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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kuzyoma Tatyana Borisovna, Shutova Olga Alexandrovna

The article presents an analysis of N.F. Sumtsov's social and educational activities in the second half of the XIX century. The historical and pedagogical literature on the research topic is analyzed. The scientific achievements of N.F. Sumtsov are described, the main directions of his activity are outlined. The contribution of N.F. Sumtsov to the development of librarianship in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX century is presented. N.F. Sumtsov's attitude to public readings, social and educational activities, and women's education is characterized. The ways of realization of N.F. Sumtsov's social and educational activities in the framework of his work in the pedagogical department of the Historical and Philological Scientific Society are considered.

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Анализ документа «Дело о командировании студентов для практических занятий по механической специальности, 1901 г.» [6] позволяет описать структуру практики, реализуемой Харьковским технологическим институтом на Сахарном заводе Александровского Товарищества: 1. Знакомство студентов с историей открытия и динамикой развития Сахарного завода. 2. Изучение материально-технической базы предприятия. 3. Сопровождение всех технологических процессов разъяснительными беседами. 4. Обсуждение всех вопросов после прохождения практики на заключительной встрече. Результатом этих тщательно продуманных экскурсий как вида производственной практики у учащихся формировалось умение наблюдать и анализировать увиденное на заводе (сокодобывание, эксплуатация оборудования), происходило развитие их продуктивной мыслительной деятельности, они поэтапно включались в познавательную деятельность, способствующую развитию их научных интересов с учетом профессиональной позиции.

10. Экскурсии позволяют собрать информацию для научных докладов на съездах, заседаниях научных обществ и подготовить материалы для написания дипломной работы. Так студенты Харьковского технологического института, после экскурсий подобного типа на Дружковский завод, Шерстемойную фабрику Петренко, Днепровский завод, Маслобойный завод Гончарова, Кубовую красильную фабрику Васильева, металлургический Путиловский завод, Обуховский сталелитейный завод Морского Ведомства, Александровский механический завод Главного общества российских железных дорог успешно представили свои научные доклады на темы: «Современное состояние вопроса о двойных солях», А. Агафонов, «Теория окрашивания волокнистых веществ красильными пигментами», Ф. Огурцов, «Об изменениях в составе и весе древесных почек в период зимнего покоя в связи с происходящими в них процессами дыхания», Н. Кничер, «О псевдоморфозах минералов», П. Шагин, «О взаимном соотношении между химическим и удельным весом в триклинических полевых шпатах», В. Борткевич. Подобные экскурсии практиковались на заводы и производства Москвы, Петербурга, Брянска, Риги, Киева, Харькова, Одессы, поскольку студентам высших учебных заведений Российской Империи (Екатеринославского высшего горного училища, Харьковского технологического института, Киевского политехнического института. Киевского коммерческого института) было необходимо подготовить дипломную работу экспериментального характера, разработать технологии отдельных производств, проектов шахт, заводов и фабрик.

Выводы. Таким образом со второй половины Х1Х века в учебных заведениях Российской Империи экскурсии, были призваны решить ряд назревших проблем в образовательном процессе, они стали востребованы, популярны и заняли прочные позиции в процессе обучения, став его органической частью. Педагогическая общественность признала высокий научный потенциал рационального проведения экскурсий в процессе обучения и воспитания учащихся учебных заведений Российской Империи. Направления экскурсий расширялись, а научно-методический компонент их проведения постоянно совершенствовался. Высокий научный уровень их проведения, компетентность руководителей, продуманное содержание и наполнение экскурсий позволило говорить об их многофункциональной роли в формировании научного кругозора учащихся высших учебных заведений Российской Империи и их становлении в профессиональном плане.


1. Пузырева, Н.В. Теория и практика организации научно-исследовательской работы студентов (на материале университетов украины Х1Х в.): дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 / Наталья Викторовна Пузырева. - Х., 2002. - 201 с.

2. Смирнов, В.З. Очерки по истории прогрессивной русской педагогики Х1Х в. / В.З. Смирнов. - М.: Учпедгиз, 1963. -312 с.

