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Ключевые слова
international education standard / international ranking / rating agencies / strategic program / top universities / article index

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shirinova Raima Hakimovna, Rofiyeva Gulasal, Atoboyeva Aziza Muhiddin Qizi

This article discusses the participation of higher education institutions of the Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan in international ratings, their activity in scientific publications, and the results of organizing scientific and academic cooperation of universities. In particular, the reforms in the higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the quality of education, the internationalization of universities are considered in numbers. In the case of the National University of Uzbekistan, the analysis of academic reputation, scientific collaboration, publication of articles in high-quartile journals, experience in increasing the scientific potential of professors and teachers, and developed proposals are recommended.

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булиб кичик илмий муаммоларни таджик килиш (research group works), тадкикот олиб бориш механизм ва куникмаларини берувчи фанларни (research methodologies and research design) жорий этишни максадга мувофик хисобланади. Фанларни узлаштиришнинг гибрид вариантларини тадбик этиш зарур. Магистратура таълимининг талаба узлаштиришига караб минимал ва максимал битириш вактларини белгилаш тавсия этилади.

Фойдаланилган адабиётлар руйхати

1. 2030-йилгача булган даврда баркарор ривожланиш сохасидаги миллий максад ва вазифаларни амалга ошириш чора-тадбирлари туFрисида Узбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар Махкамасининг карори, 20.10.2018 йил 841-сон.

2. Aaronson, D., Barrow, L., and Sander, W. (2007). Teachers and student achievement in the Chicago public high schools. Journal of Labor Economics, 25(1), 95-135.

3. Abedi, J., and Herman, J. (2010). Assessing English language learners' opportunity to learn mathematics: Issues and limitations. Teachers College Record, 112(3), 723-746.

4. Frederiksen, J.R., and Collins, A. (1989). A systems approach to educational testing. Educational Researcher, 18(9), 27-32.

5. Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., and Theobald, R. (2015). Uneven playing field? Assessing the teacher quality gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. Educational Researcher, 44(5), 293-307.


Shirinova Raima Hakimovna, Rofiyeva Gulasal, Atoboyeva Aziza Muhiddin qizi

Abstract. This article discusses the participation of higher education institutions of the Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan in international ratings, their activity in scientific publications, and the results of organizing scientific and academic cooperation of universities. In particular, the reforms in the higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the quality of education, the internationalization of universities are considered in numbers. In the case of the National University of Uzbekistan, the analysis of academic reputation, scientific collaboration, publication of articles in high-quartile journals, experience in increasing the scientific potential of professors and teachers, and developed proposals are recommended.

Keywords: international education standard, international ranking, rating agencies, strategic program, top universities, article index.

Introduction. Rating is a socio-cultural phenomenon with a long history, but its "appearance" in the higher education system dates back to the 80s of the 20th century. At the beginning of the 21st century, the work of rating


agencies and determining the global ranking of universities began to stand out. "Megarevolution" started in various spheres of education also shows that universities are fighting hard to take their place on the world educational stage. In particular, the battle for academic prestige is intensifying for the leading scientific research centers to occupy a prestigious place in the world ranking, and the issue of inclusion of universities in the world ranking by the state is assessed as an urgent strategy, and every university is assigned the task of carrying out systematic and targeted work in this regard.

Of course, in this regard, there are great achievements and results in developed countries such as America, Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, and France. We can say this on the example of the results of TOP 500 and TOP 1000 universities of the world, which are announced annually by international rating agencies. Internationalization in higher education has risen from a professional issue to a public policy issue (Dolby and Rahman, 2008).

Access to international rankings of universities in Central Asia and developing European countries is also supported at the state level, and huge funds are allocated to them. As proof of our opinion, we can cite the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2012 on measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science [3]. In this Decree, the "5.100" strategic project was adopted to create a competitive field of Russian universities with the world's strong scientific research universities, in particular, to include 5 universities among the world's top 100 universities in 2020 [8], and it includes the Asademic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, rankings are shown.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, several state programs for ranking universities have been adopted, especially in the last 2020, the perspective program of the Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi for 2020-2025 reflected the strategic issues of further increasing the position of the university in the international ranking for 2025 [4].

In the Concept of the development of the higher education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, the issues of including republican universities, in particular National University of Uzbekistan and Samarkand State University, among the world's top 500 universities by 2030, as well as including 10 universities among the top 1000 universities, are defined 41.

