ANALYSIS OF SMOKING IN ADULT BOYS AND GIRLS IN MS EXCEL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Smoking / MS Excel program / more coronavirus in smokers / smoking is becoming a habit among young girls.

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Rustam Rakhmatullaevich Bakhramov, Mirzoxid Rustamovich Rakhmatullaev, Eldor Gulomjonovich Meliboev

Smoking shortens human life and causes many diseases. It is beneficial for a person to give up smoking habits so that everyone does not damage the respiratory tract by smoking. Smoking is now more common in adolescent children. For the young organism, these harmful habits pose a great threat to health, and the duration of this leads to smoking.

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Rustam Rakhmatullaevich Mirzoxid Rustamovich Eldor Gulomjonovich

Bakhramov Rakhmatullaev Meliboev

Samarkand State Medical Osh State University Samarkand State Medical

Institute Institute


Smoking shortens human life and causes many diseases. It is beneficial for a person to give up smoking habits so that everyone does not damage the respiratory tract by smoking. Smoking is now more common in adolescent children. For the young organism, these harmful habits pose a great threat to health, and the duration of this leads to smoking.

Keywords: Smoking, MS Excel program, more coronavirus in smokers, smoking is becoming a habit among young girls.


Today, smoking is more common in adolescents than in adults. In general, we have information that smoking is extremely harmful to the human body. Often we think that smoking is beneficial because when a person is stressed, smoking overcomes it. It turns out that with smoking, those events can be forgotten for a while. This is exactly what psychologists believe is that a person experiences distraction, albeit for a short time. Today, in addition to smokers, smoking is on the rise among adolescent boys and girls. Smoking by young girls can also be bragging to each other or smoking with curiosity when there is fun among all young people. Repetition of this situation leads to a gradual learning to smoke. In this way, they do not think that the negative effects of smoking on the growing organism are too great. There are many reports by experts in medicine about the harmful effects of smoking. However, smoking is common among young children. One in ten regular smokers dies from cancer. The majority of those diagnosed with cancer are smokers. Smoking multiplies the harmful effects of other diseases. Non-smoking diseases of the heart or lungs, for example, can also be very serious. The absurd notion that smoking can help prevent mental retardation in old age has persisted. In general, no positive aspect of smoking has been confirmed in modern medicine.


Smoking is more prevalent among young children abroad. Smoking in children this age seems like a fun profession for them. Quitting smoking is not as difficult as many think. Sixty percent of those who gave up the habit said it was much easier later,

when they knew they could quit much earlier. Tobacco residue is also harmful. It rots in an average of 10-15 years and damages the place where it fell before. There is a saying, "One gram of nicotine kills a horse." It is worth mentioning another understandable form of this - nicotine in 5 cigarettes can kill a person. It is good that the body does not fully absorb this harmful substance, otherwise all the smokers will be extinct by this time. Tobacco smoke contains more than forty carcinogens (carcinogens) such as arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, nitric oxide, ammonia. Even when it is harmless, the stench that comes from being absorbed into the body of the smoker irritates everyone. Nowadays, during the pandemic, the problem of smoking has taken on a new dimension. When the coronavirus delivers the first blow to the lungs, a vital organ that is dehydrated as a result of smoking is relatively easily delivered. We observe a lot today - lung failure is cited as the cause of death. It is the habit of smoking that plays a major role in the development of this complication. Indeed, many wonder why the sale of this product, which is so harmful, should not be banned. The fact is that if a state stops selling tobacco products, smuggling will start immediately, and smokers will start smoking any similar drugs. Another important point is that 70-90% of the value of cigarettes in different countries goes to the state treasury in the form of various taxes. That is, almost all states strive to control the sale of this product, not to eliminate smoking. The nervous system of the human body is inextricably linked with all other organs of the body. Therefore, it is natural that any information, data and actions that adversely affect the human nervous system can have a negative effect on other organs of the body.

At a time when our people are living in a pandemic, which is dangerous for humanity, the nervous system of people is damaged accordingly, which in turn has a negative impact on other organs of the body to some extent with age. At such times, some people allegedly consume tobacco products to calm the nervous system. We will look at how badly tobacco products affect the human body in the example of human organs. When a person smokes, it seems as if it has no effect. Chronic smoking is accompanied by dizziness, infrequent coughing in the head, impaired vision, decreased or impaired memory, and frequent nervousness.

Result: We calculate the analysis of smokers among adolescent boys and girls in MS Excel.

This table was calculated by comparing whether boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 16 smoked or not smoked.

Лист Microsoft Excel - Excel (Сбой активации продукта)

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Smokers among adolescent boys and girls

Smokers among adolescent boys and girls

Age Total The number of total smokers Smokers % Nonsmokers %

The number of 14-year-old is 48 The number of 15-year-old is 50 The number of 16-year-old is 65 Nonsmokers %

Boys smoker 16 22 23 102 53.68 46.32 46.32

Nonsmoker 12 17 18 Tbe number of total nonsmokers

Girls smoker 12 13 16 Smokers % 53.68

Nonsmoker 8 15 18 88

Total 48 67 75 Q

ГОТОВО 1 и в-- 1-+ 100%

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Researchers have shown that decades in smokers, some types of cancer persist in the development of chronic abscess lung disease and stroke. 10-15 smokers every day are diagnosed with cancer after the age of 50. Tobacco lung rot is the author of cell tissue failure in the mouth and throat, sexual weakness, tooth loss, decreased vision, cardiovascular injuries, gastrointestinal diseases, increased risk of diabetes and other diseases, and other diseases. It is possible to quit smoking, for which a person must have a strong will. It is much more difficult to quit smoking, coughing, fatigue, mood swings.


According to scientists, coronavirus infection is more common in smokers. Fever in patients with coronavirus. Loss of appetite, muscle aches, the disease in people who smoke occurs earlier than others. In the end, it is also clear that they have an respiratory infection. For this reason, coronavirus is more severe in smokers. Also not only in smokers. Maybe smokers should know that this also applies. We can also conclude from the above that smoking in adolescents is harmful to the human body. From the above, it can be concluded that smoking is not only a waste of life, but also a vicious act of hitting the branch on which we are sitting with an ax. Therefore, the sooner we get rid of it, the greater our contribution to the improvement of our own health and the health of those around us, to the purity of nature. This requires a strong will and determination from every smoker.


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