Научная статья на тему 'Анализ вероятностей дифференциалов блочного шифра "Калина" (ДСТУ 7624:2014)'

Анализ вероятностей дифференциалов блочного шифра "Калина" (ДСТУ 7624:2014) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Ruzhentsev V., Sokurenko V., Ulyanchenko Y.

Выполняется адаптация и применение метода оценивания верхней границы вероятности двухцикловых дифференциалов для блочного симметричного шифра Калина, который принят в 2015 году в качестве украинского стандарта ДСТУ 7624:2014. Известные методы либо позволяют получить только приближенное значение данного параметра для этого шифра, либо неприменеимы из-за структурных особенностей этого шифра. Использование такого приближенного значения дает еще большую погрешность при оценивании вероятностей дифференциалов с большим числом циклов, а также при оценивании стойкости алгоритма шифрования к другим видам дифференциальных атак. Основные этапы метода, которій используется: определение минимального количества активных S-блоков; определение вида дифференциальной характеристики, обладающей максимальной вероятностью; определение количества и вероятностей дополнительных дифференциальніх характеристик. В ходе исследований адаптированный метод позволил значительно уточнить верхнюю границу вероятности 2-цикловых дифференциалов для шифра «Калина». Эта граница составила, вместо при использовании метода для вложенных SPN шифров (Nested SPN Cipher) [3]. Уточненное значение верхней границы вероятности 2-цикловых дифференциалов позволило уточнить и граничное значение вероятности 4-цикловых дифференциалов. Для Калины-128 значение уточнено в раз, для Калины-256 в раз, Калины-512 в раз. Основным достоинством адаптированного для шифра Калина метода стала возможность существенного уточнения верхней границы вероятности 2-циклового дифференциала. Недостатком адаптированного метода являются принятые допущения, такие как, например, использование одной подстановки вместо четырех в оригинальном алгоритме. Результатом этого допущения может стать то, что в реальном алгоритме вероятности 2-цикловых дифференциалов будут еще меньше

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Analysis of probabilities of differentials for block cipher "Kalyna" (DSTU 7624:2014)

The adaptation and application of the method for estimating the upper bound of the probability of two­round differentials for the block symmetric cipher Kalyna is carried out. This cipher was adopted as the Ukrainian standard DSTU 7624: 2014 in 2015. Known methods allow getting only the approximate value of this parameter for this cipher or cannot be applied explicitly through the structural features of this cipher. Using the approximate probability of two­round differentials gives an even greater error in the evaluation of the probabilities of differentials with a large number of rounds, as well as in assessing the resistance of the encryption algorithm to other types of differential attacks. The main stages of the used method are the following: definition of the minimum number of active S­boxes; definition of the type of differential characteristic having the maximum probability; determination of the number and probabilities of additional differential characteristics. In the course of research, an adapted method has allowed clarifying the upper bound of the probability of 2­round differentials for the cipher Kalyna significantly. This bound is ≈2-47.3 instead of 2-40 when using the method for nested SPN ciphers. The elaborated upper bound of the probability of 2­round differentials allowed clarifying also the bound value of the probability of 4­round differentials. For Kalyna­128 (block size 128 bits), the value is specified 214.6 times, for Kalyna­256 229.2 times, Kalyna­512 258.4 times. The main advantage of the method adapted for the Kalyna cipher was the possibility of a significant specification of the upper bound of the probability of a 2­round differential. The disadvantage of the adapted method is that assumptions are made, such as, for example, the use of one substitution instead of four in the original algorithm. The result of this assumption is that a real bound of the probability of 2­round differentials could be even smaller.

Текст научной работы на тему «Анализ вероятностей дифференциалов блочного шифра "Калина" (ДСТУ 7624:2014)»

-□ □-

Виконуеться адаптация i застосування методу оцтю-вання верхньог межi UMoeipHocmi двоциклових диферен-щanie для блокового симетричного шифру Калина, який прийнятий в 2015 рощ в якостг украгнського стандарту ДСТУ 7624:2014. Вiдомi методи або дозволяють отримати тшьки наближене значения данного параметра для цього шифру, або не можуть бути застосоват в явному виглядi через структурт особливостг цього шифру. Використання наближеного значення ймовiрностi двоциклових диферен-цмлш дае ще бЫьшу похибку при оцшюванш ймовгрностей диференцiaлiв з великою кглькгстю циклiв, а також при оцгнюванп1 стшкостг алгоритму шифрування до тших вид{в диференщальних атак.