Higher education institutions of Central Asia and developing European countries have started practical work on taking their position in the ranking of world universities determined by QS and THE international rating agencies in the next 5 years. In this regard, notable work has been done in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in 2012, for the first time, 2 universities entered the prestigious world ranking QS WUR. The active participation of Kazakhstan's higher education institutions in

41 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" (08.10.2019 PF-5847).


the world rankings can be seen in the results of the QS Asia University Rankings 2023 , which were announced in November 2022. In the ranking of higher educational institutions of Asian countries, 32 higher education institutions from Kazakhstan, 8 from Uzbekistan, 2 from Kyrgyzstan, and 1 from Tajikistan took place [5].

As can be seen in the Table 1 below, the higher education institutions of the Central Asian countries are not ready to enter this rating, that is, the low level of citations, the international academic reputation of the university and the reputation of employers, and the ratio of foreign professors and students to the total number of students are also not up to the required level. In the world ranking, the university's income from scientific projects and other income is also considered in relation to the number of professors.

Table 1. Central Asian Universities in the Top 500


44 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan

96 LN. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) Kazakhstan

1 28 Satbayev University Kazakhstan

147 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Kazakhstan

162 Kazakh National Agrarian University KazNAU Kazakhstan

177 Auezov South Kazakhstan University (SKSU) Kazakhstan

233 KIMEP University Kazakhstan

235 Academician Yu.A. Buketova Kazakhstan

Karaganda University

236 American University of Central Asia Kyrgyzstan

251-260 Kazakh-British Technical University Kazakhstan

271-280 Karaganda State Technical University Kazakhstan

281-290 Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas" Kyrgyzstan

Almaty Technological University Kazakhstan

D. Serikbayeva East Kazakhstan State Technical University Kazakhstan

301-350 SD Asfendiyarova Kazakh National Medical University Kazakhstan

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Uzbekistan

351-400 Ablay Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Kazakhstan


National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan

401-450 Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University Kazakhstan

Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin Kazakhstan

Tajik National University Tajikistan

451-500 Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University Kazakhstan

Narkhoz University Kazakhstan

Roxana-Diana Baltarua gives her well-founded opinions and analysis that student contract sums, scientific research and other financial income also play a key role in raising the university's rating (Roxana-Diana Baltarua, Radu-Dragomir Manacband Miruna-Daniela Ivan, 2022). In fact, in the methodology of international rating agencies QS and THE, a special assessment is given to the financial condition of the university and the activity of professors. This in itself requires every professor and teacher of the university to actively participate in scientific projects and business contracts.

Participating in international rankings and having universities take their place in them opens the way to increase the quality of education and training of competitive personnel for the international education market. It should be noted that regardless of the results of the rating, the university will see its strengths and weaknesses and, by analyzing them, will ensure the university's sustainable development in all areas in the future. In this context, an increasingly urgent priority of many governments is to ensure that their higher education institutions are considered "world-class", meaning that they do not stop intellectually and academically to be recognized by global rankings (Jamil Salmi & Philip G., 2016).

Reforms in the higher education system of Uzbekistan

Reforms in the system of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan were carried out intensively in 2018-2022. First of all, attention was paid to the solution of such urgent issues as improving the quality of education in the system, training competitive personnel in the world market, and transforming education. In the last five years, the number of higher education institutions in Uzbekistan increased from 77 to 199, and the number of university admission quotas increased by 3.5 times. Higher education coverage of youth increased from 9 percent to 39 percent.

By supporting competition in higher education and attracting the private sector, 24 foreign and 27 non-state universities were established. On this basis, the level of coverage of youth with higher education was increased from 9 percent to 32 percent. In order to increase the level of coverage of higher education, the number of admissions to higher education institutions of the republic in the 20222023 academic year totaled 197 thousand 858 (including 16 thousand 933 master's degrees) and increased by 15% (27 thousand 203 people) compared to the previous academic year. This year, 25 new universities were launched, including 27 non-

state higher educational institutions, 31 foreign universities, and 114 state universities. Starting from 2022, academic and financial independence will be granted to 39 universities, ensuring financial stability, strengthening the material and technical base, and creating an opportunity to independently decide on contract-based admission parameters. The procedure for independent development and approval of curricula and educational programs by each higher education institution was introduced.

The establishment of branches of leading foreign universities in Uzbekistan has also developed. These are Westminster International University in Tashkent, Turin Polytechnic University, YEOJU technical institute in Tashkent, Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent, Bucheon University in Tashkent, AMITY University in Tashkent, Sharda University, British Management University, Webster University in Tashkent, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin, Russian University of Economics named after Plekhanov, Inha University in Tashkent, IT Park University are conducting their activities.

