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Ключевые слова
Role of cooperative / marketing / Babburrayyan / arabica coffee

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Eliyin Fitri Ilma, Syafiruddin, Futra Salmandi, Lubis Satia Negara, Wibowo Rulianda P.

Cooperatives play a positive role in implementing Indonesia's national development, both directly and indirectly; cooperatives are a means of increasing progress economy for its members and for society. This is in accordance with the objectives of the cooperative, especially to advance members and society in general. A research purpose is to study role of the Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative for marketing Arabica coffee in Central Aceh Regency. This research uses quantitative methods. Qualitative research is research that uses natural settings, with the aim of interpreting phenomena occurs and is carried out by involving various existing methods.

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UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-12.02


Eliyin*, Fitri Ilma

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gajah Putih, Indonesia


Faculty of Agriculture, University of Graha Buana Nusantara, Indonesia

Futra Salmandi

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gajah Putih, Indonesia

Lubis Satia Negara, Wibowo Rulianda P., Lubis Arlina Nurbaty

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatra Utara, Indonesia

Efendi Supian

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gajah Putih, Indonesia

*E-mail: riswandi170897@gmail.com


Cooperatives play a positive role in implementing Indonesia's national development, both directly and indirectly; cooperatives are a means of increasing progress economy for its members and for society. This is in accordance with the objectives of the cooperative, especially to advance members and society in general. A research purpose is to study role of the Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative for marketing Arabica coffee in Central Aceh Regency. This research uses quantitative methods. Qualitative research is research that uses natural settings, with the aim of interpreting phenomena occurs and is carried out by involving various existing methods.


Role of cooperative, marketing, Babburrayyan, arabica coffee.

Cooperatives are a form of legal entity established in Indonesia. According to Law No. 25 of 1992 article 1 paragraph 1 concerning cooperatives, cooperatives Indonesia is a business entity consisting of individuals, individuals or legal entities cooperative by basing its activities on cooperative principles, as well as people's economic movement based on the principle of kinship. Cooperatives play a positive role in implementing Indonesia's national development, both directly and indirectly; cooperatives are a means of increasing progress economy for its members and for society. This is in accordance with the objectives of the cooperative, especially to advance members and society in general.

Capital plays an important role in business, with limited capital, they unable to move forward and do much to improve or improve results. Cooperatives are expected to be able to move the wheels of the community's economy gradually and ultimately able to increase agricultural yields and the quality of life of its people. In order to In implementing economic democracy, cooperatives must be increasingly developed and enhanced in their capabilities and fostered and managed efficiently, because cooperatives are a forum appropriate economy and is very important in growing and developing the economic potential of the people and in realizing an economic life characterized by democracy, togetherness and kinship in order to advance the welfare of members in particular and society in general as well as contributing to building a national economic order in order to create an advanced, just and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. Indonesian cooperatives build and develop economic potential and capabilities

members in particular for society in general to improve welfare

The economic, social potential and economic capabilities of cooperative members are generally relatively small. Through cooperatives, small economic potential and capabilities are combined as one unit, so that they can form a greater strength. It is hoped that the existence of this cooperative will improve the welfare of cooperative members. Nowadays, cooperatives have developed rapidly in various fields, for example cooperatives in the field of providing services, cooperatives providing food, agricultural cooperatives and many other cooperatives operating in other fields. Coffee is a leading export commodity developed in Indonesia Aceh Province in general, Central Aceh Regency, Bener Meriah, Gayo Lues in particular, of course in accordance with the climatic and topographical conditions required by the coffee plant itself, because it has a relatively high economic value on the world market.

The demand for Indonesian coffee continues to increase over time because it is like Arabica coffee and Robusta has advantages, Arabica coffee has unique taste characteristics. The coffee commodity is a superior product that supports the majority of people livelihoods of Central Aceh residents, cooperatives in Central Aceh Regency. Every This year the cooperative provides coffee seeds, organic fertilizer and coffee pruning tools which will be handed over to all coffee farmers who join as members of the cooperative in Central Aceh Regency and every year every cooperative also holds extension, namely the instructor will provide direction on how to deal with farming coffee, such as planting better seeds, better fertilization methods, methods pruning and how to plant shade trees.

