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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Kazbayeva Assel Gabidenovna, Ismagulov Kairat Eslyamkalievich

In the context of reforming all spheres of state life, the issues of ensuring national security are one of the main ones. The international position of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the spread of international terrorism, the aggravation of threats to the interests of citizens, society and the state require the development of effective measures aimed at ensuring national security. One of the directions of ensuring the national security of the country is countering the laundering of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, as well as improving the national security system in accordance with international standards (AML / CFT) and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction of the Financial Action Task Force on Combating Money Laundering money obtained from crime (FATF). The January events in Kazakhstan showed that the groups that organized crimes, riots and mass pogroms in the southern metropolis and other large cities had a clear scenario. This is clearly evidenced by the seizure of the akimat, the airport, TV channels with a failed attempt to organize television broadcasting. No one doubts that the peaceful rally against the rise in prices for liquefied gas was used by destructive elements for their own purposes. This is evidenced by the preparedness of the terrorists and, as mentioned above, by a clear plan of action. All this, logically, should be financed in some way, since terrorist activity is caused by the observed trends in increasing the level of its organization, creating large terrorist formations with a developed infrastructure at home and abroad, strengthening the relationship between terrorist and organized crime, including transnational, as well as attempts to use terrorist activities as an instrument of interference in the internal affairs of the state. The authors studied the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism» and proposed new solutions to this issue.

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YAK 343



Kazbayeva Assel Gabidenovna

Deputy Director of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Nur-Sultan; Associate Professor of Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzakhmetov, Kokshetau city; Candidate of Law Sciences, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: [email protected]

IsmagulovKairat Eslyamkalievich1

Head of the Department of Analysis of the effectiveness of Legislation of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Law Sciences, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail:[email protected]

Abstract. In the context of reforming all spheres of state life, the issues of ensuring national security are one of the main ones. The international position of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the spread of international terrorism, the aggravation of threats to the interests of citizens, society and the state require the development of effective measures aimed at ensuring national security.

One ofthe directions ofensuring the national security of the country is countering the laundering of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, as well as improving the national security system in accordance with international standards (AML / CFT) and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction of the Financial Action Task Force on Combating Money Laundering jjj money obtained from crime (FATF).

The January events in Kazakhstan showed that the groups that organized crimes, riots and mass pogroms in the southern metropolis and other large cities had a clear scenario. This is clearly evidenced by the seizure of the akimat, the airport, TV channels with a failed attempt to organize television broadcasting.

No one doubts that the peaceful rally against the rise in prices for liquefied gas was used g by destructive elements for their own purposes. This is evidenced by the preparedness of the o terrorists and, as mentioned above, by a clear plan of action. g

All this, logically, should be financed in some way, since terrorist activity is caused by the E observed trends in increasing the level of its organization, creating large terrorist formations with f a developed infrastructure at home and abroad, strengthening the relationship between terrorist p and organized crime, including transnational, as well as attempts to use terrorist activities as an instrument of interference in the internal affairs of the state.

to this issue.

Keywords laundering, financing of terrorism

1 The author for correspondence



The authors studied the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On countering the legalization g (laundering) ofproceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism» and proposed new solutions o

Keywords: legal monitoring, effectiveness of legislation, legal analysis, legalization, money o

> JZ



Эсел Габиденкызы Казбаева

Казацстан Республшасыныц Зацнама жэне цуцыцтыц ацпарат институты директордыц орынбасары, Нур-султан ц.; Абай Мырзахметов атындагы Квкшетау университетШц доценти, Квкшетау ц.; зац гылыми кандидаты, Казацстан Республикасы; e-mail: [email protected]

Кайрат Еслямкали^лы Исмагулов

Казацстан Республикасы Зацнама жэне цуцыцтыц ацпарат институтыныц зацнаманыц тшмдшШн талдау бвлiмiнiц басшысы, зац гылымдарыныц кандидаты, Казацстан Республикасы, Нур-Султан; e-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Мемлекет вмiрiнiц барлыц салаларын реформалау жагдайында улттыц цауiпсiздiктi цамтамасыз ету мэселелерi басты мэселелердиц бiрi болып табылады. Казацстан Республикасыныц халыцаралыц устанымы, халыцаралыц терроризмниц таралуы, азаматтардыц, цогам мен мемлекеттиц мYдделерiне цатерлердиц кYшеюi улттыц цауiпсiздiктi цамтамасыз етуге багытталган тиiмдi шараларды эзiрлеудi талап етедi.