It has a positive effect on the development of local universities. At the same time, in the last six years (2017-2022), 6 thousand 151 professors and teachers were trained in foreign higher education and research institutions within the framework of cooperation programs of the republic's higher education institutions with foreign universities and grants of the "Hope of the Country" fund and was sent for an internship, 2185 of them were sent to Europe, 445 to America, 1059 to Asia, 2462 to CIS countries.

In the last six years (2017-2022), in order to further improve the quality and efficiency of education in higher education institutions, 6 thousand 279 foreign specialists were involved in the educational process, of which 1 thousand 845 were from Europe, 462 from America, 1 thousand 759 from Asia, 2 thousand 213 some of them are professors and teachers of the CIS countries and experts in the field.

It should be noted that a number of benefits were introduced in order to attract all layers of the republic's youth to education and to protect them socially. In particular, starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, students studying in higher education institutions were given the right to pay the amount of the contract in four equal shares during the academic year. Starting from the 2021-2022 academic year, the needy girls who have lost their parents or one of them, who have been admitted to a state higher education institution on the basis of a basic payment-contract, and single women without a breadwinner, will be educated at the expense of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city administrations, and state higher education institutions was introduced. At the same time, local authorities will pay the basic fee-contract sum for 100 women every academic year at the expense of additional sources of the local budget. Financially stable higher education institutions have introduced the

practice of providing up to 50 women free education at the expense of extra-budgetary funds.

The issue of increasing the quality of education in universities in the higher education system, ensuring their competitiveness in the international arena, as well as taking a worthy place in the international ranking of TOP universities of the world is directly related to the active participation in international rankings. In this regard, HEIs of the Republic of Uzbekistan have gradually started to show their results. It is known that in 2021, 10 higher education institutions of the republic participated in THE Impact Rankings , and in 2022, their number increased to 30. Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent State Law University, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent Financial Institute, Karakalpak State University, Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Samarkand State Medical University, Akfa University are among the higher education institutions of Uzbekistan that have been included in the rating. These indicators show that each university is working to improve the quality of education, to take its place in the educational market and international ranking.

Research methodology

In this article, it was analyzed that professors and teachers of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, who are among the top 500 of the QS Asia University Rankings 2023 ranking published on November 8, 2022, publish articles in potential journals (Table 2).

Table 2. Number of articles published in Scopus Q1 and Q2 journals in 2021 and 2022

Number of articles published in Scopus Q1 and Q2 journals in 2021-2022

1st half of the 2021

2nd half of the 2021

Overall: 139

As can be seen from the table, the indicators of publishing articles in Q1 and Q2 journals in these universities are also lower than in the ranked universities. These data were taken from the Scival analytical database and compared. In addition, in the last five years, professors of the leading universities of the Republic

of Uzbekistan have compared the indicators of publication of articles in Q1 and Q2 journals, and practical work related to publication in prestigious journals has also been analyzed and reported (Table 3).

Table 3. Number of articles in journals Q1 and Q2 in universities (2019-2021)

UNIVERSITY Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Q1 Q2

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek 149 137 213 222 721 286

Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers National Research University 15 34 70 226 345 49

Tashkent State Transport University 4 5 132 84 225 9

Tashkent State Technical University 60 62 326 347 795 122

Tashkent State Agrarian University 3 8 133 90 234 11

Samarkand State University 17 27 70 61 175 44

Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi 15 34 70 226 345 49

Analysis and results

On April 6, 2022, the international rating company "Quacquarelli Symonds" announced the Subject Rankings of world universities. In it, the National University of Uzbekistan took 451-500 place among the world's strongest universities according to the results achieved in the field of mathematics according to the "QS World University Rankings by Subject". The number of articles of scientists in this field in scientific journals included in the Scopus database, the high rate of citations from them, and the fact that mathematicians of the world highly rated the university's academic reputation paved the way for this.

The process of participation in international rankings is not a simple process, but is based on long-term results, indicators and criteria. Participating universities have the greatest demand to study the methodology of rating agencies in depth, analyze them after the results are announced, and implement a systematic and targeted strategic program to improve indicators. Because the participation of universities in international rankings depends not only on the academic potential of the institution, but also on the economic situation of the country in the region . It is worth saying that participation in the world ranking does not cause difficulties for European countries, but it inevitably creates some shortcomings for Central Asia and the countries of the former union. Of course, the fact that English is the language of scientific competition among the world's scientists is clearly visible in the index of scientific reputation. Most scientific publications in the former Soviet Union countries are in Russian, and the requirements for them are completely different from the requirements for journals indexed from the Scopus database.