3. Харциев, В.И. Об организации ученических экскурсий / В.И. Харциев // Труды педагогического отдела Харьковского историко-филологического общества. - 1897. - Вып. 4. - С. 21-40

4. Шапошников, В.Г. Киевский политехнический институт: Сборник правил и программ / В.Г. Шапошников. - Киев, 1907. - 17 с.

5. Эймонтова, Р.Г. Русские университеты на грани 2-х эпох: От России крепостной к России капиталистической / Р.Г. Эймонтова - М.: Наука, 1985. - 349 с., ил.

6. Якушкин, В. Из истории русских университетов в Х1Х в. / В. Якушкин // Вестник воспитания. - 1901. - №7. -С. 34-58

7. Яновский, К.П. Мысли о воспитании и обучении. К вопросу о наших высших учебных заведениях и об университетах в особенности / К.П. Яновский // Русская школа. - 1898. - №4. - 116 с.


UDC 378.147 (09)

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate professor Kuzyoma Tatyana Borisovna

Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol); PhD in Philology, Associate professor Shutova Olga Alexandrovna

Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol)



Annotation. The article presents an analysis of N.F. Sumtsov's social and educational activities in the second half of the XIX century. The historical and pedagogical literature on the research topic is analyzed. The scientific achievements of N.F. Sumtsov are described, the main directions of his activity are outlined. The contribution of N.F. Sumtsov to the development of librarianship in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX century is presented. N.F. Sumtsov's attitude to public readings, social and educational activities, and women's education is characterized. The ways of realization of N.F. Sumtsov's social and educational activities in the framework of his work in the pedagogical department of the Historical and Philological Scientific Society are considered.

Key words: N.F. Sumtsov, The Russian Empire, public education, librarianship, scientific societies, public readings, educational lectures, women's education.

Аннотация. В статье представлен анализ общественно-просветительской деятельности Н.Ф. Сумцова во второй половине XIX века. Проанализирована историческая и педагогическая литература по теме исследования. Описаны научные достижения Н.Ф. Сумцова, обозначены основные направления его деятельности. Представлен вклад Н.Ф. Сумцова в развитие библиотечного дела в Российской Империи во второй половине XIX века. Охарактеризовано отношение Н.Ф. Сумцова к публичным чтениям, общественно-просветительской деятельности, женскому образованию. Рассмотрены

пути реализации общественно-просветительской деятельности Н.Ф. Сумцовым в рамках его работы в педагогическом отделе Историко-филологического научного общества.

Ключевые слова: Н.Ф. Сумцов, Российская Империя, общественно-просветительская деятельность, библиотечное дело, научные общества, публичные чтения, просветительские лекции, женское образование.

Introduction. Currently, there is a real ideological revival in Russia, the course of rapprochement between the state and society is becoming obvious, activity of social forces and movements based on the Russian mentality, culture, spirituality, and age-old traditions is clearly expressed. The issue of the revival of public educational organizations, which effectively generate elements of citizenship in themselves, solve the research and educational tasks necessary for the state and society, is being actualized. In this connection, more and more works appear in the research field, the authors of which turn to the study of the public-educational and pedagogical experience of educational organizations of the past years and the public-educational activities of their representatives.

Among the famous educators, teachers of the studied period, along with such scientists as C.D. Alchevskaya, V.P. Vakhterov, N.K. Wessel, B.D. Grinchenko, A.V. Dukhnovich, N.A. Korf, N.I. Pirogov, V.Ya. Stoyunin, K.D. Ushinsky, D.I. Tikhomirov, the significant place is occupied by N.F. Sumtsov, who made a significant contribution to the development of education and science and whose valuable ideas in the educational field at school were highly appreciated by his compatriots and teachers today. Thanks to his wide erudition, dynamism of thought, versatility of scientific interests, N.F. Sumtsov wrote many valuable monographs, pedagogical textbooks, manuals, articles, reports and reviews, which reflected his pedagogical and public-educational ideas that enriched the scientific and pedagogical thought of the second half of the nineteenth century.

