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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Шарма Бисваджит, Мукхопадхьяй Кишор

История постановки толкания ядра хорошо известна, но факты свидетельствуют о том, что в средние века человек практиковался в метании тяжелого камня для измерения силы борющихся. Толкание ядра - это спортивный вид спорта, который проводится на Олимпийских играх. Начиная с первой современной олимпийской мужской секции. Цель исследования состояла в том, чтобы оценить работоспособность толкателей ядра олимпийских чемпионов в зависимости от физических характеристик. Материалы и методы. Данные были собраны из интернет-источников, из протоколов последних 10 Олимпийских игр. Учитывались рост, вес, площадь поверхности тела (ППТ), индекс массы тела (ИМТ) и работоспособность. Результаты и обсуждение. Результаты показали, что не было никакой связи между показателями и ростом, весом, ППТ, ИМТ для женщин-призеров, тогда как результаты значительно связаны с весом, ППТ и ИМТ для медалистов-мужчин. Дальнейшее сравнение с олимпийскими толкателями ядра мужчинами и женщинами показывает, что мужчины тяжелее женщин на 29,49% и по другим физическим критериям. Биомеханические переменные, связанные с толканием ядра, также обсуждаются с помощью результатов других исследователей. Заключение. В рамках ограничений исследование показало, что результат толкания ядра у золотой медалистки Олимпийских игр не был связан с ростом, весом, ППТ и ИМТ, тогда как золотой медалист Олимпийских игр среди мужчин показал значительную положительную связь с весом, ППТ, ИМТ и выступлением на соревнованиях. Все основные физические и рабочие показатели у мужчин выше, чем у женщин.

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The history of putting the shot is clearly known but evidence indicates that in the Middle Ages man used to practice throwing heavy stone for measuring strength of the worriers. Shot put is an athletic sport that is competed in the Olympics. Since the first modern Olympic for men section. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the performance of Olympic gold medalist shot-putters in relation to physical characteristics. Materials and methods: Data has been collected from internet sources from the records of last 10 Olympics. Height, Weight, Body Surface Area (BSA), Body Mass Index (BMI) and performance has been taken into consideration. Results and discussion. The results yielded that there was no relationship between performance and height, weight, BSA, BMI for female medalists, whereas, performance is significantly related with weight, BSA and BMI for male medalists. Further comparison to male and female Olympian shot-putters, indicates that male is heavier than female by 29.49% and other physical criteria. The bio-mechanical variables related with shot-put are also discussed with the help of findings of other researchers. Conclusion. Within the limitations of the study the study found that Shot-put performance for female Olympic gold medalist was not related with height, weight, BSA and BMI, whereas, male Olympic gold medalist showed significant positive relationship with weight, BMI, BSA and performance. All the criterion physical and performance variables of male are higher than females.


DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-18-26

Анализ отдельных физических параметров толкателей ядра

олимпийских золотых медалистов

Бисваджит Шарма1, Китар Мукхападхьяй2

'Колледж Рани Дханья Кумари Индия biswajitsact@gmail.com 2Союз христианского учебного колледжа Берхампор, Муршидабад, Западная Бенгалия kish0re.km2007@gmail.c0m

Аннотация: История постановки толкания ядра хорошо известна, но факты свидетельствуют о том, что в средние века человек практиковался в метании тяжелого камня для измерения силы борющихся. Толкание ядра — это спортивный вид спорта, который проводится на Олимпийских играх. Начиная с первой современной олимпийской мужской секции. Цель исследования состояла в том, чтобы оценить работоспособность толкателей ядра олимпийских чемпионов в зависимости от физических характеристик. Материалы и методы. Данные были собраны из интернет-источников, из протоколов последних 10 Олимпийских игр. Учитывались рост, вес, площадь поверхности тела (ППТ), индекс массы тела (ИМТ) и работоспособность. Результаты и обсуждение. Результаты показали, что не было никакой связи между показателями и ростом, весом, ППТ, ИМТ для женщин-призеров, тогда как результаты значительно связаны с весом, ППТ и ИМТ для медалистов-мужчин. Дальнейшее сравнение с олимпийскими толкателями ядра мужчинами и женщинами показывает, что мужчины тяжелее женщин на 29,49% и по другим физическим критериям. Биомеханические переменные, связанные с толканием ядра, также обсуждаются с помощью результатов других исследователей. Заключение. В рамках ограничений исследование показало, что результат толкания ядра у золотой медалистки Олимпийских игр не был связан с ростом, весом, ППТ и ИМТ, тогда как золотой медалист Олимпийских игр среди мужчин показал значительную положительную связь с весом, ППТ, ИМТ и выступлением на соревнованиях. Все основные физические и рабочие показатели у мужчин выше, чем у женщин.

