ANALYSIS OF PARAMETERS OF THE WORKING PART OF THE PLANTING PLANT BEFORE PLANTING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
leveler / slope angle / installation angle / height of the working body / soil drag prism / reaction force / deformation of the soil / absolute speed / traction resistance.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Kamaljon Mukhamadsadikov, Bobojon Ortiqaliyev

This article presents the results of theoretical studies to determine the force acting on the working body of the pre-sowing leveler, as well as the resistance force appearing from the soil dragging prism when moving in front of the working body of the leveler and the installation angle, height of the working body of the pre-sowing leveler.

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Kamaljon Mukhamadsadikov Bobojon Ortiqaliyev

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute


This article presents the results of theoretical studies to determine the force acting on the working body of the pre-sowing leveler, as well as the resistance force appearing from the soil dragging prism when moving in front of the working body of the leveler and the installation angle, height of the working body of the pre-sowing leveler.

Key words: leveler; slope angle; installation angle; height of the working body; soil drag prism; reaction force; deformation of the soil; absolute speed; traction resistance.


Land leveling before planting is one of the agro-technical measures that has a significant impact on increasing productivity in irrigated agriculture.

By studying the parameters and working speed of the leveling machines and selecting their optimal parameters, it is possible to increase the working efficiency of these machines and ultimately reduce the time, energy consumption and other costs for leveling before planting.

To this end, a number of studies have been conducted to reduce the energy consumption and increase the productivity of the land leveling machine before planting .

Research methods:

Theoretical research was conducted in the following areas:

- study of the forces acting on the working parts of the leveling machine before planting;

- to study the reaction forces acting on the surface of the working part of the leveler from soil deformation;

-study of the resistance force caused by the displacement of the soil pile in front of the working part;

-determine the installation angle and height of the working body of the leveling machine before planting.[1,2,3,9] To study the forces acting on the working parts of the leveling machine before planting, a diagram of the forces acting on the working parts of the machine was first formed (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Schematic of the forces acting on the working part of the leveling machine before planting.

The following forces act on the working parts of the leveler during the technological process:

R is the reaction force acting on the surface of the working part of the leveler from soil deformation;

N - normal compressive strength; F is the friction force; G - gravity of the working part;

R g.tek, R v • smgie - resistance of the soil pile to sliding in the horizontal and vertical planes;

a is the angle of inclination of the working part;

- angle of friction of soil to steel. Reaction forces acting on the surface of the working part of the leveler from soil deformation. The reaction force R on the workpiece is affected when the workpiece moves forward with a straightener at an angle a to the horizon . From reaction 1, the reaction force can be written as follows.

R =

N cosp


The normal compressive strength received by the workpiece depends on the dynamic and static parameters of the process, the mass of soil moving in front of the workpiece per unit time, the working speed of the leveler. [4,5,6]

The normal compressive force acting on the working part of the straightener consists of two parts:

N = Nd +NS1 (2)

Where N d is the force depending on the dynamic parameters of the process; N st- goroizontal and vertical directions of the soil crushed the generated power. Assume that the direction of the absolute velocity of the leveler V A coincides with the absolute trajectory of the ground motion. It is possible to obtain the absolute velocity

constituents by dividing the velocity V p in the direction of motion and the velocity V N in the direction of the working part. It can be seen from the figure that the direction of the absolute motion of the velocity V N , the normal component of velocity, deviates from V A to the angle of friction ph. From this

Vn= VsinP (3)

Figure 2. Scheme of separation of soil into components of the absolute velocity of displacement in front of the working part.

Taking into account the width V of the leveler, the working speed V, the bulk density

of the soil, the height h p pushed in front of the working part, N d can be written as follows:

V d = K' VV2yhpsinp (4)

K'-leveling factor taking into account the location of the working part It is known that before planting, the working parts of the leveling machine can be installed in 2 or 3 rows.

A special coefficient "K' "was introduced to take into account the actual amount of reaction forces acting on the rectifier . If the workpiece is a row and is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the straightener, the total length of the workpiece is assumed to be 1, and the workpiece is calculated as the second and third rows are at an angle to the direction of movement. It was assumed that K '= 1.75 for a 2-row straightener and K' = 2.5 for a 3-row straightener. When the aggregate moves in soft soil , the soil is crushed to a certain distance due to the gravitational force of the aggregate . As a result, the working part is subjected to static compressive forces. [7,8,9]

The crushing strength N s of the soil is determined as follows.