Presentation of the main material of the article. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the study of the social and educational ideas of the outstanding scientist and teacher of the second half of the nineteenth century N.F. Sumtsov against the background of historical events in the Russian Empire allows us to deepen the understanding of historical reality, form a certain view of his cultural and historical heritage, analyze the natural relationship between the development of science, the improvement of public education and intensive educational movement. The purpose of the article is to analyze both the public-educational and pedagogical ideas of N.F. Sumtsov contributed to the development of public education in the Russian Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Having encyclopedic knowledge, N.F. Sumtsov realized his scientific achievements in the field of ethnography, literary studies, art history, museum business, pedagogy, becoming the author of 300 studies. The study of his educational and pedagogical views on the essence and content of the educational process, the developments of theoretical and methodological problems of education and upbringing of the younger generation presented by him, as well as recommendations for the implementation of the public educational movement, is particularly valuable in the framework of the study under consideration.

Already in the 90s of the XIX century, the teacher N.F. Sumtsov received recognition in the scientific space, his name begins to be often mentioned in historical, ethnographic and pedagogical scientific works. Among such works, scientific articles written in 1894 by M.P. Dragomanov "Scientific Methods of Professor Sumtsov" [1], an article by E.K. Redin "Professor Nikolai Fedorovich Sumtsov. To the 25th Anniversary of his Scientific and Pedagogical Activity", 1900 [2], as well as his article "Professor N.F. Sumtsov. To the 30th Anniversary of Pedagogical Activity", 1906 [3]. These articles describe the rich scientific and public-educational activities of N.F. Sumtsov, give a high assessment of his pedagogical merits, describe the ways he proposed to spread education among the adult population of the Russian Empire. The authors of the above-mentioned articles also indicate that in order to raise his professional level, M.F. Sumtsov took an active part in scientific exhibitions (Kharkiv Ethnographic Exhibition) and archaeological (the Twelfth Archaeological Congress) and pedagogical congresses, public speeches at the university at the Faculty of History and Philology. N.F. Sumtsov outlined his scientific views in a number of such works as "Modern Little Russian Ethnography", 1893, " About What Beliefs and Customs are Especially Harmful", 1987, "Essays of Folk Life", 1899.

N.F. Sumtsov created a special unique program for collecting ethnographic materials in the Akhtyrsky, Izyumsky, Starobelsk uyezd of the Kharkov Governorate, organized scientific expeditions to replenish the Ethnographic Museum of the Kharkov Museum of the Kharkov Historical and Philological Society. M.F. Sumtsov also headed the Kharkov Historical and Philological Society, in particular its pedagogical department. Thus, E.K. Redin's scientific articles on M.F. Sumtsov, can be called the first successful attempts to describe the scientific and educational merits of the teacher and his invaluable contribution to the development of science and culture in general.

A detailed description of the scientific achievements of M.F. Sumtsov is presented in the works of A.V. Petukhov, M.A. Plevako, F.K. Volkov, V.M. Kaminsky, V.P. Petrov. The breadth of N.F. Sumtsov's views, the significance of his scientific works for the development of Russian philology and ethnography is written in V.Z. Fradkin's article "To the Question of Studying the Folklore and Ethnographic Heritage of N.F. Sumtsov" in 1972 [11]. His article presents in detail the activities of the scientist as the head of the historical and philological society and systematizes his scientific articles, notes, reviews, reports and obituaries.

It is necessary to admit the fact that the most of N.F. Sumtsov's scientific works were presented in such periodicals as "Kievskaia Starina", "Pedagogical Weekly Journal", "Ukrainian Life", "Ethnographic Education", "Collection of the Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society". On the pages of these publications, N.F. Sumtsov not only considered problematic issues of school education and upbringing, but also paid considerable attention to public education. This was expressed in a detailed description of new forms of work at school and university, characteristics of general education courses, writing recommendations for conducting public lectures, highlighting the level of education throughout the Russian Empire. He studied the history of Russian literature (he wrote about many Russian writers - A.S. Griboyedov, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.N. Maykov, V.F. Odoevsky, A.S. Pushkin), studied the history of art, wedding ceremonies, wrote scientific notes and journalistic works, legends, stories.

