ANALYSIS OF SERVICES MANAGEMENT METHODS IN MULTISERVICE MACRONETS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
network functions / control system / quality of service / complex service / multiservice network infrastructure

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Khlaponin Y., Elissawi Kamal Khalifa А., Khlaponin D.

Significant growth in the quantity and heterogeneity of the data transmitted, a significant expansion of the spectrum of services has led to a significant increase in network load and the complexity of network infrastructure management tasks. Today the focus of modern research and development circles and telecommunication developers is not on the improvement of traditional multiservice networks, but on the transition to a new infrastructure for building multiservice network infrastructure. This article is devoted to the analysis of methods of service management in multiservice macronet networks.

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фика загрузки мастерской в целом для предотвращения значительных колебаний количества рабочих в течение года. Прямоугольники, представляющие трудозатраты по выполнению тех или иных работ на участках мастерской, помечаются теми же условными обозначениями, что и на графике загрузки мастерской.


The proposed calculation method for determining the volume of repair work in the Central repair

shop for an agricultural enterprise, can be used for enterprises engaged in repair work.


Предлагаемая методика расчетов определения объемов ремонтных работ в центральной ремонтной мастерской для предприятия сельского хозяйства, может использоваться и предприятиями занимающихся ремонтными работами.


1. Апатенко А.С., Владимирова Н.И. Анализ систем ремонтно-профилактического обслуживания технологических машин. Вестник Федерального государственного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования "Московский государственный агроинженерный

университет имени В.П. Горячкина". 2013. № 1 (57). С. 72-76

2. Севрюгина Н.С., Прохорова Е.В., Дикевич А.В. Моделирование нештатных ситуаций при оценке надежности спецтехники. Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета. 2012. № 57. С. 90-96.

3. Новиченко А.И., Подхватилин И.М. Оценка эффективности функционирования средств технологического оснащения АПК. Природообу-стройство. 2013. № 2. С. 92-96.

4. Тойгамбаев С.К. Стенд для обкатки и испытания двигателей. ж. Актуальные проблемы современной науки № 5, (78) 2014. г. Москва.

5. Тойгамбаев С.К., Евграфов В.А. Определение трудоемкости диагностирования автомоби-лей./ж. Естественные и технические науки. №12 (138).М.:-2019.74с.

6. Тойгамбаев С.К. Испытания двигателей на специальных стендах. ж. Актуальные проблемы современной науки № 5, (84) 2015. г. Москва.

7. Тойгамбаев С.К., Евграфов В.А. Выбор критериев оптимизации при решений задач по комплектованию парка машин производственных сельскохозяйственных организации. Доклады ТСХА: Сборник статей. Вып. 291. Ч. II. - М.: Изд-во РГАУ-МСХА. 2019. с. 674.


Khlaponin Y.,

doctor of technical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

Elissawi Kamal Khalifa A.,

Assistant of the Department of Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

Khlaponin D.

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Public AdministrationState University of Telecommunications, Kyiv, Ukraine


Significant growth in the quantity and heterogeneity of the data transmitted, a significant expansion of the spectrum of services has led to a significant increase in network load and the complexity of network infrastructure management tasks. Today the focus of modern research and development circles and telecommunication developers is not on the improvement of traditional multiservice networks, but on the transition to a new infrastructure for building multiservice network infrastructure. This article is devoted to the analysis of methods of service management in multiservice macronet networks.

Keywords: network functions, control system, quality of service, complex service, multiservice network infrastructure.

Over the past few years, there has been a rapid increase in the volumes of heterogeneous traffic circulating in the infocommunication systems, as well as the expansion of the spectrum of the sought-after services and applications. So, according to Cisco Systems, global IP traffic has more than quadrupled over the past 5 years [1, 2]. Significant growth in the quantity and heterogeneity of the data transmitted, a significant expansion of the spectrum of services has led to a significant increase in network load and the complexity of network infrastructure management tasks. The number of

protocols supporting the data transfer process is steadily growing - today more than 600 standardized protocols are being used. The increase in the number of protocols leads to the complexity of network devices, which complicates the full implementation of new services, and, consequently, the speed of adaptation.

The current situation has had a significant impact on the development of the network infrastructure: the principles of virtualisation of network services, the separation of application level from the data transmission

layer, the construction of data centers and cloud computing replace the traditional technologies of storage and provision of data.