Елдиц улттыц цаутсиздтн цамтамасыз ету багыттарыныц бiрi цылмыстыц жолмен алынган кiрiстердi жылыстатуга жэне терроризмдi царжыландыруга царсы ис-цимыл, сондай-ац улттыц цаутсизды ЖYйесiн халыцаралыц стандарттарга (AML/CFT) сэйкес жетiлдiру жэне царуды таратуды царжыландыру болып табылады. Кылмыстыц жолмен g алынган ацшаны жылыстатуга царсы курес жвнiндегi царжылыц iс-цимыл тобын (FATF) а. жаппай жою туралы.

Казацстандагы цацтар оцигасы оцтYстiк мегаполис пен басца да iрi цалалардагы ы цылмыстарды, тэрттсиздытер мен жаппай погромдарды уйымдастырган топтардыц g нацты сценарий бар екенин кврсеттi. Буган телехабар таратуды уйымдастырудыц § сэтс1з эрекетiмен экiмдiктiц, эуежайдыц, телеарналардыц басып алынуы айцын дэлел.

< Суйытылган газдыц цымбаттауына царсы бейбт митингi деструктивтi g элементтердиц вз мацсаттарына пайдаланганына ешким ШYбэ келтiрмейдi. Буган ^ лацкестердиц дайындыгы жэне жогарыда айтылгандай нацты iс-цимыл жоспары дэлел. * Муныц бэри, логикалыц тургыдан, цандай да бiр жолмен царжыландыру керек, 2 вйткени террористы цызмет оныц уйымдастырылу децгейин арттырудыц байцалатын !§ тенденциялары, ел ишинде жэне шетелде дамыган инфрацурылымы бар ири террористы с цурылымдарды цуру, террористы жэне уйымдасцан цылмыс арасындагы байланысты

< ныгайту. , оныц ишинде трансулттыц, сондай-ац террористы цызметти мемлекеттиц ¡5 ишки истерине араласу цуралы ретинде пайдалану эрекеттери.

^ Авторлар «Кылмыстыц жолмен алынган киристерди зацдастыруга (жылыстатуга) tt жэне терроризмди царжыландыруга царсы ис-цимыл туралы» Казацстан Республикасыныц о Зацын зерделеп, бул мэселениц жаца шешимдерин усынды.

° TyrnHdi свздер: цуцыцтыц мониторинг, зацнаманыц тшмдыт, цуцыцтыц талдау, ™ зацдастыру, киристерди жылыстату, терроризмди царжыландыру.









Казбаева Асель Габиденовна

Заместитель директора Института законодательства и правовой информации Республики Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан; доцент Кокшетауского университета имени Абая Мырзахметова, г. Кокшетау; кандидат юридических наук, Республика Казахстан; e-mail: [email protected]

Исмагулов Кайрат Еслямкалиевич

Руководитель отдела анализа эффективности законодательства Института законодательства и правовой информации Республики Казахстан, кандидат юридических наук, г.Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан; e-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. В условияхреформирования всех сфер государственной жизнедеятельности вопросы обеспечения национальной безопасности являются одним из основных. Международное положение Республики Казахстан, распространение международного терроризма, обострение угроз интересам граждан, обществу и государству требуют разработки эффективных мер, направленных на обеспечение национальной безопасности.

Одним из направлением обеспечения национальной безопасности страны является противодействие отмыванию доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма, а также совершенствования системы обеспечения национальной безопасности в соответствии с международными стандартами (ПОД/ФТ) и финансированию распространения оружия массового уничтожения Группы разработки финансовых мер борьбы с отмыванием денег, полученных преступным путем (ФАТФ). С

Январские события в Казахстане показали, чтоу группировок, устроивших преступления, Н беспорядки и массовые погромы в южном мегаполисе и других крупных городах был четкий ^ сценарий. Об этом явно свидетельствует захват акимата, аэропорта, телеканалов с не- С удавшейся попыткой организовать телевещание.