N.F. Sumtsov was sure that the development of the whole society is directly related to the level of public education, in connection with which he repeatedly raised the question of the need to develop educational activities and introduce scientific knowledge to the masses. In the scientific article "To the University Day" [8], written in 1916, N.F. Sumtsov noted that the role of scientific knowledge is growing every day, and therefore education becomes a necessary need for every member of society. "In the near future, it is necessary to take into account the great demand for real knowledge. New cultural demands are coming" [8, P. 3].

At the same time, N.F. Sumtsov repeatedly noted the elite status of science, as a result of which scientific knowledge remained unattainable for the broad masses. "Science develops at the top, while for the bottom it remains in decline" [8, P. 3].

In this negative perspective, N.F. Sumtsov also wrote about folk medicine, in particular about the medicine business, which resulted in numerous tragic deaths of the common population. This fact was explained by the ignorance of the masses of new effective methods of treatment, and the use of such methods of healing as conspiracies, bathing in an ice hole, etc. Well-educated doctors, teachers, and priests could help the common people in the fight against such ignorance, who, in addition to professional advice, would influence the expansion of knowledge among the people in various ways (book, conversation, personal participation). Only then, according to N.F. Sumtsov, the awakening of the village will take place [10].

In scientific articles "Ulcers of Charity" [10], 1897 and "Charitable Debauchery" [4], 1909, N.F. Sumtsov raised issues of hygiene and education of the masses in this area. The teacher, educator N.F. Sumtsov bitterly noted the low level of writing and

elementary ignorance among the common people, pointed out the need to raise their cultural and intellectual potential. "Ignorance and illiteracy are especially terrible when they are absolute in nature and cover broad segments of the population" [4, P. 2].

N.F. Sumtsov explained such a low educational level as a consequence of certain political and socio-economic factors. He advised to change such a situation with the help of an intensive mass educational movement. N.F. Sumtsov placed special hopes on various zemstvo organizations and institutions actively conducting educational work. Also, the low level of education according to N.F. Sumtsov was the result of so-called charity projects that provided ordinary people with books of low cultural and artistic level, often with vulgar pictures, with primitive tavern songs. All this could not contribute to the development of the cognitive interests of the people.

In his scientific work "Charitable Debauchery" [4] N.F. Sumtsov noted the fact that folk literature has a huge number of its own vivid poetic samples: family songs, historical stories, descriptions of folk holidays. The appeal to this literature could, according to N.F. Sumtsov, significantly improve the quality of any charitable educational activity. He also recommended to raise the cultural level of the masses with the help of illustrations depicting the beauty of their native land, historical episodes, everyday sketches.

N.F. Sumtsov led an active social and educational activity, which manifested itself in the following:

1. Public speaking and educational lectures;

This practice has been popular among many university professors and teachers who are aware of the growing needs of society for the acquisition of knowledge by ordinary people. Teachers of Kharkiv University D.I. Bagaley, V.P. Buzeskul, D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, including N.F. Sumtsov conducted such lectures at courses for workers. And the Literacy Society has organized a whole series of public lectures on medicine and hygiene. It should be noted that almost every scientific society in the period under study developed a system of educational courses to popularize science, which involved well-known teachers from cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Kazan, Dorpat, Kharkiv, Odessa, Kiev, Pavlovsk, where there was a strong influence of universities on the urban environment.. Lectures were organized at the universities themselves, held in urban spaces, in theater halls, etc. N.F. Sumtsov noted that lectures of a local history orientation were especially popular among the people. In his work "Report on Public Lectures in Poltava, Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk in the Spring of 1899" [9] N.F. Sumtsov outlined the requirements for conducting such lectures, described the difficulties faced by the lecturer during the preparation and implementation. For example, the organization of a lecture in another city presented a certain difficulty when the lecturer solved this issue independently. Another obvious problem N.F. Sumtsov called the correct choice of the topic of the lecture, the content of its content, since it was necessary to make such lectures simple and publicly accessible. At the same time, according to the teacher, it was impossible to allow this simplicity to lead to elementary. N.F. Sumtsov urged to take into account the intellectual level of those listening to the lecture. The lecturer himself, according to the teacher, should be a professional in his field and have a broad erudition. At the same time, not all scientists could break away from their scientific and teaching activities at the university to conduct such lectures. N.F. Sumtsov criticized the desire of some lecturers to divide the speech into several parts, and entertain the audience with songs and music during the break. The teacher rightly believed that with such a lecture, the high idea of science and education is significantly reduced. In his opinion, the lecturer should not entertain the audience. His main task in communicating with the audience is the question of how to interest the audience in scientific thought. N.F. Sumtsov noted that listeners had the opportunity to discuss scientific issues of interest to them with the lecturer, and listeners also received advice on which scientific publications and publications on the topic under consideration at the lecture to pay attention to. N.F. Sumtsov emphasized the fact that the organization of such lectures was useful not only to the listeners, but also to the lecturers themselves. They had the opportunity to get to know the provincial society better, to identify the role of education and culture in the province, to get information about educational and charitable activities in a particular area. Also, N.F. Sumtsov in his article described such a form of conducting a lecture when it was consistently read by several lecturers. Thus, the work "Report on Public Lectures in Poltava, Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk in the Spring of 1899" [9] N.F. Sumtsova has become a manual containing a number of valuable recommendations on the methodology of organizing public educational lectures.

