Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of strategies for media discourse management'

Analysis of strategies for media discourse management Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Brzozowska A., Kalinichenko A., Kabus J.

Основой становления цифровой экономики является цифровая революция и информационный менеджмент, который стали причиной появления нового медиа-имиджа в эпоху глобализации. Менеджмент медиа и медиа-дискурса представляет собой абсолютно новую концепцию построения отношений между производителем и потребителем. Статья посвящена исследованию и анализу существующих стратегий в менеджменте медиа-дискурса. Представлены этимологические значения понятия медиа-дискурса и особенностей его применения

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Analyzing the strategies used in media discourse management

Digital economy is based on digital revolution and information management that gave rise to the new media image in the era of globalization. Media and media discourse management is a completely new concept for establishing innovative relations between manufacturer and consumer.The subject of interest of the present article is the analysis of the existing strategies in media discourse management. The introduction concerns the etymological meanings of the notion of discourse and its application. The main objective of the study is to reveal the capacity of media discourse management in expanding the consumers’ cognitive resources and maintaining stable information links in everyday life.The author aims at generalizing the main problems related to the scope and subject of media and media discourse management. Linguistic genetics and media management were applied as key methods in the study of Polish, German and English media resources.

Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of strategies for media discourse management»

Бушуев, С. Д. Механизмы формирования ценности в деятельности проектно-управляемых организации [Текст] / С. Д. Бу-шуев, Н. С. Бушуева // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологии. - 2010. - Т. 1, № 2 (43). - С. 4-9. - Режим доступа: http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/2494/2308

Медведева, О. М. Корпоративна культура та культурний контекст проекту розвитку оргашзацй. Частина 4. Методолопчш положення моделювання проекйв сприяння процесам розвитку оргашзацй [Текст]: зб. наук. пр. / О. М. Медведева // Управ-лшня проектами та розвиток виробництва. - 2009. - № 2 (30). - С. 45-51. Бажин, И. И. Управление различиями [Текст] / И. И. Бажин. - Харьков: Консум. 2004. - 392 с.

Городецкий, А. С. Минимальные аттракторы и гиперболические множества динамических систем [Текст] / А. С. Городецкий. - М.: МГУ РАН, 2007. - 263 с.

Докинз, Р. Эгоистичный ген [Текст] / Р. Докинз; пер. с англ.; под ред. Т. Фоминой. - М.: Эксмо, 2006. - 218 с. Ансофф, И. Стратегическое управление [Текст] / И. Ансофф; пер. с англ.; науч. ред. Л. И. Евенко. - М.: Экономика, 1989. - 519 с. Седов, Е. А. Информационно-энтропийные свойства социальных систем [Текст] / Е. А. Седов. - М.: Радий, 1993. - 120 с. Молоканова, В. М. Модель еволюцшного розвитку тдприемства на основi портфельно-орiентованого управлшня [Текст]: зб. наук. пр. / В. М. Молоканова, Г. К. Демш // Вюник Придшпровсько! державно! академп будiвництва та арх^ектури. -2014. - Вип. 7 (22). - С. 57-65.








Шдгрунтям становлення цифровог економши е цифрова революция та тформацшний менеджмент, що спричинили появу нового медiа-iмiджу у епоху глобалiзацiг. Менеджмент медiа i медiа-дискурсу являе собою абсолютно нову концепцю побудови видносин мiж виробником i споживачем. Стаття присвячена дослидженню та аналiзу ^нуючих стра-тегш у менеджментi медiа-дискурсу. Представлено етимологiчнi значення поняття медiа-дискурсу та особливостей його застосування

Ключовi слова: медiа-дискурс, менеджмент медiа-дискурсу, комуткащя, взаемодiя, прийом тформа-

ци, лтгв^тика, гтертекст


Основой становления цифровой экономики является цифровая революция и информационный менеджмент, который стали причиной появления нового медиа-имиджа в эпоху глобализации. Менеджмент медиа и медиа-дискурса представляет собой абсолютно новую концепцию построения отношений между производителем и потребителем. Статья посвящена исследованию и анализу существующих стратегий в менеджменте медиа-дискурса. Представлены этимологические значения понятия медиа-дискурса и особенностей его применения

Ключевые слова: медиа-дискурс, менеджмент медиа-дискурса, коммуникация, взаимодействие, прием информации, лингвистика, гипертекст

UDC 338.22.021.4

|DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2015.51397|

1. Introduction

Media management is an area where the research tools are just being created. In Poland there are only a few research papers on that topic, although every year their number increases. No wonder that it is difficult to talk about a meaningful, especially Polish, research in this area. Moreover, media discourse management is a topic that is still new and difficult as a research subject. The very notion of discourse is interpreted in multiple ways and takes its meaning depending on the field that it concerns.


