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Ключевые слова
MOOC / economics education / online education / e-learning / professional development / economic disciplines / МООК / экономическое образование / онлайн-образование / электронное обучение / профессиональное развитие / экономические дисциплины

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zubkov A.D.

The study is dedicated to analyzing the role of massive open online courses in shaping the competencies of modern economists. The paper explores advantages and disadvantages of using MOOCs in economic education and their role in forming the competencies of economists. An analysis of scientific articles and publications is carried out. The results of the study showed that MOOCs have great potential in forming the competencies of economists, but their effectiveness depends on the proper organization of the educational process and consideration of students’ needs. In conclusion, three promising directions for scientific research in the field of using MOOCs in economic education are proposed. This work can be useful for teachers of economic disciplines and foreign languages instructors as well as researchers in the field of education and economics.

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Данное исследование посвящено анализу роли массовых открытых онлайн-курсов в формировании компетенций современных экономистов. В работе были рассмотрены преимущества и недостатки использования МООК в экономическом образовании, а также их роль в формировании компетенций экономистов. Был проведен анализ научных статей и публикаций. Результаты исследования показали, что МООК имеют большой потенциал в формировании компетенций экономистов, однако их эффективность зависит от правильной организации образовательного процесса и учета потребностей студентов. В заключение предложены три перспективных направления для научных исследований в области использования МООК в экономическом образовании. Работа может быть полезна преподавателям экономических дисциплин и учителям иностранного языка, а также исследователям в области образования и экономики.


Библиографический список

1. Salter A. Conditioned -Reflex Theory. New York: Capricon Books, 1949.

2. Зникина Л.С., Седых Д.В. Организация обучения студентов иноязычному профессиональному общению в билингвальной образовательной среде вуза. Проблемы современного педагогического образования. Серия: Педагогика и психология. 2017; № 56 (3): 49-57.

3. Седых Д.В. Педагогическое обеспечение процесса обучения студентов вуза в полилингвальной образовательной среде. Диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук. 2019.

4. Зникина Л.С. Организация самообразовательной деятельности студентов: идеи синергетики в педагогике. Вестник Костромского государственного университета им. Н.А. Некрасова. Серия: Педагогика. Психология. Социальная работа. Ювенология. Социокинетика. 2016; № 2 (22): 130-133.


1. Salter A. Conditioned -Reflex Theory. New York: Capricon Books, 1949.

2. Znikina L.S., Sedyh D.V. Organizaciya obucheniya studentov inoyazychnomu professional'nomu obscheniyu v bilingval'noj obrazovatel'noj srede vuza. Problemy sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. Seriya: Pedagogika i psihologiya. 2017; № 56 (3): 49-57.

3. Sedyh D.V. Pedagogicheskoe obespechenie processa obucheniya studentov vuza v polilingval'noj obrazovatel'noj srede. Dissertaciya ... kandidata pedagogicheskih nauk. 2019.

4. Znikina L.S. Organizaciya samoobrazovatel'noj deyatel'nosti studentov: idei sinergetiki v pedagogike. Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova. Seriya: Pedagogika. Psihologiya. Social'naya rabota. Yuvenologiya. Sociokinetika. 2016; № 2 (22): 130-133.

Статья поступила в редакцию 15.04.23

УДК 377.1

Zubkov A.D., senior teacher, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: zubkov_nstu@mail.ru

ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES IN SHAPING COMPETENCIES OF MODERN ECONOMISTS. The study is dedicated to analyzing the role of massive open online courses in shaping the competencies of modern economists. The paper explores advantages and disadvantages of using MoOCs in economic education and their role in forming the competencies of economists. An analysis of scientific articles and publications is carried out. The results of the study showed that MOOCs have great potential in forming the competencies of economists, but their effectiveness depends on the proper organization of the educational process and consideration of students' needs. In conclusion, three promising directions for scientific research in the field of using MOOCs in economic education are proposed. This work can be useful for teachers of economic disciplines and foreign languages instructors as well as researchers in the field of education and economics.

Key words: MOOC, economics education, online education, e-learning, professional development, economic disciplines

АД. Зубков, ст. преп., Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: zubkov_nstu@mail.ru


Данное исследование посвящено анализу роли массовых открытых онлайн-курсов в формировании компетенций современных экономистов. В работе были рассмотрены преимущества и недостатки использования МООК в экономическом образовании, а также их роль в формировании компетенций экономистов. Был проведен анализ научных статей и публикаций. Результаты исследования показали, что МООК имеют большой потенциал в формировании компетенций экономистов, однако их эффективность зависит от правильной организации образовательного процесса и учета потребностей студентов. В заключение предложены три перспективных направления для научных исследований в области использования МООК в экономическом образовании. Работа может быть полезна преподавателям экономических дисциплин и учителям иностранного языка, а также исследователям в области образования и экономики.

