Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of the regulatory framework of electronic toll collection services: a case study of Croatia'

Analysis of the regulatory framework of electronic toll collection services: a case study of Croatia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Yeleussizova Indira K.

The author analyzes the legal regulation of transport infrastructure in the European Union, in particular in Croatia, where such regulation is carried out by more than 25 legal acts in the article.The legal basis for the activities of the company «Croatian Highways» is considered, which is a limited liability company, which exercises the functions of managing highways, as well as their construction, reconstruction and maintenance.In addition, the norms regulating the concept and types of public (state) roads and highways are being studied.Particular attention is paid to the issue of paying special fees for the use of highways.At the same time, it should be noted that electronic collection systems are widely used in the countries of the European Union, which are systems that allow collection of payments using the following technologies based on the European electronic payment collection system.The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) was established in accordance with Directive 2004/52/EC, which was published by the European Commission in order to expedite the process of establishing the technical, procedural and legal compatibility of electronic road systems in the European Union.EETS should provide interoperability at the technical, contractual and procedural levels, encompassing:a single subscription agreement between the user and the EETS provider, providing access to the service as a whole across the network;a set of technical standards and requirements, including technical, procedural and legal issues.Thus, the author proposes to fully activate the EETS in EU states, including Croatia, and take further measures for the use and dissemination of this system, referring to the provisions of Directive 2004/52 / EC, Decision 2009/750 / EC and the Croatian Roads Act.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of the regulatory framework of electronic toll collection services: a case study of Croatia»

УДК 347


Yeleussizova, Indira K.

Head of Legal monitoring center of the Institute of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

candidate of legal sciences; Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: indira_e@mail.ru

Keywords: Transport infrastructure; public road; motorway; toll collection; electronic toll systems; vehicles; payment; providers; tariff.

Abstract. The author analyzes the legal regulation of transport infrastructure in the European Union, in particular in Croatia, where such regulation is carried out by more than 25 legal acts in the article.

The legal basis for the activities of the company «Croatian Highways» is considered, which is a limited liability company, which exercises the functions of managing highways, as well as their construction, reconstruction and maintenance.

In addition, the norms regulating the concept and types of public (state) roads and highways are being studied.

Particular attention is paid to the issue ofpaying special fees for the use of highways.

At the same time, it should be noted that electronic collection systems are widely used in the countries of the European Union, which are systems that allow collection of payments using the following technologies based on the European electronic payment collection system.

The European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) was established in accordance with Directive 2004/52/EC, which was published by the European Commission in order to expedite the process of establishing the technical, procedural and legal compatibility of electronic road systems in the European Union.

EETS should provide interoperability at the technical, contractual and procedural levels, encompassing:

- a single subscription agreement between the user and the EETS provider, providing access to the service as a whole across the network;

- a set of technical standards and requirements, including technical, procedural and legal issues.

Thus, the author proposes to fully activate the EETS in EU states, including Croatia, and take further measures for the use and dissemination of this system, referring to the provisions of Directive 2004/52 /EC, Decision 2009/750 /EC and the Croatian Roads Act.


Индира К^аржаубайк;ызы Елеусiзова

Казацстан Республикасыныц Зацнама институты

Кщьттыцмониторинг орталыгыныц бастыгы, з.г.к.;

Астана ц., Казахстан Республикасы; e-mail: indira_e@mail.ru

Tyuw свздер: квлж инфрацурылымы; жалпы пайдаланылатын жолдар; автомагистраль; жол ацысын втеу; электрондыц ацы твлеу ЖYйелерi; квлж цуралдары; твлемдер; жетшзушшер; тариф.

Аннотация. Мацалада автор Еуропа Одагындагы, атап айтцанда Хорватиядагы квлж инфрацурылымыныц цуцыцтыц реттелуте талдау жасалады, онда мундай реттеу 25-тен аса цуцыцтыц актiмен ЖYзеге асырылады.

Автомагистральдарды басцару, цуру, цайта цуру жэне оларга цызмет кврсету бойын-ша функцияларды ЖYзеге асыратын жауапкерштт шектеулi компания болып табылатын «Хорватия автожолдары» компаниясы цызметтщ цуцыцтыц негiздерi царастырылады.

Сонымен цатар цогамдыц (мемлекеттж) жолдардыц жэне автомагистральдардыц тYсiнiгi мен тYрлерiн бекттен нормалар зерделенедi.

