ANALYSIS OF EDUCATION AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
education / state / control / total / humanity / establish Presidential schools.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Xudoynazarova G.

This articles infors about modern technologies, innovative methods in Education Also, shortcomings and mistakes in all fields, and the field of education. It is the work of everyone that a number of changes have taken place in the field of education.

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Xudoynazarova G.

teacher KSPI


Annotation. This articles infors about modern technologies, innovative methods in Education Also, shortcomings and mistakes in all fields, and the field of education. It is the work of everyone that a number of changes have taken place in the field of education.

Key words: education, state, control, total, humanity, establish Presidential schools.

"Education is life or death for us, it's a question of either salvation or destruction,

or happiness or disaster."

Abdulla Avloni

Introduction. Public education is one of the priority areas of social policy in Uzbekistan. It is the quality and convenience of school education that reflect the country's development prospects and create a basis for training highly qualified personnel. We have no choice but to agree that it is impossible to save funds for education. It is not for nothing that the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan states that school affairs are under state control.

Today, there are 10,130 general education schools in Uzbekistan, 2,730 of them operate in cities and 7,408 in villages. Today, 6,246,491 students study in schools.

The principles of tolerance and humanity are taken into account in the public education system. It is known that Uzbekistan is a multi-ethnic country. Therefore, education in schools is conducted in seven languages. In particular, in addition to schools teaching in the Uzbek language (8227 schools), there are 245 in the Karakalpak language, 143 in the Kazakh language, 92 in the Tajik language, 88 in the Russian language, 23 in the Turkmen language, as well as 21 in the Kyrgyz language. there are schools that teach in the language. A total of 502,867 teachers work in schools, of which 343,961 are women, and the remaining 158,726 are men.

26,929 school teachers have the highest category, 74,703 have the first category, 118,478 have the second category, and 282,577 teachers do not have the appropriate categories.

It is known that the program was developed in 2019 together with foreign educational organizations in order to identify, educate and educate talented children from our country, to further support and encourage them, to form a spiritually rich and intellectually developed generation. a decision was made to establish Presidential schools, which conduct the educational process in English

in accordance with the curricula and programs, which indicates that advanced standards of educational quality are being used.

One of the important events in the field of school education, support of creativity, as well as creation of opportunities for in-depth study of foreign languages was the establishment of creative and specialized schools.

Over the past five years, the legal basis for improving the public education system has been created. In particular, a new version of the Law "On Education" was adopted, and the concept of developing the public education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 was approved. 17 documents were directly adopted in the field of school education development, including 4 documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Methods and materials. A modern school is considered a convenient platform for relations between students and teachers. This convenience requires the school to be equipped with modern technologies (smart boards, computer equipment). Without them, school education lags behind modern reality, which affects the quality of education. Therefore, adequate material and technical support is an integral part of the educational process.

The word "technology" comes from the Greek word "techne" - art, craft, skill, and "logos" - science. In direct translation, "technology" is the science of craft. Innovative technology, like any pedagogical technology, has its own implementation algorithm, its own stages. The omission of at least one of them violates the integrity of the pedagogical technology system [1] Modern educational technologies are used to improve the quality of learning, to use the learning time effectively and to reduce the share of productive activity. constitutes a specific didactic system aimed at educating values such as mutual assistance and providing educational needs according to the individual characteristics of each student. The educational method is a systemized way of organizing joint activities of the learner and the teacher directed towards a specific goal. Currently, the teaching methodology is experiencing a difficult period related to the change of educational goals and development. Difficulties also arise due to the reduction of hours for studying certain subjects in the basic curriculum. For example, it is possible to cite as an example the lack of class hours for the students who receive education in the form of part-time education. All these situations require new pedagogical researches in the field of science teaching methodology, the search for innovative methods, forms and methods of teaching related to the development and introduction of innovative educational technologies into the educational process. Thus, "pedagogical technology" is such a view of the teacher's activity, in which the performed actions, tasks and actions are presented in a certain sequence, which ultimately suggests achieving a predictable positive result. The availability of visual aids, sufficient laboratory equipment for practical training, and the "arming" of the auditorium with the latest educational equipment are of particular importance for the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies. If the auditorium does not meet the requirements of modern

teaching methods, that is, it is not equipped with new laboratory equipment, information and communication technologies, the possibility of introducing students to the necessary multimedia materials related to science is limited.

Conclude. In short, there are certainly shortcomings and mistakes in all fields, and the field of education is no exception. It is the work of everyone that a number of changes have taken place in the field of education. It is related to the development and introduction of innovative educational technologies and the use of modern educational technologies that enable the effective use of study time, to increase the quality of education in order to implement the student's knowledge and creative activities in the educational process. It is necessary to think again about the innovative methods of teaching.


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