UDC338.43 (574)
DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-110-119
М. Ryspekova,
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan [email protected]
М. О. Рыспекова,
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева, г. Нур-Султан
A. Duisenbekova,
L. N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan [email protected]
A. A. Дуйсенбекова,
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева, г. Нур-Султан
The article assesses the competitiveness of the country's agriculture, which is necessary for establishment and sustainable development of Kazakhstan's economy. The authors used the sectoral principle, i.e., the distribution by sector or activity area in agriculture, based on agricultural competitiveness classification.
For agricultural producers environment implementation of investment process mechanism becomes prerequisites for organizing public investment procedures as functioning subjects of the national investment market.
Nowadays the analysis of average indicators of food consumption such as the agricultural production structure by categories of farms, and the number and specific weight of breeding stock in all categories of households revealed problems regarding food security in Kazakhstan.
It is concluded that taking into account all the plans and capacity utilization at the processing enterprises, there is an excellent potential for competitiveness in the Kazakh domestic market and even in foreign markets.
In modern Kazakhstan conditions, theoretical and practical analysis of the competitiveness essence, its manifestation specifics can contribute to development of high-priority concerns which improve the efficiency of the market relations and economic success of Kazakh agricultural producers
Key words: competitiveness; agriculture; agro-industrial complex; market relations; production volume; crop and livestock production; investment process; food consumption and food safety
В статье дается анализ уровня конкурентоспособности сельского хозяйства страны, необходимого для становления и устойчивого развития экономики Казахстана. В качестве формирования классификации конкурентоспособности сельскохозяйственной продукции авторами использован отраслевой принцип, что означает распределение сельскохозяйственных секторов или сфер деятельности.
Установлено, что механизм функционирования инвестиционного процесса в рыночной среде для сельхозпроизводителей становится базовым условием для организации инвестиционного процесса в стране в виде функционирования субъектов национального инвестиционного рынка.
На основе анализа основных показателей потребления видов продовольствия в Казахстане в среднем, структуры производства продукции сельского хозяйства по категориям хозяйств, а также численности и удельного веса племенного КРС во всех категориях хозяйств выявлено, что в республике существуют проблемы с обеспечением продовольственной безопасности.
Сформулирован вывод о том, что перерабатывающие заводы страны, учитывающие планирование эффективной загрузки мощностей, обладают достаточно высоким потенциалом конкурентоспособности на внутреннем и даже внешнем рынке.
Авторы считают, что теоретико-практический анализ природы конкурентоспособности и особенностей ее проявления в современных казахстанских условиях поможет развитию насущных задач, повышающих эффективность казахстанских рыночных отношений и экономическую успешность сельхозпроизводителя
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность; сельское хозяйство; агропромышленный комплекс; рыночные отношения; объем производства; растениеводство; животноводство; инвестиционный процесс; потребление продуктов питания; продовольственная безопасность
© М. Ryspekova, A. Duisenbekova, 2020
/ntroduction. In today's market conditions, formation and sustainable development of the Kazakh economy is impossible without constant management of the agriproduct competitiveness and new instruments' search for its effective management mechanism. In turn, it requires project management enhancement primarilyas a process focusing on reaching desired objectives.
It has become evident that export potential countries would be the most successful and powerful due to increasing number of people worldwide. Farming sector takes the main and the most promising place in the economy of Kazakhstan. N.A.Nazarbayev, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, said: "Kazakhstan's agricultural regions have great expertise and high potential for investment capabilities. The food demand increases on a global scale every year. We cannot ignore this opportunity." The international positions have minimal capacity for agricultural improvement comparable to Kazakhstan's capacity and huge reserves. The Kazakhstani different climatic conditions are favourable to plant various plants and improve animal husbandry in a warm sector [5].
The research object is the economic and organizational relations formed by enlarging the state economy's farming sector competitiveness.
Materials and methodology. The mainly used methods are analysis and synthesis of state and regional regulations governing the agricultural development, socio-economic analysis, scientific knowledge, and empirical and theoretical scientific knowledge methods.
The information sources are materials of Bureau of National statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the country's yearly reports' agricultural enterprises, information published in economic literature and periodicals.