То, что мирный митинг против повышения цен на сжиженный газ деструктивные ^ элементы использовали для своих целей уже ни у кого не вызывает сомнений. Об этом говорит и подготовленность террористов и как уже выше упоминалось - четкий план действий.

2 Закон Республики Казахстан от 28 августа 2009 года № 191-1У «О противодействии легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма»https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/Z090000191_


Все это, по логике вещей, должно как-либо финансироваться, так как т

террористическая деятельность вызвана наблюдаемыми тенденциями повышения уровня Ь

ее организованности, создания крупных террористических формирований с развитой р

инфраструктурой внутри страны и за рубежом, усиления взаимосвязи террористической >

и организованной преступности, в том числе транснациональной, а также попытками Р

использования террористической деятельности как инструмента вмешательства во В

внутренние дела государства. О

Авторы исследовали Закон РК «О противодействии легализации (отмыванию) дохо- >

дов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма»2 и предложили новые ф

пути решения в этом вопросе. М

Ключевые слова: правовой мониторинг, эффективность законодательства, правовой Ц

анализ, легализация, отмывание денег, финансирование терроризма 1

DOI: 10.52026/2788-5291 2022 70 3 181


One important area of national security is countering the legalization (money-laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

Many legal scholars agree that the above questions are identical.

For reference:

In the USA, «anti-money laundering» measures are not one Act, but a whole collection of rules, which includes:

- Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) - regulates the rules for the operation of financial institutions and the fulfillment of compliance obligations for checking suspicious transactions, customers and screening.

- US Patriot Act of 2001 on measures to control cross-border transactions;

- The Combating Money Laundering Act;

- Intelligence Reform Act to prevent terrorism and other legislation [1].

Meanwhile, money laundering is the process by which the actual use of proceeds is concealed and then these are revealed in a way that appears obvious and legitimate [2]. ^ There is a huge number of ways to launder о and legalize income. One way to launder ¿. money is through the use of cryptocurrencies ^ and bitcoin transaction wallets. They may be ^ potentially related, among other things, to g receiving a ransom, selling illegal goods or § ordering a DDoS attack, as well as financing 5 terrorism.

E It is not for nothing that we singled out e the financing of terrorism as one of the ways s for money laundering, since the legalization

0 and laundering of proceeds from crime can 2 be directed, among other things, to financial £ support for terrorists.

The presence of a mechanism that makes it possible to legitimize the use of funds with-5 drawn from the shadow economy stimulates ш criminals to further illegal actions, which caus-ч es enormous damage both to the economy of

1 individual countries and to international eco-% nomic relations as a whole [3, 129].

< In their works, F. Schneider [4] and B.A. fE Kheifetz [5], note that developing countries ^ face special challenges, which have not yet suf-^ ficiently developed control institutions that con* tribute to the fight against money laundering.




m 3 Уголовный кодекс Республики Казахстан от 3 июля 2014 г< обращения: 01.06.2022

Of course, the mechanisms of legalization of criminal proceeds are manifested in states with economies of any type, but, as it is believed, the least resistance arises precisely in developing countries that have not yet formed an integral effective system for combating the legalization of criminal proceeds. Such countries also suffer more from the negative effects of this phenomenon due to the smaller size of the economy, respectively, the large relative size of this activity and the problems associated with it.

In this connection, it is proposed to raise the issue of separating this Act and adopting two independent ones.


The article uses formal-logical and dialectical methods, comparative legal, empirical analysis, as well as quantitative, qualitative and special methods of scientific research.

Results and discussion

Thus, when analyzing the law for typical defects of the law, which contribute to the formation of various practices for the application of the current legislation, the following was revealed:

1. The preamble of the analyzed Act states that «This Act defines the legal framework for countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, the legal relations of the subjects of financial monitoring, the authorized body and other state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of countering the legalization (laundering) of income proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism, as well as mechanisms for the implementation of targeted financial sanctions related to the prevention and prevention of terrorism and the financing of terrorism, and the prevention, obstruction and cessation of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their financing».