Ключевые слова: МООК, экономическое образование, онлайн-образование, электронное обучение, профессиональное развитие, экономические дисциплины

Currently, massive open online courses (MOOCs) are actively used in various fields of education to improve knowledge and professional skills among students, professionals, and society as a whole [1; 2]. In the modern economic world, where technologies are constantly developing and changing, it is necessary for economists to continuously update and develop their competencies. The relevance of this research lies in the need to study the role of MOOCs in the formation of competencies among modern economists. With the help of MOOCs, students and professionals can update their knowledge and skills in economics, as well as acquire new skills required for working in the modern economic world [3].

Analyzing the role of MOOCs in forming the competencies of economists will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of using online education in the economic field and identify the most in-demand courses and programs. This, in turn, will help improve the quality of education in the economic sphere and raise the level of professionalism of economists in the modern world.

The aim of the study is to investigate the role of massive open online courses in shaping the competencies of modern economists and to evaluate the effectiveness of using MOOCs in economics education. The objectives of the study are: 1) to analyze literature sources related to the use of MOOCs in economics education and the formation of economists' competencies; 2) to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using MOOCs in economics education and their role in shaping economists' competencies; 3) to provide recommendations for using MOOCs in economics education to enhance the level of economists' professionalism.

Massive open online courses are electronic educational platforms that allow numerous users to access educational courses of any level of complexity and direction [4; 5]. In economic education, MOOCs are used to develop economists' competencies, as they provide access to quality education and help develop skills and knowledge in various fields of economics [6].

The use of MOOCs in economic education has several advantages. Firstly, MOOCs allow students to receive education at a convenient time and place, as well

as choose courses based on their interests and needs [7]. Secondly, MOOCs enable economists to enrich their experience by learning from leading experts in their field and communicating with colleagues from different countries, which broadens their horizons [8, 9]. Thirdly, the use of MOOCs can help improve economists' professional level and ensure better competitiveness in the job market [10; 11].

There are various types of MOOCs aimed at developing economists' competencies. Some MOOCs provide courses on basic economic concepts, while others offer more specialized topics such as financial analytics, risk management, international economics, and others [12; 13]. In addition, there are MOOCs designed for economists' professional development, such as courses on marketing, personnel management, logistics, etc.

In general, the use of MOOCs in economics education allows economists to develop their skills and knowledge in various areas of economics, which contributes to their professional growth and competitiveness in the job market [14, 15]. However, it is necessary to analyze the role of MOOCs in shaping economists' competencies to identify their real contribution to the educational process and their effectiveness compared to other methods of learning.

The use of massive open online courses in economics education has several advantages. One of the main advantages is accessibility and convenience, as the courses are available at any time and place, allowing students to acquire knowledge and develop their skills at their own pace. In addition, the use of MOOCs allows students to choose courses based on their interests and needs, enabling them to delve deeper into topics that are most important for their future careers.

Another advantage of using MOOCs is the opportunity to receive quality education from leading experts in their field. Many MOOCs are developed in collaboration with leading universities and experts in the field of economics, allowing students to receive high-quality education that was previously inaccessible to many.

However, the use of MOOCs also has its drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is the lack of personal connection between teachers and students, which can

hinder the learning process and make it difficult to understand complex concepts. In addition, the use of MOOCs requires more self-discipline and self-organization from students, since in the absence of direct control from teachers, they must monitor their own progress and devote enough time to studying the material.

Despite some drawbacks, the role of MOOCs in shaping the competencies of economists should not be underestimated. The use of MOOCs can help economists expand their knowledge and improve their skills in various areas of economics, which is an important factor in increasing their competitiveness in the labor market. In addition, the use of MOOCs can stimulate the professional growth of economists.

Based on the conducted research and identified advantages and disadvantages of using MOOCs in economic education, the following recommendations can be suggested for improving the level of professionalism of economists:

1) to use MOOCs as a supplement to traditional teaching methods. MOOCs should not completely replace traditional teaching methods, but can be used as a supplement to provide a deeper and wider understanding of economic concepts and topics;

2) to develop an individual learning plan for each student. This will allow students to choose courses that match their interests and needs, and give them the opportunity to delve deeper into the topics that are most important for their future careers;

3) to establish a monitoring and feedback system. It is important for teachers to monitor students' progress and provide them with feedback on course completion. This will help students better understand the material and increase their motivation and responsibility for their progress:

4) to use interactive forms of learning. To enhance the effectiveness of learning, interactive forms of teaching such as webinars, forums, case studies, and others can be used. These methods will help students better understand the material and develop their skills.