2. Selection and preparation of literary material for folk readings.

For the first time, folk readings were held in the 60s of the nineteenth century in Poltava, after which they spread throughout the Russian Empire. Folk readings became available in the province only in 1894. N.F. Sumtsov called folk readings a strong and effective educational tool. The topics of most of the readings were directly related to the scientific interests of the teachers themselves. However, the reading and presentation itself were preceded by checking the materials and obtaining approval for its reading. According to the teacher N.F. Sumtsov's public speeches solved many educational goals, since they were held among the illiterate, unable to write population. In Poltava, Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, N.F. Sumtsov spoke on such topics as "History of Art", "South Russian Steppes", "Castles and Sights of Germany". He also compiled a "Manual for the Organization of Scientific and Literary Readings", 1895-1896. The manual was published in an edition of three thousand copies and was reprinted twice, which indicates its indisputable scientific value. However, it should be noted that certain requirements were imposed on the readings by the Ministry of Public Education, which recommended the use of books about the lives of saints, historical books about the life of the royal family, which were filled with patriotic morality. However, N.F. Sumtsov significantly expanded their subject matter. Also, for children's reading for educational purposes, N.F. Sumtsov prepared collections of poems by famous poets.

3. Active assistance to the development of librarianship.

During the period under study, there was an intensive widespread opening of libraries in many zemstvos. Libraries were divided into the following types: central, followed by branch and district. It is the latter that have become widespread among doctors, teachers, veterinarians, agronomists. These libraries were free, accessible, self-contained and targeted at a wide range of ordinary workers. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there were 75.9 thousand libraries of various types in the Russian Empire. We should note the fact that more than 11 thousand such libraries were located in rural areas, and their book fund amounted to 4.5 million units. N.F. Sumtsov in the article "On the Question of the Kharkiv Public Library", 1985 [7] also drew attention to the fact that librarianship is beginning to improve. He also advised to improve the charter of the Kharkiv Public Library, insisted that it be free, conducted a comparative analysis of the cost of books. N.F. Sumtsov insisted that trained specialists should be engaged in the formation of the library fund and filling its departments with books in the fields of knowledge. N.F. Sumtsov continued the topic of the development of librarianship in his other article "Notes on the public Library" [5], written in 1887. In it, he wrote about the need to replenish the library fund, the need to systematize the books available in the library to realize the spiritual needs of the population, in particular the Kharkiv society. He also noted that in 1896 the level of librarianship in the country was significantly inferior to the Western European level. It should be noted that the teacher himself was directly involved in the creation of a Public library in Kharkiv and worked in it for free for the first 6 years of its operation. And thanks to his appeals to public organizations written on 1200 sheets, he managed to collect more than 1770 books for the library. The democratic intelligentsia of the studied period assigned the Kharkiv Public Library a leading role in the cultural development of the city. N.F. Sumtsov contributed to the creation of free reading libraries. It should be noted that in 1904 the Kharkiv province took the second place in the entire Russian Empire in terms of the number of operating libraries. Their number was 421 libraries. There were also school and church libraries among them. There were also public libraries. N.F. Sumtsov noted that these libraries were intended for a wide range of readers and were well staffed. But the teacher saw a special role in the cultural development of the people and introducing them to all the best that is already in

various scientific publications in public libraries, emphasizing that books have always been of great importance for the domestic enlightened society.