The organization of the department of participation in international rankings at the national university has had a positive effect in achieving better results in this field than other universities. Because this department regularly organizes seminars and trainings for university professors and teachers on topics such as article publication index and analysis of publications in quality magazines, publishing articles for young teachers and doctoral students, choosing a magazine and sending articles to magazines. Initially, seminars and trainings were organized with the participation of UzMU graduates with high scientific potential and experience in this field working abroad [16], later, in cooperation with the Elsivier company, Workshops and "Journal clubs" were organized, focusing on the solution of the problems of the intersection of disciplines and fields in mutual cooperation. the experience of publishing articles was taught [17]. Strong universities today focus on attracting talented scientists from abroad in order to maintain their reputation (Postiglione, 2013).

The activities carried out in the departments in such directions as the involvement of foreign professors and teachers in the educational process, the increase of the number of foreign students in the faculties, and the writing of joint scientific projects in cooperation were monitored every three months, and measures were taken to improve and increase the results. As a result of these works, the number of foreign specialists involved in the university in 2019 was 77, in 2020 it was 105, and in 2022 it was 303 (online-offline). Also, in 2022, it was observed that the admission of foreign students has tripled compared to previous years.

At the beginning, attention was paid to the number of articles published in the university, but in recent years, attention has been paid to their quality, the publication of articles in Q1 and Q2 journals with a high factor. For this purpose, the university management initially encouraged authors with extra-budgetary funds based on the number of articles, and in recent years, incentives were introduced based on the quartile of journals. As a result of this mechanism, the number of publications in Q1 and Q2 journals in 2020 has almost doubled, as can be seen in the table below. In the table below, when analyzing the results of the universities leading the publication of articles in the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2021, it is clear that UzMU has better results than other universities. The table shows the publication indicators of HEIs in the republic.

This table analyzes the number of articles published by professors and teachers of Uzbekistan's higher education institutions in Q1 and Q2 journals with a high impact factor in 2019-2021. According to him, Tashkent Technical University was published in 122 prestigious journals in 3 years, that is, Tashkent Irrigation and Agricultural Scientific Research Institute 49, Tashkent Institute of Information Technologies 49, Samarqand State University 44, Tashkent Agrarian University 11, by professors and teachers of the National University of Uzbekistan 286 articles were published in Q1 and Q2 journals. Analysis shows

that professors lead to an increase in the citation rate of their articles. Conference materials at the universities mentioned in Q4 are the main indicator of the publication of articles in journals. It should be said that publishing articles in journals with a high impact factor leads to increased citations to these articles and awareness of many scientists in the field. In recent years, it is observed that Q4 and Q3 journals leave the Scopus base or else end their activity. It should be said that new scientific articles with actual results are published in prestigious journals with a high impact factor (Craig G., 2022).

In this regard, in order to support young researchers and doctoral students in the selection of scientific journals and international scientific publications, regular seminar-training and Journal clubs are held at the National University of Uzbekistan with Elsevier specialists Damir Rakhmetov, Rabiga Kojamkuli and Kiril Ivanov. It mainly teaches young teachers and doctoral students how to choose a magazine, write an article based on the magazine's requirements, search for foreign co-authors, and send an article independently. In order to make every researcher known in the world science market, teach them to publish articles in English, and provide practical assistance in paying journal subscriptions, the university management has established a mechanism for encouraging authors of articles depending on the quartile of journals.

In the next analysis, it was analyzed that in 2023, professors and teachers of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, who are among the top 500 of the QS Asia University Rankings 2023, will publish articles in potential journals. As can be seen from the table, the indicators of publishing articles in Q1 and Q2 magazines are not always satisfactory in these universities.

As shown in the above table, Al-Farabi Kazakhstan National University, ranked 44th, published 1,952 articles, Gumilyov Eurasian National University, ranked 96th, published 1,122 articles, followed by 351st place. National University of Uzbekistan published 466 articles. On the contrary, at the South Kazakhstan University named after Auezov, which took the 177th place, more professors and teachers published articles in Q3 and Q4 magazines than in Q1 and Q2. Otherwise, it shows that he has published an article in the Q3, Q4 journals of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, which is ranked 301. In this regard, it can be said that today universities should increase their work in this direction, teachers should publish articles in journals with a high impact factor.