5) to encourage self-reliance and self-organization. Since the use of MOOCs requires students to be more self-reliant and self-organized, it is important to encourage these qualities among students. This can be done, for example, through individual consultations, training in self-organization, and time management.

Implementing these recommendations can help increase the level of professionalism among economists and provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful career in the field of economics.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive analysis of the use of MOOCs in economic education, proposing new recommendations based on the advantages and disadvantages of using MOOCs, and having a relevant topic that can serve as a starting point for further in-depth research in this field. The theoretical significance of the study lies in complementing existing theoretical knowledge in the field of using MOOCs in economic education. The research findings can be used as a theoretical basis for further research in this field and can help expand our understanding of how MOOCs can be used to improve the quality of economic education and develop competencies of economists. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results can be used to develop recommendations for the use of MOOCs in economic education to enhance the level of professionalism among economists. These recommendations can be useful for educators, students, and professionals in the field of economics who are interested in using MOOCs to improve the quality of education and develop their professional skills. Thus, the study has practical value for improving the quality of economic education and enhancing the level of professionalism among economists.

Библиографический список

This article discusses the use of massive open online courses in economics education and their role in developing the competencies of economists. Despite the numerous advantages of using MOOCs such as accessibility, flexibility, and the ability to learn remotely, there are also some disadvantages, such as low student motivation, limited opportunities for feedback, and the need for high self-discipline.

The literature review examines the results of several studies conducted in this area. Some studies show that the use of MOOCs can lead to improved knowledge and competencies among economics students, but they may not always have a positive impact on student motivation and academic success. At the same time, other studies indicate significant opportunities for MOOCs in developing and enhancing the competencies of economists, including skills in data analysis, modeling, and problem-solving.

In this regard, recommendations for using MOOCs in economic education to enhance economists' professionalism were proposed, which may include the following aspects: integrating MOOCs into educational programs, taking into account students' needs when choosing courses, using interactive and multimedia formats, organizing feedback, and supporting learners in the learning process.

Thus, the use of MOOCs can become an effective tool in economic education and shaping economists' competencies, but it is necessary to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in order to use its potential to the fullest. Like any research, this study also has its limitations that may affect the overall validity of its results. Some of the main limitations of this study include:

- evaluation methods: this study used specific evaluation methods that may be limited in their ability to accurately measure the competencies of economists;

- MOOC characteristics: not all possible characteristics of MOOCs were considered in the study, which may affect the overall effectiveness of their use in economic education;

- generalization limitations: the results of this study may be limited in their ability to generalize the results to other contexts or countries.

Overall, these limitations should be taken into account when interpreting the results of this study and conducting further research in this area. Therefore, in this study we analyzed the role of massive open online courses in shaping the competencies of modern economists. It was found that the use of MOOCs can effectively enhance the level of professional training of students and specialists in the field of economics, however, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to consider a number of limitations and issues associated with the use of MOOCs in economic education. Also, it requires further research and the development of new teaching methods.

Based on the results of our study, we can identify three promising directions for further scientific research:

- studying the effectiveness of various teaching methods on MOOCs for developing specific competencies of economists;

- analyzing the impact of using MOOCs on the level of knowledge and skills of students in economics education;

- developing new teaching methods based on the use of MOOCs, taking into account the specifics of the economic discipline.

Our study may be of interest to teachers and students of economic faculties, as well as education professionals involved in developing new teaching methods and competency development. In addition, the results of our study may attract the attention of educational institution leaders who are interested in improving the quality of education and enhancing the competitiveness of graduates.

1. Титова С.В. Массовые открытые онлайн-курсы в российском образовании: миф или реальность? Вестник Московского университета. Серия 19: Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. 2016; № 1: 53-65.

2. Zubkov A. Increasing Effectiveness of Foreign Language Teaching of Transport University Students in Process of Online Learning. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 438-445.

3. Кирякова О.А. Применение аутентичных видеоматериалов как способ формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции у студентов неязыкового вуза. Сибирский учитель. 2022; № 1 (140): 17-25.

4. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

5. Выборнова Е.Ю. Онлайн-уроки иностранного языка: планирование, идеи, оценка знаний студентов. Заметки ученого. 2021; № 12-1: 159-161.

6. Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Taskaeva E.B., Ishchenko V.G. Foreign Language Learning Environment: A Case Study of STU. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 429-437.