The endpoints of the network are the user equipment (CPE), which, using switches or multiplexers, connects to broadband remote routers. On the boundary zone of the network, various software hardwareprotects the transmitted data: firewall and DPI, NAT, etc. The content provision network and a number of borderline routersproviding exchange of control information and data transmission.Often, for the support and provision of services in communication networks, there are a large number of middleboxes - software-hardware, which implement the corresponding services. However, the introduction of any new service on existing software hardware components that make up the network is extremely difficult due to the fact that the software and the hardware platform are highly interconnected. Making any changes to the existing configuration of such equipment is a very laborious task, the solution of which is practically impossible without the involvement of the equipment manufacturer [3, 4].

The current situation has led to a change in the concept of service delivery as a whole - today the focus of modern research and development circles and telecommunication developers is not on the improvement of traditional multiservice networks, but on the transition to a new infrastructure for building multiservice network infrastructure [5]. The main idea in this case is to separate the level of provision of data from the management level, as well as the virtualization of resources and network functions. This approach will allow the implementation of a large number of services without linking to physical equipment.

The idea of separating the level of management from the data transmission level is realized in the concept of Software-Defined Networking [7]. In accordance with the concept of SDN, all logic and control functions are transferred to a separate centralized device-controller. It is the controller that implements the management and monitoring functions necessary for the full-fledged operation of the network. Unlike SDN, in traditional networks, these functions are implemented in the same device, based on the common (single) set of system logic, so their separation is impossible.

The basic idea behind Network Function Virtual-ization (NFV) is the logical separation of hardware and software, while providing a variety of services. Type Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS, as well as various applications and services (Software as a Service, SaaS) [7, 8]. Accordingly, NFV allows operators to deploy network solutions (DPI, NAT, Firewall, etc.) as software applications, rather than as separate network equipment. The work of NFV applications and the implementation of virtual functions itself is possible on highperformance network platforms and servers that are connected to each other through switching and routing devices [9].

Today, NFV technology is supported and developed by a number of major equipment manufacturers and service providers such as Cisco, AT & T, BT, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Verizon, etc. Support and development of requirements and recommendations for the operation and implementation of NFV technology is dealt with by the European Institute of Telecommunications Standards (ETSI) [8-9].

The main benefits expected from the introduction of the NFV technology are:

- availability of a wide range of services;

- ensuring a high level of reliability in the delivery process;

- high level of scalability and adaptation of the network infrastructure;

- automation of the processes of management and provision of services.

In the short term, the introduction of NFV technology into modern multiservice networks, according to the Infonetics Global Service Provider Survey, will increase the efficiency of components such as scalability of services, service delivery efficiency, rapid adaptation of network infrastructure, increase of delivery speed, saving of material and energy costs.

• NFV technology involves the creation of a virtual computing environment on the basis of universal servers, which also provides the whole set of services. Distinctive features of building a traditional network infrastructure from a multiservice network, supported by NFV technology, are shown in Figure 1.



Fig. 1. Structural model of a traditional multiservice network (a) and networks supporting NFV technology (b)

In order to achieve the best results in the design process of NFV solutions, it is necessary to adhere to the following basic principles [9,10]:

1. The principle of fault tolerance. In the event of a NFV failure, the solution should provide automatic recovery through VM migration mechanisms, back up routes and replication services.

2. The principle of ensuring a guaranteed quality of service when transmitting a different type of data. The NFV solution should provide a service delivery process with different classes of service by ensuring guaranteed QoS indicators.

3. Principle of support of a wide spectrum of services. When designing an NFV solution, it means using a specific set of services;

4. Principle of efficient allocation and management of NFV infrastructure resources.

In the process of creating and providing services, various mechanisms must be used that ensure the rapid

and flexible adaptation of the network infrastructure to the requirements of applications and services.

5. Principle of scalability. Possibility to expand the network infrastructure without significantly degrading its effectiveness.

6. Principle of accounting of spent network resources. Management and Orchestration (MANO) and Business Support System (BSS) NFV solutions should provide the ability to collect static information about the amount of stored, processed and transmitted data, as well as information on crashes and malfunctions encountered in the process of providing services.

Multiservice network architecture analysis with support for virtualization of network functions

According to ETSI [8, 9], the NFV architecture consists of three key elements: the Network Infrastructure Virtualization (NFVI), VNFs, and NFV MANO [7]. The block diagram of the NFV architecture is shown in Figure 2.

H— Main NFV reference points ' —I— Other reference points

•-• Execution reference points

Fig. 2. Virtualization architecture of network functions

The NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) [11] is a single platform for processing, storing and transmitting data that is implemented through the interaction of physical and virtual network resources. The NFVI physical resources include server hardware, switching and routing equipment, storage systems and communication channels. The smooth interaction of these components ensures the correct transmission of data from the end user to the computing elements, and vice versa.