Ключевые слова: золотой призер Олимпийских игр среди мужчин, толкатели ядра, золотой призер Олимпийских игр среди женщин, толкатели ядра, работоспособность и физические параметры.

Для цитирования: Бисваджит Шарма, Кишор Мукхопадхьяй. Анализ отдельных физических параметров толкателей ядра олимпийских золотых медалистов. Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физическойкультуры и спорта. 2022; 17(4): 18-26. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-18-26.

Analysis of selected physical parameters of Olympic gold medalist shot


Biswajit Sharma1, Kishore Mukhopadhyay2*

'Rani Dhanya Kumari College, India biswajitsact@gmail.com 2Union Christian Training College Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal kishore.km2007@gmail.com*

Abstract: The history of putting the shot is clearly known but evidence indicates that in the Middle Ages man used to practice throwing heavy stone for measuring strength of the worriers. Shot put is an athletic sport that is competed in the Olympics. Since the first modern Olympic for men section. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the performance of Olympic gold medalist shot-putters in

relation to physical characteristics. Materials and methods: Data has been collected from internet sources from the records of last 10 Olympics. Height, Weight, Body Surface Area (BSA), Body Mass Index (BMI) and performance has been taken into consideration. Results and discussion. The results yielded that there was no relationship between performance and height, weight, BSA, BMI for female medalists, whereas, performance is significantly related with weight, BSA and BMI for male medalists. Further comparison to male and female Olympian shot-putters, indicates that male is heavier than female by 29.49% and other physical criteria. The bio-mechanical variables related with shot-put are also discussed with the help of findings of other researchers. Conclusion. Within the limitations of the study the study found that Shot-put performance for female Olympic gold medalist was not related with height, weight, BSA and BMI, whereas, male Olympic gold medalist showed significant positive relationship with weight, BMI, BSA and performance. All the criterion physical and performance variables of male are higher than females.

Keywords: Male Olympic Gold medalist Shot-putters, Female Olympic Gold medalist Shot-putters, Performance and Physical parameters.

For citation: Biswajit Sharma and Kishore Mukhopadhyay, Analysis of selected physical parameters

of Olympic gold medalist shot putters. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(3):

18-30. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-18-26.


All of the Olympics from Athens 1986 to Tokyo 2020 are referred to as the "modern Olympics." The Olympics are more than just a four-year world championship of several sports. It serves as a lens through which to view world history, including shifting geopolitical power dynamics, empowerment of women, and the evolving values of society. There is a vast history of throwing sports. The origins of modern track & field can be traced back to the ancient Olympic Games. Friezes, pottery, and statues from Ancient Greece attest to the prevalence of these sports in the society's physical culture (Mike Rosenbaum, 2016).

In order to control force, create a safe angle, and produce movements, the laws of mechanics and physics, which involve locomotive organs like muscles, bones, and joints as well as physiological organs like the heart and lungs, cannot be disregarded (Nanang and co-workers, 2018). How well a person moves depends on both intrinsic bio-mechanical traits and external factors, such as the magnitude of force, speed, and angle of applied force (Mansouri M and Reinbolt J A, 2012). Effectively framing human motion will prevent injury from motion faults and also serve as a guide to enhance sports performance through the design and analysis of the optimal training methods (Himawan and co-workers, 2018).