Основш етапи методу, що використовуеться, наступ-т: визначення мгтмальног кiлькостi активних S-блокiв; визначення вида диференцшног характеристики, що мае максимальну ймовiрнiсть; визначення кiлькостi та ймовхрностей додаткових диференцшних характеристик.

В ходi дослгджень адаптований метод дозволив знач-но уточнити верхню межу ймовiрностi 2-циклових диференцiaлiв для шифру «Калина». Ця межа станови-ла ~2-47,3, замсть 2-40 при використант методу для вкладених SPNшифрiв (Nested SPN Cipher).

Уточнене значення верхньог межi ймовiрностi 2-циклових диференцiaлiв дозволило уточнити i гранич-не значення ймовiрностi 4 циклових диференцiaлiв. Для Калини-128 (розмХр блоку 128 бiтiв) значення уточнено в 214,6рaзiв, для Калини-256 - в 229,2рaзiв, Калини-512 -в 258,4рaзiв.

Основною перевагою адаптованого для шифру Калина методу стала можливкть ктотного уточнення верхньог межi ймовiрностi 2-циклового диференцала. Недолгком адаптованого методу е прийнятг допущення, так як, напри -клад, використання одтег тдстановки замкть чотирьох в оригЫальному алгоритмг. Результатом цього припущен-ня може стати те, що в реальному алго/ритмг ймовiрностi 2-циклових диференцшлгв будуть ще меншими

Ключовi слова: блоковi шифри, криптогрaфiчнa стш-ксть, Rijndael, AES, Rijndael-подiбний шифр, ймовiрнiсть диференщала, диференцтна характеристика, таблиця

рiзностей, Калина, ДСТУ 7624:2014 -□ □-

UDC 004.056.55

[DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.1396821


V. Ruzhentsev

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of information technologies security Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Nauky ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166 E-mail: viktor.ruzhentsev@nure.ua V. Sokurenko Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs L. Landau ave., 27, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000 E-mail: sokurenko@univd.edu.ua Y. Ulyanchenko Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor Department of Economic Policy and Management Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration attached to the Office of the President of Ukraine Moskovskyi ave., 75, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001 E-mail: y.ulyanchenko@gmail.com

1. Introduction

The acuteness of the problem of information security is becoming increasingly significant and global. Cryptographic algorithms that meet modern requirements are an integral part of solving this problem. Block Symmetric Ciphers (BSCs), which are one of the most common types of cryptographic algorithms, should provide high speed and resistance to known cryptanalytic attacks in accordance with modern requirements.

It is generally accepted that the differentials and their probabilities must be considered for analyzing the resistance of the BSC to differential attacks. Confirmation of this fact can be found in the works [1-3], in which the probabilities of differentials for the most common modern cipher AES are studied. The actual direction of research is the development of an approach to the estimation of the probabilities of

differentials for the BSC Kalyna, which was adopted as the Ukrainian standard DSTU 7624:2014 in 2015.

2. Literature review and problem statement

The maximum probability of the differential is the main indicator, which reflects the resistance of the BSC to the differential cryptanalysis. It should be noted that most of the estimates received even for the most common cipher AES (Rijndael) for today are approximate. Thus, detailed and accurate estimates are obtained only for 2-round AES differentials in [4]. In [5], the well-known estimates for that time for 4-round differentials AES were substantially elaborated.

In 2015, the new BSC Kalyna was adopted in Ukraine as the standard DSTU 7624:2014. The algorithm is Rijn-dael-like, and the specification is given in [6, 7]. Certain dif-


ferences of this algorithm from AES make the methods [4, 5] inapplicable for this algorithm. These differences include, firstly, the use of nonlinear substitutions of a random type with controlled cryptographic parameters. Secondly, the use of an enlarged fixed matrix, which is multiplied by each column of a block within a linear transformation, which is an analogue of the MixColumn transformation in AES.