A. Brzozowska

PhD with habilitation in economic sciences, Associate Professor* E-mail: annabrzozowskapcz@gmail.com A. Kalinichenko Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Department of Process Engineering Opole University Dmowskiego str., 7-9, Opole, Poland, 45-365 E-mail: akalinichenko@uni.opole.pl J . K a b u s PhD in linguistic, Assistant* E-mail: judytakabus@interia.pl *Institute of Logistics and International Management Czestochowa University of Technology Armii Krajowej str., 19B, Czestochowa, Poland, 42-200

Media discourse management is a broad term connecting both the linguistic, sociological and philosophical aspects. It is a progressing process of saturation of the society by media and influencing different spheres of everyday lives by supplying various media messages. Media discourse management is the main factor of mediatization of the society. It is a hard and responsible task. The aim of the present article is to present the meaning of media and media discourse management as an important area of social life influencing everyday life and way of thinking of the recipient of media information.


2. Analysis of published data and problem statement

The modern term discourse is currently popular and encountered even in colloquial language. It is most often used as a synonym of an utterance or discussion. Such understanding of this term is not, however, complete, as one needs to take into account the polymorphic nature and multiplicity of functioning of this term, both in terms of content and scope. In the area of humanities this term is used as a substitute for the terms: language, communication or interaction [1].

While analyzing the dictionary definitions one may conclude that in the scope of Polish and German language the term discourse in colloquial language occurs only as the substitute of an organized utterance (often scientific) that is spoken - not written. Such understanding of the analyzed term is very simplified and does not show the multi-layered nature of this term.

Research on the topic of discourse constitutes a huge scientific area. Scientists working on that phenomenon are attempting at reaching above these traditional definitions, aiming at showing the multiplicity of options of their understanding. The problematic nature of discourse is filled with multiple variants of attempts to the analyzed phenomenon, which leads to emergence of rich literature and multiplicity of views on this topic [2].

Explaining and defining of this phenomenon is not a simple task and depends, to a large extent, on the field it concerns. The complexity of this phenomenon does not make it easy to be defined in one way. It is an unstable, termino-logically-fluent and constantly developing term. Discourse touches upon various areas of human behavior that could not have been attributed to one particular field. Simultaneous emergence of this term in research in various fields of study delivered proof for the artificial nature of the division be-tweeen humanities and social sciences, and detailing of any broadly understood fields of study [3].

Language in such view is not a passive tool, but an active factor influencing both a person who wants to convey certain meanings and on te recipient of the conveyed message.

Media discourse is an integral component of the modern cultural system. Media that are the source of media discourse are considered to be one of the most important elements which, as an omnipresent source of information in the information society, serves as one of the most important concepts constituting reality.

"In the media-dominated society we most often deal with media discourse. Media discourse may emerge in one area, for example politics, culture, as a discourse of election campaign, press advertisement, information websites etc. There may also exist somebody's discourse, for example lawyer (legal) discourse, of a political party, as a discourse concerning people, institutions or discourse connected with a certain topic, for example abortion, alcoholism or ethnic minorities etc. We study media discourse as a way of language application typical for a given social situation, shaped in the area of media conventions and genres" [4].

Media discourse is, therefore, media communication, that is a process of sharing and collecting information via the media. It is then called "mediated" communication. An absolute condition of classifying a given utterance in a broad genetic spectrum of media discourse is its presence in mass media [5].

What is then the subject of research in media discourse? Because discourse is an interdisciplinary and heterogeneous

term, there exists no unambiguous answer. Linguists argue that the basis of research on media discourse is, naturally, language. They study language in press, TV, radio and internet discourse. The analysis is of the structure, functions, semantics and styles.

Sociologists consider discourse in terms of the social mechanisms taking place within its scope, not taking into account genetic issues; psychologists - mental practices and analyses of mental representations in the sender's mind [6], political scientists - do research on discourse as tools for domination, which co-create and consolidate relations and divisions in the power structure. Philosophers will most probably search for the truth and conditions for truthfulness in the logically non-contradictory utterances. Such solutions may be multiplied and their number will be rising together with the existing, potential or alleged paradigms of scientific disciplines [7]: in this context it is worth quoting the researchers of M. Foucault's work: Charles C. Lemert and Garth Gillan, who argue that "discourse is becoming a difficult matter where the philosopher seems to connect discourse practices with social practices, not delivering a clear answer to a question where discourse ends and actual social life starts, if it ever does start" [8].