Автомагистральдарды пайдалану Yшiн арнайы алым твлеу мэселелерiне ерекше квцы

Цуцыцтыц мониторинг


Булретте Еуропа Одагы елдертщ аумагында алым жинаудыц еуропалыц электрондыц ЖYйесiнiц неггзгндегг технологияларды пайдалана отырып, твлемдердг жинауга мYмкiндiк беретт ЖYйелер болып табылатын алым жинаудыц электрондыц ЖYйелерiнiц кец цолданылуын атап вту цажет.

Алым жинаудыц еуропалыц электрондыц ЖYйесi (EETS) Еуропа Одагындагы жолдардыц электрондыц ЖYйелерiнiц техникалыц, рэЫмдж жэне зацдыц Yйлесiмдiлiгiн орнату процест жылдамдату мацсатында Еуропа комиссиясымен жарияланган 2004/52/ EC Директивасына сэйкес цурылды.

EETS келесн цамти отырып, техникалыц, шарттыц жэне рэЫмдт децгейлерде функционалдыц Yйлесiмдiлiктi цамтамасыз етуi цажет:

- желi бойынша жалпы цызметке цол жеттзу мYмкiндiгiн беретт пайдаланушы жэне EETS провайдерi арасындагы бiрыцгай жазылыс шарты;

- техникалыц, рэЫмдж жэне зацдыц мэселелердi цоса отырып, техникалыц стандарттардыц жэне талаптардыц жинагы.

Осылайша, автормен ЕО мемлекеттертде, оныц штде Хорватияда EETS толыц жандандыру, сондай-ац 2004/52/EC Директивасыныц, 2009/750/EC Шешiмiнiц, жэне Жол-дар туралы Хорватия зацыныц ережелерiне сштеме жасай отырып, бул ЖYйенi цолдану жэне тарату бойынша одан эрi w-шара цолдану усынылады.


Елеусизова Индира Каржаубаевна

Начальник Центра правового мониторинга

Института законодательства Республики Казахстан, к.ю.н.;

г. Астана, Республика Казахстан; e-mail: indira_e@mail.ru

Ключевые слова: транспортная инфраструктура; дороги общего пользования; автомагистрали; взимания платы за проезд; электронные системы взимания платы; транспортные средства; оплата; поставщики; тариф.

Аннотация. В статье автором проводится анализ правового регулирования транспортной инфраструктуры в Европейском Союзе, в частности в Хорватии, где такое регулирование осуществляется более чем 25 правовыми актами.

Рассматриваются правовые основы деятельности компании «Хорватские автострады», которая является компанией с ограниченной ответственностью, осуществляющей функции по управлению автомагистралями, а также их строительству, реконструкции и обслуживанию.

Кроме того, изучаются нормы, закрепляющие понятие и виды общественных (государственных) дорог и автомагистралей.

Особое внимание уделяется вопросам оплаты специальных сборов за пользование автомагистралями.

При этом следует отметить о широком использовании на территории стран Европейского Союза электронных систем взимания сборов, которые представляют собой системы, которые позволяют собирать платежи, используя технологии на основе европейской электронной системы сбора платежей.

Европейская электронная система сбора платежей (EETS) была создана в соответствие с Директивой 2004/52/EC, которая была опубликована Европейской комиссией в целях ускорения процесса установления технической, процедурной и юридической совместимости электронных дорожных систем в Европейском Союзе.

EETS должна обеспечивать функциональную совместимость на техническом, контрактном и процедурном уровнях, охватывая:

- единый договор подписки между пользователем и провайдером EETS, предоставляющий доступ к услуге в целом по сети;

- набор технических стандартов и требований, включая технические, процедурные и юридические вопросы.

Таким образом, автором предлагается полностью активировать EETS в государствах ЕС, включая Хорватию, и принять дальнейшие меры для использования и распространения этой системы, ссылаясь на положения Директивы 2004/52/EC, Решения 2009/750/EC и Закона Хорватии о дорогах.

In Croatia, the legal regulation of transport infrastructure is carried out by more than 25 legal acts, including Roads Act, Road Traffic Safety Act, Decision on Toll Tariff Levels and Toll Collection System on Motorways, etc.



The legal basis for the activities of the company Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o. (Croatian Motorways Ltd) is the Roads Act.

According to the Article 81 of the Roads Act the Croatian Motorways, a limited liability company with headquarters in Zagreb, manages the motorways, builds them, reconstructs and maintains, except those motorways operated by the concessionaire.