Table 1 - Cooperative Performance Data Based on Central Aceh District in 2020

N O Types and Names of Cooperatives Type of Business / Commodity Legal entity Address Business Volume (Rp/Ton)

Number Date Vilage Sub Distric

1 KSU Arinagata Perdaganga 62.01/08/BH/ XII/2006 27/12/2006 Gunung Balohan Kebayakan 76.595.385 21.000

2 KSU Rahmat Kinara Perdaganga 62.01/09/BH/II I/2007 05/03/2007 Sp. Kelaping Pegasing 1.134.000 -342.165

3 KSU Sara Ate Perdagangan Kopi/USP 77/BH/I.5/X/2 011 26/10/2011 Paya Jeget Pegasing 20.122.092 108.673

4 Ksu Qahwah Tanoh Gayo Perdagangan Kopi 518/128/BH/1. 5/III/2015 26/03/2015 Mongal Bebesen 17.617.098 1.114.702

5 Kop. Produsen Erfa's qayo coffee Perdagangan Kopi 109/BH/1.5/V/ 2013 13/05/2013 Bebesen Bebesen 6.841.849 94.434

6 Kopepi Ketiara Perdagangan Kopi 38/BH/1.5/X/2 009 20/10/2009 Umang Bebesen 55.830.458 232.400

7 Kop.BQ. Baburrayyan Perdagangan Kopi 62.01/233/BH/ X/2002 21/10/2002 Pasar Inpres Pegasing 197.368.762 536.953

Source: Department of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises processed in 2020.

The Central Aceh Regency Government continues to seek new breakthroughs in improving coffee marketing by forming cooperative institutions engaged in agriculture. The problems faced by farmers are: one of which is the marketing subsystem that needs full attention. Chain length It is felt that marketing Arabica coffee will affect the income earned by farmers, this is the case that's what happens in the field. It is hoped that the formation of the Cooperative can help solving problems in the marketing sector and making things easier for farmers to do marketing the coffee itself.

The source of income for farmers in Central Aceh Regency is generally commodities plantations namely Arabica coffee. Cooperatives make farmers as members who are involved in them coffee producer. As members of a cooperative, the farmer's job is to produce Arabica coffee quality, the coffee is then processed for further marketing by the party management of the cooperative itself to various parties both domestically and abroad. With coordinated and structured marketing activities carried out by the cooperative, of course will have an impact on all areas, from upstream to downstream. Marketing improvements will have a major impact on sources of income for cooperative members involved, such as farmers as members in charge of increasing coffee production, of course they will has a big impact on obtaining the results that have been determined together or in words others clear and directed vision and mission. This is what causes researchers to be interested in conducting research in the field "Analysis of the Role of Cooperatives in Marketing Arabica Coffee (Coffea Arabica Sp.) in the Regency Central Aceh.


This research uses quantitative methods. Qualitative research is research that uses a natural setting, with the aim of interpreting phenomena that occur and are carried out by involving various existing methods. The research method used is survey method using a questionnaire as a data collection tool.


Central Aceh Regency is one of Indonesia's coffee producing regions and the fourth largest exporter of coffee beans in the world. Cultivation of coffee plants that have been developed since 1908 is at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, with. The area reaches 39,000 ha. Central Aceh Regency is located between 40 10' 33"-50 57' 50" north latitude and between 950 15'40"-970 20'25" east longitude. With an area of 4,318.39 Km2. Central Aceh Regency is at an altitude of 200-2,600 meters above sea level. As for the boundaries of Central Aceh Regency:

• To the north it borders Bener Meriah Regency;

• To the east it borders East Aceh Regency;

• To the south it borders Gayo Lues Regency;

• To the west it borders Nagan Raya Regency.

Central Aceh Regency consists of 14 sub-districts. One of the sub-districts This was used as a location for the author's research related to empowerment coffee farmers. Pegasing is a sub-district in which there is a cooperative was formed on 21 October 2002. The Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative was formed by group and assisted by the local government in providing legality for its establishment a cooperative in Central Aceh. Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative Cooperative is located in Weh Nareh Village.

The vision and mission of the Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative are:

1. Vision Making the Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative into an independent


2. Mission:

• Encourage members to save at the Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative;

• Providing services to members;

• Fostering and developing members' businesses so that they become strong and independent;

• Establishing a business cooperation network between cooperatives and other institutions;

• Carry out other efforts in the economic and financial fields that can be done support the development of cooperative businesses.

Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative as a form of cooperative organization which is important in increasing economic growth, especially among coffee farmer groups, as for the various Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative activity programs, namely:

• Environmental Activities;

• Organic Farmers Group, Fairtrade and Café Practise;

• Product Certification;

• Local Marketing;

• Export Marketing.

The membership of the Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan cooperative consists of permanent members. These farmer groups are selected based on frequent approval from the farmer group chairman called a coffee collector. Farmer groups that have joined membership Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative, Central Aceh Regency consist of thirteen (13) Subdistrict. Organic Farmer Groups, Fairtrade and Café Practise are spread across 2 districts, namely in Central Aceh and Bener Meriah Districts. In Central Aceh Regency it is spread across 13 sub-districts and Bener Meriah Regency are spread across 5 sub-districts as below:

Table 2 - Group of Organic Farmers at the Baitul Qiradh Babburrayyan Pada Cooperative Year 2021

No Subdistrict Group Farmers Ha


1 Pegasing 17 984 1,108.2

2 Bintang 10 351 310.2

3 Silih Nara 9 504 578.0

4 Rusib Antara 5 292 465.3

5 Atu Lintang 11 642 775.6

6 Bebesen 4 119 88.6

7 Kute Panang 3 139 165.2

8 Kebayakan 6 278 226.7

9 Jagong 6 185 178.5

10 Linge 2 101 132.1

11 Celala 2 138 161.5

12 Ketol 4 232 267.5

13 Lot Tawar 2 139 136.5

Total CENTRAL ACEH DISTRICT 81 4,104 4,593.9


1 Permata 1 64 82.5

2 Bandar 2 172 184.0

3 Mesidah 14 720 1,151.7

4 Timang Gajah 2 179 243.0

5 Gajah Putih 5 251 533.5

Total Bener Meriah 24 1,386 2,194.7

Total Aceh Tengah & Bener Meriah 105 5,909 7,229.3

Source: Primary Data Processed in 2021.

From the data above we can see that the distribution of farmer groups is highest in Pegasing District, Central Aceh Regency with the number of member farmer groups as many as 17 groups. Where 17 farmer groups are assisted by the Baitul Qiradh Cooperative Baburrayyan is spread across several villages, namely Arul Badak Village, Berawang Baro, Gelelungi, Eirelop, Kedelah, Kung, Kute Lintang in Pegasing District, Central Aceh Regency.

In October 2002 Rizwan Husin initiated the establishment of the Baitul Cooperative Qiradh Baburrayyan in Takengon City, Central Aceh. On October 21, 2002, the Cooperative Legal Entity is approved by the Head of the Central Aceh Cooperative Office.

Age is closely related to the respondent's work ability. Respondents, who are young and healthy, usually have strong physical abilities and are enthusiastic to increase income and more quickly adopt new innovations compared to older respondents. According to Sukirno (1981) that age productive people in developing countries are between 15-59 years old, meaning that the ability to work at this age is better than that of the elderly and children. In general, respondents Young and healthy people have stronger physical abilities and can gain new experiences that are valuable for their life development more quickly in the future. In this study respondents with the highest age were 41 years old. At the productive age level, a respondent's awareness of making efforts increase performance potential, because respondents are required to be able to improve income of cooperative institutions.

Education is the process of forming a person's personality. Through From education a person can gain knowledge, A behave and act on their own strength in fulfillment living needs, being able to maintain self-esteem and being able to take responsibility for all the behavior he does. Education level is a possible factor supporting technological processes or acceptance of innovations in the field agriculture. Respondents with lower education are slower to absorb technology, so Efforts leading to increased productivity are progressing slowly also. People who are more innovative tend to spend more time in education, The higher the formal education, the higher the ability to receive and filter and implement the innovations introduced to it.

Apart from the level of education, the respondent's knowledge is also influenced by experience. Respondent experience is a factor that influences ability respondents in allocating production factors. Respondents who have Longer work experience will make it easier to make good decisions at the right time. In addition, respondents with experience in their field will more efficient more intensive methods. Respondents have 2-3 years of experience as cooperative employees is 2 people or the equivalent of (13.38%). Experienced

respondents for 4-5 years as a cooperative employee is 5 people or equivalent with (33.33%). Respondents who have y 5 years experience as employees cooperative is 8 people or the equivalent of (53.33%).