The use of the approach proposed in [2] and developed in [8] will also be problematic as a result of an increased fixed matrix, which is multiplied by each column of a block within the linear transform of the Kalyna cipher.

In [9], a method for evaluating the maximum probability of two-round differentials for Rijndael-like ciphers was proposed. This method, unlike the similar method previously known from [4], does not depend on the type of used nonlinear substitutions. However, in [9], the application of this method was demonstrated only for ciphers with algebraically constructed substitutions.

The study of the issue of estimating the maximum probability of differentials of BSCs including the Rijndael-like ciphers was presented in [10, 11]. The approach proposed in these works commonly uses the analysis of reduced cipher models (block size up to 16 bits) or the consideration of a small part of the block (up to 16 bits) and subsequent interpretation of the result for a full-length encryption algorithm. In [10], two-round differentials of some modern ciphers, including AES (Rijndael-128), are analyzed using this approach. The main disadvantage of the considered approaches are inaccurate, highly approximate results that are very different from the known ones.

In [12], the example of the consideration of reduced models with a 16-bit block of Rijndael-like ciphers demonstrated the validity of the estimates obtained by the method of [9] for ciphers with arbitrary substitutions. However, this method has never been applied for the new Ukrainian standard DSTU 7624:2014.

The upper bound of the probability of two-round differentials for this cipher can be obtained on the basis of the materials of the works [3, 13] and known maximum probability of passing the non-zero difference through the substitution, which is 2-5.gThe resulting approximate upper border value will be (2-5) = 2-40. Using of such an approximate value will give an even greater error in estimating the probabilities of differentials with a large number of rounds, as well as in assessing the resistance of the encryption algorithm to other types of differential attacks. Thus, the main problem issue of this work is to obtain a more precise value of the upper bound of the probability of two-round differentials for the Ukrainian standard of encryption DSTU 7624:2014.

3. The aim and objectives of the study

The aim of this work is to obtain a more precise value of the upper bound of the probability of two-round differentials for the Ukrainian standard of encryption DSTU 7624: 2014.

To achieve this aim, it is necessary to accomplish the following objectives:

- to adapt the method proposed in [9] for the new Ukrainian standard DSTU 7624: 2014;

- to estimate the upper bound of the probability of 2-round differentials for this cipher;

- to make a comparative analysis of the known and obtained values of the probability of a 2-round differential and

the upper bounds of the probabilities of differentials with a large number of rounds.

4. Rijndael-like cipher Kalyna (DSTU 7624:2014)

A convenient way to represent a data block of the Rijn-dael-like cipher is a matrix in which each cell is a byte. Each round of Rijndael-like ciphers consists of four procedures: ByteSub (BS);ShiftRow (SR);MixColumn (MC); Ad-dRoundKey.

During the ByteSub procedure, a nonlinear substitution for each block byte is made in accordance with a fixed 256-byte table.

The ShiftRow procedure performs the exchange (repositioning) of bytes between columns of the information block by cyclic shifting of the rows to different numbers of bytes.

The MixColumn procedure converts each column a(x) into the word b(x) by the following rule: b(a(x))=c(x)®a(x), where c(x) is a fixed polynomial; ® denotes an operation of multiplying polynomials with coefficients from GF (28) according to the selected module. This transformation is usually represented in the form of multiplying the vector a by the matrix c.

The AddRoundKey procedure performs a bitwise modulo 2addition of the data block and the fragment of an extended key of the corresponding size.

During the decryption, the inverse procedures are performed in reverse order.

There is a possibility to change the order of some of the transformations. For example, this is the case for the sequence of BS and SR. It's clear that it does not matter: first perform the BS substitution, and then rearrange the bytes, or vice versa. Because of the linearity of the transformation, MC can be changed in places with the AddKey transformation, but in this case you need to make an addition with a subkey for which the MC transformation is pre-executed.

There is an alternative representation of round transformations when the ByteSub, MixColumns, AddKey, and ByteSub operations are combined into 32-bit super boxes (highlighted in color in Table 1).

Each of these super boxes works with one column of a data block. 4 such 32-bit super boxes with the addition of some linear transformations before and after are equivalent to two-round encryption (Table 1).