The business activities of Hrvatske autoceste include:

- elaboration of expert backgrounds for the four-year program of motorway construction and maintenance,

- carrying out construction and reconstruction activities referred to in Article 23 of the Roads Act, motorways and road structures with toll collection on state roads,

- solving the property-rights relations necessary for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of highways of road-building

with charge,

- carrying out the maintenance activities referred to in Article 26 of the Roads Act, motorways and road facilities with toll collection on state roads,

- other management tasks referred to in Article 31 of the Roads Act, motorways and toll road facilities on state roads,

- financing the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of highways,

- monitoring traffic loads and traffic flows on motorways, etc.

The Croatian Motorways Ltd. for the

performance of regular maintenance works as well as for the provision of toll services may be established by special limited liability companies.

The rights and duties of the Republic of Croatia as the founder of Hrvatske autoceste d.o.o. are performed by the Government.

Hrvatske autoceste doo, when the Republic of Croatia is the only member of this company, will benefit from the construction and maintenance of the motorway or the state roads it manages.

According to the Roads Act highways means public roads with technical characteristics of the highway defined by regulations regulating traffic safety on roads which have the function of linking the Republic of Croatia with the European transport system, the achievement of continuity of the E-road (international and interstate agreements designated as the European Road) connecting the regions of the

Цуцьщтьщ мониторинг

Republic of Croatia, facilitating transit traffic, which are classified as motorways.

According to Road Traffic Safety Act «motorway» means a public road especially designed for and restricted to motor traffic which has two physically separated (by a green belt, protective fence, etc.) carriageways for traffic moving in opposite directions with at least two traffic lanes at least 3.5 m wide and, in dependence on the lie of the land - a lane on each side for stopping vehicles in emergency, minimum width 2.5 m, without junctions with cross roads and without railway or tramway level crossings, the traffic of which can be entered or exited only at defined and specially designed acceleration and deceleration lanes, or

access ramps allowing safe motor traffic flow at a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour and which as a motorway is demarcated with a prescribed traffic sign.

In 2016, the Croatian road network comprised 26,954 km of classified roads, which included motorways (1,420 km - including planned sections), state roads (7,098 km), county roads (9,499 km) and local roads (8,937 km).

According to the Article 8 of the Roads Act for the use of highways or individual road structures (bridge, tunnel, viaduct and the like) on state roads, the Government may decide to introduce toll collection.

Tolls and user charges shall be charged and

The toll is determined accardlnn to: llit distance that a veiiicIr uses on thr hinhwjv and the toil road

tilt group to which thevetiicle Is to be deployed Ln accordance with the number of axles and / or dimension £ and / or the weight and / or type of vehicle indicated ir The vehicle fleet

the provisions of the Minister specking the groups of vehicles referred to in suh-paragraph 2 of Article B. the methodology for determining the toll level and the toll tuning parameters with the increase of management casts, regular and extraordinary maintenance and the development of toll motorw ay

the pnnrip'e of non-durrimi nation for all categories ofvehirle owned by all legal and natural persons who

.ire users of motorways ,ind road tolls

tiie calculated avrrage ToLL. whlch is proportianal lo the cost of caustruction, maln ten anee, management and development of infrastructure. and is espressed as the total tcll revenue uvei a given time penud divjded by the number of miles o ver al! vehlcles that ha ve paid toll on a certa in highwjy network

a tariff model thai will regulate the offer of motor vehicles on highway s and road-changing facilities so that no toll has a tall far exceeding 100% of the toll chained during the cheapest part of the day, type of day or year of the year to ill users of motorways jrul raad-cluurging Dei ii ties provided that such a tariff model

does not affect the calculated average toll

an ecological Vehicle group 01 vehicles with a maximum permissible mass of over US00 kg according to the ELTKO emission class, in such a way that for these vehicles a lower toll is calculated from ("univalent vehicles which do not meet the strictest exhaust emission standards provided that it does not hit the

calculated average toll

incentive toll payment models which lor vehicles with a maximum permissible mass above 3SO0 kg may not exceed 1and are calculated a Hording to the currently applicable toll tariff model and are available to all legal and natural persons to users of motorways and road tolls provided that such Stimulating models do not hit the calculated average toll

monitored for the collection of such charges in such a way as to affect as little as possible the traffic flow without placing them in the disadvantaged position of unreasonable users of the road network.