Throwing strategies to get maximum distance have changed over time. The four variants of the movement design, which were used by several generations of shot-putting, can generally be related to the development of throwing technique from the beginning of this century to the present. These include putting while standing, gliding while facing side or pushing back, and turning while shooting. The first meaningful innovation was a bounce followed by a circle slide. Other athletes improved

and developed O'Brian's method. The shot-put with a spin approach gained popularity in the 1970s (Lanka J. Zatsiorsky VM, 2000). A shot put is an athletic event that involves "putting" (pushing rather than throwing) a heavy spherical ball - a shot - as far as possible. Putting the shot have been part of the modern Olympic Games since their reintroduction in 1896, and the women's competition debuted in 1948 (Wikipedia, 2022). Thrown distance is governed by release speed, release angle, release height, and distance over which force is transferred to the shot (Coh. M and Stuhec. S, 2005 and Hubbard. M, 2001). Shot-putting requires great power, speed and technical skill. In particular, success in shot put is based on technical patterns that combine the forces generated by different parts of the body. The shot requires a series of quick, limited movements. A series of these movements can be performed using either a gliding method or a rotational approach. During these times, vital parts of the performance such as throw height, angle and shot speed are developed. One of the most important parts of a throw is release speed (Ciacci. Simone, 2022).

The shot put is a sport that uses ballistic movements, which are complex movements including the translation and rotation of segments (Lanka J. Zatsiorsky VM, 2000). The shot put's objective is to release the shot at its fastest possible forward angle, which is roughly forty degrees (Hubbard, M., de Mestre, N.J. and Scott, J., 2001& Linthorne N, 2001). Nowadays, shot put athletes typically use the glide and spin putting techniques. The goal of all putting styles is to achieve a high rate of rotation of the body and transfer that energy to the shot (Linthorne N, 2001). Analysis of the movement must take mechanical energy transfer into account. Numerous people have looked at this characteristic to get insight into a normal human gait (Siegel K,

Kepple T and Stanhope S, 2001), an aberrant gait (McGibbon. C, Puniello. M, Krebs. D, 2001), and to analyse sporting output.

The ancient Greeks hurled stones as a sport and cannons were thrown by warriors in the Middle Ages. However, According to Scottish history, clan chieftains utilized "placing the stone," an ancient Celtic ritual, to help them pick their strongest men for combat. According to historians of the Highland Games, this is where the shot put got its start. The "Book of Leinster," an Irish book that was written in the 12th century and recounts the activities of the Tailteann Games held in County Meath, contains the first known documentation of the custom. Stone throwing is one of the activities, but it is unknown how far back in time the custom stretches. (Zatsiorsky V,200i) Shot put is an athletic sport that is competed in the Olympics. Since the first modern Olympic this event is part for male category and for women this event was included in the year 1948.

The athlete stands on a circular throwing platform that is 2.15 metres in diameter, gliding linearly while exerting maximum muscle and joint contraction in the lower transitional extremity to throw a 7.24 kg shot as far as possible while paying attention to the ideal throw angle to properly form a parabolic curve (Purves Linda, 2018). In addition to the necessary elements of strength, speed, and good exploitation, putting the shot also demands outstanding movement control, especially during the release period so that the body stays in the putting circle (Mathison James, 2022).

The purpose of the study was to analyse the height, weight, BMI and BSA with throwing performance of ten summer Olympic gold medallist shot putter (both men and women) and general meta-analytical discussion of kinematic concept associate with it and a comparison between the differences of physical variables between both sexes associate with Olympic gold medal winning shot-put performance.

Table 1

List of various Kinematical study in Shot-put


1. Milan Coh, Stanko Stuhec (2005) 3-D kinematic analysis of the rotational shot-put technique The study has found that the key to good rotational technique is an optimal release angle and angular velocity in the elbow and shoulder of the throwing arm.

2. Zlatko Saracevic, Almir Atikovic, Stanislav Stanko Stuhec, Ivan Cuk (2018) How kinematics influences shot put results in track and field of international level athletes (a case study) The best predictors are low (negative) differences in angular velocity in the left upper leg and high differences in the angle of the left ankle to the x axis. These factors ultimately explain 47.4 percent of the shot-put result, according to a series of regression analyses.

Materials and methods

15 bio-mechanical study on shot-put has been evaluated for meta discussion purpose and 10 Olympic male gold medallist shot-putters and 10 female gold medallist shot-putters were selected for the study. Records of the throws, height and weight were taken from the internet sources. The Body surface Area (BSA) was calculated following the BSA calculator Created by James Mathison, Mateusz Mucha and Dominika Miszewska (2022) and The BMI of the subjects were measured through the method describe by Alastair Hazell (2020). In order to find out the relationship among weight, height performance, BMI and BSA correlation matrix (Christian Kahl and Michael Gunther, 2008) was calculated and level of significance was fixed at .05 level of confidence.