Two levels of super boxes, which run between SR, MC, AddKey and SR, are called mega box in [5]. One such 128-bit mega box, with the addition of some linear transformations before and after is equivalent to 4-round encryption (highlighted in color in Table 1).

The new BSC Kalyna was adopted as the Ukrainian standard DSTU 7624:2014 in 2015. This is a Rijndael-like algorithm, which has a number of changes compared with AES:

1) using of non-linear random substitutions with controlled cryptographic parameters;

2) using of an enlarged fixed matrix (8x8 bytes matrix size), which is multiplied by each column of the block (each column has the size of 8 bytes or 64 bits) within the linear transformation - the analogue of the MixColumn transformation in AES;

3) using of a new key expansion scheme that does not allow restoring the value of the source secret key from the value of one of the subkeys;

4) using of adding operations with different modules in AddKey transformations.

Table 1

An alternative representation of a sequence of transformations, a super box, a mega box

Original sequence of transformations for 4 rounds Alternative sequence of transformations for 4 rounds 4 rounds using super boxes 4 rounds using mega boxes

AddKey0 AddKey0 AddKeyO AddKeyO


SR1 BS1 4 super boxes 32 to 32 bits


AddKeyi AddKey1


SR2 SR2 SR2 mega box 128 to 128 bits


AddKey2 AddKey2 AddKey2


SR3 BS3 4 super boxes 32 to 32 bits


AddKey3 AddKey3




AddKey4 AddKey4 AddKey4 AddKey4

The specification of this encryption algorithm is given in [6, 7]. The number of rounds depends on the size of the key and it is 10, 14 and 18 rounds for keys of 128, 256 and 512 bits, respectively. The size of the cipher's block is not less than the size of the key. Cipher variants with a block size of 128, 256, and 512 bits will be hereinafter denoted as Kalyna 128, Kalyna 192 and Kalyna 256, and blocks of these algorithms contain 2, 4, and 8 64-bit columns, respectively.

5. The main ideas of the approach used to determine the

upper bound of probabilities for 2-round differentials

It is known that there is a possibility to perform an exact estimation of the upper bound of the probability of differentials for modern block ciphers only for a small number of rounds. For the Rijndael cipher, this number of rounds is 2, and the corresponding method was proposed in [4].

For the Rijndael cipher, the results obtained in [9] coincide with the results of [4]. At the same time, the estimation of the probabilities of two-round differentials uses the analysis of the properties of the differences tables of the cipher's S-boxes, which makes it possible to use this method for ciphers with arbitrary substitutions, which is the case for the Kalyna cipher. Numerous computational experiments in the study of reduced-size super boxes from 4 to 32 bits with the S-box size from 2 to 8 bits are described in [9]. Experiments on the search for 2-round differentials for such super boxes have shown that the differential having the maximum probability always contains a differential characteristic (DC), which also has a maximum probability. Using this fact, the proposed method contains the following basic steps:

1) determination of the minimum number of active S-boxes in the 2-round DC;

2) determination of the form of DC having the maximum probability;

14 A2 66 7 B Al 98 64 4 E 2B 2E F9 C3 F0

15 CF 3C

3) determination of the number and probabilities of additional DCs;

4) determination of the maximum probability of a 2-round differential as a sum of the results from step 2 and 3.

The input data for this method are the fixed matrix which is used in the multiplication during the MC transformation and the S-boxes with their difference tables.

The presented above steps of the method are quite clear if we assume that the probability of a differential is the sum of the probabilities of all the DCs which belong to this differential. The most problematic in practice is the implementation of stage 3. The next section will demonstrate how the proposed approach can be implemented in the case of the encryption transformations of the Kalyna algorithm.

6. Probabilities of two-round differentials for the Kalyna _cipher_

6. 1. Super boxes of the Kalyna cipher

The Super box consists of the ByteSub, MixColumns, AddKey, and ByteSub operations and works with one column of the data block. The Super box of Kalyna works with a 64-bit block and it is impossible to research such a super box in a "power" way.