7. Zubkov A. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 402: 1002-1010.

8. Бадарч Д., Токарева Н., Цветкова М. МООК: реконструкция высшего образования. Высшее образование в России. 2014; № 10: 135-146.

9. Джанелли М. Электронное обучение в теории, практике и исследованиях. Вопросы образования. 2018; № 4: 81-98.

10. Захарова У.С., Танасенко К.И. МООК в высшем образовании: достоинства и недостатки для преподавателей. Вопросы образования. 2019; № 3: 176-202.

11. Балмасова Т. А. «Новая регионализация»: модернизация российских вузов и опыт Германии. Высшее образование в России. 2019; Т. 28, № 6: 86-96.

12. Разумная С.С. Роль личности преподавателя в профессиональном образовании. Мир педагогики и психологии. 2022; № 11 (76): 121-126.

13. Крутько Е.А., Комкова А.С., Кобелева Е.П., Агавелян РО. Интеграция видеоконтента в процесс обучения профессионально-ориентированному английскому языку в вузе. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2022; № 6: 66-75.

14. Агавелян РО., Кобелева Е.П., Стучинская Е.А., Душинина Е.В. Использование мнемотехник в процессе профессионально ориентированной иноязычной подготовки студентов-экономистов. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2022; № 4: 38-50.

15. Кобелева Е.П., Матвиенко Е.Н., Комкова А.С. Формирование экзистенциальных навыков студентов в процессе иноязычной подготовки в вузе. Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2022; № 6-1: 6.


1. Titova S.V. Massovye otkrytye onlajn-kursy v rossijskom obrazovanii: mif ili real'nost'? Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 19: Lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaya kommunikaciya. 2016; № 1: 53-65.

2. Zubkov A. Increasing Effectiveness of Foreign Language Teaching of Transport University Students in Process of Online Learning. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 438-445.

3. Kiryakova O.A. Primenenie autentichnyh videomaterialov kak sposob formirovaniya inoyazychnoj kommunikativnoj kompetencii u studentov neyazykovogo vuza. Sibirskij uchitel'. 2022; № 1 (140): 17-25.

4. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

5. Vybornova E.Yu. Onlajn-uroki inostrannogo yazyka: planirovanie, idei, ocenka znanij studentov. Zametki uchenogo. 2021; № 12-1: 159-161.

6. Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Taskaeva E.B., Ishchenko V.G. Foreign Language Learning Environment: A Case Study of STU. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 429-437.

7. Zubkov A. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 402: 1002-1010.

8. Badarch D., Tokareva N., Cvetkova M. MOOK: rekonstrukciya vysshego obrazovaniya. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2014; № 10: 135-146.

9. Dzhanelli M. 'Elektronnoe obuchenie v teorii, praktike i issledovaniyah. Voprosy obrazovaniya. 2018; № 4: 81-98.

10. Zaharova U.S., Tanasenko K.I. MOOK v vysshem obrazovanii: dostoinstva i nedostatki dlya prepodavatelej. Voprosy obrazovaniya. 2019; № 3: 176-202.

11. Balmasova T.A. "Novaya regionalizaciya": modernizaciya rossijskih vuzov i opyt Germanii. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2019; T. 28, № 6: 86-96.

12. Razumnaya S.S. Rol' lichnosti prepodavatelya v professional'nom obrazovanii. Mirpedagogiki ipsihologii. 2022; № 11 (76): 121-126.

13. Krut'ko E.A., Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Agavelyan R.O. Integraciya videokontenta v process obucheniya professional'no-orientirovannomu anglijskomu yazyku v vuze. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2022; № 6: 66-75.

14. Agavelyan R.O., Kobeleva E.P., Stuchinskaya E.A., Dushinina E.V. Ispol'zovanie mnemotehnik v processe professional'no orientirovannoj inoyazychnoj podgotovki studentov-'ekonomistov. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2022; № 4: 38-50.

15. Kobeleva E.P., Matvienko E.N., Komkova A.S. Formirovanie 'ekzistencial'nyh navykov studentov v processe inoyazychnoj podgotovki v vuze. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2022; № 6-1: 6.

Статья поступила в редакцию 05.04.23

УДК 378

Kalina N.D., Oand. оf Sciences (Pedagogy), Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service (Vladivostok, Russia)

E-mail: nata.kalina.53@mail.ru

TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF TRAINING OF FUTURE SUBJECTS OF VISUAL CULTURE IN THE CONTEXT OF FORMATION OF STUDENTS' SELF-CONTROL OF KNOWLEDGE. The culture of the modern knowledge society requires an increase in the quality of training of design specialists in the modelling and construction of objects of visual culture. The relevance of the article reveals the installation for the future. The purpose of the article is to show the effectiveness of the constructivist approach to the rational construction of images based on knowledge. Pedagogical constructivism uses knowledge visualization methods, algorithmic and problem-heuristic. In the educational design of objects, methods of geometric generalization and artistic interpretations are used. Teaching the construction of the spatial structure of an object using sign-symbolic means of a geometric language allows the teacher and students to control and correct each step of the process and, as a result, achieve goals more efficiently. The scientific novelty lies in the development of the technology for teaching students in the structure of images, which forms self-government and self-control of the application of knowledge.