We would like to note that the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan3 establishes liability for the legalization (laundering) of money and (or) other property obtained by criminal means (Article 218) and separately for financing terrorist or extremist activities and other complicity in terrorism or extremism (Article 258).

It is necessary to consider the issue of

a № 226-V 3Phttps://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K1400000226ffoma

adopting two separate Acts «On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime» and «On countering the financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction».

2. The analyzed Act establishes the concept of «a suspicious transaction with money and (or) other property (hereinafter referred to as a suspicious transaction) - a client transaction (including an attempt to perform such a transaction, an operation in the process of being performed or an already completed transaction), in respect of which there are suspicions about that the money and (or) other property used for its commission is the proceeds of criminal activity, or the operation itself is aimed at the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, or the financing of terrorism or other criminal activity».

Without disputing the existence of this concept, it is necessary to point out the vagueness of this definition.

In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Rules for the submission by financial monitoring entities of data and information on transactions subject to financial monitoring and signs of a suspicious transaction4, 81 signs are defined for classifying a transaction as suspicious when providing payment and money transfer services, banking services, and providing services in the securities market. securities, pension fund services, etc.

Thus, paragraph 24 of Appendix 2 states that a sign of a suspicious definition is an attempt, «in relation to which the subject of financial monitoring has suspicions that the operation is aimed at financing terrorism». The phrase «suspicions arise» is incorrect and too vague, allowing the subject of financial monitoring to check any operation under the guise of «suspicion of terrorist financing».

It is proposed to exclude this feature.

3. Article 1 of the analyzed Act establishes the concept of «beneficial owner» - this is an individual: who directly or indirectly owns more than twenty-five percent of the shares in the authorized capital or placed (minus preferred and redeemed by the company) shares

of a client - a legal entity; otherwise exercising control over the client; in whose interests the client performs operations with money and (or) other property.

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The concept of «beneficiary» and «beneficial owner» is absent in the profile Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 31, 1995 No. 2444 «On Banks and Banking Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan»5 (hereinafter referred to as the Act on banking activities).

In Russian legislation, the same definition is given as in Kazakhstan: «beneficial owner is an individual who ultimately directly or indirectly (through third parties) owns (has a predominant participation of more than 25 percent in the capital) of a client - a legal entity or has the ability to control the actions of the client. This person is considered to be the beneficial owner of the client - an individual, unless there is reason to believe that the beneficial owner is another individual»6.

Akhmetshin R. I. points out that «confusion begins with the very concept» [6, 43]. The beneficial owner (owner) is usually considered in several aspects: in relation to the corporate structure, income, property.

Approaches applied in various branches of legislation are not identical. And of all the areas where the definition of the beneficial owner (owner) is relevant at the level of national legislation, the Russian Federation first of all chose the area of combating money laundering.

In order to avoid double taxation, a beneficiary in international agreements is considered to be a legal or natural person who receives income to which he has an actual right7.

Meanwhile, according to Greenberg T., the process of determining the ultimate beneficiary is rather complicated. The identity of the true beneficial owner and the origin of his income are often hidden, and the legal entity - a corporation, trust, foundation and limited liability partnership - comes to the fore. The use of intermediaries can further complicate the process, and in some jurisdictions the law makes this possible without prohibiting banks from treating intermediaries as owners when there is little or no information about the

4 Приказ Министра финансов Республики Казахстан от 30 сентября 2020 года № 938. Зарегистрирован в Министерстве юстиции Республики Казахстан 30 сентября 2020 года № 21340 «Об утверждении Правил представления субъектами финансового мониторинга сведений и информации об операциях, подлежащих финансовому мониторингу, и признаков определения подозрительной операции». https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V2000021340#z701 Дата обращения: 01.06.2022

5 Закон Республики Казахстан от 31 августа 1995 года «О банках и банковской деятельности в Республике Казах-стан»https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/Z950002444_#z1454Дата обращения: 20.05.2022

6 Федеральный закон от 07.08.2001 N115-ФЗ (ред. от 21.12.2021) «О противодействии легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма». http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_ 32834/7f756f0b351492331efccfd82ac5f928dcf7bbeaЩата обращения: 20.05.2022

7 Кто такой бенефициар или бенефициарный владелец в ЕС и Великобритании? https://imperiallegal.com/ru/media/ articles/who-is-a-beneficiary-or-a-beneficial-owner/Дата обращения: 20.05.2022



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actual customer. In banks that use a threshold method to determine beneficial ownership (for example, where banks are required to verify only beneficial owners with more than 25% ownership), corrupt PEPs are more able to hide their involvement. The FATF conducted a case study to identify (for corporate finance) money laundering vulnerabilities as well as risk factors that should help identify misuse of funds [7, 54].