4 different substitutions are used as 8-to-8-bit S-boxes. The substitutions are formed randomly with the control of the following parameters: the maximum value in the difference table (for all substitutions this value is equal to 8), the maximum value in the table of linear approximations (for all substitutions this value is 26), the degree of nonlinearity (for all substitutions this value is 7). The difference tables of the S-boxes are important in the differential probability estimation. The number of maximum values, "8", in the difference tables for these 4 substitutions is 15, 9, 7 and 9. Obviously, the substitution with 15 maximum values in the difference table will allow us to construct a two-round differential that will have the maximum probability. Therefore, further we will consider the worst case, when only one such substitution is used in the BS transformation of the cipher (Fig. 1).

9D D8 D2 65 42 FD D9 E0 D4 88 03 FF 79 56 C8

B9 E7 67 4C 50 82 CA E5 ID 31 OA C6 B2 51

54 90 DO CE 2D 7 D C7 7 E D7 94 DF 83 8E 6C

6 F 16 IE 76 FE CC AA 5A 8 F 17 BD 2C AC EA

A9 10 CO 92 EE BE 6A 6E 48 96 95 E9 32 BC

D5 A7 81 B4 5 F E6 C2 5D AD 3A B7 OC 8 D 01

12 02 75 13 OF 6B 22 E2 AB F7 7 F BA 97 D1

C4 59 AF 23 33 37 DE AE 60 05 63 A8 52 A5

DD 71 F2 24 34 57 47 A4 B3 9E 2 F CI B8 CB

OD 36 91 8B 9C 26 25 61 A3 D6 EB 35 53 F4

80 E4 30 DB FC 0E 77 8C 93 A6 78 06 El EC

AO 27 DA EF 5C 00 7 A 45 E8 40 1A 4 B 5E 73

F5 F3 B0 C5 49 21 FA 11 39 84 43 38 85 07

46 F8 E3 IF 09 B6 CD 55 1C IB FB 7C ED 6D

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86 20 68 4 A 41 4 F D3 99 08 F6 3 F 89 62 04

69 9F 19 5B 44 9B 87 B1 3D BB DC 2A BF 58

18 3E 72 0B 28 4 D B5 9A C9 74 29 Fl 3B 70

Fig. 1. Substitution S0 of the cipher Kalyna (in hexadecimal format)

It is expected that this version in comparison with the original will have higher probabilities of the differentials and, accordingly, lower level of security.

The number of cells in the substitution difference table, excluding the first row and the first column, is

255x255=65,025. Table 2 shows the statistical information about the difference table for the selected substitution.

Table 2

Statistical information for the difference table of the 8-to-8-bit substitution


Number of values in the difference table






Table 2 demonstrates that 56 % of the difference table's values are "0", and 44 % are non-zero values.

Denote the fixed matrix that is used in the MixColumns (MC) by M

1 1 5 1 8 6 7 4'

4 115 18 6 7

7 4 115 18 6 6 7 4 1 1 5 1 8

8 6 7 4 1 1 5 1 1 8 6 7 4 1 1 5

5 1 8 6 7 4 1 1 1 5 1 8 6 7 4 1

M =

Thus, the main transformations of the Kalyna's super box are presented.

6. 2. Search for maximum probability DC

The computational experiments performed for reduced models and presented in [9, 12] confirmed the following regularities. First, to find DC, which has the maximum probability, you should look for the path of difference transformation with the minimum total number of active substitutions. For Kalyna, this value is 9. Second, the maximum must be the number of duplicate values of the difference at the inputs of both levels of substitutions. During the analysis of the matrix multiplication operation, such a path of difference transformation was determined for the Kalyna cipher. Expression (1) shows the procedure of multiplication of the column by the matrix M.

X ' 0 "

X 5x

0 3x

0 x M = X

0 ex

0 9x

0 4x

_ 0 _ 4x


3 difference value x and 2 difference value 4x at the inputs of both levels of substitutions.