Research results

Publication activity is one of the main criteria used in the evaluation of the success and effectiveness of the scientific activity of higher educational institutions and research institutes in the world scientific community. The number of publications, references to articles, index of articles, articles published in cooperation with foreign co-authors, articles published in co-authorship with scientists from European and Asian countries are important indicators for evaluating the success of the work of a particular scientific institution.


One of the important means of increasing publication activity is the development of various ways of stimulating the work of university professors and researchers. For example:

- A special incentive for publications in journals indexed in international bibliometric databases;

- Reducing teaching hours of professors who have published a lot of scientific articles;

- A special incentive based on the increase in the publication index of professors;

- incentives should be introduced depending on the reputation of the journal that published the article.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that international bibliometric databases based on the above-mentioned world rankings, index journals published mainly in English are the international scientific language.

Accordingly, in order for the university to create its reputation at the international level, to be recognized, and to actively participate in the international scientific field, university employees should publish their articles in English. A number of existing problems and their causes, such as the fact that the scientific language is English, professors and teachers in the higher education institutions of Central Asian countries, when publishing articles, do not know English well, or the quality of the translated articles are low, are presented in scientific journals (Kuzhabekova, A. & Ruby, A. 2018). It should be said that the majority of senior professors and independent researchers do not have enough experience in publishing articles in English, choosing a journal, and formalizing the article within the requirements of the journal, which causes a number of problems in this field.

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When organizing effective work in this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:

- to make the language of education in English and to increase their number year by year in prospective courses and specialties;

- require a certificate of English language proficiency in undergraduate , graduate and doctoral studies;

- participation in international conferences with lectures in English;

- organization of free English language courses for teachers;

- regularly giving incentives to employees who know English and have a special certificate;

- it is necessary to establish mechanisms for accepting promising young scientists who know the English language during recruitment.

In the assessment criterion of the methodology of international rating agencies, the largest percentage is allocated to academic reputation and reputation of employers. Based on the gained experience, the following can be suggested to increase these indicators: To increase the academic reputation:

1. Regular holding of international conferences, forums, seminars;

2. Increasing international joint scientific projects;

3. Participation in scientific projects in cooperation with foreign scientists;

4. Increase the number of joint educational programs;

5. Establish dual leadership;

6. It is necessary to write articles, textbooks and monographs in co-authorship with foreign scientists.

Strong ties with universities can be established by employing university graduates in companies. Also, for the development of technological projects, it is necessary to develop cooperation between the university and the company, to establish a regular connection between the graduates and the university (Nieves Arranza, 2022). Rampersad notes that through internships, students can gain professional competencies and knowledge about the work environment (Rampersad 2015). Therefore, it should be noted that by organizing the practice of graduates in partner enterprises, it is a mechanism that will lead to providing them with a job. Based on this, it can be said that in the QS methodology, the employment of graduates and the assessment of the quality of graduates by the managers of the enterprises carrying out graduate activities is one of the most important indicators in the international ranking.

Following must be activated in order to increase the indicators on the reputation of employers . These are:

1) Creation and development of "Alumni Association" in universities;

2) Conducting various meetings, anniversary events, forums with graduates;

3) Formation of the graduate base of the university, faculty and department;

4) Regularly holding events such as "Open Day", "Career Day";

5) Participation in international educational exhibitions held abroad and in neighboring countries.


Taking into account the above, it is evident that higher educational institutions and scientific research institutions have the task of increasing publication activity and demonstrating their effectiveness on the world stage. However, this task does not have a single general solution that can be given to institutions or countries to improve the quality of research. The university team should take a comprehensive approach to improving all indicators in this area.

One of the important factors affecting the attractiveness and reputation of a higher educational institution is the availability of teaching staff from abroad. Attracting more foreign researchers will have a positive effect on the quality and quantity of published articles, especially in collaboration with professors from other universities. Also, the indicator of publication activity at the level of development of science in scientific institutions is an indispensable criterion of world rating agencies when compiling ratings of higher education institutions.

Therefore, in this article, some results of the international rating indicators of HEIs of the Republic of Uzbekistan were considered. Based on the experience of the National University of Uzbekistan, recommendations and suggestions were made for the improvement of international rating indicators for universities close to each other. It is inevitable that it will show the way to achieve the best possible result in terms of working on rating indicators for the universities of Central Asia and Developing European countries.

In conclusion, it is necessary to carry out systematic and targeted work on increasing the international rating indicators of universities, to pay special attention to the financial support of universities by the state. Each university should develop a strategy for the development of the university for the near and long years and regularly monitor the implementation of target indicators and action plans based on them.


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