In accordance with Article 40 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan «1. A legal entity may be established by one or more founders. 2. The founders of a legal entity may be the owners of property or bodies or persons authorized by them, and in cases specially provided for by legislative acts, other legal entities. At the same time, legal entities that own property on the basis of the right of economic management or operational management may be founders of other legal entities with the consent of the owner or a body authorized by him, unless otherwise provided by the acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3. The founders of a legal entity cannot have any advantages over other participants in this legal entity who are not its founders, except as provided for by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan»8.

Thus, the beneficial owner of a legal entity may be, among other things, another legal entity.

It is proposedto statethe concept of«beneficial owner» as follows: «it is an individual or legal entity: who directly or indirectly owns more than twenty-five percent of the shares in the authorized capital or placed (minus preferred and redeemed by the company) shares of the client; otherwise exercising control over the client; in whose interests the client performs operations with money and (or) other property».

4. Article 1 of the analyzed Act contains many new concepts that are used only in this by-law.

So, one of these is a «shell bank» - a nonresident bank that does not have a physical presence in the state (territory) in which it is registered as a bank and (or) received a license to carry out banking activities, with the

exception of the location of such a bank directly or indirectly owned by a banking holding company subject to consolidated supervision in the state (territory) in which it is registered.

Some CIS countries use in their «anti-money laundering» legislation the concepts of «shell bank»9, «fictitious bank»10.

Without disputing the existence of this concept, we believe that it should also be enshrined in the Act on banking activities.

5. At the same time, in the Act on banking activities reveals the use of the old name of the joint-stock company «Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan» (clause 7, article 3).

Thus, in accordance with the instruction of the head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and the minutes of the in-person meeting of the Management Board of Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC No. 58/20 dated December 09, 202011, this joint-stock company was renamed into Housing Construction Savings Bank Kazakhstan Otbasy Bank (hereinafter -HCSBK «Otbasy Bank»).

Due to the fact that many legal acts use the current name of the HCSBK «Otbasy Bank», it is required to introduce a new name in the analyzed Act.

6. As mentioned earlier, articles 218 and 258 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan provide for liability for the legalization (laundering) of money and (or) other property, obtaining by criminal means and for financing or extremist activities and other complicity in terrorism or extremism, therefore.

In addition, we can agree that the subsequent result of accidental legalization, money laundering and (or) other property, criminal income through official economic investigations, but the discovery of consequences or extremist activities and other complicity in terrorism or extremism should be investigated only when assessing the national security.

We carry out in article 187 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan the investigation of all offenses (including disclosure), as well as for serious special and serious incidents committed in a combat situation, in a state of emergency or a

8 Гражданский кодекс Республики Казахстан от 27 декабря 1994 года. Общая часть. https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/ К940001000_Дата обращения: 20.05.2022

9 Закон Кыргызской Республики от 6 августа 2018 года № 87 «О противодействии финансированию террористической деятельности и легализации (отмыванию) преступных доходов» https://www.nbkr.kg/index1.jsp?item=1430&lang=rusДа-та обращения: 20.05.2022

10 Закон Грузии от 6 июня 2003 года «О содействии пресечению легализации незаконных доходов» https://matsne.gov.ge/ru/ document/download/12580/33/ru/pdfДата обращения: 20.05.2022

11 Протокол очного заседания Правления АО «Национальный управляющий холдинг «Байтерек» №58/20 от 09.12.2020 года https://hcsbk.kz/%D0%A0%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D0%A5%D0%BE%D0%BB% D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%B0_5820_091220.pdfДата обращения: 20.05.2022

prisoner of war (in the case, part 2 of article 388-1 , parts 3, 4, 6 of article 437, part 4 of article 438 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and others) to transfer to the national security authorities and any «or» in cases where there should not be.