Understanding of media discourse depends only on the person receiving the message. It is the recipient who considers and decides how far and deep his interpretation of the message may reach, as transfer, as any kind of communication performed and distorted by the media, is not full in terms of information. The more the recipient has to supplement the text that is either read or heard in the media, the more this text is persuasive, informational and inspiring for him. Discourse interpretation is dependent on knowledge, experience or age of the recipient of a message.

Discourse considered in terms of media exists in two forms [9]:

- spontaneous interaction, texts and utterances exist in natural situations. Real data is transferred via media, not fabricated or edited (after media processing);

- media discourse, that is a previously prepared text, which is transferred via media in a printed (written material) or audiovisual (spoken material) version. These texts are circulated after previous proofreading, converted, modified and ordered, even created by a media worker.

Nowadays, in addition to typical areas of human communication, spontaneous, interpersonal, every day, unofficial, as well as official (public), there is media with all its specificity: crossing taboo, lack of identity, anonymity, potential or restricted in scope interactiveness and the visual (sound, print and image) on all levels of human communication. Unusually fast development of mass media brought at the same time, non-restricted flow of people, goods, technologies and, most importantly information. It caused, to quote Kazimierz Ozog: "mass popularization of Polish media language, which in more or less appropriate, high, low, elegant, often vulgar, aggressive version, via many radio stations, TV channels, thousands of newspapers, often magazines of low-quality, sometimes Internet, reaches almost every part of the world".

3. Purpose and objectives of the study

The key purpose of this paper is to present possibilities of media discourse management to get through to cognitive resources of the consumer of media information in order to

maintain the longest possible interaction with them in their everyday life.

In accordance with the set goal the following research objectives are identified:

1. Media management is a field in which research tools are just being developed.

2. Media discourse management is an interdisciplinary research area.

3. Strategies for media discourse management represent a progressive process of saturating society with the media and influencing various spheres of everyday life by delivering varied press releases.

4. Media discourse management is the main factor of mediatisation of society.

5. Media and media discourse management is an important area of social life influencing everyday life of the audience and their way of thinking.

4. Key research findings - Media discourse management

Media discourse management may be considered, in broad terms concerning social, political and economic phenomena, as well as in wider terms referring only to management of articular discourse in particular media company. Management of media discourse, in its nature, differs from other sectors of economy. It is due to different, dual nature of media companies, as well as information - basic resource used by media organizations [10].

The most often used concept in research on discourse management in media is strategic management. Many researchers used case study of a given media institution to describe the researched phenomena. Thanks to that it was possible to explain why some media organizations deal in the market better than others and why some are more popular than others. Strategies of concentration on media market or discourse level adjustment to changing conditions have been described.

Discourse management in media may be divided into three categories:

- the first refers to the influence of the whole media entrepreneurship structure on its efficiency (structure-conduct-performance - SCP);

- the second assumes that every company is a set of unique resources that should be the basis of strategy construction, including the strategy of shaping universal media discourse in social space (resource-based-view - RBV);

- the third approach to strategic management in media involves application of a niche theory known from biology, according to which every being searches a niche for itself in a new environment. Similarly, media organizations should use the gaps, market niches in their adapted strategy [11].

Media discourse management is also an approach tightly connected with the organizational culture and ways of its management. It concerns mostly analysis of the influence of culture on the ability of media organizations to adjust to the changing environment or the influence of organizational culture on revealing false information or plagiarism [11].

In media discourse management it is important to connect both the linguistic and sociological approaches to such a complex issue. Discourse management is a linguistic complication with a social context, reflecting the relations between media organizations and/or institutions, and roles of the participants (senders and recipients of media information).

Media and media discourse management also refers to application of new technologies, innovation and creativity. Influence of there field on all areas of management is enormous. The fields of study of influence of technology on media and discourse management are, among others, the following aspects of technology: economic, strategic management, new product development, diffusion, gratification and benefits, creativity. One of the most important factors here is creativity, because it is (highly difficultly foreseen determinant) main element of a media product, and investments in media organizations frequently require huge outlay [11].