N e= g afraid G ' (5)

in this g fear -tuproqni bruising labor component affects the average pressure, MPA

The area of the working part of the G-leveler is M . Since the leveler works on soft soils, the static pressure force can be expressed as follows, taking into account the depth of subsidence, the rate of subsidence, the density:

= gBrKhPhs st 2(1 + Ay) v 7

Substituting (4) and (6) into 2, we obtain the normal compressive force acting on the working part of the straightener:


N =K'Bh y

V sin P + -


2(1 -Ay)

Based on the above considerations, the normal force acting on the leveling workpiece is determined, and the following expression was obtained to determine the reaction forces acting on the surface of the leveling workpiece from soil deformation, m;

K'Bhpy[v2 sinp+ hp3

Rr = M---^^^ (8)

r COSy v '

Here: the coefficient taking into account the effect of the angle of inclination of the working part of the M-planer on the reaction force ; V is the speed of the straightener, m \ sec g-acceleration of free fall m \ sec 2 ;

- angle of friction, grad; In the study of the resistance force generated by the displacement of the soil pile in front of the working part, it is assumed that the soil has been ideally dispersed during previous operations.

Taking the projections of the stress components on the OX and OU axes and adding them together, the ground shear resistance in the horizontal plane is determined by the following expression:

r= K-By g tf Apr(sina +tga) (9)

Adding 8 and 9, we obtain an equation representing the total gravitational resistance of the rectifier.

M [v2 sinp+ ,hp3A J u

P=K'Bhpy {-cos* r) + T Apr(sina+tg^cosa)} (10)

This expression allows you to analytically determine the gravitational resistance of the leveler, depending on the coverage width of the leveler, the speed of movement, the thickness of the sliding soil, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil [10,11,12].

In order to obtain the required flatness in one pass on the leveling machines before planting, the working parts of the knife-type leveling machines mounted on the existing frame are mounted in three rows. The working parts of the first and second rows are mounted at an angle to the direction of movement of the machine, and the third row is mounted perpendicular to the direction of movement. The workpieces, set at an angle to the direction of movement, move the soil in two directions, filling the microns, and the last row completely flattens the microns. Therefore, researching the installation angle of working parts moving at an angle to the direction of movement of the machine and determining the optimal option will improve the quality of the leveling process before planting and reduce energy consumption.

The angle between the projection of the workpiece on the horizontal plane and the forward direction of movement of the unit is called the installation angle of the

workpiece. The quality of the alignment depends in many ways on the value of this angle.

Figure 3. Schematic for determining the installation angle of the leveling workpiece.

A number of researchers studied the working part of a leveling machine and set its installation angle at 30-50 0 . The presence of such a large range of installation angle of the working part of the ground leveling machine before planting made it necessary to study the optimal option of the installation angle of the working part of the ground leveling machine before planting this angle.

Research results: In front of the work piece mounted at an angle to the direction of movement, the soil moves in transverse and longitudinal directions. Assume that the soil moves perpendicular to the direction of motion and at an angle b. We divide the normal force N acting on the soil by the working part into two, N v and N t, respectively, which are formed by the movement of the leveler in the direction of movement V and in front of the working part (Fig. 3). In addition to the normal force N, the friction force F on the soil is affected. The forces N and F give the resulting force R, which deviates from the normal force at an angle ph . Therefore, it is possible to set the following two modes of operation of the leveling unit before planting:

1. The soil slides in front of the working part. in case b it can be clearly observed; P<

n 2

2. The soil slides along with the working part and falls asleep in front of the working part. The maximum alignment of the soil in front of the working part can be observed at b = 90 0 . In this case, there is no transverse movement of the soil in front of the working part. [1,2,3,13,14,15]

The soil may slide in front of the working part if the force of the normal compressive force is greater than the frictional force, ie:

Nt >Fmax but NT=Ntg (f - P) Fmax= Ntg^ \ — P> Ç

From this the condition of sliding the soil in front of the working part will have the following appearance.

Ntg ( \ — P)>Ntgy or \ — P><p (11)


If b , the forces - — P< ç and F are mutually balanced, no displacement of

the soil in front of the working part is observed, and the direction of movement of the soil coincides with the direction of movement of the working part, and the only driving force is N v . In this case, the soil moves with the working part in the direction of its movement, the working part pushes the formed soil pile in front of it. The condition of landslide in front of the working part at an angle to the direction of movement can be expressed as follows:

\ — P>V (12)

Where b is the installation angle of the working part of the leveler , grad;