The level of virtualization is a set of abstractions: virtual machines with different operating systems (OS) and applications and storage centers. It is they who provide the formation and provision of services to end users.

For a correct interaction between the physical and virtual components of the network infrastructure, the hypervisor responds [12]. It provides distribution (allocation, release and isolation) of network resources between virtual machines in the process of emulation and provision of services. A virtual network that combines computing resources is formed by protocols such as VXLAN, NVGRE, BGP L2, BGP L3 [13]. The points of entry into the NFV's virtual infrastructure network are hypervisors.

The Network Functions and Services module is a separate component of the NFV infrastructure. It includes many virtual machines and performs a set of functions and services that is typical for emulating certain network equipment. Home network equipment emulators, such as Residential Gateway (RGW) [5, 7], DHCP server emulators, firewalls, routers, etc. have become widespread. Depending on the intended destination, the composition of the VNF module can vary -the start and stop of the virtual machines are corrected by MANO's control and orchestration system.

According to the ETSI Specifications and Recommendations, the main purpose of the MANO system is to manage the delivery of services to end users: the MANO system coordinates all NFV infrastructure equipment activities, including the search and distribution of network resources required for the formation and provision of services, as well as support and monitoring of the state services throughout the life cycle. The main tasks solved by components of the MANO system are:

- Resource Management / Network Infrastructure Resource Management;Function and Services Management / Management of the provided functions and services;

- Fault Management;

- Configuration Management / Configuration management;

- Accounting Management / Accounting;

- Performance Management;

- Security Management.

Components that solve the task of managing network infrastructure resources, such as the orchestra, NFM, VNF & S, are responsible for the correct allocation of network resources, the formation of the optimal route of transmission and the choice of the location of the service.

Components that solve the task of managing functions and services, such as descriptors of virtual functions and services, network infrastructure management modules, VIM, NVFO, execute the description and formation of services in accordance with the SLA, as well as create and select rules and policies for controlling network components in the process of provision services [14, 15].

The components that solve the failure management task, such as the controller and the network manager, VIM, are responsible for identifying and troubleshooting network problems. The main functions of these components are monitoring the state of the physical network equipment, its testing and diagnostics, and as a result, the formation of alarm messages about emergencies.

Components that solve the configuration and reconfiguration tasks of virtual and physical network elements, such as the orchestra, VNF & S, collect statistics, map network infrastructure, monitor and monitor the state of the virtual and physical elements of the network, including communication channels, and any modifications to them.

Components that solve the network resource allocation task such as MNF, MIF, VNF & S, perform functions of distribution and accounting of network resources and functions.Components that address performance and performance issues such as orchestra, VLD, VNF package manager, and service manager, collect statistics on network and network elements in real time, and, if necessary, redistribute data flows and migrate network equipment.

Components that solve the security management task, such as authentication and audit devices, VIM, NS, provide control over the provision of services, logging, protection against external and internal violators.

Analysis of mechanisms of orchestration of services in multiservice networks with the support of virtualization technology of network functions

The process of providing services through NFV technology has a number of significant differences due, first of all, the presence and interaction of physical and virtual components.

Handling the user's request by the control system. This process involves collecting information about the service provided, generating a variety of atomic services, or an integrated service that meets the required service quality indicators.The development of requirements for the management infrastructure, the search and configuration of VNF modules that are capable of providing the required level of quality.

Formation of a service transfer path. This process involves the formation of a physical data path, including the selection of transmission and encapsulation protocols at the physical level, and the formation of a virtual network, including the selection of virtualization mechanisms of channels.

The formation of complex services in a multi-service network with NFV-enabled technology can be accomplished using static or dynamic methods [12].

In the case of the static formulation of services, actions, services, control flows (MANO-NFV), and data transfer streams (NFV-PNFs) are defined during the SLA-based project design by the service provider

and customer and have static value throughout the life cycle of the service. This means that after analyzing the requirements, an integrated service with a fixed service structure is formed and it is impossible to make any changes in the process of its presentation. In general, this process is set in the form of a model [8,9] containing the following components:

- A set of atomic services that can be implemented by the NFV infrastructure service provider: The values of the set of atomic services are contained in the NRF & S functions and services registry;

- A set of functions that can be implemented on the physical equipment of the NFV infrastructure and depends on the characteristics of the infrastructure: and the virtual network infrastructure. Function set values are contained in the module VIM, MFV, NS;

- A set of service classes corresponding to the SLA. A set of service classes is a template for forming an endpoint service that meets the requirements QoS:

TS = {TSl, TS2,...TSm } . The value of the service

class set is contained in OSS/BSS.