Taking into account the data from Table 2, there are 15 variants of the value of the difference x at the output of the first level of permutations, for which a transition of difference may occur with a probability of 8/256. The probability that for the value of the difference 4x also there will be a transition with a probability of 8/256 is 15/255. Then the expected number of cases where two first-level difference transitions and two out of seven transitions of the second-level difference of the substitutions will have a probability of 8/256, will be

15 225 15—— = — « 0,88. 255 255

The expected number of cases where even at least one another transition of the second-level difference will have a probability of 8/256 will be even lower. However, as can be seen from Table 2, there are many transitions with a probability of 6/256 in the difference table. Therefore, for the remaining 5 values of the difference in the input of the second level of permutations (5x, 3x, x, ex, 9x) with a probability close to 1,there will be transitions with probability 6/256. Then the final probability of such a basic DC will be

8 14 (15 = 243■ 29 256 J l 256 J = 264

The second stage of the method is completed.

6. 3. Number and probabilities of additional DCs

Now the number and probabilities of additional DC should be estimated.

Taking into account Table 2, there are = 254 ■ 0,44 = 112 possible additional variants of the difference at the output of substitutions of level 1. It is important that the values at the output of these two substitutions should be the same, since otherwise there will not be zero difference in the first byte of the output of MC difference.

In accordance with expression (1), at the input of level 2 of the substitutions there will be 6 different non-zero values of the difference. The probability that for each of these six separate active substitutions there will be a transition to the output value determined by basic DC is 0.44. Then the probability that for all 6 cases the necessary transitions of the difference will be possible will be (0,44) ; and the expected number of additional DCs will be 112(0,44)6 = 0,8. Thus, most likely that there will be only one additional DC. According to the data from Table 2, most transitions will have a probability of 2/256 in this additional DC. Even if half of these transitions will have a probability of 4/256, then, compared with the probability of the basic DC, the probability of additional DCs will be insignificant:

The input column contains the same non-zero values of the difference x in the first two bytes and the zero difference in the remaining bytes.

The specified path of the difference contains the minimum total number of active substitutions - 2+7=9, with

A. 14 ( 15=2L

256J ( 256 I = 264.

The upper bound of the probability of a 2-round differential is the result of summing the values obtained in subsections 6.2 and 6.3:

243 ■ 29


-4r « 2-47,3.







7. Discussion of the results obtained using known and new methods

The upper bound values of the probabilities of differentials can be obtained for SPN-ciphers using the theorem from [13].

Theorem ([13]). If n S-boxes are used in the SPN-cipher, and the linear transformations provide the number of branches equal to n-t, then the probability of a differential covering 2 and more rounds will be bounded above by the value of pn-t-1, where p is the maximum probability of a nonzero difference transition through the S-box.

For the ciphers that use nested SPN structures, the theorem is proved in [3]. According to this theorem, the value of the differential probability is bounded above by the value


(n, -(i, +l))<n2-(i2+1))


The main advantage of the method adapted for the Kaly-na cipher is the possibility to get a more accurate value for the upper bound of the probability of a 2-round differential (the first column of Table 3). The disadvantage of the adapted method is the assumptions that were made, such as, for example, the use of one substitution instead of four in the original algorithm. The result of this assumption can be that the real probability of 2-round differentials could be even smaller than the obtained value.

Table 3

The upper bounds of the probabilities of differentials for the Kalyna cipher

where n is the number of S-boxes in each super box, n2 is the number of super boxes in the block, n1-t1 and n2-t2 are the branch number provided by the lower and upper levels of the diffusion transformations, respectively.

For the Rijndael-128 cipher, according to these theorems, the upper bound of the probability of a 2-round differential is (2-6) = 2-24, and the upper bound of the probability of the 4-round differential - (2-24) = 2-96. The methods proposed in [4, 9] allow getting a more accurate estimation for the upper bound of the probability of a 2-round differential: 13

__ _ 2-28,3. Then the corresponding upper bound of the

probability of the 4-round differential will be (2-28,3 )4 = 2-113,2.

Using the value obtained in Section 6 for a 2-round differential and the presented above theorem from [13], the upper bounds of the probabilities of differentials for variants of the Kalyna cipher with the size of block 128, 192 and 256 bits can be substantially elaborated (Table 3).

The upper bounds of the probabilities of the 2- and 4-round differentials for the Kalyna cipher presented in Table 3, obtained using the method proposed in section 6, are the most accurate of the known.

