctance of officials to delegate their powers, the corruption component and a powerful lobbying onslaught by financial and industrial groups. Therefore, the problem of optimizing management decisions related to security in Ukraine at all levels remains unresolved.

The purpose of this article is a study of approaches to ensure public safety through the optimization of management decisions. Consideration of the possibilities of optimization of management decisions. Analysis of historical experience in this area. Definition of the concepts of "national security" and "state security" on the historical path of formation. The distinction between these concepts. Providing suggestions for improving management decisions related to security using optimization tools.

Presentation of the main material of the study.

To date, the military circumstances in Ukraine, caused by external aggression forced to revise the policy of security and social and political decision-making. First of all, it concerns the sphere of public distribution, which is associated with the fight against the illegal appropriation of the so-called elites in Ukraine the right to dispose of national wealth. Thus, lobbying of economic elites in the country to some extent poses a threat to the interests of the overwhelming number of citizens of Ukraine. And unfortunately neither the law "On national security of Ukraine", nor other normative documents regulate procedure of return of criminally received resources of the country to property of the Ukrainian people, in the absence of effective, not corrupted and not engaged judicial system.

The existing documents define the general legal, economic and social basis for ensuring the security of Ukraine, regulate in this area the relations between public authorities, local authorities, institutions, organizations and other legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, as well as between public associations, officials, citizens of Ukraine and foreign citizens. However, from the point of view of ensuring national security, in addition

19. Constitution of Ukraine (Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU), 1996, № 30, Art. 141), Document 254k/96-BP, current, current version — Version of 21.02.2009, basis - 2680-VIII6, url: https://za-kon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/254%D0%BA/96-%D0%B2%D 1 %80

to reminding of the need for certain measures, neither at the normative nor at the civil level, a certain algorithm of specific actions does not yet exist. Therefore, in the conditions of modern external challenges, when modeling the processes of state security, one can use a synthetic method. But it should be borne in mind that the synthesis or diagnosis is possible only on the basis of knowledge of the laws of construction and functioning of systems. The advantage of the synthesized models is the ability to form processes with predetermined properties. In public administration V. Burlov studied the problem of modeling, as a result of which the scientist came to the conclusion that the modeling of political, economic and social processes provides ample opportunities for optimizing the system of management decision-making [20]. On the basis of such models, academician Glushkov tried to build a "NADPCS" for the modeling of the Soviet economy [21]. In this case, there was an attempt to create a model of a complex

system, which involves the use of the concept of system engineering, which was outlined by V. Bogdanov[22].

This approach is called synthetic, which may involve the construction of a model that reproduces the security system of the state. The tools for the implementation of this approach can be mathematical methods for calculating numerical series, optimization methods of linear programming, etc. The output data can be a number of socio-economic indicators presented in the Table 1.

At the heart of the synthesis of models that take into account the laws of the relationship of social, economic, environmental and other indicators and improving the quality of life of the population, it is possible to apply estimates of the preservation of the integrity of the system. These include the reaction of citizens to management decisions. This will reduce the risk of mismatch of expectations to the results and establish a relationship between them, which can be expressed by equation (1):

Table 1

Factors that can be used to diagnose the

1. Factors Indicator The level of efficiency of the specified indicator established by expert-analytical way (0-100 efficiency points).

2. Economic GDP per capita

The volume of investment,% of GDP

Share of new products in the volume of output

Inflation rate per year

3. Social Income ratio of the richest 10% to the poorest 10%

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The proportion of people living on the poverty line

4. Demographic Total fertility rate

Average life expectancy

Population ageing rate

5. Environmental Environmental protection costs as% of GDP

Total revenues from environmental payments as % of GDP

6. Behavioral Crime level

Alcohol consumption per person per year

The number of suicides on 100 thousand people per year

7. Political Share of citizens advocating for radical changes in the political system

Level of public confidence in central authorities

20. Burlov V. G. Fundamentals of modeling of socio-economic and political processes. Part 1. (Methodology. Methods.). SPb.: NP "Future Strategy", 2007. - 287 p.

21. Cybernetics, computer engineering, computer science.

Selected works. Volume 3/ Glushkov V.M.; Editorial Board.:

V. S. Mikhalevich (resp. ed.) ey al; Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and Cybernetics names after V. M. Glushkov.— Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1990, -224 p. 22. Bogdanov A. A. Tectology. General organizational science. M.: Economics, 1989. - 304 p.