-angle of friction of the soil in steel. Therefore, b = ph can be taken as the lower limit of the installation angle of the straightening workpiece . Depending on the type and physical-mechanical properties of the soil , the lower limit of the installation angle can be taken p=22-30° We find the upper limit of the working part installation angle using the soil displacement rate. Depending on the installation angle of the workpiece, the speed at which the soil exits the workpiece area will vary. As a result of friction, the movement of the soil is delayed, resulting in a decrease in the rate of subsidence of the soil along the working part. Assume that the direction of absolute velocity V A corresponds to the absolute trajectory of ground motion, and dividing the velocity V A by the velocity V t in the direction of motion and the velocity in front of the workpiece V sx we obtain the component of absolute velocity ( Fig . 3). [1,2,9]

In this case, the velocity V A deviates from the normal of the working surface by the angle of friction ph . As can be seen from Figure 3, V sx and V t are interconnected as follows:

sin[90-(ß+^)] sin(90-(+^)]

After the mathematical changes, we get the following. Vsx = (14)

COSty y '

Table 1 shows the calculated values of the soil exit velocity from the working part depending on the installation angle .

Table 1.

Installation angle of V sx and ground leveler values depending on the speed of movement (in the picture ph = 22 0 , in the majra ph = 30 0 )

Installation angle of the working part, grad The speed of the workpiece is m \ s

1.66 2.55 3.3

60 0.24 \ 0 0.37 \ 0 0.49 \ 0

55 0.40 \ 0.16 0.60 \ 0.25 0.80 \ 0.33

50 0.55 \ 0.33 0.83 \ 0.5 1.10 \ 0.66

45 0.69 \ 0.49 1.05 \ 0.74 1.39 \ 0.99

40 0.84 \ 0.65 1.25 \ 0.97 1.67 \ 1.30

35 0.97 \ 0.81 1.46 \ 1.26 1.93 \ 1.61

30 1.10 \ 0.40 1.66 \ 1.44 2.19 \ 1.90

As can be seen from the table, as the installation angle decreases, the soil ejection velocity V sx increases regardless of the speed of the ground leveler . [1,2,9]

Excessive increase in the soil outlet angle causes the soil to pass through the top of the working part and as a result the quality of field leveling is impaired. Therefore, the value of the installation angle should be chosen so that it allows the soil to move normally at high speeds of the leveler. As can be seen from the table, the soil ejection velocity is 0 when the installation angle is b = 60 0 and ph = 30 0 . Based on the above, it can be said that the leveling angle of the leveling machine before planting should be in the range of 50 ... 55 0 when operating at high speeds . One of the factors influencing the quality and productivity of the leveling machine before planting is the height of the working part. During the operation of the unit, the working part cuts the soil and moves a certain amount of soil collected in front of it. In order for this soil volume to shift at the required level, the height of the working part must be chosen so that during the work the soil is pushed in front of the working part without passing through the top of the working part. [1,2,9,13,14,15]

Figure 4. Schematic for determining the height of the working part of the leveler.

The height of the working part of the leveler can be found by equalizing the volume of soil moving in front of it as a result of the movement of the working part, the size of the soil prism that can be placed in front of it. Assume that the working part of the leveler is located at an angle b to the direction of movement and the depth of the moving soil is sunk to h t .

When the working part moves from position I to position II, the ground triangle moves from position AV 1 A 1 to position A 2 V 1 V 2 . Thus, in front of the working part will be a constant pile of soil , the size of which is determined by the following expression.

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_ht lAA2Sinß



The volume of soil that can be placed in the form of a prism in front of the working part :






H2 2

Where is the cross--sectional area of the soil prism, M ;


p - angle of inclination of the soil prism, grad;

l- length of one section of the working part, m = 1m. Cross section of the ground prism in front of the working part We imagine it in the form of a triangle as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Cross section of the soil pile in front of the work piece.

The slope of the leveling work is part of a 90 = 0 , the soil prism cross-sectional area A VS, the inclination angle of 90 0 , which is equal to the

area of a triangle ABC. From this

s = ^ (17)

5 SAAVS v '

-correction factor = 1.3 Equating W to W , we find the height of the ground prism.

^=lhn_bsinßtgv ^g^

Given the angle of inclination of the workpiece, its height can be found from the following expression.

h- - 1 ¡htbsinßtgy. __

iq sina ^ 2g ( )

Conclusion: It can be seen from this expression that the height of the working part depends mainly on the dimensions of the mobile soil layer and its physical-

mechanical properties (ц).

The angle of inclination of the working part a = 120 0 , its installation angle When b = 50-55 0 , ц = 30-32 0 , = 0.06 m, the height of the working part of the leveling

machine before planting is 0.164-0.172 m . REFERENCES

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