The Ministry shall, at least four months before the implementation of the new tolling regulation, notify the European Commission of tolls arrangements on motorways within the European toll collection system and / or in

direct competition with part of the European road network charging toll. The report shall contain at least the indication of the geographic scope of the toll collection network, the toll collection vehicles, tolls allocated to the vehicle groups and the method of determining the toll level with incentive toll payment models.

Article 10 of the Roads Act establishes provisions about electronic toll collection systems, which are systems that allow toll

collection using at least one of the following technologies based on European electronic toll collection: satellite positioning of vehicles, mobile communications using the GSM-GPRS standard (reference to GSM TS 03.60 / 23.060) and microwave technology at 5.8 Ghz.

The European Electronic Toll Collection

(«the EETC») is the method of electronic toll collection in the territory of the European Union that allows the user of a highway to enter into an agreement concluded with one of the authorized EETC providers referred to in Article 12 of the Roads Act, become the EETC service user.

The Croatian Motorways Ltd. and the

concessionaire shall, under the terms of Article 10 of the Roads Act, conclude a contract with the authorized EETC service provider in the European Union to allow toll payment.

The toll paid by the EENC user shall not be higher than the toll paid by other users of the highway.

EENC users may agree on the manner of payment of tolls through the EENC with any EENC provider, regardless of the place of registration of the vehicle or the country where the EENC provider is established.

It will be considered that by fulfilling the obligation of payment to the EENC service provider with which the contract was concluded, the EENC user paid tolls to the Croatian Highways Ltd. or concessionaires.

According to the Article 12 the EETC service provider is a legal person who has the appropriate equipment enabling the EETC method of charging the toll, meets the requirements for the provision of EETC services and is registered in the EETC service registrant's register in the EU Member State where it is headquartered.

Map of the area with electronic toll collection

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Цуцыцтыц мониторинг ;

The special conditions to be fulfilled by the EETC service provider based in the territory of the Republic of Croatia shall be prescribed by the Minister.

A list of EETC service providers holding the seat in the territory of the Republic of Croatia shall be kept by the Ministry.

The certificate of fulfillment of the technical conditions and elements of interoperability shall be issued by the Central Bureau of Metrology.

Decision on Toll Tariff Levels and Toll Collection System on Motorways establishes tolls and tolls for the use of highway A1 Zagreb

- Split - Ploce, A3 Bregana - Zagreb and Zagreb

- Lipovac (Bajakovo), A4 Gorican - Zagreb and A5 Osijek - Bakovo - Sredanci by vehicle groups and toll stations.

According to this Decision vehicles are classified into groups as follows:

such as operational procedures of the service (subscription, instructions for use, customer assistance, etc.).

Group Г А: Motor vehicles with motorcyclc. Irieycle and quadricycle characteristics

Group I: Two-axle motor vchicks, height up to 1.30 ш measured al ihe first axle other than motor velncles of II b)

Group П: (a) Moior vehicles wilh three or more avles up to 1 30 m up to the firi< axle

(Ъ) Two-axle motor vehicles with a lieiglu greater ihan 1,90 m And maximum permissible mass not exceeding 3500 kg

Croup III: Two or three axle motor vehicles with a height greater than 1,30 ш measured at ihe first axle of maximum permissible mass over 3500 kg and Motor vehicles of IIb) with trailer

Group IV: Four or more axles wiih a lielphr greater Elian 1.30 m measured al the first axle of maximum permissible mass over 35(H) kt

Legal and natural persons - users of highways and billed facilities can pay in advance by purchasing a contactless smart card and an electronic toll collection facility (ENC) with a 10% discount on the one-off charge amount.

The Electronic Toll Charger (ENC) is linked to a particular vehicle group, but is not related to a particular section of the highway or a toll-charging facility.

European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) was set up in Directive 2004/52/EC, which was published by the European Commission in order to speed up the complex process to establish technical, procedural and legal interoperability of the electronic road toll systems in the European Union.

The European electronic toll service should provide interoperability at technical, contractual and procedural level, covering:

- a single subscription contract between the user and the EETS Provider, giving access to the service on the whole tolled network; the contract would be regardless of the place of registration of the vehicle, the nationality of the parties to the contract, or the region where the toll/charge is levied; and

- a set of technical standards and requirements, including technical, procedural and legal issues; technical issues cover aspects

The introduction of electronic toll systems will entail the processing of personal data.