Based on the values of the service class set, as well as the values specific to the NFVI, a set of candidates for a comprehensive service is formed.

Se = {Sc,Sc2,...,Scn} , such that

C (Sct, PFt, VF ) match the specified QoS parameters. On the basis of a combination of possible candidates, a vector of choice is formed

Q0SSc = {Se\,Sc\,...,Se\} ,which contains all possible combinations of services that can be provided under this NFVI and meet the requirements of QoS.

In the dynamic formation of complex services, modifications or replacements of atomic services can

TSl, Tsi={tskl, tspl,tsll}

Fig. 3. The process of dynamic formation of a comprehensive service. Re-Binding Method Variability Points

In this method, in a complex service, there are sible variants of execution of a certain action are indi-some points of making changes, in which various pos- cated. Depending on the situation when the comprehensive service is requested and the conditions for each

be made, which allows the network infrastructure to adapt to the requirements of the end user and control the return function in the event of error detection [89, 108]. In other words, the composition of the integrated service can be formed each time when accessing the user or the component of the MANO system. An example of the dynamic formation of a complex service is described in [16]. The purpose of this approach is to achieve high flexibility in the formation of complex services and improve the reliability of the composition.

The above-mentioned service-generation methods can be used together to provide maximum flexibility, as they can affect the different levels of complex service formation. It is also necessary to define specific tasks and processes, so that the implementation of the methods during the execution of the service was the same as in the design period.

Dynamic methods of forming services include [8,


Re-Binding This method allows you to replace one service with another functionally equivalent service. During the design phase, some alternative atomic services are defined that cover the overall functionality of the integrated service.

Figure 3. shows a comprehensive CS service consisting of an atomic set. For each atomic service that is part of the complex CS0, there is a set of functionally equivalent Ski services belonging to the same markup

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vectorQoS, QoS . In the event that one of the

atomic services needs replacement, due to the deterioration of its QoS indicators, a re-binding process will be launched which will select a new service from the

set{ QoSsc }.

part of the service are determined, one of their alternative implementations of the composite service will be selected and launched. Differences between alternative implementations of service parts can be determined by the difference in service characteristics or performance at runtime.

Re-Planning This method is used in cases where the interaction of services in the composition is unsuccessful and there is no way to replace one atomic service with another. In this case, it is necessary to modify the service composition in such a way as to resume the lost functionality.

Analysis of quality assurance methods in multiservice networks supporting virtualization of network functions

As it was noted, functioning of multiservice networks with the support of virtualization of network functions in the process of providing services is signif-

icantly different from the processes of providing services in traditional telecommunication networks [13, 16]. First of all, this situation is due to the fact that the atomic services generated within the framework of the MANO modules are weakly interconnected by abstractions and are independent of the software and hardware platform (Figure 4).

Despite the fact that services are formed and provided to end users at the upper levels of the OSI model (IP telephony, firewall with content checking), their quality of service largely depends on the state of the transport environment [8, 9]. In cases where the characteristics of the physical equipment or communication channels are insufficient, for example, the transmission capacity of the transport network is low or the server does not have the necessary amount of RAM, in spite of high QoS service characteristics in the virtual network, the time of its provision will be substantially increased.

Fig. 4. The architecture of the orchestration of services and maintenance of quality assurance service MANO

In the standard developed by the ETSI Institute [12], NFV performance and service delivery performance indicators are divided into two main groups: functional and non-functional. According to of the QoS category of each NFV-enabled multiverse service, the architecture includes: business requirements, user service requirements, compatibility requirements, business process requirements, handling requirements, security requirements.

The specified categories are divided into business groups (Business quality group, BQG) and system group (System quality group, SQG) depending on which aspect of the system they relate to.

QoS related to the business group characterize the service instance from the economic point of view (price, functionality,the reputation of the provider and the owner, etc.). This Quality Score Group is used when commercially selecting an instance of a service.

System quality indicators, in turn, are divided into two groups: static and dynamic.

Static quality indicators are introduced into the description of the service instance at the time of its introduction and do not change during the whole period of its existence. These indicators include business logic, manageability, compatibility, and security. The management of these indicators is possible only at the level of static models used in the development of services, telecommunication protocols and network management systems.

Dynamic service quality indicators that display the status of an instance of a service during its operation deserve more attention. The group of dynamic indicators includes: response time, performance, availability, availability, reliability, number of failures.