7. Article 3 of the analyzed Act lists 18 subjects of financial monitoring.

We are studied the regulatory policy advisory document to the Act draft of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Issues of Countering the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism» (hereinafter referred to as the RPAD) published on the Internet portal open legal acts12.

The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Financial Monitoring proposed to include NJSC «Government for Citizens» and brokers who are members of the commodity exchange among the subjects of financial monitoring.

Agreeing with this proposal, it should be noted that in accordance with the Model Rules for Exchange Trading13, members of the commodity exchange include not only brokers, but also dealers who have passed the accreditation procedure in the commodity exchange and have concluded an open-ended contract with the commodity exchange for the provision of services for organizing exchange trading (point 6).

In this connection, it is necessary to include dealers who are members of the commodity exchange among the subjects of financial monitoring.

8. Paragraph 2 of point 2-1) of Article 5 of the Act states that «Banks, stock exchanges, the central depository have the right not to identify and record information about the person specified in paragraph four, subparagraph 3) of Article 1 of this Law, if the client is a state body, a professional a participant in the securities market, an insurance company, unless there are suspicions that business relations are used by the client for the purpose of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime or financing of terrorism».

In this case, the actions of these subjects are not clear. These entities should not reveal information about the person specified in paragraph four, subparagraph 3) of Article 1, but should record this information? Or should they not identify the beneficial owner and

should not capture the information necessary to identify him?

For clarification and correct understanding, the following wording of the paragraph is proposed: «Banks, stock exchanges, the central depository do not identify and record information about the person specified in paragraph four, subparagraph 3) of Article 1 of this Law, if the client is a state body, a professional participant in the securities market , an insurance company, except in cases where there are suspicions that business relations are used by the client for the purpose of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime or financing of terrorism;».

9. From the moment of gaining independence by the Republic of Kazakhstan and to this day, the reform of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the ongoing reorganization and the introduction of various models and service approaches to ensure security, endless spending on changing police uniforms, etc. have continued.

Employees of the internal affairs themselves barely have time to adapt to the changing legislation, to say nothing about the population of the country.

It is proposed to revise the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for example, LLP «Media Center of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (hereinafter -LLP MC ATS). This LLP MC ATS is a kind of information-propaganda and analytical center in the system of internal affairs bodies.

We offer by optimizing the staff and reducing the costs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to create a unit based on the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for financial monitoring to prevent, detect, suppress and investigate acts in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) ofproceeds from crime, as well as the confiscation of these proceeds.


Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that, in general, the Law is effective. At the same time, certain contradictions and shortcomings were identified, for the elimination of which it is proposed:

1) adopt independent Acts «On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime» and «On countering the financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction»;

2) exclude the sign of defining a suspicious



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12 Открытые НПАhttps://legalacts.egov.kz/npa/view?id=13916397Дата обращения: 20.05.2022

13 Приказ и.о. Министра национальной экономики Республики Казахстан от 30 марта 2015 года № 280 «Обутверждении Типовых правил биржевой торговли»: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1500010993Дата обращения: 20.05.2022

transaction «an attempt in respect of which the subject of financial monitoring has suspicions that the transaction is aimed at financing terrorism»;

3) expand the concept of «beneficial owner» and include a legal entity in it;

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4) fix the concept of «shell bank» in the Act on banking activities;

5) to introduce a new name into the analyzed Law: Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan «Otbasy Bank»;

6) transfer the jurisdiction of all terrorist crimes (including financing), as well as for grave and especially grave crimes committed in

a combat situation, under a state of emergency or wartime, to the national security authorities;

7) assign to the subjects of financial monitoring dealers who are members of the commodity exchange;

8) It is proposed, by optimizing the staff and reducing the costs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to create a unit based on the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for financial monitoring to prevent, detect, suppress and investigate acts in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, as well as confiscation of these proceeds.


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^ 2. Ronald Reagan. President's Commission on Organized Crime. - The American Presidency

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