Results and discussion

Athletes competing in the shot-put employ the rotational method and Parry O'Brien technique in the Olympic and World Athletics Championships. These methods were covered in three studies (Christian Kahl and Michael Gunther, 2008, Maitreyee Chakraborty.2020, Luhtanen, P., Blomqvist, M. and Vanttinen, T, 1998 and Salinero, J.J., & Del Coso, J, 2021). Several studies have examined the theory and practise of selecting the ideal release circumstances, such as release speed, release angle, and release height, as a consequence of in-depth research on the shot-put (Coh. M and Stuhec. S, 2005 and Hubbard. M, 2001). Although these factors have a direct bearing on the throw's predicted distance, they neglect to highlight the actions that take place before the release. As a result, they provide educators less information when trying to improve the aspects of technique that will result in the ideal release parameters (Linthorne N, 2001).

3. Maitreyee Chakraborty (2020) Analysis of vertical movement in parry O' Brien technique of shot-put Results of the study showed that the shot's vertical velocity changed dramatically during the Parry O' Brien technique's glide and release phases.

4. Nicholas P. Linthorne (2001) Optimum release angle in the shot put When the athletes threw with high release angles, the shot was released from a greater height above the ground and with a lower release speed. Each athlete's preferred release angle is determined by individual athletes' individual characteristics.

5. Hubbard, M., de Mestre, N.J. and Scott, J., (2001) Dependence of release variables in the shot put Two shot putters were used in experiments to test the theory that the four release parameters are constrained in some way. An approximation of the constraint surfaces restricting performance was found using multivariate regression techniques.

6. Luhtanen, P, Blomqvist, M. and Vänttinen, T., (1998). A preliminary study of rotational shot-put technique A combination of horizontal and vertical forces generated from the circle through rotation and extension motions of the body's kinematic chain define the angle of release. In terms of height and overreaching of release, a taller thrower with longer arms has an advantage over a shorter thrower.

7. Hikmat Almathkoori, Ratko Pavlovic, Skrypchenko I., Bouchareb Rafahiya, R. Ram Mohan Singh. (2021) Predictive value of kinematic indicators for shot put result and selection of novice athletes. It has been shown that the swing speed has the greatest influence on the result in the shot put among beginner athletes. The swing speed, shot angle, shot speed and shot height have significant relationships with the shot throw result. The release rate and the height of the release point also have significant correlations with shot put result.

8. Kato, T., Kintaka, H., Urita, Y. and Maeda, A.(2017) Kinematic and technical factors for acceleration of whole body in rotational shot-put technique Paralympic research has shown that the acceleration of the entire body is closely connected to a person's throwing performance. There was a correlation between the centre of gravity's path at the DSP and linear momentum (r = 0.75, p 0.01).

9. Andrzej Mastalerz and Jerzy Sadowski (2022) Variability of Performance and Kinematics of Different Shot-Put Techniques in Elite and Sub-Elite Athletes-A Preliminary Study The findings of the study indicate that the length of the shot put is significantly influenced by the technique's better repeatability (lower RE).

10. Chow, John W.; Chae, Woen-Sik; Crawford, Michael J. (2000) Kinematic analysis of shot-putting performed by wheelchair athletes of different medical classes The findings highlight the need of maintaining a high average angular speed for each segment of the upper body during delivery.

11. Manesh Kumar Murali M and Dr. Dhinu MR (2016) Kinematic analysis of shot release of intercollegiate Athletes This research examined male shot-put competitors from intercollegiate sporting competitions. With the help of two stationary digital cameras, footage was captured. The study suggests that expanding the shot put's horizontal length could result in increased distance.

12. Michael Young and Li Li (2005) Determination of Critical Parameters among Elite Female Shot Putters The most important factors for success among this sample of elite female shot putters were determined to be a greater knee flexion angle at rear foot touch down and release, as well as a neutral shoulder-hip angle at release.