The scientific sophistication extent of the problem should be assessed as crucial. Indeed, the competition has been a close attention object as a phenomenon and as an economical category by researchers for many years. Many eminent economists have been working on this matter.
Galbraith J., Clark J., Marshall A., Porter M., Riccardo D., Robinson J., Smith A., Cham-berlin E., and others were foreign economists who pioneered the market competition theory's scientific basis and who investigated its origin, rise and development.
Azoev. G. L., Aleshchenko V. V., Bary-sheva A. B., Gelvanovsky M. I., Gurieva L. K., Dubrovin I. A., Kudrov V. M., Michurina F. Z., Pankrukhin A. P., Solovyov B. A., Fatkhutdi-nov R. A., Philosopher T. G., Philobokova L. Yu. and other Russian economists studied the competition development difficulties and the higher-level achievement regards to business entities competitiveness in the current economic conditions.
Altukhov A., Vermel D., Gruzinov V., Gu-sev V., Deniskin V., Kovalev V., Komarov V., Lebe-dev E., Pavlyuchenko A., Ryabova T., Filatov O., and others considered issues concerning the agricultural economy and competition.
Simultaneously, the relevant research analysis is mostly theoretical, or substantial and sectoral-applied. Therefore, it should be pointed out that organizational-economic and methodological aspects of the research, in particular, require additional study and analysis on business entities' competition and competitiveness within nowadays Kazakhstan conditions and challenges, and its agricultural production.
The research results and discussion. The National Crop Variety Inspection Committee's main task is to organize and conduct national household usefulness testing and patent review expertise of new home and foreign breeds in order to find the best crop varieties on a range of commercially valuable features and properties.
The State Commission includes 12 regional, three regional inspectorates, three state stations, and 73 variety testing plots.
The state variety sites problem is their equipping with laboratory, agricultural machinery, and hardware which currently accounts for 46% of theneeded capacity [9].
It is worth to mention that improvement of the material and technical equipping of state variety sites and laboratory hardware could allow conducting better quality valuation of tested varieties on economic utility and patent ability, also to acquire reliable analysis data. Technical equipping of variability testing is a key factor of its efficient development. It can improve the various testing processes standard through timely implementing all agricultural work suggested by the regional agricultural system. Consequently, it is possible to see the high-yielding varieties introduced into production, which can increase the crop yields in Table 1.
Table 1 / Таблица 1
A key benchmark aiming to increase the productivity of national crop variety evaluation and verification / Ключевой ориентир, направленный на увеличение продуктивности национальной оценки и проверки
сортов сельскохозяйственных культур
Name of the indicator / Наименование показателя Implementation years | Годы реализации
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Number of variety trials carried out to find the most effective and valuable varieties, units / Число проводимых сортоопытов для нахождения самых эффективных и представляющих ценность сортов, единицы 6725 6725 6725 6725 6725 6725
Source: authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors have analyzed statistics from 2013-2018 as of the time of writing this article the statistics for 2019 are not fully available
In order to improve the public services of agricultural entities, it will pay special attention to implementation of measures toward public services' automation and revitalization of public establishments while providing services through public service centres [11].
The territory of Kazakhstan is immense and also the distance between rural settlements is large. Therefore, recent computer technologies are important to cut back the labour price of agricultural producers and rural population [2].
Nowadays, just two services are partly automated within the agricultural sector, which is 4% of all public services provided by the Ministry of Agriculture. In Kazakhstan, the expansion of electronic public services has excellent potential for development.
A unified list of "Common Economic Space" standards was formed for many agricultural products in order to implement the technical regulations' requirements. International or European standards coordinated a list and then processed it into interstate standards [7]. It is
also necessary to equip the testing laboratories of Republican Veterinary Laboratory with the equipment and auxiliary materials required for the agricultural products identified in Table 2.
The President directed to enhance the effectiveness of the state management and supervision system and to reduce the administrative burdens on entrepreneurs as regards inspection planning systematization by the state bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture. In that regard, it is expected to strengthen the dissuasive and preventive measures in Table 3:
a) strengthening the effectiveness of preventive measures means shifting the focus of the control and supervision system, where violations from administrative penalties' imposition to the prescriptions' supplying;
b) the regulatory enforcement makes it possible to eliminate violations within the prescriptions deadlines and avoid the imposition of body penalties by control and supervision subjects.