Key words: constructivist approach, learning technology, design education, image, pedagogical control, student self-control

НД. Калина, канд. пед. наук, д-р культурологии, проф., Владивостокский государственный университет экономики и сервиса, г. Владивосток,

E-mail: nata.kalina.53@mail.ru


Культура современного общества знаний требует повышения качества подготовки специалистов дизайна в конструировании и проектировании объектов визуальной культуры. Актуальность статьи раскрывает установку на будущее. Цель статьи: показать действенность конструктивистского подхода к рациональному построению изображений на основе знаний. Педагогический конструктивизм использует методы визуализации знаний, алгоритмический и проблемно-эвристический. В учебном конструировании объектов применяются методы геометрического обобщения и художественных интерпретаций. Обучение построению пространственной структуры объекта знаково-символическими средствами геометрического языка позволяет педагогу и студентам контролировать и корректировать каждый шаг процесса и в результате более качественно достигать целей. Научная новизна заключается в разработанности технологии обучения студентов построению изображений, формирующей самоуправление и самоконтроль применения знаний.

Ключевые слова: конструктивистский подход, технология обучения, дизайн-образование, изображение, педагогический контроль, самоконтроль студента

Реальность современного времени выдвигает повышенные требования к качеству формирования высококвалифицированных специалистов дизайна. Деятельность дизайнера является художественно-конструктивной. Основываясь на построении моделей реальных пространственных и возможных художественных структур объектов культуры, субъекты дизайна должны иметь соответствующее образование. Вызовом времени становится применение конструктивистского подхода к дизайн-образованию, позволяющему разрабатывать и внедрять инновационные технологии обучения и контроля выполнения целей.

Конструирование объектов специализации «дизайн-среды» - проектирование визуальных моделей внутренних пространств зданий (интерьеров квартир и помещений социального назначения) с учетом процессов жизнедеятельности и предъявляемых к ним требований эргономики, ландшафтного дизайна внешних пространств, организованных культурными и природными формами (поверхностью земли, водой, озеленением).

Цель статьи - показать решение проблемы взаимосвязи педагогического контроля и самоконтроля студентами знаний как повышения в построении изображений визуальной грамотности и художественно-эстетической культуры и в целом качества дизайн-образования. В связи с тем, что во многих вузах продолжает существовать обучение рисунку в основном на иррациональной основе, решение проблемы построения изображений на основе знаний практически значимо. Актуальным становится поиск методологии конструктивистского подхода к организации конструктивно-визуальной технологии формирования у студентов самоконтроля знаний в рациональном построении изображений.

Рассмотрим понятия, связанные с формированием у студентов самоконтроля знаний.

Усвоение знаний в образовании без применения на практике не приводит к продуктивному процессу. С точки зрения А.О. Карпова, в современную эпоху общества знаний образование должно последовательно трансформироваться от репродуктивного к продуктивному уровню. На репродуктивном уровне студенты выполняют задания по образцу, развивают фундаментальные когнитивные структуры знаний. Проблемно-ориентированное образование нацеливается на усвоение новых для студента знаний и построение моделей объектов научного, инженерного или художественного типа [1, с. 5-12]. Репродуктивное обучение зависит от конструктивной деятельности педагога. Студент достигает продуктивного результата в концептуальном построении модели объекта, самоуправлении конструктивным процессом и самоконтроле знаний.

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Педагогическое управление и самоуправление субъекта, контроль педагога и самоконтроль студента - способы параллельной работы, имеющие общую цель. По мнению М.Н. Крайнова, Л.С. Тарасовой, между контролем преподавателя и самоконтролем студента образуется система. Опыт, полученный в реализации педагогического контроля, позволяет студенту самостоятельно проявлять самоконтроль знаний [2]. В визуальном построении образа опора на вербальное осмысление знаний конструктивного процесса и самоконтроль в достижении результата повышает самостоятельность студента.

Процесс перехода внешнего педагогического контроля во внутренние навыки самоконтроля студента описан П.П. Блонским. В усвоении студентом учебного материала ученым были выделены четыре стадии развития самокон-

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