13. Ciacci, S.; Merni, F.; Semprini, G.; Drusiani, G.; Cortesi, M.; Bartolomei, S. (2022) Shot Put: Which Role for Kinematic Analysis? There were significant differences between YG and WC in the amount of force produced, and the rate of release, and trajectory of each shot. In the second single support time (p = 0.015), there was significantly less force produced by YG than by WC.

14. Guebli Abdelkader, Reguieg Madani, Sba Bouabdellah (2020) Kinematical variables analysis of shot-put activity in para-athletics (class F 32/33) and their relationships with digital level achievement An analysis of the effect of the digital level on the angle of the shooting hand has shown a significant positive correlation with the distance of the shot from the armrest (0.04) in the first phase (start pushing) and the second phase (finish pushing).

15. Ariel, G., Penny, A., Probe, J. and Finch, A., (2005) Biomechanical analysis of the shot-put event at the 2004 Athens Olympic games The analysis of the temporal and kinematic characteristics obtained from the video recordings resulted in three-dimensional bio-mechanical conclusions. Instead of using absolute numbers, segmental motion patterns were used. In this study, the kinematics parameters of the top three financial achievers were revealed.

Strength and shot-put technique are strongly linked. While the distance and/or time over which the force is exerted can vary, the range of the projectile depends mostly on the force. Release speed, release angle and release height are important factors. The release height is usually determined by the athlete's anthropometric measurements. The angle of the throwing arm and the position of the torso relative to the ground affect performance (Almadhkhori, H, 2021).

In their 2005 research, Milan Coh and Stanko Stuhec described some of the fundamental kinematic components of the rotation of shot-put technique. The model used has 15 segments and 23 fixed reference points. The best throw result is influenced by the speed of the shot, the optimal angle of the throw and the connection between the rotational movement and the acceleration (Coh, M. and Stuhec, S., 2005).

According to Maitreyee Chakraborty's 2020

research "Analysis of Vertical Movement in the Parry O' Brien Technique of Shot Put", the vertical velocity of the shot at the point of releases shot is critical because it determines the time of flight of the shot and how it will move during flight. Vertical displacement was barely noticeable during the early phase.

The height of the athlete and the length/span of the throwing arm are the athlete's primary anthropometric factors, according to McCoy et al. (1984) and Hay (1993). Researchers have identified the body factors that are most crucial for shot put success in addition to release parameters. The most important factors for throwers to achieve a longer knee extension distance during the slide were elbow speed during delivery and a greater shoulder flexion angle during release, according to Alexander's (1996) study of 31 male and 30 female bowlers. The velocity of the centre of mass at the slide, the vertical acceleration of the centre of mass at launch,

and the angle of the trunk at the start were the most important factors for male throwers.

Even when doing the same movement repeatedly, the kinematics are different. Even during seemingly equal actions, the position, speed, and acceleration of body parts naturally alter, which has an impact on the diversity of the throw kinematics (Bernstein N.A, 1967). Coaches and bio-mechanists measure shot handling kinematics and kinetics as a result to improve performance (Byun et.al,2008, Coh M., Stuhec S., Supej M,2008, Harasin D., Milanovic

D, 2010, Lipovesk S., Skof B., Stuhec S., Coh M, 2011, Schaa W, 2011 and Gutierrez-Davila M,2012). According to Gutierrez-Davila et al. (2009), athletes who use rotational techniques have a wider range of release angles than athletes who use gliding techniques and the releasing height was demonstrated to be reasonably stable and have low variability.

The Olympic Records of Male and female gold medallist Shot-putters are listed in the table -2 & 3 respectively.

Table 2

Male Olympic Gold Medallist Shot-putters (Wikipedia, 2022)

Sl no. Name Country Olympics Performance (meters) Height (meters) Weight (k.g)

1 Ryan Crouser United States 2020 Tokyo 23.3 2.01 145

2 Tomasz Majewski Poland 2012 London 21.89 2.04 142

3 Adam Nelson United States 2004 Athens 21.16 1.83 116

4 Randy Barnes United States 1996 Atlanta 21.62 1.95 132

5 Ulf Timmermann East Germany 1988 Seoul 22.47 1.94 118

6 Alessandro Andrei Italy 1984 Los Angeles 21.26 1.91 118

7 Udo Beyer East Germany 1976 Montreal 21.05 1.94 135

8 Wladyslaw Komar Poland 1972 Munich 21.18 1.96 125

9 Randy Matson United States 1968 Mexico City 20.54 2.01 120

The correlation coefficient matrix is presented in and female Olympic gold medallist respectively. the table 4 and 5 for male Olympic gold medallist