Table 2 / Таблица 2
A key benchmark aimed to improve the performance of the agricultural technology regulatory system / Ключевой ориентир, направленный на улучшение работы системы агротехнических регламентов
Name of the indicator / Наименование показателя Implementation years | Годы реализации
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Percentage corresponding to the TR TS range of AIC products, % / Процент, соответствующий диапазону ТРТС продуктов АПК, % 58,3 75 83,3 91,7 100 112 123 134
Source: authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors have analyzed statistics from 2011-2018 as of the time of writing this article the statistics for 2019 are not fully available.
Table 3 / Таблица 3
A key benchmark aimed to improve the impact of prevention and avoidance activities / Ключевой ориентир, направленный на повышение результативности профилактических и предупредительных мероприятий
Name of the indicator / Наименование показателя Implementation years | Годы реализации
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Percentage of enforce ability of injunctions for non-compliance with the necessary instructions in Kazakhstan's crop production and phytosanitary safety laws, % / Процент выполняемое™ предписаний за несоблюдение необходимых инструкций в законах Казахстана в области растениеводства и безопасности фитосанитарии, % 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 95
Percentage of compliance with injunctions for non-compliance with the necessary instructions in the laws of Kazakhstan in the veterinary field, % / Процент выпол-няемости предписаний за несоблюдение необходимых инструкций в законах Казахстана в ветеринарной области, % 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 96
Source: authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors have analyzed statistics from 2011-2018 as of the time of writing this article the statistics for 2019 are not fully available.
The risk management system should be considered at the present while formulating an inspection plan, i.e. the standards have been defined for performing inspections, the control and supervision entities have been assigned to risk groups, and the frequency risk group has been determined for each audit [12].
Today a subjective approach might develop inspections plans. It is proposed to automate the process of inclusion control and supervision subjects in the inspections plan, and to consider the risk management system in Table 4 in order to avoid subjectivity in the development of plans.
Table 4 / Таблица 4
A key benchmark aimed to automate the task of including supervisors in the inspection plan, taking into
account risk management/ Ключевой ориентир, направленный на автоматизирование задачи включения контрольно-надзорных органов в план инспектирования, учитывая менеджмент рисков
Name of the indicator / Наименование показателя Implementation years | Годы реализации
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Percentage of the subjects' range included in crop inspection and phytosanitary security project using IS % / Процент диапазона субъектов, которые включены в проект инспектирования в растениеводческой сфере и безопасности фитосанитарии, использующие ИС, % - - 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of the subjects' range included in the inspection project in veterinary security using the IS, % / Процент диапазона субъектов, которые включены в проект инспектирования в ветеринарной безопасности, использующие ИС, % - - 50 70 80 90 100 100
Source: authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors have analyzed statistics from 2011 -2018 as of the time of writing this article the statistics for 2019 are not fully available.
It is becoming vital to create conditions for the operation of the organic production and certification system in the country in order to develop production and organic agriculture turnover, and also to realize the export potential of organic products [1].
The authors used the sectoral principle, when categorizing the agriproduct competitiveness, i.e. the distribution of agricultural ac-
tivities by sector or region. The most compact, and also informative, factor is the scientific and technological development allocation in the five main agricultural areas: economy, organization and management; agriculture and plant production; animal husbandry and veterinary medicine; mechanization, electrification and automation; agricultural products and raw materials storage and processing (Table 5).