The response time is the time from the moment the request is sent to the time the response is received. The response time in the NFV service delivery process generally depends on four components: client-side processing delays (CPE equipment), physical data network (including communication channels and processing de-

lays on servers), hypervisor processing delays, virtual-ization devices, and virtual infrastructure delays (including virtual communication channels and forming a service on a virtual machine)

The main functions of the MANO system, the performance of which is necessary to ensure and maintain a given quality of service, are [8, 12]:

The topology control function is responsible for detecting and maintaining network connections based on data obtained from OpenFlow switches.The resource management function is responsible for gathering up-to-date information about employment and resource allocation in the network. Data acquisition is necessary when calculating the data transfer paths and / or managing the queue.

The queue management function provides QoS support based on queue priority information.

The flow control function is responsible for collecting the flow definition received from the service provider through the controller interface, and can provide efficient flow management by aggregating the flow definition.

The route calculation function is responsible for defining routes (for example, the shortest path and QoS routes) for different types of streams. Several routing algorithms can be run in parallel to meet the performance requirements and tasks of different threads.

To solve this problem, it is first necessary to determine the structure of service quality indicators that can be used to estimate QoS [14, 16] levels provided by NFV-based infocommunications networks. Such traditional network quality indicators as delay; delay variation (jitter); number of packages with errors; the number of lost packets described in recommendation Y.1540 does not fully reflect the dependence of quality indicators and QoS levels for different types of services in NFV-based infocommunications networks.

The given quality indicators can be divided into two groups: static and dynamic. Static quality indicators are stationary values that are maintained throughout the lifecycle. Such indicators include reliability, availability, manageability, readiness, and security. Dynamic service quality indicators are indicators that display the status of network parameters in the service delivery process. To such indicators qualities include: response time, delay and variation, performance, throughput, number of failures.

Existing mechanisms for providing the given quality of the provided services to date can fulfill the requirements of applications only through the management of network infrastructure. The main mechanisms for ensuring a given QoS level are queue management mechanisms, prioritizing traffic, QoS routing, and load balancing methods, resource redundancy.

The basic idea embodied in the mechanism of prioritization is the division of transmitted traffic into several classes, matching each class with a certain priority. The resources of each switch and controller are distributed so that traffic with a high priority receives more of its resources [8].

In practice, the desired redistribution of resources is done by scheduling the processing of packets from different streams. Thus, prioritizing traffic requires

switching support for the ability to redistribute resources depending on the priority of traffic.

A more powerful mechanism to support the required quality level is QoS routing. Traditional routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF, EIGRP do not allow for consideration of the quality requirements of individual streams. As a result, there is a likelihood that high priority traffic may be directed to an alternative route with poor quality.

QoS routing routing each thread in accordance with QoS requirements and regardless of the traffic of other applications. The implementation of QoS routing at the flow level assumes that commutators are able to memorize the routing rules for each of the streams passing through it and map up incoming packets with them. The presence of this requirement leads to the complication of switching devices. Lack of standard solutions leads to the complication of development of this perspective direction.


1. The analysis of the NFV technology architecture and the principles of the formation and provision of services to end users showed that, to date, there are no unified, unified approaches to the NFV infrastructure, nor to the processes for managing the processes in it. The ETSI and IETF documentation is advisory and does not contain accurate algorithms for generating service output graphs, which allows developers to implement various function sets in virtualization and switching equipment.

2. Software and hardware NFV remains proprietary. In this case, the effective interaction of the NFVI zones is very difficult: configuration errors may occur and lack of support for the required functions. This situation allows us to conclude that it is necessary to develop methods for analyzing the correctness of functioning and checking the compliance of the functionality of NFVI with the requirements of the specification at the early stages of the development of NFV.

3. The analysis of the methods of forming complex services has shown wide possibilities in managing the QoS level due to changes in the composition of complex services. In connection with this, it is necessary to develop a method for analyzing the characteristics of the network infrastructure in the process of providing services in order to provide the required level of QoS.

4. The service management level in a multi-service network built on the basis of NFV technology has its own structure of factors influencing QoS performance. In connection with this, it is necessary to develop methods for evaluating these quality indicators, both for atomic services and for complex ones.

5. Analysis of the formation of the redirection graph of services, showed that the provision of services with a given level of quality is possible only in the case of coordinated interaction of components of the network infrastructure and the correctness of solutions management system, and requirements for these processes laid in the stage of formation of the SLA. Developing methods to verify compliance with all requirements of the specification and the SLA will increase the efficiency of the service delivery process by improving

the quality of the formation of the redirection graph of the service.


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Shishkin A.,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Technology of building products, materials and

structures National University of Kriviy Rih, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Shishkina A.,

Ph.D., assistant professor of construction products, technologies, materials and designs National University of Kriviy Rih, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine Domnichev A.

undergraduate Department of Technology of building products, materials and structures National University of Kriviy Rih, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

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