Being an active supporter of the development of education in the Russian Empire, N.F. Sumtsov believed that the success of this business largely depends on the widespread development of libraries. They must have scientific departments and city departments with materials on the history of the native land. Such a library, N.F. Sumtsov believed, would be useful for representatives of different social classes and professions. N.F. Sumtsov considered mobile libraries to be an undoubtedly effective educational action. They could revitalize provincial life and activate the cognitive interests of the people [5].

4. Work in the pedagogical department of the Historical and Philological Scientific Society.

N.F. Sumtsov was the honorary chairman of the Historical and Philological Society at Kharkiv University. During its existence, the Society has published public volumes (12 issues), the so-called "Collections". During the period under study, "Collection" was the only periodical in Kharkiv that grouped local works on history, national economy, ethnography, geography, literature, linguistics, folklore. It is interesting that N.F. Sumtsov was the editor of 11 volumes. So, in 1889, at one of the meetings of the Historical and Philological Society, D.I. Bagaley and N.F. Sumtsov was instructed to develop a special program for collecting historical, ethnographic and linguistic materials. On the pages of these publications, N.F. Sumtsov actively promoted historical, ethnographic and folklore knowledge in order to attract rural intelligentsia, represented by students. He tried to attract young people to the collection of scientifically important monuments of spiritual and material culture, to arouse their interest in their historical past. Sumtsov noted that the purposeful work of the society to educate the masses allowed not only to attract those interested to the ethnographic topic, but also to revive the historical and local history work not only in the Kharkiv province, but also in others. As part of his work in the pedagogical department, created on his initiative at the Historical and Philological Scientific Society, N.F. Sumtsov published 22 scientific articles. He also compiled a number of pamphlets for popular reading. Various exhibitions were regularly organized here.

An example of such exhibitions were archaeological and ethnographic exhibitions. It was assumed that their materials would reflect the cultural history of the "South Russian people" from the Kursk, Voronezh, Kharkiv, Kuban, Yekaterinoslav regions. In total, 1490 items, 546 photographs, 51 tables were presented at the exhibition. All this was placed in 26 departments of the exposition. During the 12 days of the exhibition, 56 759 visitors visited it. It should be noted that the Ethnographic exhibition played an important role in the promotion of historical and ethnographic knowledge, the popularization of ethnographic science, and the development of museum business. At the same university, N.F. Sumtsov was in charge of the Kharkiv Ethnographic Museum, within the walls of which, in 1905, his own library began to function, numbering more than one and a half thousand ethnographic volumes, and a little later an archive was created. The museum has also become a base for conducting ethnographic practice by students of higher educational institutions.

5. Participation in the activities of various public organizations.

During the period under study, many scientific societies at universities of the Russian Empire were engaged in educating the common people. Among them are the following: Society of Nature Researchers, Russian Geographical Society, Historical and Philological Society, Society of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Society of Scientific Medicine and Hygiene, Mathematical Society, Medical Society, Society of Agriculture, Kharkiv Department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society, Literacy Society. So in the latter, N.F. Sumtsov participated in the work of the publishing committee. He was also an honorary corresponding member of the Czech-Slovak Society in Prague. Thanks to his research and achievements, so widely represented in the scientific world, N.F. Sumtsov was elected to various scientific societies (the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, the Moscow Archaeological Society, the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography, the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv). In the course of the study, it was found that in most cases there was a certain clause in the charter of such societies about the need to popularize science, a whole system of educational events, educational projects was developed, the purpose of which was to raise scientific knowledge among the broad masses of the population to a higher level. Thus, it can be argued that the teacher took an active part in the activities of public and scientific organizations.