Таблица 5 / Table 5
Classification of agricultural product competitiveness / Классификация конкурентоспособности сельскохозяйственной продукции в сельском хозяйстве
Breeding and genetics / Селекционные и генетические Technical, technological and industrial / Технико-технологические и производственные Organizational, managerial and economic I Организационные, управленческие и экономические Social, ecological / Социальные, экологические
New varieties and hybrid plants, new breeds of animals and birds / Новейшие сорта и гибридные растения, новые породы животных и птиц Crop cultivation methods in agriculture, industrial livestock know-how / Методы выращивания культур в сельском хозяйстве, промышленные животноводческие ноухау The evolution of cooperative structures and new integrated structures I Эволюция кооперационных структур и новые интегрированные структуры Establishment of an HR system for scientific and technical agricultural support / Создание системы HR научно-технического сельскохозяйственного обеспечения
Creation of flora/fauna that are resistant to disease and harmful adverse environmental factors / Создание флоры/ фауны, которые имеют устойчивость к заболеваниям и вредным неблагоприятным факторам среды обитания Science-based farming and livestock systems / Имеющие научное обоснование земледельческие и животноводческие системы Types of maintenance and resourcing I Типы техобслуживания и обеспечения ресурсами Improving working conditions, solving problems of health care, education and culture of rural workers / Совершенствование охраны труда, разрешение различных трудностей в образовательной сфере, здравоохранении и культуры работников сельских территорий
Fertilisers as well as fertiliser systems. Flora-protecting products / Удобрения, а также удобрительные системы. Средства, защищающие флору Organizational and motivational types of work and management I Организационные и мотива-ционные типы труда, а также менеджмента Sanitising and improving the quality of the environment / Санация и усовершенствование качественной составляющей окружающих условий
Agricultural biologization and environmentalization / Земледельческая биологизация и экологизация Agricultural marketing of competitiveness I Аграрный маркетинг конкурентоспособности Creating and supporting preferable eco-environmental conditions for sustainable livelihoods / Создание и поддержка предпочтительных эко-условий для устойчивого уровня благосостояния населения
Techniques that conserve food production and storage resources, increasing the value of food by consumers / Методы, сберегающие ресурсы производства и хранения продовольствия, увеличивающие ценность продуктов питания со стороны потребителей Establishment of science, technology and innovation advisory and innovation platforms I Формирование консультативно-инновационных платформ в научно-технической и инновационной деятельности
Management decisions, methods and principles. Innovative types and systems of development I Управленческие решения, способы и принципы. Инновационные типы и системы развития
Source: Table compiled by the authors based on scientific research data.
The opportunity for the capital transformation into an investment form, and the needs for its by manufacturers, becomes a basic condition
for the organisation of the state investment process as the functioning national investment market entities (Figure).
Financial institutions banks, loan service providers, trust companies, insuran cecompanies, pension funds, credit institutions / Финансовые учреждения, банки, ссудоснабжающие организации, трастовые компании, страховые компании, пенсионные фонды, кредитные учреждения
Financial markets Cash short-term capital markets (long-term) / Финансовые рынки Денежные краткосрочные рынки капиталов (долгосрочные)
Mechanism of the investment process functioning in the market environment/ Механизм функционирования инвестиционного процесса в рыночной среде
Figure 1 shows that the investment process is becoming a mechanism for communicating with suppliers and consumers of investment capital and for effective turnover organizing. It requires constructing a particular investment process management system, which must regulate the time limit to investment return and its practical use in production. The system comprises:
- availability of prediction tasks on the future market environment with specific parameters: project cycle, costs, time, and results;
- an increase in the dynamic nature with uncertainty elements;
- the emergence of innovatively complex and functionally integrated tasks in the project, which require the completion of works and form the competitive growth of the enterprise, territory and the country;
- the need for a rapid response to market changes with the work duration and solving not only strategic but also tactical tasks;
- many current projects cannot reach established goals
- the increasing need in coordinating various departments in the project implementation course;
- conviction that modern organizations cannot be regarded as sustainable systems [6].
Competitiveness of development processes becomes stagnant in an inertial scenario. The Government cannot effectively address attracting investment into the industry, implementing an improved lending system to agricultural producers, and using public funds to support the initiative. The lack of a compensation mechanism leads to increased depreciation of fixed assets at enterprises and backward technologies, which is necessary to introduce innovative technologies. The national agricultural development plan "remains on paper". Besides, production volumes do not allow reaching the thresholds for the main products, which are required to ensure the state's food security.
The absence of an effective agricultural development mechanism is a limiting factor for its modernization and diversification, for increasing the industry's overall competitiveness and for addressing the prioritizing improvements with regard to commodity structure in agricultural exports [8].