The studies presented in this paper are a continuation of the studies presented in [4, 9, 12].

Evaluation options 2-round differential 4-round differential, Kalyna-128 4-round differential, Kalyna-256 4-round differential, Kalyna-512

Using (2) (2-5 )8 = 2-40 (2-40 )2 = 2-80 (2-40 )4 = 2-160 (2 -40 )8 = 2 -320

Proposed method 2-47>3 (2-47,3 )2 = 2-94,6 (2-47,3 )4 = 2-189,2 (2-473 ) 8 = 2-378>4

8. Conclusions

1. The adaptation and application of the previously proposed method of [9, 12] for the Rijndael-like Kalyna cipher, which in 2015 was adopted as the Ukrainian standard DSTU 7624: 2014, were made.

2. The application of the adapted method has made it possible to get a more precise value of the upper bound of the probability of 2-round differentials for the Kalyna cipher. This upper bound is = 2-47,3, instead of 2-40 with using (2).

3. The more precise value of the upper bound of the probability of 2-round differentials made it possible to get a more precise boundary value of the probability of 4-round differentials. For Kalyna-128, the value is specified 214,6 times, for Kalyna-256 - 2292 times, for Kalyna-512 - 258,4 times.


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Запропоновано модель детектора об'ектгв i критергй ефективностi навчання моделi. Модель мгстить 7 перших модулiв згортковог мережi Squeezenet, два згортковi ргзномасштабнг шари, та гнформацгйно-екстремальний класифгкатор. Як критерш ефективностг навчання моделi детектора розглядаеться мультиплгкативна згортка частин-них критерггв, що враховуе ефективнгсть виявлен-ня об'ектгв на зображеннг та точтсть класифгка-Цйного аналгзу. При цьому додаткове використання алгоритму ортогонального узгодженого кодування при обчисленнг високоргвневих ознак дозволяе збгль-шити точтсть моделi на 4 %.

Розроблено алгоритм навчання детектора об'ектгв за умов малого обсягу розмгчених навчальних зразкгв та обмежених обчислювальних ресурсгв, доступних на борту малогабаритного безпглотного апарату. Суть алгоритму полягае в адаптацгг верх-нгх шаргв моделг до доменног областг використання на основг алгоритмов зростаючого розргджено кодую-чого нейронного газу та симуляцгг вгдпалу. Навчання верхнгх шаргв без вчителя дозволяе ефективно вико-ристати нерозмгченг дат з доменног областг та визначити необхгдну кглькгсть нейронгв. Показано, що за вгдсутностг тонког настройки згорткових шаргв забезпечуеться 69 % виявлених об'ектгв на зображен-нях тестовог вибгрки Inria Aerial Image. При цьому пгсля тонког настройки на основг алгоритму симуля-цгг вгдпалу забезпечуеться 95 % виявлених об'ектгв на тестових зображеннях.

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Показано, що використання попереднього навчан-ня без вчителя дозволяе пгдвищити узагальнюючу здатнгсть виргшальних правил та прискорити гте-рацгйний процес знаходження глобального максимуму при навчаннг з учителем на вибгрцг обмежено-го обсягу. При цьому усунення ефекту перенавчання здгйснюеться шляхом оптимального вибору значення ггперпараметру, що характеризуе ступгнь покриття вхгдних даних нейронами мережг

Ключовг слова: зростаючий нейронний газ, детектор об'ектгв, гнформацгйний критергй, алгоритм симуляЦя вгдпалу

UDC 004.891.032.2б:б29.7.01.0бб

I DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.1399231



V. Moskalenko

PhD, Associate Professor* Е-mail: systemscoders@gmail.com A. Dovbysh Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department* Е-mail: a.dovbysh@cs.sumdu.edu.ua I. Naumenko PhD, Senior Researcher, Colonel Research Center for Missile Troops and Artillery Gerasima Kondratyeva str., 165, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021

Е-mail: 790895@ukr.net A. Moskalenko PhD, Assistant* Е-mail: a.moskalenko@cs.sumdu.edu.ua A. Korobov Postgraduate student* Е-mail: artemkorr@gmail.com *Department of Computer Science Sumy State University Rimskoho-Korsakova str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

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