Such processing needs to be carried out in accordance with Community rules, as set out inter alia in Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and Directive 2002/5 8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector. The right to protection of personal data is explicitly recognised by Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

This Directive does not apply to: (a) road toll systems for which no electronic means of toll collection exists; (b) electronic road toll systems which do not need the installation of onboard equipment; (c) small, strictly local road toll systems for which the costs of compliance with the requirements of this Directive would be disproportionate to the benefits.

According to the Directive 2004/52/EC Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 18 months after the date of entry into force of the Directive.

Further guidance on the application of the EETS was set out in Decision 2009/750/ EC, which defines the European Electronic Toll Service, sets out the necessary technical specifications and requirements for that purpose, and contractual rules relating to EETS provision, and lays down rights and obligations on EETS Providers, Toll Chargers and EETS Users.

The key obligations include the following:

- Member States have to keep national electronic registers of their tolled networks, toll chargers and toll service providers they deemed eligible for registration, and make them electronically accessible to the public. They shall also set up a Conciliation Body in charge of facilitating the contractual negotiations between toll chargers and EETS providers.

- Toll chargers must set their electronic road toll systems in conformity with the technical standards referred to in the legislation and make public their contracting conditions; they must accept any registered EETS provider on a non-discriminatory basis.

- EETS providers have to be registered in a Member State where they are established. They are to reach full European coverage of all the road infrastructures tolled electronically within 24 months of their registration. EETS providers are in competition: every road user is free to contract with the provider of his/her choice.

According to this Decision EETS providers shall seek registration in a Member State where they are established, which shall be granted if they fulfil the following requirements:

a) hold EN ISO 9001 certification or equivalent;

(b) demonstrate having the technical equipments and the EC declaration or certificate attesting the compliance of the interoperability constituents as laid down in Annex IV(1) to the Decision;

(c) demonstrate competence in the provision of electronic tolling services or in relevant domains;

(d) have appropriate financial standing;

(e) maintain a global risk management plan, which is audited at least every 2 years;

(f) be of good repute.

They are also obliged to maintain coverage of all EETS domains at all times, provide users with a suitable On-Board Unit (OBU), publish their contracting policy, and provide service and technical support. Toll Chargers must ensure EETS interoperability of the toll system, develop and maintain an EETS domain statement setting out the conditions, which EETS Providers need to adhere to access their toll domains,

and accept, on a non-discriminatory basis, any competent EETS Provider.

The toll shall be determined by the Toll Charger according inter alia to the vehicle's classification. A vehicle's classification shall be determined on the basis of the vehicle classification parameters in Annex VI. In the event of a discrepancy between the vehicle classification used by the EETS Provider and the Toll Charger, the Toll Charger's classification shall prevail, unless an error can be demonstrated.

In addition to requiring payment from an EETS provider for any substantiated toll declaration, a Toll Charger may require payment from an EETS Provider for any substantiated toll non-declaration relative to any user account managed by that EETS Provider.

Where an EETS Provider has sent a Toll Charger a list of invalidated on-board equipment referred to in Article 4(6), the EETS Provider shall not be held liable for any further toll incurred through the use of such invalidated on-board equipment. The number of entries in the list of invalidated OBE, the list's format and its updating frequency shall be agreed between Toll Chargers and EETS Providers.

In microwave-based toll systems Toll Chargers shall communicate substantiated toll declarations to EETS Providers for tolls incurred by their respective EETS Users.

For the purposes of the implementation of this Decision, each Member State shall keep a national electronic register of the following:

a) the EETS domains within their territory, including information relating to:

the corresponding Toll Chargers, the tolling technologies employed, the Toll Context Data, the EETS domain statement, the EETS Providers having EETS contracts with the Toll Chargers active in their area of competence

b) the EETS Providers to whom it has granted registration.

EETS shall meet the essential requirements laid down in Annex III to the Decision 2009/750/ EC.

The EETS should have been in place three years after the came in force of the Decision 2009/750/EC as far as heavy vehicles are concerned. Unfortunately, in spite of the different efforts of the European Commission as well as of other public and private players, the EETS has not been put in force yet.

Thus, it is proposed to fully activate the EETS in EU states, including Croatia and take further measures to use and disseminate this system referred to provisions of Directive 2004/52/EC, Decision 2009/750/EC, and the Roads Act of Croatia.

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