The Baitul Qiradh Babburrayyan Cooperative Management System:

1. Marketing Management:

• Kadisperindag Aceh and Kadisperindakop ESDM Central Aceh. Cooperative Department and Aceh SMEs;

• Kadisbunhut Aceh and Kadisbunhut Aceh Tengah;

• Cabinet of the Aceh Regional Secretariat and Head of the Economic Division of the Central Aceh Regional Secretariat;

• Chair of Dekopinwil Aceh and Chair of Dekopinwil Central Aceh;

• Chair of the Central Aceh Coffee Forum.

2. The Supervisory Board consists of: Ismayani Member: Sartika Yanti;

3. The management body consists of:

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• Chairman: Rizwan Husin;

• Secretary: Armiyadi;

• Treasurer: Sugiati.

The role of marketing today is not only to convey products or services to into the hands of consumers, but also how the product or service can deliver satisfaction to customers by generating profits. The goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value, setting attractive prices, distributing products easily, promoting effectively and retaining existing customers while still adhering to the principles of customer satisfaction.

Total feasibility score from material expert data with the total score from observations a total of 848 from the expected score of 1,020. Based on the criteria in the eligibility table according to Arikunto (2009), the total score is included in the major role category. The presentation of the scale is according to the percentage of the total score according to Arikunto (2009). Valid if the instrument can be used to measure what is desired according to Arikunto (2006), the validity test is the product moment correlation formula. The test results of the validity of the instrument are presented in tabular form. The results of the instrument validity test are valid for each question item. Rxy values compared with rtable. The rtable value used is n = 34 and the significance level is 5%. The rtable value used is 0.339. The comparison of r11 values for the 5% significance level is 0.695 > 0.339, (r11> rtable) so the instrument in this study is valid.

Table 3 - Analysis of the Role of the Baitul Qiradh Babburrayyan Cooperative, Central Aceh Regency,


No The Role of Cooperatives in Coffee Marketing Fully disagree Partially disagree Neutral Agree Fully Agree Total Amount

1 KBQ Baburrayan Mission Cooperative is clearly outlined and market oriented - - 20 6 8 34

2 KBQ Baburrayan Cooperative have implemented clear objectivesas marketing planning guidelines - - 11 11 12 34

3 KBQ Baburrayan Cooperative have an effective marketing strategy to achieve its objectives - - 3 13 18 34

4 KBQ Baburrayan Cooperative budget sufficient resources for segments, products, regions and eleven elements of the marketing mix - - 3 31 0 34

5 Head of marketing department for the KBQ Baburrayan Cooperative has adequate authority over activities that affect consumer satisfaction - - 3 10 21 34

6 Marketing activities are optimally structured according to functional lines, products, markets and territories - - 13 15 10 34

Total - - 53 86 69 -

Number of Scores - - 159 344 345 -

y score 848

Percentage 83.00

Source: Primary data processed in 2021.

Reliability is used to determine how high the level of trust is test. Reliability will have a high value if it has consistent test results. The results of the instrument reliability test were 1.0464. The comparison of r11 values for the 5% significance level is 1.0464 > 0.339, (r11 > rtable). So the instrument in this research is reliable, which means that the Baitul Qiradh Babburrayyyan cooperative in Central Aceh Regency plays a very important role in marketing of Arabica coffee.


Based on the results of the analysis of the role of cooperatives in marketing Arabica coffee, it is obtained Conclusion as follows:

• The interpretation value from this research is 83.00, which means that cooperatives play a very important role big in marketing Arabica coffee;

• The results of the instrument validity test are a comparison of the r11 values at a significance level of 5% is 0.695 > 0.339, (r11 > rtable) so the instrument in this study is valid;

• The product moment r table value used is n = 34 and the significance level is 5% and 1% rtable value is 0.339 and 0.436 comparison of r11 value for 5% significance level is 1.056 > 0.339, (r11 > rtable). So the instrument in this research is reliable;

• The results of the t test show that the marketing channel (x1) is shortened significantly partially plays a positive role in the marketing of Arabica coffee. This is proven by tcount of 363 is greater than ttable 0.367;

• The F test results show that the marketing channel is shortened (x1), developing product diversification (x2), market information (x3) together The same does not play a role in the marketing of Arabica coffee where the F calculation is calculated equal to 0 with a significance level of 0.000.


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