Creativity of media discourse broadens the information function influencing the way of thinking, political views and aspects of everyday lives. It is a means of information transfer and the construction of discourse are one of the socialization factors. Media supply entertainment, coordinate social behavior, set authority, initiate development and influence the way the recipient of a given discourse speaks.

Media discourse is also influenced by motivations of media managers, management styles, ways of making decisions, change management, organizational behavior etc. Media organizations act in conditions of constant change and high level of uncertainty, which causes high employee rotation level. It is most definitely a challenge for people managing the media, but also the researchers dealing with this topic [11].

Media discourse is highly dependent on knowledge, talent and creativity of the people who create it. In 2000 the salary of people employed in American TV stations constituted the highest single position and amounted 42,4 % of the whole budget [10]. Long-term research projects established in the USA lead to many publications in this area. Thanks to them the demographic structure, the structure of income or political views are well recognized, but also the job satisfaction, way of performing job duties, gaining sources of information etc. Thanks to this research there have been found connections between the profile of students who are graduating from University on Journalism Studies and their level of employment. This problem is also connected with labour market research in the media areas, for example gender type research concerning status of women or representatives of minorities in media organizations. B. I. Mierzejewska and C. A. Hollifield claim, however, that this research was conducted rather by the representatives of other disciplines than media management. They also point out that disproportionate number of research concerns journalists, excluding other employees hired in media. Moreover, many researchers adapted - according to the authors - false assumption that diversity of employment is tightly connected with diversity of media discourse [11].

It seems that in order to explain various phenomena referring to media and media discourse management, it is more than justified to apply the systemic methodology, as according to the systemic theory research of a certain phenomenon needs to be seen as a whole connected directly and indirectly. It is vital that while describing the researched phenomena, one does neglect the key questions of G. M. Weinberg:

1. Why do I see what I see?

2. Why are things the way they are?

3. Why do things change?

These questions also apply in media system research. In this view, organization is a structured system, that is ordered in a certain way that gives the discourse social-technical scope.

The systemic theory assumes that an organization, including media, constitutes an organism that functions in a specific environment from which it draws resources and to which the discourses produced in this organization are directed (entry, exit) [12].

With the present state of the law, management of Polish public media must be a combination of two goals: achieving commercial success and representing public interest. Polish public media are in the form of trade law companies that are, by nature, focused on profit. This is what the minister of the treasury expects, as he functions as the owner of the media companies. From the other hand, Polish public media are subject to the Broadcasting Act, where there is described the public interest (mission) [13]. For many years further governments have been trying to solve this problem, but usually it has ended with promises and overtaking influences over public media. K. Jakubowicz even mentions a crisis of legitimacy of existence of public media. In research the recipients declare the need of their existence, however, on the other side, they are disappointed with their practices and actions [14].

Management of media discourse is then an important part of various disciplines described by sociology, political sciences, economy and many others. One of the most important research issues connected with this area is media management. It should be understood both in broad terms, concerning media seen as a field referring to social, political and economic phenomena, and in wider terms, understood as management of media company functioning in a particular environment. Research on these issues is quite difficult, as it has so far been poorly recognized and requires creating a particular terms apparatus, appropriate research tools, setting issues that are parallel and separate in relation to classical management.

5. Discussion

Nowadays we are also witnesses to the birth of a new style, discourse, new kind of language, language in and of media, or Polish media language. This situation requires finding a common ground that would connect the joint features for this category of utterance applying mostly mass media means. We also happen to deal with a new phenomenon of elimination of written language and verbal language from function of basic means of communication and media discourse creation where the printed language code is being replaced with audiovisual code. Texts are being given a monitor dimension (are read on the computer screen), the recipient is given the image of written language. Moreover, the domination of hypertext, also in press, breaks the rule of linearity, which causes the need for constant recontextual-ization of utterance and creates an almost infinite number of readings. Media, gradually addicting to their maker, creator-sender, give birth to their own existence that refer solely to themselves, media discourses. Like it or not, we have become prisoners of media, every day we deal with so many messages that we are not able to become free of them.

We are witnesses to the birth of new media discourse, new style, new kind of language, language in media or Polish media language, in which dominates the tabloid medium of data transfer with such language functions as: phatic, impressionistic, magical and persuasive, with more common elimination of the basic cognitive function. It is uncertain where the fault lies, some say that the media are to blame, others that the recipients. Management of media discourse is not a simple task. It is the main factor of medi-atization of the society and source of modern culture-custom system. To manage media discourse means to create reality, relations, recipients' interactions. It is a difficult and responsible task.