6. Promoting the development of women's education.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the issues of women's education became particularly relevant. The approach to the role of women in society has changed. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, women have had the opportunity to receive secondary education. And a little later, in 1868, higher women's courses of medical and pedagogical orientation were created. It should be noted that N.F. Sumtsov was at the head of the commission on the arrangement of public readings for women. To implement this project, progressive teachers, including N.F. Sumtsov, created a special Lecture Committee. Women were invited to attend courses in philosophy, medicine, general history, history of Russian literature, pedagogy, linguistics, geography, history of art. N.F. Sumtsov himself took part in the reading of a number of these lectures for women. So they gave 7 lectures about A.S. Pushkin for free (analysis of his poetry, analysis of the depth of artistic images, biographical moments, etc.). And in the Kharkov Historical and Philological Society in the second half of the nineteenth century, women had the opportunity not only to make reports of abstracts, but also to be published in its publications. So, in 1894, at the suggestion of N.F. Sumtsova Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society decided to hold public scientific readings for Kharkiv teachers. To achieve this goal, the society, represented by D.I. Bagaley, V.P. Buzeskul, N.F. Sumtsov, developed working programs for courses of lectures on linguistics, general history, national history, literature. It is worth noting the high activity of attending these lectures. In the first year, more than fifty of them were read. The number of listeners was 100 people. Since 1897, such public readings have been organized in Poltava, Rostov-on-Don and other cities of Southern Russia. The teacher in the article "On the Issue of Women's Education" [8] noted that the low level of women's education hinders the development of public education throughout the country, insisted on the need for mothers in rural families to be also educated and interested in home reading. Russian Russian poet N.F. Sumtsov also took an active part in organizing Higher Women's Courses in 1906. He gave a lecture on Russian literature and the history of Russian art, as well as a special author's course "Ritual Poetry", "Russian Everyday Ethnography".

7. Coverage of the problems of cultural leisure of the common people.

N.F. Sumtsov wrote that in order to fully develop educational projects, it is necessary to hold various exhibitions, organize excursions to art and industrial museums with rich collections. N.F. Sumtsov was the organizer and founder of several folk schools. According to the teacher, rationally organized leisure of the people will be of great educational importance, since it will contribute to their physical, moral and mental development. The most effective forms of organizing the leisure of the common people of N.F. Sumtsov considered affordable concerts and folk theaters, the organization of long-distance excursions. The teacher noted that one of the conditions for the fruitful educational work of theaters should be the high professionalism of the actors and a high level of artistic and scenic material.

Conclusions. Thus, the analysis of N.F. Sumtsov's social and educational activities has shown that it has become an important component of his creative heritage. The scientific interests of the teacher and his ideas for the development of social and educational activities were implemented in several directions: delivering lectures and organizing folk readings, promoting the development of

librarianship and women's education, working in the pedagogical department of the Historical and Philological Society, participating in various events, societies, circles, considering issues of organizing folk leisure.


1. Dragomanov, M.P. Scientific Methods of Professor Sumtsov / M.P. Dragomanov // Bulletin of Literature, History and Folklore. - 1894. - Book.1. - P. 152-153

2. Redin, E.K. Professor Nikolay Fedorovich Sumtsov. To the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of his Scientific and Pedagogical Activity / E.K. Redin // Kh. - 1900. - 15 p.

3. Redin, E.K. To the 30th Anniversary of Pedagogical Activity / E.K. Redin. - 1906. - 32 p.

4. Sumtsov, N.F. Charitable Debauchery / N.F. Sumtsov // Literary and scientific bulletin. - January-March. - 1909. -P. 349-352

5. Sumtsov, N.F. Notes on the Public Library / N.F. Sumtsov // Gubern. vedomosti. - 1887.

6. Sumtsov, N.F. On the Issue of Women's Education / N.F. Sumtsov // Kharkiv. gubern. vedomosti. - 1898. - №231.

7. Sumtsov, N.F. On the Question of the Kharkiv Public Library / N.F. Sumtsov // Kharkiv. gubern. vedomosti. - 1885.

8. Sumtsov, N.F. To the University Day / N.F. Sumtsov // Written in 1916. - 17.01

9. Sumtsov, N.F. Report on Public Lectures in Poltava, Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk in Spring / N.F. Sumtsov // Proceedings of the Pedagogical Department of the Kharkiv Historical and Philological Society. - 1896. - Issue 3. - P. 8-29

10. Sumtsov, N.F. Ulcers of Charity / N.F. Sumtsov // Kharkiv. gubern. vedomosti. - 1897. - №67.

11. Fradkin, V.Z. On the Question of Studying the Folklore and Ethnographic Heritage of N.F. Sumtsov / V.Z. Fradkin // Summary of the reports of the annual session of the LOIEAN of the USSR. - L. - 1973. - 198 p.