Table 6 / Таблица 6
Regarding average consumer preferences of food in Kazakhstan / Потребительские предпочтения продовольствия в среднем в Республике Казахстан
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Meat and meat products / Мясо и мясные продукты 73 52 44 40 45 49,2 49,2 41,6 82
Milk and dairy products / Молоко и молочные продукты 311 229 208 190 205 208 204 180 220
Fish and fish products / Рыба и рыбные продукты 10,3 4,8 3,5 7,7 8,6 9,1 9,2 4,4 17
Eggs (pieces) / Яйца (штук) 225 97 80 108 114 121 120 103 120
Bread products / Хлебные продукты 148 185 136 114 124 113 119 116,2 105
Potatoes / Картофель 86 70 60 45,7 45,2 45,5 44,8 62 80
Vegetables and gourds / Овощи и бахчевые 76 56 79 71,2 71,8 73,0 72,5 55 146
Fruits and berries / Фрукты и ягоды 23 11 10 35,7 40,8 43,3 43,8 29 60
Vegetable oil / Растительное масло 11,2 7,6 7,2 9,7 10,4 10,4 10,5 8,5 13
Sugar / Сахар 38,0 18,5 19,9 16,4 16,6 17,4 16,6 15,3 36
Source: authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The period 2010-2018 is analyzed, as at the time of writing this article the statistical data for 2019 are not fully available.
In comparison with other countries, the common MFN tariffs for the agricultural product are comparatively low - 12.5 % in 2018. However, compared with non-agricultural products, the MFN tariffs for many agricultural products are high, starting from zero to 45 % - mainly from zero to 5 %, and from 10 % to 15 %. Beverages and tobacco products are relatively sensitive due to their high tariffs [8].
Based on an analysis, we can see that the Republic of Kazakhstan still has food security problems [3].
Here, the state cannot fully exercise control, and that is the reason of small-scale production. Today, it has considerably affected the livestock breeding in animal husbandry. According to the Table 8, over 70 % of meat was produced by farms, whereas 14 % was produced by agricultural enterprises, and 11 % - by peasant farms. The state is taking measures to extend stock's genetic potential by introducing oversea high-yielding varieties. However, not a large share of farmers can purchase them.
Table 7 / Таблица 7
Structural characteristics of agricultural production by economic type in 2018, % / Структурные особенности производства сельхозпродукции согласно хозяйственным
видам в 2018 г., %
Farm categories / Виды хозяйств Products / Продукция All categories of farms / Все категории хозяйств Including / В том числе
agricultural enterprises / сельхозпредприятия peasant or farm / крестьянские или (фермерские) хозяйства households / хозяйства населения
Grain / Зерно 100 68,9 31,0 0,1
Potatoes / Картофель 100 5,6 23,9 70,4
Vegetables and gourds / Овощи и бахчи 100 5,6 55,7 38,6
Meat / Мясо 100 14,1 10,5 75,4
Milk / Молоко 100 3,6 8,3 88,1
Wool / Шерсть 100 4,9 27,4 66,7
Source: authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It is too difficult to carry out the maintenance and breeding process with large scales of small-scale production. Table 8 shows that
the pedigree cattle share in the total population was only 8.8 % or 510 thousand heads on 01.01.2018 [4].
Table 8 / Таблица 8
Number and specific weight of breeding cattle in all categories of farms on 01.01.2018, thousand heads / Численность и удельный вес племенного КРС во всех категориях хозяйств по состоянию
на 01.01.2018 г., тыс. голов/
Regions / Область Total cattle / Всего КРС including breeding / В том числе племенных
In all categories of farms / Во всех категориях хозяйств Share of breeding animals in the total population, % / Удельный вес племенных животных к общему поголовью, % /
Akmola Region / Акмолинская 357,5 59,1 16,5
Aktobe Region / Актюбинская 381,0 16,4 4,3
Almaty Region / Алматинская 858,3 125,5 14,6
Atyrau Region / Атырауская 145,8 3,1 2,1
East Kazakhstan Region / Восточно-Казахстанская 753,8 55,9 7,4
Jambyl Region / Жамбылская 300,0 36,0 12,0
West Kazakhstan Region / Западно-Казахстанская 417,2 18,2 4,4
Karaganda Region / Карагандинская 443,3 12,9 2,9
Kostanay Region / Кустанайская 402,5 70,0 17,4
Kyzylorda Region / Кызылординская 248,9 4,4 1,8
Mangystau Region / Мангистауская 14,2 - 0
Pavlodar Region / Павлодарская 375,0 32,1 8,6
North Kazakhstan Region / Севе-ро-Казахстанская 297,6 48,5 16,3
South Kazakhstan Region / ЮжноКазахстанская 838,7 28,4 3,4
By Republic / По Республике 5 833,8 510,6 8,8
Source: authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It is observed the pedigree cattle's largest proportion in the Kostanay Region (17.4 %), while there are no pedigree cattle in the Man-gystau Region. Therefore, it will be necessary enough time to level up because of import, even within the ongoing programs now. Nowadays, we cannot count on quality products, much less maintaining a competitive position with an almost full amount of barren cattle [8].