Developed by the author

(H + PfO/2


X^ - economic factors; X^ - social factors; Xn - demograpliic factors;

- environmental factors; X- behavioral factors;

H - Share of citizens advocating for radical changes in the political system; Pg - the level of public confidence in central authorities; n - number of indicators characterizing these factors.

Thus, the ways of solving the problems of state security lie in the socio-economic plane, and the most effective mechanism for its provision can be considered the optimization of management decisions, which should always be the subject of research of civil society and be carried out on the basis of scientifically based calculations, the information base of which can be proposed indicators in the Table. 1.


The main need to improve the level of security of the state is to optimize management decisions that must be made on the basis of scientifically based calculations.

The presence of effective regulatory and legal levers to optimize management decisions related to the security of the state in Ukraine has not been revealed.

The terms "state security" and "national security" are correlated and have a common essence. State security, in addition to existing approaches to its understanding, can be defined as a state of security, which is supported by public authorities.

The situation in Ukraine over the past 25 years requires a radical solution to security issues at all levels, so it is proposed to expand the limits of lobbying activities of civil society.

A number of socio-economic indicators can be used to determine the level of security of the state.


1. Andriyko O. F. Optimization of public administration: organizational and legal aspects / O. F. Andriyko / / Legal state: Yearbook of scientific works. — 2010. — Issue 21. — p. 191-197.

1. Tykhonovych V. V. Optimization of mechanisms of state management of economic cooperation taking into account positive foreign experience / V. Tykhonovych // Scientific Bulletin of the Academy of municipal management. Series: Management. -2014. - Issue 1. - p. 348-355.

1 I. O. Kulchiy. Optimization of functions of executive authorities in the context of public administration reform / ye. O. Arkhipova / / Public administration: improvement and development: electronic scientific professional publication. — 2012. - № 8. - URL: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=449

1. The concept of optimizing the system of Central Executive authorities - URL:

https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/uploads/public/5 a5/f70/222/5a5f702223810749489574.doc

1. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 27, 2017 № 1013-p. "On approval of the Concept of optimization of the system of Central Executive authorities", [Electronic resource], access mode: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/npas/pro-


1. Glushkov V. M. Bases of paperless computer science / Glushkov. - [ed. 2, ISPR.]. - M. : Science editorial board, 1987. - 551 p.

1. Morozov A. A., Glushkova V. V., Korobkova T. V. Creation of unified system of social information (USSI) - Bulgarian OGAS // MMS. 2013. №3.

1. Abramov Roman Nikolaevich. Soviet technocratic mythology as a form of "Theory of missed chance": on the example of the history of Cybernetics in the USSR // Sociology of science and technology. 2017. No. 2.

1. Ideas of academician V. M. Glushkov and modern problems of artificial intelligence / A. I. Shevchenko, I. S. Salnikov // Artificial intelligence. — 2008. — № 1.— p. 6-18.

1. Website for electronic voting in Estonia, url: https://www.valimised.ee/et

1. Barishpolets V. A. Geopolitics / V. A. Barishpolets, D. V. Barishpolets, V. L. Manilov. - M. : Terra, 2003. - 624 c.

1. Abramov Yu. F. On the way to global regionalism / Yu. F. Abramov, I. I. Arsentiev. - Irkutsk: ISU, 2005. - 182 p.

1. Law of Ukraine "On national security of Ukraine" (Vulletin Verkhovna Rada (VTU), 2018, № 31, article 241), url: https://za-


1. Great Soviet encyclopedia // [Electron. resource.] - Access mode:

www.cultinfo.ru/fulltext/1/001/008/012/101 .htm.

1. Pylypchuk V. G. The problem of determining the conceptual-categorical apparatus in the field of public safety / V. G. Pylypchuk // Problems of fighting crime. - H. : Crossroad, 2006. - Issue. 12. - p. 71 - 86.

1. Belevtseva V. V. Problems of legislative regulation in the sphere of state security in Ukraine / V. V. Belevtseva / / Enterprise, households and law. -2008. - Issue. 2 (146). - p. 94 - 97.

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