6. Conclusion

1. In Poland, works on media discourse management are not numerous, although their number is increasing every year. It is unsurprising then that we cannot distinguish a significant, especially Polish, publishing record in this area. Media discourse management is still a new topic, a difficult one in terms of research. The concept of discourse itself is defined multifariously and its meaning depends on the field which deals with it.

2. Media discourse management is thus an important part of various areas described by sociology, political science, economics and many more. One of significant research issues connected with this area is media management. It should be understood both in the broader sense, i.e. referring to the media understood as an area dealing with social, political and economic phenomena, and a narrower one, understood as management of a media company functioning in a specific environment.

3. Media discourse management is the main factor of society mediatisation and a source of the current cultural and social system. Managing media discourse means creating the reality, relations, and interactions of the audience. It is a difficult and responsible task.

4. We are witnessing the birth of a new media discourse, a new style, new variant of language, language in the media, media language or the Polish media language in which tabloid-style communication with language functions dominate. The media, which are gradually becoming independent from their creator, or broadcaster, are producing their own creations: media discourses which refer only to them. Willy-nilly, we are the prisoners of the media; the amount of media coverage we encounter every day means that we cannot free ourselves from them.

5. Creativity of media discourse extends the information function, influencing the way of thinking, political views, and the aspects of everyday life. The way that information is delivered, discourse construction, is one of the factors of socialisation. The media provide entertainment, coordinate social activities, define authorities, initiate development and influence how the audience of a given discourse speaks.


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14. Nijakowski, L. Analiza dyskursu na temat mniejszosci narodowych i etnicznych w polskich mediach [Electronic resource] / L. Nija-kowski. - Available at: http://www.racjonalista.pl/

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Дослиджено регуляртсть руху маршрутних такЫ на зупинках з високою частотою руху м. Запорiжжя (Украгна) у пiковi години доби. Визначеш оцтки виднос-ног нерегулярностi руху та середньог тривалостi очi-кування пасажира на зупинц для окремих маршрутiв. Запропоновано теоретичний пiдхiд до розрахунку цих ощ-нок з урахуванням можливого прибуття транспортних засобiв групами

Ключовi слова: автобусна зупинка, тривал^ть очшу-

вання, висока частота руху, групове прибуття автобуыв □-□

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Исследована регулярность движения маршрутных такси на остановках с высокой частотой движения г. Запорожья (Украина) в пиковые периоды суток. Определены оценки относительной нерегулярности движения и средней продолжительности ожидания пассажира на остановке для отдельных маршрутов. Предложен теоретический подход к расчету этих оценок с учетом возможного прибытия транспортных средств группами

Ключевые слова: автобусная остановка, время ожидания, высокая частота движения, групповое прибытие автобусов

-□ □-

УДК 656.072

|DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2015.513611


О. Ф. Кузьк н

Кандидат техычних наук, доцент Кафедра транспортних технолопй Запорiзький нацюнальний техшчний уыверситет вул. Жуковського, 64, м. Запорiжжя, УкраТна, 69063 E-mail: kuzkin@zntu.edu.ua

1. Вступ

Регуляршсть руху на пасажирському автомоб^ь-ному транспорт загального користування е одним з найважливших показниюв, який характеризуе рь вень якост надання транспортних послуг пасажи-рам i ефективноси експлуатацп рухомого складу автотранспортних шдприемств. Шд регуляршстю руху зазвичай розумжть таку оргашзащю роботи транспортних засобiв на маршрутах перевезень, за яко1 вони вщправляються з кожного (початкового або промiжного) зупиночного пункту згщно встановле-

ного розкладу руху. Якщо ця умова не виконуеться, то мае мшце нерегуляршсть руху, яка виражаеться у вщхиленш моменпв вщправлень транспортних засо-бiв з зупиночних пункив вщ розкладу руху у б^ьший або менший бж [1].

У дотриманш регулярностi зацiкавленi як пасажи-ри, так i автотранспортнi пiдприемства-перевiзники, осюльки при нерегулярному русi збiльшуеться три-валiсть очiкування транспорту пасажирами на зупиночних пунктах, спостержаеться нерiвномiрне напов-нення маршрутних транспортних засобiв, виникають вiдмови пасажирам у перевезеннях. Наслщками цього

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