Kazakhstan can assert itself as a producer not only of quality meat, but also processed products. The meat industry accounts for 14 % of the food products volume produced in the republic. The importance of country's produced beef ensures the population's meat needs, except for poultry meat [10].
As the "Kazakhstan 2050" strategy implements, one of the major goals is creating a
healthy multi-sectoral, balanced and competitive development form of priority national industries with the existing industrial potential. This implies that Kazakhstan should eliminate the inertial agricultural model and turn to an innovative management model by 2050. The important aspects are the high-level implementation and development of modern technology and innovation.
At the first stage, Kazakhstan needs to create conditions for sustainable agricultural growth based on the diversification and development of competitive industries and regional agricultural specialization.
Conclusion. The country has an excellent competitiveness in the domestic market, and even abroad considering the plans and capacity utilization at the processing enterprises.
The funds' development is slower than could be expected. One reason is the lack of financial knowledge among the population. The Kazakhstan Government has adopted a program to improve the investment culture and financial literacy of the Kazakhstan community, the securities' sale of national companies, and other measures to develop the country's stock
References _
market. However, these measures affect little in agriculture.
A general review of Kazakhstan's agricultural sector has shown that natural and climatic factors confirm the industry's development pace. It has achieved some positive results in agriculture.
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10. Mahdi A. Soil Erosion, Crop Productivity and Cultural Practices // Iowa State University. 2016. URL: https://store.extension.iastate.edu/ (датаобращения: 15.11.2020). Текст: электронный.
11. Population Projection Tables by Country and Group // The World Bank. 2017. URL: http://web. worldbank.org/Wbsite/External/TOPICS/EXTHEALTHNUTRITIONANDPOPULATION/EXTDATASTATISTICSHNP/ EXTHNPSTATS/0 (дата обращения: 15.11.2020). Текст: электронный.
12. Schwab K. The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 //World Economic Forum.2015. URL: http:// www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalCompetitivenessReport_2013-14.pdf (дата обращения: 15.11.2020). Текст: электронный.
Briefly about the authors-
Madina Ryspekova, candidate of economic sciences, acting professor of the Economics and Entrepreneurship department, L. N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan. Sphere of scientific interests: construction economics, labour market, real estate market, innovative economic development, agro-industrial complex and agriculture [email protected]
Aigerim Duisenbekova, master of Economics and Business, 2nd year doctoral student, Economics and Entrepreneurship department, L. N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan. Sphere of scientific interests: food market, food supply, food security, agriculture, agro-industrial complex. [email protected]
Коротко об авторах_
Рыспекова Мадина Оразовна, канд. экон. наук, и.о. профессора кафедры экономики и предпринимательства, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева, г. Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан. Область научных интересов: экономика строительства, рынок труда, рынок недвижимости, инновационное развитие экономики, агропромышленный комплекс, сельское хозяйство
Дуйсенбекова Айгерим Азаткызы, магистр экономики и бизнеса, докторант 2-го курса кафедры экономика и предпринимательства, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева, г. Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан. Область научных интересов: продовольственный рынок, продовольственное обеспечение, продовольственная безопасность, сельское хозяйство, агропромышленный комплекс
Образец цитирования
Ryspekova A., Duisenbekova A. Analysis of the current state of kazakhstan's agriculture Competitiveness in market conditions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 110-119. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-2610-110-119.
Рыспекова M. О. , Дуйсенбекова A. A. Анализ современного состояния конкурентоспособности сельского хозяйства Казахстана в условиях рыночных отношений // Вестник Забайкальского государственного университета. 2020. Т. 26, № 10. С. 110-119. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-110-119.
Статья поступила в редакцию: 20.11.2020 г. Статья принята к публикации: 07.12.2020 г.