Table 4

Correlation Matrix for male Olympic shot-putters in respect to performance

Female Distance (mts) Hight(mts) Weight (Kg) BMI

Hight(mts) 0.0153 1

Weight (Kg) 0.155 0.259 1

BMI 0.124 -0.279 0.852** 1

BSA 0.142 0.574** 0.939** 0.623**

** Significant at .05 level (Critical Value .444)

Table 5

Correlation Matrix for Female Olympic shot-putters in respect to performance

Male Distance (mts) Hight(mts) Weight (Kg) BMI

Hight(mts) 0.317 1

Weight (Kg) 0.581** 0.665** 1

BMI 0.454** -0.0779 0.692** 1

BSA 0.523** 0.863** 0.951** 0.434

** Significant at .05 level (Critical Value .444)

BSA is depended upon height and weight of an athlete, hence, for both the sexes the height and weight are positively correlated with BSA again BMI is also depended upon height and weight of the subjects of the study. There is a positive correlation between BMI and weight for both the sexes, whereas, BMI and BSA is positively correlated in

case of female category, but not significantly related with male category because height and weight is significantly correlated for men. Throwing distance is not significantly correlated with height, weight, BMI and BSA in case of female and for male, throwing distance is not related with any of the criterion of this study.

Table 6

Comparison of variables between male and Female Olympic Gold medallist Shot-Putters

Variables Female Male Difference % Change

Performance 20.89 21.48 1.48 7.08

Height 1.82 1.95 .13 7.14

Weight 98 126.9 28.9 29.49

BSA 2.18 2.58 0.4 18.35

BMI 29.79 33.28 3.49 11.71

Although males are using heavier shot-put than female, till male Olympic gold medalist shot-putters yielded mean higher values in weight (29.49%), BSA (18.35%), BMI (11.71%), height (7.14%) and performance (7.08%). This simply indicates that male physical and physiological profile is higher that the female counterpart.


Within the limitations of the present study the following conclusion has drawn,

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A) Shot-put performance for female Olympic gold medalist was not related with height, weight, BSA and BMI, whereas, male Olympic gold medalist showed significant positive relationship with weight, BMI, BSA and performance.

B) Body weight is positively correlated with BMI and BSA of both the groups.

C) BMI is positively related with BSA in case of female medalist, which is insignificant for male medalists.

D) Weight, BMI and BSA are 29.49%, 18.35% and 11.71% higher respectively for males in comparison with the females.


1. Rosenbaum, Mike. A Brief History of Throwing Events. Track and Field About. Retrieved on 201503-16.

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5. Lanka J. Zatsiorsky V.M. Shot putting. Oxford: Blackwell Science; Biomechanics in Sport, Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention. 2000: 435-457.

6. Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia. 2022. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_put

7. Coh, M., Stuhec, S. 3-D kinematic analysis of the rotational shot-put technique. New studies in Athletics. 2005; 20(3): 57.

8. Hubbard M., de Mestre N.J., Scott J, Dependence of release variables in the shot put. Journal of Biomechanics. 2001; 34(4): 449-456.

9. Ciacci. Simone, Merni. Franco, Semprini. Gabriele, Drusiani. Giacomo, Cortesi.Matteo & Bartolomei. Sandro. Shot Put: Which Role for Kinematic Analysis?. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12: 1699. DOI: 10.3390/app12031699.

10. Linthorne N. Optimum release angle in the shot put. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2001; 19: 35972.

11. Siegel K, Kepple T, Stanhope S. Joint moment control of mechanical energy flow during normal gait. Gait and Posture. 2004; 19(1): 69-75.

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Submitted: 05.11.2022 Author's information:

Biswajit Sharma - State Aided College Teacher, Department of Physical Education, Rani Dhanya Kumari College, India, e-mail: biswajitsact@gmail.com

Kishore Mukhopadhyay - Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Union Christian Training College, Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal, e-mail: kishore.km2007@gmail.com

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