УДК 376.2

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Кузнецова Галина Васильевна

Институт специального образования и психологии Государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Московский городской педагогический университет» (г. Москва)



Аннотация. Дошкольники с детским церебральным параличом (ДЦП) - многочисленная группа детей с нарушениями развития. Дети данной категории в настоящее время активно интегрируются в дошкольные образовательные организации. Это инвалидизирующее неврологическое заболевание характеризуется наличием у детей существенных двигательных ограничений. Они затрудняют передвижение, предметные манипуляции и овладение самообслуживанием. Перед семьёй и дошкольными образовательными организациями стоит задача обучение детей самообслуживанию для подготовки к успешному включению в школьное образовательное пространство. Анализ деятельности дошкольных образовательных организаций и родительских позиций показывает, что педагоги-дефектологи и семья часто не умеют правильно оценить навыки самообслуживания ребёнка и не владеют технологией их формирования.

Ключевые слова: детский церебральный паралич, самообслуживание, анкетирование родителей, навыки причесывания, навыки раздевания - одевания.

Annotation. Preschoolers with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) are a large group of children with developmental disabilities who are currently actively integrated into preschool educational organizations. This disabling neurological disease is characterized by the presence of significant motor limitations in children, which make it difficult to move, object manipulations and mastering self-care. The family and preschool educational organizations are faced with the task of teaching children self-service to prepare for successful inclusion in the school educational space. The analysis of the activities of preschool educational organizations and parental positions shows that teachers-defectologists and the family often do not know how to properly assess the self-service skills of the child and do not own the technology of their formation.

Key words: cerebral palsy, self-care, parents' questionnaire, combing skills, undressing - dressing skills

Введение. В настоящее время в современных исследованиях отмечается необходимость создания специальных условий для удовлетворения особых образовательных потребностей детей ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Специфика этих потребностей выражается в необходимости формирования в первую очередь жизненных компетенций ребенка, которые обеспечивают активное взаимодействие ребенка с окружающим миром. В дальнейшем сформированные жизненные компетенции становятся необходимым условием формирования академических компетенций и их использования. В число жизненных компетенций входят навыки самообслуживания, формирование которых является важным направлением работы с детьми с двигательной церебральной патологией [1, С. 44; 3, С. 15].

Изложение основного материала статьи. До настоящего времени в образовательных организациях где оказывается помощь детям данной категории, существует проблема отсутствия научно обоснованных методов диагностики и технологий формирования навыков самообслуживания.

Экспериментальное исследование навыков самообслуживания у детей дошкольного возраста проводилось в период 2020-2021год на базе Государственного бюджетного учреждения города Москвы "Московский городской центр реабилитации".

В исследовании принимали участие 7 детей с двигательной церебральной патологией дошкольного возраста(5-7лет).

По формам ДЦП дети экспериментальной группы были распределены следующим образом: у 5 детей отмечалась, спастическая диплегия, у 1ребенка, гиперкинетическая форма, у 1ребенка, двойная гемиплегия.

По состоянию интеллекта, согласно заключению ЦПМПК дети экспериментальной группы были распределены следующим образом:

У одного ребенка развитие соответствовало возрастной нормы, у 4 детей отмечалась задержка психического развития, 2 детей отмечалась умственная отсталость.

Для диагностики уровня сформированности навыков самообслуживания нами была использована методика М.В. Переверзевой, которая в процессе своего исследования «Диагностика и формирование навыков самообслуживания у детей с тяжелыми множественными нарушениями развития», разработала диагностическую карту определения уровня сформированности навыков самообслуживания у детей с ТМНР. Система обследования предполагает оценку сформированности навыков самообслуживания по 6-ти разделам: приём пищи, пользование туалетом, умывание, чистка зубов, причёсывание, одевание-раздевание. Результаты оцениваются количественными показателями от 0 до 5 баллов.

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